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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Squeek2000 reacted to Sleeve it to Beaver in 48 hours afterwards. Was it a mistake?   
    Thanks @Babbs. Leave it to Sleever was taken! Lol
    Sent from my iPhone
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    Squeek2000 reacted to LipstickLady in 48 hours afterwards. Was it a mistake?   
    So this is my controlling nature kicking in...
    I bought one of those ginormous pill things that only people who are 793 years old use. You know, it has compartments for every hour of every day of the week? I rationed out my pills in it so I took them in the correct order and it kept me on track completely. That, alone,too a huge amount of stress off my back.
    I also bought a costco pack of small 4oz. Dixie cups and I lined them up on the counter, 16 in total for 64 oz of Fluid. My goal was to finish one every 30 minutes. If I was going out, I carried a Water bottle of Fluid and put the corresponding number of cups away after I finished that bottle.
    Organization and taking control of the situation manages mental chaos.
  3. Like
    Squeek2000 got a reaction from Clementine Sky in BMI 31-32   
    Wow! I can't wait to get mine done! Thank you "veterans" for following up on this forum. It has helped me get the courage to get my much needed surgery done. It has also helped me prepare for my surgery that is on the 23rd of this month! I currently have a BMI of 30.7. I am 5.3 178. I starated my first diet when I was eleven years old and have done all most every diet since. I am 55 now and am getting off of this crazy diet roller coaster!
  4. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to sleevenv in BMI 31-32   
    @@tenseintexas it's not just the carbonation you have to worry about in soda, it's the ACID. Get off the stuff now, before surgery to help you transition. I'm 13 months out (reached 23 BMI at 7 months post op) and have had carbonated mineral Water a couple of times. It hurts because you can't burp as efficiently. Now if I indulge, I put it on ice and let it sit yo flatten out a bit. A year or so ago a nurse on here told the story of her WLS brother who ulcerated his small stomach with soda and almost died. Please find that post. It's sobering.
  5. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to triplethreat in BMI 31-32   
    Hi all. I was sleeved 2 days ago. My BMI is a little higher than some of you. My highest weight was 207 (I'm 5'3) and my day of surgery I weighed 199. Yesterday was hard- felt a little like I'd been hit by a truck, very sore, but mostly my back and shoulders. I feel so much better today. I don't feel 100%, but definitely better than I'd expected. My biggest complaint is that I am tired.
    For those of you who haven't done it yet-- the pain for me was very tolerable. I took pain meds at midnight the night of surgery and haven't need anything since then. The biggest incision site is tender but otherwise nothing to worry about.
    One thing I did not expect and haven't read about was soreness in my arms, from elbow to wrist. When I came home my arms were very red and hot to touch. They are no longer red and warm, but they ache.
    Anyway, post-op I feel pretty good and know that I will feel better each passing day!
    Dr. wants to me walk 30 min/day and start using weights in 6 weeks.
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    Squeek2000 reacted to Popsicle530 in So confused! Newbie here..help :/   
    I'll catch h**l for this but I'm going to say it anyway. First, I do NOT work for anyone but myself and that is providing cosmetic tattooing services. I have NO association with any doctors or clinics from which i receive ANY benefit.
    So here it is: Avoid Dr. Almanza at ALL cost, i dont care how attractive his prices are, how endearing his staff, or he seems to be ((i found him quite sleazy but there are those who are 'taken' by him)). He could have killed me, my insides will never be the same. If you would like to read my story just follow the link and read my posts. If not, thats fine.
    I have such a bad taste for TJ, MX because of Almanza, which i know is not fair.. there are probably some very good doctors there, but he ruined it for me. He has put people in comas, had a man dropped off at the border who was near death because of Almanza. You dont have to take my word for it... look him up.
