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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Finally17 in What Is Your Policy on Carbs?   
    Regardless of weight loss impact, reducing carbs diminishes my cravings. That is huge for me and so important as I struggle to create new behaviors.
    I'm still in weight loss phase. I am trying to walk that fine line between low carb and ketosis. I don't want to be in ketosis all the time. Right now, I'm getting carbs from vegetables, fruit and Beans. When I hit maintenance, I'll add starchy vegetables back in. I haven't decided on my stance on grains yet.
    I've been feeling more energetic (and warm) since I added more fat into my diet.
  2. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from fat to fit in PreOp Shakes/sucralose   
    this is such a good point about your tastes changing post-op. everything tasted different for a while.
  3. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from AmandaWho in Cheating on pre op liquid diet   
    That pre-op liquid diet is a killer. It is very very tough, both physically and emotionally. Headaches, hunger, crankiness, crying. Your body will adapt in a few days. and I promise that you won't feel like this once you are post-op. This is just the painful kick start to your journey. Staying positive is really important. Drink a lot of Water to flush the toxins out, and have a lot of broth so that you feel like you sat down to a meal.
    Please follow your surgeon's instructions. My surgeon told me after my surgery that he could tell I followed instructions and that his job is so much easier when patients follow the pre-op instructions. (and making our surgeon's job easier means less risks and complications for us). Please think of it this way... these are pre-operative instructions from your surgeon and must be followed to the letter to reduce your risk of complications and improve your surgical outcome. It is not the same as cheating on a diet or ignoring your nutritionist's advice, which will just slow your weight loss.
    Hang in there. it won't always be this hard

  4. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from AmandaWho in Cheating on pre op liquid diet   
    That pre-op liquid diet is a killer. It is very very tough, both physically and emotionally. Headaches, hunger, crankiness, crying. Your body will adapt in a few days. and I promise that you won't feel like this once you are post-op. This is just the painful kick start to your journey. Staying positive is really important. Drink a lot of Water to flush the toxins out, and have a lot of broth so that you feel like you sat down to a meal.
    Please follow your surgeon's instructions. My surgeon told me after my surgery that he could tell I followed instructions and that his job is so much easier when patients follow the pre-op instructions. (and making our surgeon's job easier means less risks and complications for us). Please think of it this way... these are pre-operative instructions from your surgeon and must be followed to the letter to reduce your risk of complications and improve your surgical outcome. It is not the same as cheating on a diet or ignoring your nutritionist's advice, which will just slow your weight loss.
    Hang in there. it won't always be this hard

  5. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Jack G in NY - NYC/Long Island   
    Laney - thank you for coordinating our meet-ups and keeping them going!! I'll be there - looking forward to seeing everyone.
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    2ndSpring got a reaction from jdown in How do you view overweight people now that your thin?   
    Great topic.
    I guess it is human nature to view the world through the filter of your own experiences. People who have never struggled with weight mistakenly assume that our brains/hormones work the same way as theirs, so judge us by their own experiences and will never understand or empathize.
    No matter how much weight I lose, I will never forget the struggle and will always have compassion - because I lived it. My question to myself is, what biases/prejudices do I have for people who struggle with other challenges or addictions that I have never experienced?
    On the other hand, it is very scary to allow someone into your daily life that could potentially derail you. So I can see the youtube guys point. My newfound behavior changes are so delicate. I know fat brain is lurking in the background, ready to take over if I open the door even a crack.
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    2ndSpring got a reaction from Jess55 in Did anyone receive a card to order from kid menu?   
    I'm with you Jess. I order the full meal (and sometimes even an extra side of veggies) and then take most of it home. Leftovers so I don't have to cook for 2 or 3 meals are the way to go!
  8. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Jack G in NY - NYC/Long Island   
    Wow you guys - everyone is so happy and healthy!!!! I am thrilled for all of you. Its been such a life changer.
    Let's get together again!

  9. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Jack G in NY - NYC/Long Island   
    Wow you guys - everyone is so happy and healthy!!!! I am thrilled for all of you. Its been such a life changer.
    Let's get together again!

  10. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Ms. Brightside in Diet After Surgery   
    My NUT only stressed the 60g for the first 2 months while I was healing and losing rapidly. I'm 10 weeks out now and at my 2 month checkup last week, she told me I didn't need to worry and that around 45g was enough. This is a level I can achieve easily through 3 meals of whole foods.
    I've been a pescetarian for 25 years (no meat or chicken, but I eat fish). For most of that time, I ate a lot of healthy grains and vegetables. The grains were, by far, the predominant food on my plate. I would eat meals such as a quinoa stir fry, or millet cakes with a side of veggies. I believe that the high grain diet affected my health (clogged arteries) and led me to obesity because of increased cravings.
    Researchers still haven't figured out the ideal diet for humans. The advice we've been following for the past 50 years (low fat, healthy grains) has been pretty much debunked. Saturated fat is making a comeback. There is still so much that hasn't been figured out yet. So don't be worried about not being in the mainstream. There is no hard scientific evidence that the mainstream is correct.
    Based on what I've researched on recent studies and my own experiences, I plan to eat 3 meals a day with an optional snack. At each meal, I will eat a protein (egg, bean or fish), a vegetable or fruit, a starchy vegetable and I will cook with olive oil, coconut oil, butter or avocado oil. I am going to avoid grains forever and I am going to hold off on the starchy vegetables until I'm a little further down the road.
    Best of luck and I am sure you will do fabulously!!!!!!
  11. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Jack G in NY - NYC/Long Island   
    Wow you guys - everyone is so happy and healthy!!!! I am thrilled for all of you. Its been such a life changer.
    Let's get together again!

