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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    bitingcat got a reaction from elisa5150 in Shrimp gate   
    I'd rather have the truth from a vet any day. But then again, I'm old enough to know someone seeking justification usually knows they're in the wrong.
    As a total noob, I appreciate you vets yelling at people for being morons - God bless you for your eternal patience! I'm only 3 months out and find myself rolling my eyes at the same posts over and over. "Look!" I want to say, "The poster two down asked the same question two days ago!" But two days post-op, I know you just want someone to acknowledge that your life sucks right now.
    But still - fried shrimp? Seriously?
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  2. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from elisa5150 in Shrimp gate   
    I'd rather have the truth from a vet any day. But then again, I'm old enough to know someone seeking justification usually knows they're in the wrong.
    As a total noob, I appreciate you vets yelling at people for being morons - God bless you for your eternal patience! I'm only 3 months out and find myself rolling my eyes at the same posts over and over. "Look!" I want to say, "The poster two down asked the same question two days ago!" But two days post-op, I know you just want someone to acknowledge that your life sucks right now.
    But still - fried shrimp? Seriously?
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  3. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from Dashofpixiedust8 in Over 200 pounds down!   
    Seriously amazing job! I'm only 3 months out and a pretty slow user with nagging infections, anemia, and an ankle injury slowing me down even more. The scale doesn't move and I start freaking out that I've blown the magic honeymoon and omg, this isn't really going to work, and ugh it's just like all the other things that didn't work...
    Hearing you've not only done so well, but are continuing to do so well so far in is really encouraging . Especially after such a rough start.
    Amazing job and you're really looking great!
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  4. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from mari.beth in Resources for Meal Planning / Prepping? Dealing with head hunger?   
    Youbars.com does custom Protein bars. I need to avoid dairy right now, so I've had some vegan ones made up. 12 grams of Protein isn't *enormous* but it's something . They use nuts in the base, and I think mine have about 14 grams of carbs, almost all of which is Fiber. Just as a snack option.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  5. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from mschan218 in Anyone with food allergies? Immune issues? Generally cursed? (LOL)   
    This is a tongue in cheek post. My surgery went well. I'm healing well and am pushing 2 months out. But I'm trying to keep a good attitude about all the pre-surgery and post-surgery complications that make me want to beat my head against the wall. Encouragement, humor, and a bit of commiseration is the name of this game. Bonus points for anyone who can tie their litany of woes to a cursed idol or irate volcano god...
    Pre-surgery procedure:
    - massive allergies, including almost all vegetables (probably chlorophyll), the entire melon family, some tropic fruits, and walnuts. Yes, I've been to a "real" allergist; yes, I've also tried all the natural medicine options. Yes, I've freaked out numerous dieticians - it's mostly "don't eat things that will send you into anaphylactic shock and kill you; do eat sweet potatoes, winter squash, mushrooms, and cauliflower." Was hard to maintain a good diet before, trying to get it all straightened out after. Fortunately, salad isn't a go-to item for post-ops! Yay!
    During the pre-op weight loss phase:
    - diagnosed with PTTD - I put off going in for ankle pain for too long and now my tendon's tearing. I'm still in a dorky walking boot 5 months later because it didn't magically heal with 6 weeks of PT and his only other option is THREE or more major surgeries on my ankle. So I'm trying to heal up enough to double down on PT and lose enough weight to make some or all of them unnecessary. Pool work is amazing, but I was only approved for it a short time before surgery and the fates seem to be against me ever returning.
    "Hey - do you know we found a random giant artery hanging out in the middle of your abdomen? You should probably get a CT scan to make sure it's not a celiac or splenic aneurysm." This is while I'm still waking up after surgery and am all, "WTF?" Yeah, not stressful at all... Fortunately my honey got the details. Resolved last week when they decided unless my family had a history of weird disorders, I just have giant arteries, LOL.
