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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Replies posted by GreenTealael

  1. Going in tomorrow. Will be back sometime next week.

    1. GreenTealael


      Safe Surgery! See you on the flat side ❤️

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. One more month until my lower body lift. 😷

    Getting both excited and scared here. Hopefully blood panel will be ok and PCR test negative. Meh.

    (Oh, and I'm also already worrying about scheduling the next round of plastics, hopefully they will do thighs and breasts together, not sure... arms would be cool as well. Errrr......)

  3. July 6th is the date.

    Finally getting my lower body lift. 😷

    1. GreenTealael


      Scared but maybe a little excited too? I think my mommy makeover was almost 6hrs. I’m always amazed by the endurance of surgeons and their teams.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. July 6th is the date.

    Finally getting my lower body lift. 😷

  5. Got mail from my lawyer recently. Insurance approved tummy tuck and thighs. My appointment with the PC for all the planning is on 1st April. I want to have a lower body lift so I will have to pay partly myself but IMO this is ok. Solidarity system should pay for necessities not for the premium version. Appeal for breast and arms is still going.

    1. GreenTealael


      Sounds like a good plan to break it into two surgeries. A year will go by quickly. I and my family are still doing well and hopefully the pandemic is in it’s final stages.
      How are you and your family?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Got mail from my lawyer recently. Insurance approved tummy tuck and thighs. My appointment with the PC for all the planning is on 1st April. I want to have a lower body lift so I will have to pay partly myself but IMO this is ok. Solidarity system should pay for necessities not for the premium version. Appeal for breast and arms is still going.

    1. GreenTealael


      Congratulations! Hopefully you’ll win this appeal also ❤️

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Just logged into my insurance and found out I'm approved! Yes!!!!!!

  8. Just stumbled across this and had to think of BP immediately. I know this is something people simply don't want to think, let alone talk about but it's one of the reasons I'm limiting time on here.



  9. Today is the two year anniversary of my surgery. 🎉 I’ve made lots of changes around what I eat & when I eat & am way more aware of why I eat. Still not a regular exerciser but have much more general energy than I did before. So glad I woke up that morning & said enough & made the appointment with my doctor. I’m grateful I had a supportive GP, an excellent surgeon & a caring medical team that manages my post surgical follow ups. I’m also thankful of the  support & encouragement I’ve had from family & friends along the way. I love my life. 

    1. GreenTealael


      Congratulations! Happy Surgeriversary!

  10. So I may now call myself a neuroradiologist. 

    😁 🧠 🍾

    1. GreenTealael


      Big Congratulations!!!! I need a consult 😝

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Well, tomorrow is the big day; still nervous but excited!

  12. I got my date, Feb 2.  I am so excited. 

  13. I'm a month post op and have lost 17lbs. Is that ok I feel like I should of lost more....... feeling concerned....

  14. Feeling pretty good after surgery! Came home 29 hours after admittance for pre-op! Doing ok on sipping water, some how I keep swallowing air with it and end up burping. Not sure how that’s happening. And I hate that little breathing tube tool they give you because it hurts a little too much. But I am going to do it every waking hour, 10 times, for the next two weeks (instructions I was given). 

  15. Pre-admission testing tomorrow! Surgery 12/30! Getting so close!

    1. GreenTealael


      Almost there! Congratulations in advance ♥️

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. I need to put things into boxes because I'm moving on Tuesday.

    I need to study because I need to be prepared for exam.

    I need to put things into boxes because I'm moving on Tuesday.

    I need to study because I need to be prepared for exam.

    I need to put things into boxes because I'm moving on Tuesday.

    I need to study because I need to be prepared for exam.


    Feels like panic-ping-pong somehow.

  17. Day one of pre op diet, two weeks before surgery.  I'm excited to start,  and know that this is a fundamental lifestyle change. 

    On 30 December 2019 I gave up a heavy drinking habit for 30 years.  No regrets, only successes; even through the turmoil of 2020 ☠💪💣💥

    2021 will be the year I regain my physical and mental health, and the start of the rest of my life.  To say I am a determined person is an understatement.  One day I want to writea book just for my family.  It will make for a lot of laughs, many tears, and a lot of enlightenment as to why I am the way I am.  I've been on a blog called Living Sober all year, and I have decided to extract all my posts for the last 12 months and read iver them again during my post surgery recovery time.  It will reassure me I am ok, I can (and must) do this.

    Happy day 1 to you from me x

  18. The local medical association approved my papers!

    Just got the information yesterday evening when checking my mailbox. I guess the exam will be in January. They have to tell me the exact date at least two weeks in advance.

  19. The local medical association approved my papers!

    Just got the information yesterday evening when checking my mailbox. I guess the exam will be in January. They have to tell me the exact date at least two weeks in advance.

  20. Infection rates are soaring. I was a contact person again (and a fellow colleague who assisted me) and now we've gotten some sheet where we have to take note of any symptoms and we have to take our temp every day for 14 days. Luckily so far we're both alright.

    I guess this will be the new norm until we have a test fast enough so patients without symptoms can be isolated sooner.

    1. GreenTealael


      Wow, again? Hopefully it doesn't affect you directly.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. Test yesterday was negative. So we now have a patient with symptoms of a respiratory tract infection, a negative-positive-negative test constellation and nobody seems to really know how to proceed further from there and referred to the public health department. 


  22. Err, we have COVID positive people in the department, me being one of them. I received a call from the lab 10 min before I planned leaving and they said that I had a "slightly positive test". Whatever that means. My first test on Tuesday was negative.

    Anyway, 14 d of quarantine for me. So far a slightly sore throat that I only notice in the evening hours and a bit of a headache.



  23. On Sunday I'm going to sign the contract for my new flat. 🤫

    1. GreenTealael


      Sounds great! Especially the big balcony

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  24. On Sunday I'm going to sign the contract for my new flat. 🤫

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