  12. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Ldyvenus in Anyone else afraid this is temporary?   
    Thanks for posting this. I think you tapped into a fear most of us have.
    You are about a month ahead of me. I can already see how those old bad habits are trying to sneak their way back in. Open the door a crack and there they are. I know I will have to be on my guard the rest of my life and I'm ok with that. And hey, it the zombie apocalypse ever happens, my old eating habits will help me survive!!!
    My strategy is that every time I feel myself rationalizing or deluding myself (oh, its a holiday...oh, it's just this once...oh, i had a bad day...oh, its not fair, everyone else gets to eat), I say my mantra, "I don't do that anymore". It's been really empowering because it reminds me that this was my choice. It has stopped me in my tracks a few times.
  13. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from janedoe92 in Fast Food Questions   
    Wow - I have seen you say some mean things before, but you have really outdone yourself. How dare you talk to another human being in such a cruel manner.
  14. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Stella S in Tummy Tuck and Inner Thigh Lift   
    @@Spiceyfrog you are my hero. thank you for having the generosity of spirit to share your story and your pictures to help and educate this community.
  15. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from ginabee38 in NY - NYC/Long Island   
    I've been shoveling in spurts. The driveway is done, tomorrow I'll tackle the sidewalk. At least I can write down in my journal that I exercised!
  16. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Ldyvenus in Anyone else afraid this is temporary?   
    Thanks for posting this. I think you tapped into a fear most of us have.
    You are about a month ahead of me. I can already see how those old bad habits are trying to sneak their way back in. Open the door a crack and there they are. I know I will have to be on my guard the rest of my life and I'm ok with that. And hey, it the zombie apocalypse ever happens, my old eating habits will help me survive!!!
    My strategy is that every time I feel myself rationalizing or deluding myself (oh, its a holiday...oh, it's just this once...oh, i had a bad day...oh, its not fair, everyone else gets to eat), I say my mantra, "I don't do that anymore". It's been really empowering because it reminds me that this was my choice. It has stopped me in my tracks a few times.
  17. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Ldyvenus in Anyone else afraid this is temporary?   
    Thanks for posting this. I think you tapped into a fear most of us have.
    You are about a month ahead of me. I can already see how those old bad habits are trying to sneak their way back in. Open the door a crack and there they are. I know I will have to be on my guard the rest of my life and I'm ok with that. And hey, it the zombie apocalypse ever happens, my old eating habits will help me survive!!!
    My strategy is that every time I feel myself rationalizing or deluding myself (oh, its a holiday...oh, it's just this once...oh, i had a bad day...oh, its not fair, everyone else gets to eat), I say my mantra, "I don't do that anymore". It's been really empowering because it reminds me that this was my choice. It has stopped me in my tracks a few times.
  18. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Ldyvenus in Anyone else afraid this is temporary?   
    Thanks for posting this. I think you tapped into a fear most of us have.
    You are about a month ahead of me. I can already see how those old bad habits are trying to sneak their way back in. Open the door a crack and there they are. I know I will have to be on my guard the rest of my life and I'm ok with that. And hey, it the zombie apocalypse ever happens, my old eating habits will help me survive!!!
    My strategy is that every time I feel myself rationalizing or deluding myself (oh, its a holiday...oh, it's just this once...oh, i had a bad day...oh, its not fair, everyone else gets to eat), I say my mantra, "I don't do that anymore". It's been really empowering because it reminds me that this was my choice. It has stopped me in my tracks a few times.
  19. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Kumbaice in Sleeved in November, just diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma   
    ((((hugs))) I am so sorry you have to go through this. I'm sure you will tackle it courageously, just like you did with your surgery.
    You've gotten terrible news and you must be scared - and angry too. But the timing is good (post-sleeve) and that may bring you some small comfort. Your old eating habits would probably not have supported what your body needs now to be strong. Now you have the tool to be able to stay on track to eat healthy and fuel your body's immune system.
    Please let us know what happens on Friday. We're sending positive thoughts your way.
  20. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Jack G in NY - NYC/Long Island   
    We missed you!
  21. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Kumbaice in Sleeved in November, just diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma   
    ((((hugs))) I am so sorry you have to go through this. I'm sure you will tackle it courageously, just like you did with your surgery.
    You've gotten terrible news and you must be scared - and angry too. But the timing is good (post-sleeve) and that may bring you some small comfort. Your old eating habits would probably not have supported what your body needs now to be strong. Now you have the tool to be able to stay on track to eat healthy and fuel your body's immune system.
    Please let us know what happens on Friday. We're sending positive thoughts your way.
  22. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Treadmillwalker in Another Goal Completed....   
    The force is strong with this one.
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    2ndSpring reacted to Jack G in NY - NYC/Long Island   
    It was great getting out and chatting with all of you. How could it not be awesome. The only guy surrounded by lovely ladies. Maybe next time they'll be another male in the group for when the conversation turns to dresses, pantyhose/stockings. If not, guess I'll have to do some research on the subject.
  24. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Jack G in NY - NYC/Long Island   
    We missed you!
  25. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from TaureanMe in STUPID question.. abt measuring/weighing   
    its a good question!!! We use the word ounce to talk about both weight and volume, so it is very confusing. A food can weigh 4 ounces or it can take up 4 Fluid ounces in volume. A half cup is 4 Fluid ounces in volume, but may weigh more or less than 4 ounces depending on how fluffy or dense the food is. So....totally confusing.
    i've been going by weight because I find it easiest. I use an an old weight watchers food scale. I put the plate on the scale and zero it out. then I put the Protein on the plate and stop when it hits 3 ounces. then i add another ounce of vegetables to get to 4 ounces total.

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