    I think the doctors associated with THIS site are reputable. I will tell you the place where I found my sanctuary: the Mexicali Bariatric Center. I originally went to Dr. Aceves, who I fell in LOVE with. Unfortunately he passed in a tragic airplane crash. I had 7 friends from AK (my home) , 1 from TN, 1 from GA, 1 from FL, 2 from CA who, after seeing my wonderful results also went there and there has not been one reported negative result. Anyway,,, again, no i dont work for them, i receive nothing from them, I simply respect and love them for what they have done for me. I would go to ANY of the doctors there, and if I can ever afford skin removal, I will consult with them for a referral. It was suggested on here that I contact you after your post, and it has taken me some time to find you. I hope you will read my story. I dont want to REpost it on your thread because that really seems to piss people off. I dont spend enough time here to be acquainted with the 'rules and protocol' so I've had my butt chewed several times and been accused of being a.. cant recall what i was called, but basically they said i obviously 'worked' for a doctor and was trying to steer business away from Almanza. To that I say 'heck yeah, guilty as charged EXCEPT I work for NO doctor, nor gain any advantage'. I simply hate to see Almanza to maim, destroy, and butcher people. Are there those who would defend him???? Absolutely!!! But would you want to take that chance? Read up on him if he is one you are considering. Dont go by just my word. . This doc on here... Brechter, Brecher... not sure, but his office was incredibly helpful to me during my disaster. Best of Luck to you.
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    Squeek2000 reacted to Tootsietoes in A warning to post sleevers...be on the lookout   
    I wanted to give everyone a heads up on this so they don't suffer the same horrendous issues I had for so long. It started about 3 mo post OP, I would get a really nagging pain in my back under the shoulder blade.. It would not go away, even with pain pills and muscle relaxers that I later tried. Then I would get the most bizarre crippling pain right under my ribs (about once every 2 mo or so) felt like my whole diaphragm was contracting and crushing. It was unlike any pain I've ever had. It would start suddenly and sometimes last for hours, and then leave suddenly. ER ct scans showed nothing. Dr thought it was heartburn/stomach contractions, and gave me a regime to follow next time it came on (milk, antacids..etc). Didn't work. Dr prescribed a hida scan to check gallbladder. Very expensive and time consuming scan. Nothing showed up, no stones no nothing. Functioning and emptying was on the low side, so I elected to just get it removed. Guess what?! Full of tiny stones! This was THE cause of my 2+ yr battle. If this happens to any of you, please be persistent about your health, this issue won't go away. Oh.. And get an ultrasound..I should of, but they never did one. And lastly, don't always trust those stupid medical tests.
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    Squeek2000 reacted to fsulady in Registered Dietitian and I was sleeved 7/1!   
    Hi all! I decided to start sharing my story since I am coming from a totally different perspective than most, I am a registered and licensed dietitian! While I have battled weight all my life and I have all the knowledge I could imagine on eating healthy....I let my mind take over and ignored what was happening to my body. Never in a million years did I think that I would have WLS, but I did! I think the idea of the sleeve and removing the factor of malabsorption as in the bypass helped with my decision. While I was a very healthy obese person, I knew the consequences that would face me later in life if I didn't make a drastic change. In addition, my confidence as a dietitian became nonexistent. I needed to get my mojo back....so here I am 1 week out from surgery and overcoming the hurdles of recovery. I started at 285 pounds before preop diet and as of today I am 249! While my education tells me this can't be healthy, my mind and body know it's a necessity and I will ultimately reach a healthy goal. I love reading all your posts and support! This is truly a journey for all...I joke around that I am going to write a book because I am probably the only Registered Dietitian that had WLS! Lol!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to FocusOnMeNow in Frustrated with Iron Deficiency Anemia Situation - Any Positive Experience?   
    I am very sorry to hear that you are having this problem. So what is the QUALITY of the Iron supplements that you have been taking to date? And are you sure to take them at least 4 hours away from any and all Calcium?
    Most supplements do not contain the actual amount of active ingredients stated on the label. Nor do they always contain an absorbable version of the Vitamin in question. Most supplements at Walmart and GNC are crap. My Iron only slightly dropped. I started supplementing with Vitron C with a handful (1/4 cup) of whole cashews (which also have iron) as my post-lunch but pre-dinner snack about 2-3 times a week and my iron came right back up.
    I also had to supplement Calcium with cal citrate. I got a chewable version from Country Life. It was tricky to do both of these simultaneously.
