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    Missymayor reacted to Ibasac12 in Weight Gain After Sleeve   
    Having a hard time dealing with the weight gain after getting to my goal of 125...
    I had Gastric Sleeve on 10/18/2012 Starting weight was 235 and being only 5' 3" it was hard on my body. I decided to have the procedure done after seeing the fantastic results of my father in laws surgery ( he also had the gastric sleeve). I saw results right away and was very happy with how things were progressing. My husband at the time was totally against the surgery and did not even stay with me in the hospital. It was a bummer to say the least that I was so exited to finally feel good about myself and no one to share my success with.
    I finally reach my goal of 125 in just a few short months. By this time my husband and I had split up and of course he found someone else ( who of course was larger then myself). I was so sad and happy at the same time, I had the body I had been hoping for and my health was improved. A few months later my then ex- husband committed suicide and I fell into a very deep depression and my bad habits came back with a vengeance. I slept to much, didn't exercise and went right back to eating just like before surgery. As you would guess the weight started coming back and quite quickly.
    It has now been a few years and I've been trying to get back on track. I have lost about 30 lbs of the 80 I gained back and I see no reason to stop now.
  2. Like
    Missymayor got a reaction from mylighthouse in Over 4 Months Post Op: Severe Constipation and Pain   
    I've had the same problem and taken the sane thing. AMITZA DOES WORK BUT THEY USUALLY PRESCRIBE WITH Reglan. Ask your doctor. Yes, it mad me very nauseous because my stool was to hard to pass. Praying for you. I'm in the same situation

  3. Like
    Missymayor reacted to 1poundatatime in Please tell me I'm not the only one ( Stank Breath )   
    It's the ketosis.
    It's driving me crazy too! I wear a mask at night for sleep apnea and all I can smell is my stinky breath!
    It was better yesterday when I got Protein in.
  4. Like
    Missymayor reacted to orionburn in Please tell me I'm not the only one ( Stank Breath )   
    When you're on a low carb diet it can give you bad breath. It sounds weird but it's part of ketosis. When the body burns fat it releases chemicals and unfortunately they decide to come out via breathing. Since it's not a matter of not brushing your teeth well enough it's difficult to get rid of. I used mouthwash as well to at least have a fresh feeling in my mouth. I'm 8 weeks out as of today. Most days it's a non issue, but there are times (usually mornings) where my breath is kicking...lol
  5. Like
    Missymayor reacted to CocoNina in Eating no problem 2 months post op   
    You're lucky you don't have those side effects. I feel it & I'm almost 6-weeks post op. My biggest fear is not knowing when to stop. In my opinion, I think you should measure your food just so you know you're not over eating & so you won't go back to how it was before surgery.

    Height: 5'0"
    Weight for WLS consultation: 216 lbs.
    Surgery date: 2/13/17
    Goal: -71 lbs for healthy BMI (about 145 lbs).
    Current weight: 180.8
    My profile picture is not me. It's my "FITspiration" body.
  6. Like
    Missymayor reacted to Clarevoyant in 8 months and three days..   
    That's how long it took to make my original goal weight of 139.9 pounds. I am thrilled but now that I'm here I can see I still have work to do, especially in stomach area. Every day I can see more loose skin but I'll take that over fat any day of the week. Though I want to lose a bit more, If I do not lose another pound I am totally ok with that. The progress has been more than I hoped for!
    Booked a cruise to Celebrate and bought and will actually wear bathing suits!! Woohoo!!!
  7. Like
    Missymayor reacted to Mindy78 in When does the weight start coming off fast   
    My weight never was fast, almost 6 months out. I lost a 3-4 lbs a week. On another note I didn't plateau like a lot of people either. Hit my first plateau for 2 weeks this month. Don't stress it. The scale will move if you follow dr plan and enjoy the nsv in the meantime. When my scale stops it seems I loose pant sizes. I was 262preop liquid 251 surgery day 199 today my high ever was 334 a few years ago and 292 last January when I started so I'll take it.

  8. Like
    Missymayor reacted to blizair09 in When does the weight start coming off fast   
    Right now, you need to focus on meeting your Protein and Water goals. Nothing about your weight is likely to be accurate for the first month or so. Stay off of the scale. Post-op life is HARD WORK. Take this time to settle into it, and the weight loss will come as a result of your efforts.
  9. Like
    Missymayor reacted to BigViffer in When does the weight start coming off fast   
    It's funny, we were fat for years but after surgery we want that instant gratification. Have some patience. You'll have to get rid of the excess fluids and then start being regular and it will happen.
    The hard part for the coming month or two will be the flood of hormones making you emotional. The feelings of failure and "it's not going to work" are normal. Search the forums for hormones and you'll find tons of posts with people feeling the same as you.
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    Missymayor reacted to ayanna_vsg in Sip Sip Sip ... Not Me !!   
    I'm definitely not pushing the limits intentionally, but unconsciously I happen to drink regular and it doesn't bother me that's what I meant.