    Post-op phase:
    - *just* as I was getting energy back post-op, I ended up with a massive bacterial infection in my ear and the tissue surrounding it in my jaw and neck. I went from no CT scans ever to two in a week. "Don't we already have you scheduled for an abdominal scan Thursday?" "Yeah, you do, but I need another one." Good news - no mastoiditis. Yay! Bad news, two separate courses of antibiotics, plus a shot in the butt, and three weeks later, I'm still struggling with ear congestion and a swollen ear canal. Which is seriously messing up my pool PT because I can't fit an ear plug in that side. Definitely improving as I no longer list to one side and am no longer a danger to myself and others on stairs. Bad ankle + weak or vertigo = no good. "Hey, PT! Guess why I can't go to the pool this week!"
    - Did I mention that infection hit *right* after I managed a week of really intense/complicated/expensive "fix your gut bacteria protocol"? D'oh! All that work to take all those pills, and I end up ruining it all with a firestorm of antibiotics. Le sigh...
    - For bonus points, I've developed menorrhagia! Hurray! They probably go with the fibroids the CT tech found. I like to pretend all the fat fleeing my body is giving me the estrogen finger as a final hurrah. My hormone doc and I are working to get it under control again. It did thoughtfully wait for my ear infection to mostly subside before starting back up. But still, do I really need to bleed to death while trapped on the couch with a heat pad and no ibuprofen? Or another reason *not* to be able to go to the pool?
    Where's that face palm emoji when I need it...
    Unsurprisingly, I haven't seen tons of weight loss on the scale, though my body composition is (I think) improving. Thank heavens the anti-nausea protocol they used for surgery was amazing, so that wasn't a problem. And, amazingly, the hiatal hernia repair seems to have worked! I haven't been all refluxy, even now that I'm starting to taper off my omeprazole.
    None of the problems are that bad - believe me, I have too many friends with debilitating medical conditions. And I'm still working hard to try and get my Protein high enough (120?! Seriously?! How am I supposed to hit that?) It's just frustrating to have to struggle to drive, work and exercise when everything just feels so complicated. Good news: I found a Water bottle the size of a small fire extinguisher and am drinking like a boss!
    Yeah, long rant, but I would seriously love to hear other post-ops who survived ebola or being shot with a cupcake gun and still made it out the other side 100+ pounds lighter and healthier. ;-P Helpful tips on how you overcame or who you had to assassinate to cure your woes are appreciated. And it's totally okay to end with, "So yeah, I only have one leg now, but my butt looks *amazing* in this bikini!"
    Any takers?
  6. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from Anna Nim in Nervous and my Dad is NOT helping matters any   
    Ah - as to set point, the study computercat is referencing is talking about The Biggest Loser study. This article:
    also discusses that, but mentions that RNY (at least) doesn't have that problem. Might be good for your dad. There are a few studies looking at long term gut health changes, too, but a lot of studies seem to suggest that wls is just really different from regular weight loss.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  7. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from mschan218 in Anyone with food allergies? Immune issues? Generally cursed? (LOL)   
    This is a tongue in cheek post. My surgery went well. I'm healing well and am pushing 2 months out. But I'm trying to keep a good attitude about all the pre-surgery and post-surgery complications that make me want to beat my head against the wall. Encouragement, humor, and a bit of commiseration is the name of this game. Bonus points for anyone who can tie their litany of woes to a cursed idol or irate volcano god...
    Pre-surgery procedure:
    - massive allergies, including almost all vegetables (probably chlorophyll), the entire melon family, some tropic fruits, and walnuts. Yes, I've been to a "real" allergist; yes, I've also tried all the natural medicine options. Yes, I've freaked out numerous dieticians - it's mostly "don't eat things that will send you into anaphylactic shock and kill you; do eat sweet potatoes, winter squash, mushrooms, and cauliflower." Was hard to maintain a good diet before, trying to get it all straightened out after. Fortunately, salad isn't a go-to item for post-ops! Yay!
    During the pre-op weight loss phase:
    - diagnosed with PTTD - I put off going in for ankle pain for too long and now my tendon's tearing. I'm still in a dorky walking boot 5 months later because it didn't magically heal with 6 weeks of PT and his only other option is THREE or more major surgeries on my ankle. So I'm trying to heal up enough to double down on PT and lose enough weight to make some or all of them unnecessary. Pool work is amazing, but I was only approved for it a short time before surgery and the fates seem to be against me ever returning.
