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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Merciless3 in Saying hello   
    Hello everyone! I'm about three weeks post-op. The journey has been tough, yet enlightening so far. Just joined the site, and love to see all the feedback from everyone. I do have a question. I know not having an appetite is normal, but when does that fade? Any suggestions on what Protein to start with without doing the shakes?
  2. Like
    Missy161 reacted to erik78 in 1 year Journey post op with Pics   
    About year ago, I had my gastric sleeve surgery. Its been a crazy time learning exactly how my body interacts with different foods. The truth is, everyone is different, and you just have to learn for yourself what will work for you. Im not perfect. I eat pizza from time to time. Ive blown it out a weekend or 2, or 3. But then I review everything my doctor told me, and I bounce back. From the start I told my doctor that I never wanted to be fat again, I did not want to lose hair and I didn't want loose skin. Well, I did lose some hair, quite a bit at first. It hasn't come back, but is has stopped falling out... I think. I was advised that no matter what, if I lose weight fast, I will have loose skin. So Ive been determined to lose weight as slow as possible. I take in more calories and food than is probably recommended, but I also work out. I started out close to 300 pounds. Today I'm about 206. I lost a bulk in the first month, then about 50 plus pounds over the next 10 months. A part of me wanted to lose much more per month, but I also did not have any loose skin, which was a (superficial) goal. My goal is to get down to around 170-180. Ive been trying to amp it up a bit in the Gym to accomplish that. The most satisfying part of my weight loss journey has been all the energy I have to spend on my 2 young sons and my beautiful wife. I just turned 39, and I feel better than I ever have, ( with the exception of a little knee tendonitis) I sometimes forget my Vitamins, and occasionally fall back into bad eating habits, but instead of gaining 30 pounds like before, the scale my move just a few ticks up, enough to put me into panic mode and get on track. Im off all my meds, no more high blood pressure, no high cholesterol, no acid reflux ( just finsteride for hair loss). I look forward to the next year and continuing toward my goal. I wish everyone well, and hope all those who are just beginning the process great success!

  3. Like
    Missy161 reacted to southernbellair79 in 6 months post op   
    Wow what great work you have put in!! Way to go!! [emoji1433]
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    Missy161 reacted to BrownEyedBeauty in 6 months post op   
    Yes it does,i feel i can do more

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Like
    Missy161 reacted to BrownEyedBeauty in 6 months post op   
    Thats just something that that happens,i have the same problem. Your not alone

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Like
    Missy161 reacted to BrownEyedBeauty in 6 months post op   
    Yes,I sure will honey. Saturday I will have 100 gathering and I will post more from that night

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Like
    Missy161 reacted to BrownEyedBeauty in 6 months post op   
    Hello everyone it's been a while since I've been here,came today to show my results im 100lbs down 374lbs to 274lbs
    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Carrie1122 in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    Yup, almost the same experience, so I switch it. Instead of say I lost this much because they cannot comprehend it. I say yeah I lost a 3 year and a 7 year old 70 pounds, etc. I said to one of my girlfriends pick up your three old. She did, I said be muscle relaxed and feel his weight. She said holy ****. Then I told to pick up her 7 year old and do the same my last words to her was that is what I was carrying a around. Now she respects my decision.

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    Missy161 reacted to mytime4me in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    ...oh man, this just may be the pre-op diet talking - but it would be so hard for me not to say... "you're not stupid but you're not smart either" right back at 'em

  10. Like
    Missy161 reacted to mytime4me in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    Thank you! That made me laugh. The worst part, on day 9 of this pre-op diet- now all I can think of is fries lol

  11. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Berry78 in Shame   
    Uhhh... yeah.. no.
    Obesity isn't my fault, or your fault. It is a problem with society, the food supply, technological advancements, and the like. Chemicals, hormones, drugs.. our bodies are bombarded from conception with so many unnatural substances that we aren't adapted to.
    Surgery is our one opportunity to level the playing field. It's a shame only that you perceive this as anything other than that.
  12. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Iscarelys in 145LBS Later!   
    Confidence just radiates within me nowadays [emoji41].