    Also, how much red meat are you eating? meat is the best source of iron.
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    Squeek2000 reacted to BestDayEver in Weight gain at 3 Years Post Op - WHAT TO DO?   
    I asked my bariatric surgeon at the one year check up how long the metabolic effect of the surgery lasts and he said it's strongest in the first six months and then starts to progressively lessen over the two years post surgery. He said, and I quote "I have three words of advice regarding maintenance: exercise, exercise, exercise."
    I'm only 13 months out so I can only hope and pray I will maintain the loss. I've seen other veterans do it, so I hope I will be one of them too. Best wishes to you as you fight on!
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    Squeek2000 reacted to gpmed in Weight gain at 3 Years Post Op - WHAT TO DO?   
    Veterans, thank you all once again for helping those of us with less time under our belts understand what struggles might be ahead for us. And OP, I wish you all the best as you deal with this!
  12. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to Alex Brecher in How much did your weight loss surgery in Mexico cost, total?   
    Just another update. Our attorney has just mailed out a cease and desist letter to this company. They consistently sign up as forum members posing as potential patients or patients that have already successfully had surgery. Please do your research before you use any surgeon.
  13. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to lady10000000000 in Low BMI Gastric Sleeve story   
    I wanted to write about my experience with a lower bmi because while I am about 50 lbs overweight 182 5 ft 4 inches - I haven't seen too many posts that describe the surgery with this kind of weight loss. It took me a long time to decide to do this but I kept gaining and have a history of family members who get very very obese after their 40s. I am on the same track.
    Anyway I am getting sleeve may 13. flyint to texas bc I actually have a friend who is a surgeon that does this. I feel good about that and I am staying with another friend.
    I have 10 days and started the first day of a soft diet which is various soft Proteins, shakes, cottage cheese, eggs. I was basically good but ate too much. My goal today was just to get used to no carbs. I have had a splitting headache from giving up the caffiene but I am taking liquid tylenol and that helps a bit.
    I was nervous about this but feeling better about it now and committed to doing this. Ill write about my experience so someone else in the future can decide if this makes sense for them. Ever since I decided to do this surgery I felt like I had control over my body for the first time in a long time. I also had smoked which I stopped. And started drinking tons of Water. Never could do that before.
    So the surgery has instigated a number of great behaviors. all good. And this forum is key because people are so supportive. I really appreciate it.
  14. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to docpaddle in When will I stop regretting this surgery?   
    Im 12 weeks out and down 55 lbs. I have not had all the complications everyone has talked about, and think I had it pretty easy. regret is I miss eating! I loved food. I didn't eat because of any emotional or physical issue, I ate cause I loved food. I still do but the pleasure of eating is gone. Now I eat to live, not live to eat. I find small pleasures in making incredibly small tasty meals, lots of Protein Shakes, (thank god I like them). I still over eat, and occaisionally have to throw up, cause I can't stand the really full feeling. I am still trying to learn when to take the last bite and stop, not easy. Do I regret the surgery? HELL NO!!! I was on a slow road to killing myself, and I tried all the diets. Nothing was going to work forever. NOW I look and feel grear, my wife just laughs when she looks at me, in a good way, and I am never going back. I figure out the eating part, its a small price to pay! I want to grow old and see my grandkids, which wasn't going to happen before the sleeve. It's not easy, but for some of us, it was worth it!!! Good luck, it does get better, and you just need to relish in the results.
  15. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to Polara in When will I stop regretting this surgery?   
    I have bipolar disorder, and I used food as my comfort quite often, as well. What has really helped me is talking to my psychiatrist and therapist and starting to learn new coping skills that don't involve using food as a comfort or reward. It's really, really, really difficult and probably one of the hardest things I think any of us have to do...but as your mind starts to adjust bit by bit, it will gradually get better. We all got to this place because we used food as more than what it's meant for - fuel. I'm not saying that enjoying food is a bad thing or out of the question, it's just a matter of developing a new, healthier relationship with it.