    "Hey - do you know we found a random giant artery hanging out in the middle of your abdomen? You should probably get a CT scan to make sure it's not a celiac or splenic aneurysm." This is while I'm still waking up after surgery and am all, "WTF?" Yeah, not stressful at all... Fortunately my honey got the details. Resolved last week when they decided unless my family had a history of weird disorders, I just have giant arteries, LOL.
    Post-op phase:
    - *just* as I was getting energy back post-op, I ended up with a massive bacterial infection in my ear and the tissue surrounding it in my jaw and neck. I went from no CT scans ever to two in a week. "Don't we already have you scheduled for an abdominal scan Thursday?" "Yeah, you do, but I need another one." Good news - no mastoiditis. Yay! Bad news, two separate courses of antibiotics, plus a shot in the butt, and three weeks later, I'm still struggling with ear congestion and a swollen ear canal. Which is seriously messing up my pool PT because I can't fit an ear plug in that side. Definitely improving as I no longer list to one side and am no longer a danger to myself and others on stairs. Bad ankle + weak or vertigo = no good. "Hey, PT! Guess why I can't go to the pool this week!"
    - Did I mention that infection hit *right* after I managed a week of really intense/complicated/expensive "fix your gut bacteria protocol"? D'oh! All that work to take all those pills, and I end up ruining it all with a firestorm of antibiotics. Le sigh...
    - For bonus points, I've developed menorrhagia! Hurray! They probably go with the fibroids the CT tech found. I like to pretend all the fat fleeing my body is giving me the estrogen finger as a final hurrah. My hormone doc and I are working to get it under control again. It did thoughtfully wait for my ear infection to mostly subside before starting back up. But still, do I really need to bleed to death while trapped on the couch with a heat pad and no ibuprofen? Or another reason *not* to be able to go to the pool?
    Where's that face palm emoji when I need it...
    Unsurprisingly, I haven't seen tons of weight loss on the scale, though my body composition is (I think) improving. Thank heavens the anti-nausea protocol they used for surgery was amazing, so that wasn't a problem. And, amazingly, the hiatal hernia repair seems to have worked! I haven't been all refluxy, even now that I'm starting to taper off my omeprazole.
    None of the problems are that bad - believe me, I have too many friends with debilitating medical conditions. And I'm still working hard to try and get my Protein high enough (120?! Seriously?! How am I supposed to hit that?) It's just frustrating to have to struggle to drive, work and exercise when everything just feels so complicated. Good news: I found a Water bottle the size of a small fire extinguisher and am drinking like a boss!
    Yeah, long rant, but I would seriously love to hear other post-ops who survived ebola or being shot with a cupcake gun and still made it out the other side 100+ pounds lighter and healthier. ;-P Helpful tips on how you overcame or who you had to assassinate to cure your woes are appreciated. And it's totally okay to end with, "So yeah, I only have one leg now, but my butt looks *amazing* in this bikini!"
    Any takers?
  8. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from Anna Nim in Nervous and my Dad is NOT helping matters any   
    Ah - as to set point, the study computercat is referencing is talking about The Biggest Loser study. This article:
    also discusses that, but mentions that RNY (at least) doesn't have that problem. Might be good for your dad. There are a few studies looking at long term gut health changes, too, but a lot of studies seem to suggest that wls is just really different from regular weight loss.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  9. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from Anna Nim in Nervous and my Dad is NOT helping matters any   
    Yeah, I'm 45 with a 16 yr old and 13 yr old at home. Despite other health problems, I always had great cholesterol, solid blood pressure, and decent fasting blood sugar. Until about 2 years ago. My hormones shifted, my blood pressure spiked and my blood sugar and cholesterol starting rising. Then I was diagnosed with PTTD (tearing ankle tendon) and had a minimum of three separate surgeries recommended. Obviously, my years of relatively healthy fatness were over and all I could see were years of illness, surgery and meds ahead of me.
    I don't want to be that person. I researched surgery for about a year then settled on gastric sleeve because the odds are so good. I think knee replacement and a host of other "minor" surgeries have worse odds. I also chose I because gut health is increasingly looking like a major player in weight loss and I think this is a good opportunity to burn it down and start over.