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    Missymayor reacted to ayanna_vsg in Sip Sip Sip ... Not Me !!   
    Sometimes I feel like my gastric sleeve isn't working. Why am I able to take in large amounts of Water or other fluids like Diet juice/Broth with no issues ?? Did I stretch out my sleeve already ? Did the surgeon do It correctly ? Why haven't I experienced have things most sleevers experience like nausea or vomiting
  12. Like
    Missymayor reacted to The thinner me in Forgot i was on post liquid diet!!!   
    So yesterday i was preparing some melted cheese for my kids and forgot for a second that i was sleeved and had quite a big bite of it....i remembered i was sleeved coz it hurt when it went down!!
    Did it happen to anyone to forget for a second that they were sleeved and let the bad habit of munching come back??
  13. Like
    Missymayor reacted to blizair09 in Tomorrow Marks 1 Year Since I Began My Journey   
    I started this amazing weight loss journey on March 21, 2016 with my six month pre-op diet program, so tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the day that I began the journey to get healthier and to take back my life. As I wrap this year up, I have lost 182 pounds (99 during the pre-op diet program and 83 since the surgery on September 28, 2016). The time has just flown by, and it amazes me every day how much my life is different. I had my annual physical with my PCP last Thursday, and my labs came back this morning. Everything is in the normal range. That is also so cool. The bottom line is that all of the hard work is worth it. My relationship with food is now a healthy one. I am no longer obese. Life is good!
    I have 35 more pounds to lose, and my journey continues. But I am proud to stop and reflect for a moment about this past year of working on a better me, and to look forward to getting the rest of this weight off by summer, and then entering the world of maintenance.
    Best wishes to all, wherever you may be in your journey!

  14. Like
    Missymayor reacted to BelgianGuy in It has been a year!   
    Hello everyone!
    I usually don't create a whole topic just for myself, but today is a little special since it has been exactly one year since I've had my surgery, time sure flies, especially when you go through a physical change of this ... magnitude.
    In a year, I have indeed lost 53kilos (117pounds according to google). I never thought I would look like I do today and I am really glad I took the dicision of having my gastric sleeve, it has helped my health (no more sleep apneas! I can swim and bike again!), it has changed my perspective toward food (I actually prefer eating now since I don't hate myself after each meal anymore), I have changed my life habits in many ways and last but not least, I feel way happier nowadays.
    Here are so before after after pics

    And these after some after pictures:

