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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    WiseBeauty reacted to orionburn in Soda? Just hit 9 weeks today! Down 38lbs!   
    Forgot to mention as to helping curb temptations try to find a non-carbonated drink that you can substitute when you get a bad urge. I get my "fix" of sorts by getting a Propel Water or Powerade Zero. It's not the same but since I don't drink those that often these days they seem like a treat. I also will do a mix of Crystal Light and Diet Cranberry (or Cran-Grape) - something like 3/4 of a glass of apple flavored Crystal Light and 1/4 cranberry. It's low cals/carbs but tastes good and treat myself to that every so often.
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    WiseBeauty reacted to orionburn in Soda? Just hit 9 weeks today! Down 38lbs!   
    Having a soda isn't going to stretch your sleeve, but it may make you feel miserable. If you are still "adjusting" to solids then I'd stay the hell away from it. Just do a search for soda on here and you'll get a thousand threads on the subject. I'm a little over 3 months out and haven't been willing to test it out. Some people have no issues with carbonation, and others it's a no-go. Even if the carbonation doesn't get to you most docs don't like the idea of getting back into drinks heavy with artificial sweeteners. I was a Diet Dew freak but have been fine since giving it up. Cutting soda out of my daily life has been a big improvement for my overall well-being.
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    WiseBeauty reacted to gord1972 in Almost there. Time to look into plastics.   
    Quick update. I am now 14 months post VSG bariatric surgery and I am down 258 lbs. . My high weight was 560.lbs. the day i met the surgeon i was 509 lbs.. surgery day 424 lbs and this morning 249 lbs. Everything has been speeding up for me in the last 2 months . Physical barriers I had for years seem to be crumbling. 3 months ago I could not walk without using a walker. I exercised on a treadmill holding the handles in a death grip. Now I lift weights 5 days a week and I walk 45-60 minutes almost every day ( weather depending ) around my neighborhood, no walker, no problem doing it. I have started using the stairs as well. Something I couldnt do for over a decade. I still use my walker...as a rolling TV trable...I have 82 lbs left to reach my goal of 175 lbs but i probably carry 40 lbs of lose skin and lymphodema on my thighs. It is time to start the process to try and be approved for plastic reconstructive surgery. This is tough as I live in Canada and plastics are not covered by our healthcare system. To buy a plastic surgeon privately for the extent that I would require is around $45,000 . Not an option . I am still dropping around a pound every 24 hours at the moment With no stopping in sight. I am excited to begin this last leg of my losing phase and hopefully get some skin removal approved . Being a chef, having basketball sized Lymphoedema on my thighs make working impossible right now so I am working full time on myself. I am also working on a bariatric cookbook at the request of my surgeon for his future patients. I am on myfitnesspal with my journal open for all to see. I think the accountability is a great thing. Anyone who would like to add me is more than welcome the more the merrier my fitness pal tag is ShrinkingGordon. 
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    WiseBeauty reacted to Newme17 in Anyone else having trouble with the vitamin supplements?   
    I had the same thing...but got rid of the chewable multi's and am trying the Patches. I couldn't stomach the chewables anymore. B12 is good for me too and I take three calcium chews (bariatric advantages) they taste good. One thing that helps me immensely, thanks to @Thejeweledsleeve, is the Round app. My phone dings when it's time for Vitamins. So, I'm not having to think about them really. Might be worth checking in to for yourself.
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    WiseBeauty reacted to JupiterinVirgo in 21 Months out from my surgery and still losing weight! Pictures!   
    I never fully subscribed to the bariatric gospel as I call it. My personal experience has been that long term I was guided to eat in a highly and balanced way that had consequences to how well I felt. So my tip is, listen to your body. If it is asking for nuts or a certain kind of cheese or certain fruits or vegetables, eat them. I have found that my body loses weight the most efficiently when it is well nourished. I have never counted calories since I had my surgery.

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    WiseBeauty reacted to JupiterinVirgo in 21 Months out from my surgery and still losing weight! Pictures!   
    I have to be honest with you: I never followed a daily meal plan. Certainly immediately after surgery but since then, I have followed my intuition. I have slipped, and slid. I have binged, and exercised. I have worked really hard, but I never ever let this become a diet. And I honestly think that for me that has been one of the biggest keys of success. Diets made me fat. And now I eat whatever makes me feel good, and my sleeve helps me not to overdo it. I generally try to stay away from highly processed junk food. My digestive tract can no longer handle it anyway.