    I had surgery in September, have had some compromised immune system issues and healed a bit slowly. Haven't lost buckets of weight, but have lost some and that's new. At this point my big regret is not doing it when my kids were still young.
    Do what you need to do . Pick a reputable surgeon with a great track record. Follow your post-op directions carefully. Stay hydrated. Eat Protein. Take Vitamins. Talk to your team if anything seems wrong. I think that gives you more much better odds of success than doing more of the same thing you've probably been doing for the last 30 years
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  10. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from Kathy812 in Age, menopausal and under active thyroid   
    I'm right in the thick of it - about 2 months post surgery - and went into it at 45 with jacked hormones, hypothyroid, tons of allergies, auto-immune problems, and a partially torn tendon in my ankle that requires low or no weight bearing exercise and PT. Not your ideal patient .
    My surgeon was never negative about my losing potential, just upfront with "most patients lose x% of excess weight" but made it clear that everyone responds to surgery differently - fast losers, slow losers, big losers, small losers.
    I am apparently a very slow loser. It took me weeks to drop below my day of surgery weight and even now I'm still a bit short of a 20 lb loss from that day.
    That number is still a good 15 lbs lower than my lowest weight in the last decade, and about 35 lbs lower than my "normal" weight. My surgery went well, but I am having new and different health problems tied to my compromised immune system and hormones. I'm working closely with my hormone doc to monitor things; she's doubled my armor thyroid and increased progesterone to try and deal with sudden onset menorrhagia. I've also had a severe bacterial infection in my ear that spread to my neck and jaw - 2 courses of antibiotics later and it's not entirely resolved. The giant eczema flare on my scalp travelled into my ears, making it worse, and I'm trying to figure out if I can truly give up dairy and still come close to my Protein goals.
    Do I worry I won't lose enough weight? Absolutely - I have well over 100 lbs to lose. Do I hate the ongoing health complications? Extremely - they make it very hard to exercise and go to PT. Do I think they're surgery related? Tangentially. I was jacked up going in and it potentially flared up all kinds of things.
    I am actually losing weight, which I've never managed to do in my entire life. The scale isn't moving tons but my body is changing, hopefully for the better. So I don't regret the surgery at this point, health problems and all. Not feeling hungry all the time is *amazing*. So I just keep plugging on, keeping in touch with all the doctors, and praying that I actually manage to finally make that big change that will make the weight come off and stay off.
    I'm not trying to be negative, just prepare you for unexpected complications and encourage you to keep a sharp eye on your thyroid and hormones. People keep saying "the sleeve is a tool" and I think they're right - even if I'm still struggling to use it properly
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  11. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from Aggiemae in Bells Palsy   
    You asked me to come visit your thread, so here I am :-D
    First off, I *love* the surprise sneak attack on Nurse Nasty at the disciplinary meeting! Way to advocate for fellow WLS patients! Bonus points getting it done while still recovering.
    And do you nurses really ever stop? My great aunt is 94 this year and was reading the doctors and nurses the riot act in my dad's cancer ward this spring. She was a nurse for decades and still doesn't let anyone give her guff. (She also doesn't let them stop her from dancing on the bar counter or walking through the living room naked when company's over, but those are entirely different issues.)
    Glad to hear they're making progress figuring out what's going on - what a blessing that you know what to ask for and how to get it! And the bacterial infection dx is interesting since your post-op timing is similar to my ear/face/lymph/neck infection that's proving so hard to kick. (But then I also have a history of auto-immune problems and random body parts swelling up and threatening to fall off.)
    I'll end by telling you what my honey always says when I tell him about my cursed friends' latest medical escapades: "Put the creepy glowing idol down and back slowly away..."
  12. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from mandrey in How did you survive the postop 2 week liquid diet   
    Variety? I really liked hot bone broth (fairly high in protein) and would get different flavors or have my husband doctor it up and strain it. chicken Bone Broth simmered with a Parmesan rind; beef bone broth with a spoon of miso paste stirred in after heating (bonus probiotics); or some of the flavors like chicken and ginger, maybe with a splash of soy. He'd put it in a thermos for me and I'd just work on drinking a couple of ounces at a time for hours. If I was having a hard time with Protein, he'd add extra Gelatin to the Soup. I should have seen if the Pho place could have sent plain broth...