  13. Like
    Missy161 reacted to rainyann in Weight Loss Surgery? No health Issues   
    I had my sleeve in March at 65 years old. I also had no co-morbidities except obesity. All my pre-op testing was normal. However, in my opinion, and apparently my insurance company's opinion, that was enough for them to pay for the surgery. It was probably just a matter of time before my body started to fall apart. Better to do it now before the medical issues start to appear. I have lost 89 pounds (a few in the couple of months waiting for the surgery) and have never felt better.... do it now, don't second guess yourself, you will be happy you did it.
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    Missy161 reacted to catwoman7 in Weight Loss Surgery? No health Issues   
    according to the BMI calculator, your BMI is 48.7. You're a great candidate for this. You're much more likely to develop issues by staying that weight than you will by having surgery. I never had any issues with surgery at all and would do it again every year if I had to.
    P.S. I never had any obesity-related issues, either, but I knew if I didn't get the weight off, they'd be just around the corner.
  15. Like
    Missy161 reacted to PrayingForWeightLoss in Weight Loss Surgery? No health Issues   
    I was sleeved on July 28, 2017. 5'4 and 233lbs. My major health problem was obesity. Other than that, I have no high BP, no cholesterol issues, no type 2. However, I knew if I didn't do this now, it was a matter of time before I had other health problems. Carrying that much weight around would ultimately cause me major problems. I am day 5 and back at work.

  16. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Diana_in_Philly in Weight Loss Surgery? No health Issues   
    What illnesses have I developed in the last year, since starting down this path as I stand here 99.5 pounds lighter than I was in April 2016?
    1 - I've developed an expensive illness called chronic shopping for clothing. I hated doing it before and do it all the time! And I buy really nice stuff and it fits beautifully!
    2 - I have a case of acute fencing expenses - I started fencing (en garde) 5 hours a week and now spend hundreds a month on club fees, lessons, training, equipment and planning travel for tournaments.
    3 - I have vacation adventuritis - on this last vacation I went zip lining, hiking, river tubing, horseback riding and sailing.
    My knee arthritis and asthma are both greatly improved. I have more energy. I'm just slightly taller than you but went from squeezing into size 22 pants to now wearing an 8 or 10 and leaning more toward 8s every day. This was the best decision I've every made. (Other than marrying my wonderful husband and having my two great daughters!)
  17. Like
    Missy161 reacted to painter88 in Weight Loss Surgery? No health Issues   
    Everybody on this board (or most) are pro surgery. We all know very well how big this hill is. Just go for it, it's the best thing I ever did to myself.
    Sleeved 01.30.17
  18. Like
    Missy161 reacted to CarmellaX in Gastric Sleeve - BMI 31   
    I'm on full liquids to puree. I'm following my surgeons post op diet instructions to the letter so I won't be on full unrestricted solids until week 9. I'm back working but it's a desk job in my office. I feel good and have no pain. I do get tired easily and sometimes get a foggy brain. It's all normal due to the caloric restrictions. My digestion is good as long as I stick to my diet. Spicy foods are a big no no and I have not dared to challenge my sleeve by eating something I'm not supposed to or eating to much. Right now I can eat about a tablespoon of purée foods in a sitting. Fluids are going down pretty well. About 4 ozs every 20-30 minutes. I'm down 22 pounds. 🎉
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    Missy161 reacted to carcan73 in Gastric Sleeve - BMI 31   
    Thank you everyone for the information. It helps me to feel better when I hear from people going thru the same thing. Wasntme...hope everything goes smoothly and you recover quickly. Mem1 & NightPilgrim...so glad to hear that even people with low BMI's do really lose the weight. I know this seems like a drastic measure, but I'm uncomfortable in my skin right now, and I know it will just get worse. I spent many years on the yo-yo dieting and it just gets harder and harder as I get older...not to mention my will power continues to get weaker and weaker. I do believe I probably have an extremely large stomach because I feel like I am always hungry...I will update you on my stomach size after surgery. But, my doctor explained that after this surgery, a lot less of the hunger hormone is produced and therefore I would be more likely to be able to resist temptations and stay on track with a healthy diet. And I know after I lose at least 20lbs, I should be able to start running again, but its too uncomfortable to do with this much extra weight. With the smaller portions and power walking, I hopefully will get the first 20lbs off quick. As for pre-op diet, my doctor is only having me on a 5 day high protein/extremely low carb diet prior to surgery because my liver is not as enlarged as someone who would have more weight to lose. Again, thank you for your input and I would love to hear more from others in the same situation.
  20. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Berry78 in Gastric Sleeve - BMI 31   
    If you were my family member, I would tell you to eat the same way you would post op. See if you can drop those extra pounds on your own.. and if you make it a permanent dietary change, then you likely won't gain it back. There is no harm in trying it this way.
    Surgery really is designed for people that have closer to 100lbs to lose. The complication rate for the surgery is low, but complications can be severe.. so a basically healthy person with only 50lbs to lose.. it just may not be worth it...
    Just because you aren't exercising with a unit anymore doesn't mean you can't join a gym on your own (you'll need to post op anyway...)
    The thing with surgery is, yes, it knocks off the excess pounds in short order.. but you'll still have to watch what you eat and exercise forever afterwards. So why not just do that now?
    Sample menu:
    Breakfast: 4oz. cottage cheese and a piece of fruit
    Lunch: 2 eggs and 6oz black Beans with salsa (can change type of beans as you prefer)
    Dinner: 4oz of meat or fish, unlimited non-starchy veggies
    Snack: 2oz salted nuts or seeds
    Drink at least 64oz of non/low-caloric fluids.
    Low sodium v8 and/or coconut Water will give additional potassium.
    Take a Multivitamin, because this diet is lacking sufficient B-vitamins and Calcium.< /b>
    My husband (who has not had surgery) started eating this way, and has already lost 23lbs on it, without exercise. It's simple and effective.
  21. Like
    Missy161 reacted to erisp in Surgery canceled ☹   
    Thank you all!