    Have you tried adult colouring books? They were recommended by my therapist, and they've been a big help! It's really soothing to sit and colour in some beautiful designs. You can get them at most bookstores and on Amazon
  16. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to Kindle in When will I stop regretting this surgery?   
    My surgeon gave me a list of recommended blood tests to do at 3, 6. 12 months and annually after that. I took it to my PCP and he has taken care of all of that. My OB/Gyn actually offered to do the bloodwork, too. That's the only followup care I ever needed. I have a gastroenterologist that could have stepped in if I'd had any problems or my PCP would have referred me to a bariatric specialist.
  17. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to Polara in When will I stop regretting this surgery?   
    Trust me...it really does get better! I had an INCREDIBLE amount of "buyers' remorse" at first, especially because I had the surgery on 9 December 2015, right before Christmas! My family was amazing and tried their best to not indulge in lots of my favourite holiday foods in front of me, but that didn't stop me from having a huge breakdown on Christmas day and crying for a solid hour or so (no exaggeration!).
    As time has passed, things have become progressively easier. Yes, there are times that I want nothing more than to devour a plate of Pasta...but I know that it would make me sick (I can't really do things like Pasta, rice, and white potatoes very well...they tend to make me very ill) and that in the end, the temporary pleasure of eating it would fade. What has worked for me is focusing on the end result and all the things I *can* do now. Walking doesn't make me winded, I am never one of the largest people in the room, and I can walk into any store and purchase clothing because I am now a UK size 10 (which is a US size 6) . Those are only a few things I can think of, but in the end, the benefits have all outweighed the negatives. It's taken a few months for that to really sink in, and I do still have moments when I feel like crying because there is something I REALLY want to eat but I know it's not something that I eat anymore. The other day, I would have gone to the ends of the earth to have a cheeseburger on a bun with some fries! However, taking a deep breath and focusing on the positives that have come out of the surgery really helps me.
    I can't promise that the journey is easy, because it's not going to be. However, it will get better! Focus on the positives and look towards the future. You can do this! *Gives a big hug*
  18. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to Clementine Sky in When will I stop regretting this surgery?   
    My endocrinologist recommended the VSG to me because other patients with PCOS have benefitted from it, and has given me follow-up care. I really haven't required much beyond blood tests, which I'd need anyway for my other conditions. My surgeon gave me a list of what I should get checked, and I just gave that to my doctor.
    If you don't have a primary care physician or another local doctor, you could make an appointment with one before the surgery for an annual or a wellness check, and then ask about having blood work in six months through that office. I've actually had success finding doctors through Yelp and other online reviews. I read through the reviews, and then check on my insurance's site to make sure the ones with solid reputations are in my network, then call and make the appointment.
    Best wishes to you!
  19. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to LadyJustice007 in When will I stop regretting this surgery?   
    Holy moly! I didn't realize so many have posted! I am now 12 weeks out. I am down 54 pounds. I spent 10 days in the hospital right after I initially posted. Ended up with blood clots in my arm from a bad IV. I was so depressed so I went to a doc and he prescribed antidepressants. I started going to church and zumba too. I absolutely still regret it. I still miss food but I have realized that there is nothing I can do to take it back.
    Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to HeavenlyGirl101 in When will I stop regretting this surgery?   
    How did you find a doctor to see you if you had your surgery in Mexico? I'm going to be doing the surgery in Mexico on 8/5 and I still don't have a doctor to see in Florida when I get back. I'm getting scared Sent from my Nexus 6 using the BariatricPal App
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    Squeek2000 reacted to Kindle in When will I stop regretting this surgery?   
    I was on liquids for 34 days so I know what you mean. I kept it interesting by experimenting with different Protein powders and Torani syrups to invent new Protein shake flavors. I also added unflavored Protein to every broth and pureed/strained cream Soup I could find. I rarely had to eat the same thing more than a couple times unless I really liked to. In fact, even now I still have a Protein Shake nearly every day.
    But you'd be surprised, liquids may become your new best friend. I've been maintaining below goal for over 20 months and going back to full liquid Protein diet for a few days here and there is a great way to drop a couple pounds after eating off plan over holidays and vacations. Great tool to have.