    I also liked the ... Sleepytime Peach Tea, maybe? I think it was Celestial Seasoning. It was chamomile and peach, with a little mint that soothed the stomach. No Protein, but good for staying hydrated. Hot liquids were a lot easier in my stomach, though I also threw in a teaspoon of collagen powder sometimes. If you're low on calories (and it's not a gateway drug, I mean food) you can always add a quarter teaspoon of raw honey.
    I also liked the Syntrax nectar fruit flavors, really watered down. They're just so much thinner than most Protein shakes and more like flavored Water. I also really liked the Ultima Replenisher (stevia sweetened/no cal) electrolyte powder for getting hydrated, and would sometimes add a scoop of the Syntrax Medical Unflavored.
    As I improved, I added Greek yogurt with a few drops of flavored stevia (couldn't stand it that way before) and kefir, sweetened the same way.
    Jello was great for mouthfeel, and Eggface has great recipe where she combines it with Greek yogurt for a creamy, Jello salad kind of thing. You can mix Protein Powder straight into Greek yogurt (I think I used a nectar fruit flavor) but it was a little thick/weird. Eggface also tells you how to mix SF pudding into Protein Powder to get it to set up. (Seriously, her website is bomb and she has a whole section on liquids and purées.)
    But yeah, an hour at a time and weeks of doing nothing but eating, drinking, and moving around to get rid of gas.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  13. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from mandrey in How did you survive the postop 2 week liquid diet   
    Variety? I really liked hot bone broth (fairly high in protein) and would get different flavors or have my husband doctor it up and strain it. chicken Bone Broth simmered with a Parmesan rind; beef bone broth with a spoon of miso paste stirred in after heating (bonus probiotics); or some of the flavors like chicken and ginger, maybe with a splash of soy. He'd put it in a thermos for me and I'd just work on drinking a couple of ounces at a time for hours. If I was having a hard time with Protein, he'd add extra Gelatin to the Soup. I should have seen if the Pho place could have sent plain broth...
    I also liked the ... Sleepytime Peach Tea, maybe? I think it was Celestial Seasoning. It was chamomile and peach, with a little mint that soothed the stomach. No Protein, but good for staying hydrated. Hot liquids were a lot easier in my stomach, though I also threw in a teaspoon of collagen powder sometimes. If you're low on calories (and it's not a gateway drug, I mean food) you can always add a quarter teaspoon of raw honey.
    I also liked the Syntrax nectar fruit flavors, really watered down. They're just so much thinner than most Protein shakes and more like flavored Water. I also really liked the Ultima Replenisher (stevia sweetened/no cal) electrolyte powder for getting hydrated, and would sometimes add a scoop of the Syntrax Medical Unflavored.
    As I improved, I added Greek yogurt with a few drops of flavored stevia (couldn't stand it that way before) and kefir, sweetened the same way.
    Jello was great for mouthfeel, and Eggface has great recipe where she combines it with Greek yogurt for a creamy, Jello salad kind of thing. You can mix Protein Powder straight into Greek yogurt (I think I used a nectar fruit flavor) but it was a little thick/weird. Eggface also tells you how to mix SF pudding into Protein Powder to get it to set up. (Seriously, her website is bomb and she has a whole section on liquids and purées.)
    But yeah, an hour at a time and weeks of doing nothing but eating, drinking, and moving around to get rid of gas.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from mandrey in How did you survive the postop 2 week liquid diet   
    Variety? I really liked hot bone broth (fairly high in protein) and would get different flavors or have my husband doctor it up and strain it. chicken Bone Broth simmered with a Parmesan rind; beef bone broth with a spoon of miso paste stirred in after heating (bonus probiotics); or some of the flavors like chicken and ginger, maybe with a splash of soy. He'd put it in a thermos for me and I'd just work on drinking a couple of ounces at a time for hours. If I was having a hard time with Protein, he'd add extra Gelatin to the Soup. I should have seen if the Pho place could have sent plain broth...