    RNY scheduled for 8/17/17

  22. Like
    Missy161 reacted to erisp in Surgery canceled ☹   
    Update: I was started on Victoza and, three months to the day, my a1c was down from 11.4 to 7.4! It's really nice to have normal daily readings again too. Best of all, surgery has been rescheduled to 8/17!! I'm so excited to see this journey through.

    Began 10/16, Approved 03/17, Canceled 04/17 bc of high BSG, now bypass pending 07/17

  23. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Joann454 in Why do we fall off the wagon? & How to get back on?   
    I'm newly sleeved and feel not one ounce of cockiness or "never". I can already eat anything at two months out. Not a lot, but nothing bothers my stomach. So I must remain vigilant. I could easily be one of the people who only lose 30lbs total if I wanted to. So I'm looking at this surgery like an aide to help me be less hungry while I'm learning a new way to eat. Honestly, that's exactly what it is for me.
    My sister had bypass and has gained over half her weight back. I have no delusions. I'm working so hard to change my relationship with food. I really think it's the only way for me to be successful. This is most definitely a life long venture.
  24. Like
    Missy161 reacted to mal2017 in Can't get out of this stall!   
    This is very helpful to know! Thank you for sharing! I was having trouble eating too fast as well and the food was getting stuck in my throat. Getting my protein in was very difficult as well, because I hated every protein drink/powder that I tried. I now drink Premier Protein clear. It is only 90 calories and 20g of protein. So that has helped a lot. I'm now going to focus on measuring my servings. I think that will make a difference.
    Thanks again!

  25. Like
    Missy161 got a reaction from Maggie1955 in Low BMI and Gastric Sleeve   
    I went to my pcp yesterday. At nearly 5 weeks post op I've lost 25 lbs and I am no longer diabetic! Woo hoo!

    Mich W
    Hw 223, SW 217 CW 198 GW 135

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