  22. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to reachbree in When will I stop regretting this surgery?   
    I also regretted my surgery..... at the beginning. I am now just over 2 weeks post-op and feeling better. I wouldn't call it regret, but I feel a little sorrow-ish when I see food....and people eating food. It's hard to wrap your head around not being able to stuff yourself with junk again...but honestly, where would that get you?? bad health and eventually 6 feet under if its not controlled. You made this decision because you didn't want to go there and you want to live the healthiest, liveliest life you ever could. So you owe it to yourself to make this work...Follow your Dr.s plan and you can't fail. Dehydration is no good so please find a liquid that you can tolerate (Cold, Ice cold, warm, room temp) whatever, just find something that will go down easy and start drinking early in the morning. Being dehydrated makes you ill and can really make your head foggy which I think maybe adding on to how you fill now. Take care of yourself and stick with these forums,,.....we are all in the same boat and will 1 by 1, increase the population of HEALTHY citizens of our planet. Since WLS has become more popular there are less overweight people and that's a very good thing....proof that it does work.
    You have to believe in yourself!!!
  23. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to NewBeginning2016 in When will I stop regretting this surgery?   
    Two weeks out and my eyes are on the prize! I'm so over liquids and strained Soups, but my eyes are on the prize. Down 22 lbs so far and that is inspiring to myself. Take it one day at a time. Don't concentrate on what you think you're missing out on, but let what you need to do, to reach your goals, be the focus. Best wishes to each of us!
    VSG 6/17/2016
  24. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to jaxmom in When will I stop regretting this surgery?   
    After reading the last two posts I decided to share my experience. I had my sleeve done on Wednesday April 20th. I was in the hospital one night and released the next day. Yes, those two days were bad (but thanks to drugs I don't really remember them!) and there were a few ouchie days but by Monday, I was feeling fine. In fact.... I feel better than I have in years!!! I have this incredible surge of energy and no hunger. I asked my doctor yesterday at our follow up and he said it may be hormonal. Whatever it is, I hope it lasts! I almost feel like it's a dream. Every morning I wake up I feel so fortunate to have had this done because it's giving me so much control of my life. I have been running errands, working in the garden, attending swim meets for my daughter and taking care of my bees (yep I keep bees ) However I am realistic. I KNOW I may hit bumps and will have stalls- I've learned this from the wonderful veterans how share here. That being said I know there is this forum I can turn to for help and guidance in those dark days and that is a great feeling. My kids and hubby are so supportive and love seeing me this happy. I'm not kidding... I kinda feel like I got a do over. My heart hurts for those who are having such a hard time... Honest to god I wish so much that things get better. I just wanted to share my experience for those that are considering surgery... Everyone has a different experience. I wish everyone the very best. - Jen.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Like
    Squeek2000 reacted to koddie in When will I stop regretting this surgery?   
    I'm a sleeved last post op 3 weeks and also a grad student in counseling. It would help u to maybe call your doctor and ask about a support group that is near u? You can find face to face meetings great where ppl can identify with u.
    I would also call him and ask if u can go in for a check up to ease ur mind and maybe make sure nothing is wrong. It does sound like more pain than normal.
    It is a huge adjustment. I am so tired and I feel overwhelmed with making sure I eat right n waiting to drink and if I am drinking enough.
    Everyday write down or video blog for ur personal record how ur feeling. Try to think of a positive thing to balance the list out.
    Record ur feelings. Ur thoughts.
    And then go back after a few days and see if the negative thoughts r less. If not read or listen to what u said and then u will have a clear picture why u r upset.
    Maybe u will see it's the pain u r upset over and not the surgery? If the doctor can help u with the pain then keep recording ur feelings and adding negative and positive thoughts. Keep going back until u see a shift.
    If u do not see a shift after u saw ur doctor and u still feel bad then u should take ur recordings or notes to a counselor and discuses them. Work through them. No need to change them because they r your feelings. But u should understand why you have them.
    Clear thinking and understanding will help u focus on goals for ur new future. It will help ur anxiety and give u support.
    If u need me pls contact me.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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