    I also liked the ... Sleepytime Peach Tea, maybe? I think it was Celestial Seasoning. It was chamomile and peach, with a little mint that soothed the stomach. No Protein, but good for staying hydrated. Hot liquids were a lot easier in my stomach, though I also threw in a teaspoon of collagen powder sometimes. If you're low on calories (and it's not a gateway drug, I mean food) you can always add a quarter teaspoon of raw honey.
    I also liked the Syntrax nectar fruit flavors, really watered down. They're just so much thinner than most Protein shakes and more like flavored Water. I also really liked the Ultima Replenisher (stevia sweetened/no cal) electrolyte powder for getting hydrated, and would sometimes add a scoop of the Syntrax Medical Unflavored.
    As I improved, I added Greek yogurt with a few drops of flavored stevia (couldn't stand it that way before) and kefir, sweetened the same way.
    Jello was great for mouthfeel, and Eggface has great recipe where she combines it with Greek yogurt for a creamy, Jello salad kind of thing. You can mix Protein Powder straight into Greek yogurt (I think I used a nectar fruit flavor) but it was a little thick/weird. Eggface also tells you how to mix SF pudding into Protein Powder to get it to set up. (Seriously, her website is bomb and she has a whole section on liquids and purées.)
    But yeah, an hour at a time and weeks of doing nothing but eating, drinking, and moving around to get rid of gas.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  15. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in No more weight loss   
    I know you've got your hands full trying to up your Protein and pursue a malpractice suit. (Don't neglect your Vitamins, either.) But I'd like to second the pool suggestion. Before you dismiss it out of hand, I have PTTD - basically, the tendon in my right foot is overstretched and tearing. Overdoing it can literally destroy my ankle. I have to wear an orthotic boot, so walk - walk - walk is right out for me, too. I've been doing small hand weights and an exercise ring while seated, but it's nowhere near as good as the pool.
    Seriously - my PT is *amazing* and came up with a ton of exercises I can do in the pool to build up my ankle, core, and other trouble areas. Squats, heel raises, front and side kicks, arm exercises with a kick board - and all specifically modified not hurt my ankle. I think my incisions have finally healed to the point where I can start up again. (Though I'll probably have someone drive me for a while since I'm still puny.)
    Seriously consider starting PT before knee surgery - weight loss and joint strengthening could do a world of good and make your surgery way more successful. Right now my orthopedic surgeon is discussing *three* separate, highly invasive surgeries on my ankle, but agreed to let me try PT for a couple more months. With sufficient weight loss and strength building, there's a good chance I can avoid at least one of them - God willing, all three. I'm a little over 3 weeks post op, so I guess it's time to get motivated! And start going back to my PT
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  16. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from KristenLe in Tomatoe soup? Postop diets.   
    The Pacific Bone broth has ... 9 grams of Protein per cup? My honey doctored some up by boiling a Parmesan rind in it; some with a little miso paste; and some with a little soy sauce. He then strained it all thoroughly and kept me me supplied with the thermoses of it the first week. I sipped on it like tea for fluids and Protein throughout the day.
    I also ate popsicles, Jello, and chamomile/peach/mint tea, but I think the broth did the most good. If nothing else, the warm was nice on my sleeve.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from KristenLe in Mexico Vacation - What to expect 3 months out   
    Some of the powders also come in little, individual packets which I prefer when crossing the border - Canada likes things in their original packaging. I took a handful of the nectar packets; a shaker bottle; a couple of Protein bars; and some shelf stable turkey meat sticks during my last trip to Vancouver. I often had a partial shake before going out to help me make good choices . Consider bringing a snack and Water bottle for the plane, too. And you can always search online for what's currently allowed.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  18. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from Pescador in No support from boyfriend   
    Consider finding a good therapist for *you*. Being afraid of surgery risks or change is one thing; openly preferring a specific body type and suggesting he will reject you if you deviate from his wishes is dangerously close to saying, "I prefer victims I can control." He either cares about you or he doesn't - your weight shouldn't change that.