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    WiseBeauty reacted to kmmschaefer in Depression and regret after WLS   
    Doing my research and I am seeing that a lot of people get depressed, have regret and even suicidal thoughts after WLS. I am curious about the stats, is it more common in people who have been obese their whole life, because they still see that person in the mirror or that the surgery will change who they are? What about people who were not overweight their whole life and gained a lot of weight quickly as an adult? IS their a link? Does it matter?
  8. Like
    WiseBeauty got a reaction from Dashofpixiedust8 in It's been a year...   
    Wow! Great job, dear! [emoji122]🏾[emoji122]🏾

    Sent from my LG-H918 using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Like
    WiseBeauty got a reaction from danaymacklin in 6 Months Post Op   
    You look amazing, honey! [emoji122]🏾[emoji122]🏾[emoji122]🏾

    Sent from my LG-H918 using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Like
    WiseBeauty got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Damaged myself, alcohol?!   
    As my surgeon said to me: "be sorry, but not too sorry. We are human,not machines, after all."

    Use that energy to learn and move on instead, dear. I hope you're feeling better, BTW!

    Sent from my LG-H918 using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Like
    WiseBeauty got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Damaged myself, alcohol?!   
    As my surgeon said to me: "be sorry, but not too sorry. We are human,not machines, after all."

    Use that energy to learn and move on instead, dear. I hope you're feeling better, BTW!

    Sent from my LG-H918 using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Like
    WiseBeauty reacted to PatientEleventyBillion in Damaged myself, alcohol?!   
    I'd take a pretty good look at your relationship with alcohol.. it's such an easy thing to change from food addition to alcohol addition (addition substitution which WLS patients who have addiction issues are very susceptible to), if you find you have trouble controlling yourself, abstain from it entirely.
  13. Like
    WiseBeauty got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Damaged myself, alcohol?!   
    As my surgeon said to me: "be sorry, but not too sorry. We are human,not machines, after all."

    Use that energy to learn and move on instead, dear. I hope you're feeling better, BTW!

    Sent from my LG-H918 using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Like
    WiseBeauty reacted to CharlotteKat in Iron Supplement - SUGGESTIONS NEEDED   
    Iron supplements are a waste of time and money if you had gastric bypass. Most of the Iron from foods such as meats, legumes, and iron-fortified grains is absorbed in the first part of your small intestine (duodenum). But after a gastric bypass procedure, food bypasses the duodenum. This means that it is IMPOSSIBLE to absorb iron supplements because they will NEVER pass through the your duodenum. It is shocking how many patients are not warned about this in advance.
    I found out about this because I developed a serious iron deficiency about a year after surgery. Now I have to see a hematologist and receive an iron infusion at least once a year. The infusion is expensive - about $1100 with insurance before meeting a deductible.
  15. Like
    WiseBeauty got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Damaged myself, alcohol?!   
    As my surgeon said to me: "be sorry, but not too sorry. We are human,not machines, after all."

    Use that energy to learn and move on instead, dear. I hope you're feeling better, BTW!

    Sent from my LG-H918 using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. Like
    WiseBeauty reacted to Montana Girl in Iron Supplement - SUGGESTIONS NEEDED   
    You HAVE to take your iron! Iron deficiency can be life threatening. Try ferrous gluconate instead of ferrous sulfate. Might be easier on your stomach. Or try a product called Slow-FE. It hits your system slower so it might be easier to tolerate. Talk to your doctor about getting your reflux looked at. Untreated gastric reflux can lead to esophageal cancer. Keep on taking good care of yourself.
  17. Like
    WiseBeauty reacted to laney in Damaged myself, alcohol?!   
    I did the same thing at 5 months, but I thought just taking a sip here and there I would have been fine. I passed out. Like you I felt horrible, but we both learned from our mistake. I do hope you are feeling better and realize you are not the only one that may have a drink to soon. Do not beat yourself up over it and move on:)

  18. Like
    WiseBeauty reacted to Chesney in Damaged myself, alcohol?!   
    Thanks guys, think I was just beating myself up as it's my first slip since the surgery (but realised a big one lol) think being back at work after the bank holiday is helping me get into my routine and will sweat it out in the gym mates thanks for the support guys really appreciate it xx
  19. Like
    WiseBeauty got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Damaged myself, alcohol?!   
    As my surgeon said to me: "be sorry, but not too sorry. We are human,not machines, after all."