    So, yeah, voilà! Good luck for everyone! I know the first months are quite hard, but it was all worth it for me, and I could not be more glad about the results!
    Have a great day
  15. Like
    Missymayor reacted to kmorri in I want to ask a question with out offending   
    This is why I picked my goal weight rather than allowing anyone else to pick it for me. My goal weight was 150 I am 5'6".....I'm now at 144.8, just because I want about a 5lb cushion....any lower and I think I would start looking a little sickly.
    So what I'm saying is you will know when you're at the weight where you feel comfortable.....nothing says you "have" to go lower than where you feel like you look your best. :-)
    Good luck to you!!
  16. Like
    Missymayor reacted to whit86 in 10 weeks out and down 28lbs since surgery 63 since August 1   
    Sent from my SM-N900V using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    Missymayor reacted to tenseintexas in Dealing with comments like "You're too thin!" and "You're not going to lose much more, are you?"   
    Just try to relish it.... I mean someone is saying you are too skinny!! Annoying yes but I mean come on!!' Can you believe the words!! Yeah!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Like
    Missymayor reacted to Hazel_eyez in Dealing with comments like "You're too thin!" and "You're not going to lose much more, are you?"   
    I am the same height as you and I got down to that weight on my own several years back and my sister made a claim that I was too small and anorexic. I think it was a combination of how the Black community looks at weight and her own issues with being overweight. I let it get to me and gained over 100 lbs. So with that said, try to understand if it is coming from a place of love but let it roll off of you. You know you best, they are outsiders looking in and worse case scenario you can tell them if they are hurting your feelings. If they love you they will listen and back off.
  19. Like
    Missymayor reacted to WillWorkForShoes in Dealing with comments like "You're too thin!" and "You're not going to lose much more, are you?"   
    Some great ideas in this thread, thank you all very much! Such an odd thing to hear ("too thin") that I was at a complete loss for what to say!
  20. Like
    Missymayor got a reaction from SleevyB in February Sleevers -- Let's Do This Together   
    My surgery is next Tuesday, February 7th. This is my 7 day of liquid diet. 3 premium Protein shakes a day and 64oz of Water. I drink a cup of low sodium broth in the evening. I'm also allowed sugar free Jello before surgery. I've lost 12 lbs since Saturday. I met with my doctor's yesterday and the pre-op papers were a little scary. But doctor's reassuring in the low risk outcomes they have had and it made me feel better. I was measured, pictures taken and given hugs by the office staff. Everybody is so supportive. Getting through each day fine. Only 4 more days until surgery! Excited and anxious but I'm seeing this through. No turning back. I've waited for over 6 months for this day. Our doctor's office has support groups, classes and offers you a mentor. Mine text me immediately after my pre-op class and told me she was there for me and what to expect after surgery. Very nice to have someone who has been walking the same journey. She's lost 120 pounds! Less than a year. She will come meet me for the first time surgery morning. Good luck to all you February sleepovers! I will let you know how it goes!
    Sent from my KFSAWI using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    Missymayor got a reaction from SleevyB in February Sleevers -- Let's Do This Together   
    My surgery is next Tuesday, February 7th. This is my 7 day of liquid diet. 3 premium Protein shakes a day and 64oz of Water. I drink a cup of low sodium broth in the evening. I'm also allowed sugar free Jello before surgery. I've lost 12 lbs since Saturday. I met with my doctor's yesterday and the pre-op papers were a little scary. But doctor's reassuring in the low risk outcomes they have had and it made me feel better. I was measured, pictures taken and given hugs by the office staff. Everybody is so supportive. Getting through each day fine. Only 4 more days until surgery! Excited and anxious but I'm seeing this through. No turning back. I've waited for over 6 months for this day. Our doctor's office has support groups, classes and offers you a mentor. Mine text me immediately after my pre-op class and told me she was there for me and what to expect after surgery. Very nice to have someone who has been walking the same journey. She's lost 120 pounds! Less than a year. She will come meet me for the first time surgery morning. Good luck to all you February sleepovers! I will let you know how it goes!
    Sent from my KFSAWI using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    Missymayor got a reaction from SleevyB in February Sleevers -- Let's Do This Together   
    My surgery is next Tuesday, February 7th. This is my 7 day of liquid diet. 3 premium Protein shakes a day and 64oz of Water. I drink a cup of low sodium broth in the evening. I'm also allowed sugar free Jello before surgery. I've lost 12 lbs since Saturday. I met with my doctor's yesterday and the pre-op papers were a little scary. But doctor's reassuring in the low risk outcomes they have had and it made me feel better. I was measured, pictures taken and given hugs by the office staff. Everybody is so supportive. Getting through each day fine. Only 4 more days until surgery! Excited and anxious but I'm seeing this through. No turning back. I've waited for over 6 months for this day. Our doctor's office has support groups, classes and offers you a mentor. Mine text me immediately after my pre-op class and told me she was there for me and what to expect after surgery. Very nice to have someone who has been walking the same journey. She's lost 120 pounds! Less than a year. She will come meet me for the first time surgery morning. Good luck to all you February sleepovers! I will let you know how it goes!
    Sent from my KFSAWI using the BariatricPal App
  23. Like
    Missymayor got a reaction from kmorri in Goal weight with updated picture!   
    You look just beautiful! Thank you for encouraging us! I have my surgery next Tuesday. I need to lose 100 pounds . Nervous but excited. 51 year old me
    Sent from my KFSAWI using the BariatricPal App
  24. Like
    Missymayor reacted to rydersmama in 1 year post op   
    It's been one year today since I had my sleeve done. My life has changed in every aspect.
    My start weight was 333.1lbs
    My weight this morning was 137.8lbs
    That's a total loss of 195.3lbs!!
    I've also lost a total of 95 inches...I'm a size 6 now...used to be a size 30.
    I have accomplished this by being very focused and strict with my eating and exercise.
    I eat very low carb, and always get in my Protein, Vitamins and Water every day.
    For all of you just starting out, just know that anything is possible, and if you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything!! 
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Like
    Missymayor reacted to kmorri in Goal weight with updated picture!   
    Thank you everyone for all the sweet comments! It really does feel awesome. I met my goal weight in late December so I just completed my first full month of maintenance and it went great! I remained just under my goal all month..........I am determined to stay on top of this! I was not a very happy fat person. I not only felt bad because of the physical pain the extra weight caused but really hated how I looked.....getting dressed to go out somewhere was terrible and I always prayed I wouldn't see anyone I knew.....haha I guess that's why I decided to have most of my stomach removed.
    I feel so much healthier and happier!!! Thank you all again!!

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