    I have an awesome husband now, but I waded through my share of users and losers to get here. I wish I had gotten help figuring them out sooner. You can do this
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from laceemouse in My issue or is it his (the hubby)   
    Hmmm. You know, some men really like to solve problems. How would he take you saying, "Hey, I know this diet is crazy and I'm having a hard time coming up with things to do together that aren't food related. I really want to spend time together. Can you help me come up with some new ideas?" It might have worked with my dad, who wasn't a bad guy, just utterly tactless and clueless about dieting. With an extreme aversion to change and being out of control that always brought out his inner a-hole. (7 Vietnam tours and extreme PTSD, so we cut him slack.) Asking for his divine guidance usually helped him deal with the transition and gain some objectivity. Then, he'd work his fanny off to help you.
    Of course if your guy blows off a genuine request for his assistance with a problem, then it's probably time for couples counseling.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from Pescador in No support from boyfriend   
    Consider finding a good therapist for *you*. Being afraid of surgery risks or change is one thing; openly preferring a specific body type and suggesting he will reject you if you deviate from his wishes is dangerously close to saying, "I prefer victims I can control." He either cares about you or he doesn't - your weight shouldn't change that.
    I have an awesome husband now, but I waded through my share of users and losers to get here. I wish I had gotten help figuring them out sooner. You can do this
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from Pescador in No support from boyfriend   
    Consider finding a good therapist for *you*. Being afraid of surgery risks or change is one thing; openly preferring a specific body type and suggesting he will reject you if you deviate from his wishes is dangerously close to saying, "I prefer victims I can control." He either cares about you or he doesn't - your weight shouldn't change that.
    I have an awesome husband now, but I waded through my share of users and losers to get here. I wish I had gotten help figuring them out sooner. You can do this
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from katie09/21/2016 in Protein drinks   
    Boxed bone broth comes in a bunch of flavors (like lemongrass), doesn't taste too bad and has a surprising amount of Protein. My honey boiled a Parmesan rind and a clove of garlic into some plain, then strained it really well and stirred in some hydrolized collagen powder for extra Protein. It was surprisingly tasty and easy to drink.
    I did fairly well the first couple of days, but now it's getting harder. Possibly because one of our beloved cats escaped from the house and we can't find him. Probably doesn't help I cut back on pain meds.
    Let's see. I've been using the Ultima stevia sweetened electrolyte packets in my Water - when my electrolyte levels are off, everything tastes nasty. I've also liked iced herbal teas with chamomile and mint. I've also had protein Jello and the SF popsicles. My surgeon is having me steer clear of Multivitamins for another week so they don't upset my stomach.
    As for Premier, I think that one has lactose, right? Which is to say I can sort of tolerate it usually, but not at all right now as a post op. Consider trying lactose free for a few week? And/or being liberal with the Gas-x strips and Probiotics. I usually tolerate the Syntrax nectar fairly well; I mix it with Water or almond milk and thin it down.
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  23. Like
    bitingcat got a reaction from Ragdollorchid in Question for hiatal hernia people   
    No problem! Hopefully we'll both get to feeling better
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    bitingcat got a reaction from Ragdollorchid in Question for hiatal hernia people   
    Yup. Hiatal hernia repair = significant shoulder and upper chest pain. It was hard to do the breathing tube exercises because full inhale was so painful.
    They told me it isn't at all unusual to get that kind of referred pain with the hernia repair. The painkillers they gave me for the sleeve didn't help either that, so they gave me a Valium prescription to "relax" my muscles. It helped some the first two nights, but so did waking around, a heat pad, and a little shoulder rub from my honey.
    Stopped everything but Tylenol on day three - I can't stand feeling groggy. Can still feel it when I breathe deep and am still sleeping propped up on pillow, but it's getting better. I'm about to go microwave another heat bag, though at this point my stitches hurt more.
    Hope you get to feeling better soon.
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    bitingcat got a reaction from swimbikerun in New here and wanting advice.   
    My husband's boss loves his sleeve. He didn't really talk about it (though wls was assumed) until my husband asked if he could work from home a few days to help me with my surgery. Then he turned into a fount of support BTW, I'm totally the whole food, home made, hippy eater (mmm - delicious hippies...) But I'm 45 now, and my body's starting to fall apart to the point where I can't hike or bike. Which is why I'm here. Good luck finding what works best for you!
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