    Use that energy to learn and move on instead, dear. I hope you're feeling better, BTW!

    Sent from my LG-H918 using BariatricPal mobile app

  20. Like
    WiseBeauty reacted to Roux-en-McClanahan in Accountability buddies??   
    I was RNY on 5/8/17


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    WiseBeauty reacted to 2ndSpring in Setting myself up for failure?   
    I'm just outside of keto because I've been eating fruit and Beans. But I'm 8 months out. I was in keto for the first few months. I couldn't take the stank mouth bad breath from keto anymore!!
    When I first started on this journey, I read every study I could find in my search for the ideal eating plan. I was SOOOO frustrated. There is very little hard science out there about the right way to eat for the human body. Every blogger swears they know the answer...haha, have you ever watched a paleo follower and a vegan go at it?

  22. Like
    WiseBeauty reacted to 2ndSpring in Setting myself up for failure?   
    Lots of great questions. My advice is going to be kinda wishy washy.... the right balance of carb/fat/protein really depends on what your body reacts to and what you can live with long term. It takes a little trial and error to hit on the formula for your body.
    For me, avoiding sugar, grains & starch, while eating plenty of fat and a moderate amount of Protein has been the solution. I don't eat rice, bread, Pasta, quinoa, potatoes, etc. But i do get carbs from fruits, veggies and Beans. In addition to olive and coconut oil, I also eat cheese and nuts. Eating this way has kept me losing and also wipes out cravings. 1 helping of pasta or sugar triggers cravings and can screw up my mind or days.
    Applying my plan to the foods you mentioned, my plan would be ok with the fattier Proteins, but I would stay a mile away from the chocolate, mashed potatoes and SF pudding (that is just a box full of chemicals, LOL).
    My best advice is to decide what guidelines you want to follow and then stick to them religiously. The psychological/behavior issues are super important right now while you are in the early months. This is the time to make big changes in your relationship with food, while your stomach doesn't care.
    Best of luck and I hope this helped a little.
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    WiseBeauty reacted to caddygirl in Approaching my 5 Year Surgiversary, here's my update   
    Be encouraged! Keep going!

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    WiseBeauty reacted to jennilynn2418 in Approaching my 5 Year Surgiversary, here's my update   
    I'm about 4.5 yrs out and have gained 40lbs, which I have gotten 15lbs off by working out like a crazy person. I wish I would of stuck to the road map I was given 4.5 yrs ago. It's a lot of work to start over, I'm 47, menopausal and it just flat out stinks. I was doing good, until 2 years ago, I had my appendix removed, then my gallbladder removed 2 weeks later and then I had to have hernia surgery and then I got an infection... then depressed & Made the worst decision, I did Not contact my weightlost surgeon & nutritionist & keep up on my bloodwork. Big mistake! Huge! Mistake! Slowly weight gain.... Got depressed & gave up.... until this past March just casually mention to my doctor, have you checked all my labs? Yes, I have checked all your levels. Well have you checked my B12? Yes Have you checked my Vitamin D? Yes, are you sure? Let me check. Oh I have Not! DingDing!!!! (I can't blame the doctor, she isn't a weightlost doctor, she is just a general practioner) my fault! Vitamin D levels were so low, almost had to have an infusion... bad very bad! I could go on and on!! Kicking myself so bad, but all I can do is pick myself up and start over... which I have and now I'm finally in Onederland again. But the skin sagging is horrible, but I'll take it over the health problems and I won't stop again. But it's a day by day struggle. Also very expensive lesson. Other than that, I don't regret the surgery, I regret abusing my Tool.... and not following the rules!

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  25. Like
    WiseBeauty reacted to ColleenErin1974 in I have atleast 135lbs to lose!   
    I'm preop for the RNY gastric bypass. I personally can't have the sleeve because I have severe GERD and that can make it worse. Has your doctor recommended one over the other? You can research pros and cons of each surgery. I was told with the bypass I will lose more than the sleeve and be better in the long term. Everyone is different. Keep educating yourself and get all the info you can to help with the decision. Good luck! Let us know what you decide! [emoji3]

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
