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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    bigmamaAfrica got a reaction from Tara1992 in Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?   
    Lol! Formula feeding FTW!
    i have also enjoyed the many explosions caused about feeding programs (spoon fed vs baby self feeding) and co-sleeping...
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to TheProfessor in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    Truth - I absolutely LOVED your brag list, LipstickLady. You are so much MORE than the fat you lost, and you deserve to identify with those things fully and unreservedly! My brag list:
    I have eight wicked tattoos, some of them really big (one is a half sleeve, left arm) that NONE of which my College students know about (My tats are AWESOME SNEAKY that way).
    I hold the record for eating the most mangoes in one day in a town called Tchaourou, in Benin, West Africa. (56 mangoes, January 14th, 1993)
    Yup, those are my two brag list items that I would wish to identify with, rather than being an ex-fat person.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to fernandfj in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to leebick in Adult beverages after the sleeve?   
    At the practice where I am having my surgery, I honestly don't think it has anything to do with my medical history and the details of my particular procedure. I was told on the very first day I was there, attending a support group/info meeting, that BWLS patients are NEVER allowed to have alcohol again. Now... the surgeons weren't even there. Only one of the five NUTs was there, along with a bunch of post-surgery folks and about a dozen of those of us who were just starting our journey There is absolutely no way anyone there knew my medical history or my procedure. Heck, I hadn't even decided IF I was going to have BWLS, much less what type of surgery. I just think this practice is opposed to "wasted" calories and also cautious about the effects of alcohol on the body due to a redesigned/rerouted digestive system, so they say, "Nope, nada, never again" when it comes to alcohol.
    I can promise you that I'm not going through this surgery (VGS) to find ways to cheat the system, to try and eat all the crap that got me this fat without gaining weight, but I also know that when my daughter gets married or I'm at a family celebration or something of equal import, I am more than likely going to have a glass of wine or other adult beverage. I can avoid carbonated drinks if I must (although I love a good stout beer or Dark&Stormy), but I am 99% sure that I will not abstain from alcohol forever. Therefore, it's helpful to hear about the experiences of others who've already been down this path. I appreciate the opinions of those who have gone against what might be recommended as much as I do the experiences of those who stick to the straight and narrow. It's all information- not permission, not judgement, not edict- just information that's always handy to have.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to miss_smiles in Beer   
    Got sleeved on March 28th, so just 2.5 months post op. I have been dabbling in alcohol quite a bit. A couple of things I've noticed:
    - I was a HUGE beer drinker pre-op, the carbonation does bother me, and beer has the most calories especially the IPAs I LOVED. So now, I avoid it if I can. Will most likely try beer again in the next month or two.
    - White wine for me is life. A couple of glasses and I'm set. The acidity doesn't affect me at all, it goes down like Water. Bloody Mary's for brunch are great, but heavy so you may only be able to have one or two.
    - Liquor is also fine. Whether it is shots, or mixed with some juice (not soda). Tried Rum, Vodka, Whisky, haven't tried Tequila but I am assuming I will be fine with that as well.
    - When I drink, I usually don't have enough room to eat, so my calories in alcohol end up leveling out. Maybe some chicken or a Protein bar, other than that, I definitely do not indulge on food when I drink to maintain weight loss.
    - The buzz hits quicker, but doesn't last as long. I can have a bottle of wine, a couple of shots and still be ok in a night, you just need to pace yourself and remember to DRINK WATER! most importantly.
    Not trying to condone drinking just sharing experience. It will not stretch the stomach, but it will hinder your weight loss a bit IF you over do it. But, I'm almost 50 pounds down, so hasn't been a set back for me. Best of luck to ya'll!
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to Alex Brecher in Reminder: BariatricPal Is a Supportive Environment!   
    I am sorry to need to post this, but I don’t have much of a choice. This issue has come up too frequently in recent weeks. Many BariatricPal members have let me know that have been multiple complaints from members that posts are rude, disrespectful, or arrogant.
    That is unacceptable.
    I started BariatricPal to help weight loss surgery patients. It is a place where anyone should feel comfortable gathering information about weight loss surgery and getting support. There is no room here for negativity.
    Your use of the forums means you agree to the Forum Rules. In particular, “Disrespectful and hurtful posts are forbidden.” It is unacceptable to bash individuals for their choices or questions.
    These tips might help you stick to the guidelines.
    Not everyone has the same weight loss surgery journey. A member may post a problem or question that he or she has that you did not find to be a concern. That doesn’t mean that member is doing anything wrong in his or her weight loss surgery journey.
    You do not need to answer posts. There may be times when newer – or even veteran – members ask questions that have been discussed a million times. If you don’t think the question is worth answer for the million-and-first time, don’t answer it. Please don’t post something nasty telling the poster that they didn’t do their homework and should have found the answer themselves.
    It can be difficult to get emotions across in writing. You may write something as a joke, but a reader may not realize it. Before you post, try to read your post from the point of view of another member. Could your post accidentally be taken as rude or disrespectful?
    Try to assume the best in people. We are all here to lose weight, get healthy, and succeed in the weight loss surgery journey. Assume members are here because they need the support. Assume members are doing their best in their own way, even if it’s not the same way you would handle things. Please report any posts you feel are inappropriate. I will address them. Consequences range from editing/removal of the offensive post to temporary or permanent suspension of the member’s membership.
    I know that the vast majority of members are doing a phenomenal job being helpful, being positive, and sticking to the forum guidelines. I thank you for that. There are only a few members who are causing these hurtful situations, and I hope to take care of it.
    Thanks to everyone who keeps these forums as positive as they are.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to Alex Brecher in Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?   
    Thanks to everyone who has been contributing to this discussion in a positive way. I am sorry this discussion needs to happen at all. I try very hard to maintain a positive environment at BariatricPal.
    I do see the overly frequent negative posts, often by veterans. I understand that veterans may not have had the exact same challenges and questions as the current newbies, or that veterans feel they handled those challenges better and got their “own” answers to their questions. Maybe the veterans have (yep, it’s possible!) forgotten the minute to minute anxieties (“Can I eat this?” “Should I feel this?” “What if I didn’t hit my Protein? ” “Do I need to call my doctor?”) surrounding weight loss surgery. Maybe veterans didn’t have those particular anxieties and questions. Maybe veterans are simply sick of seeing and answering the same questions a million times.
    Guess what: you don’t have to answer! Please don’t, if you don’t have a constructive answer to add to the conversation. If you feel a question is “too stupid” for you to answer politely, don’t answer it. You’ll save yourself some time, and you won’t hurt anyone’s feelings. Someone who does feel it’s worth the time to write a helpful, positive answer will get to it eventually.
    And I know it’s not just veterans who can be rude. Please, everyone, we are all here for the same reason: to live healthier with whatever support we can get from each other. So what if there are already 105 posts on "can I eat pizza? " If you don't want to answer the 106th post, don't. Don't be rude about it.
    Please do report any posts you see as negative or hostile. I won’t tolerate them, and you shouldn’t have to, either.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to jennmonterrozo in Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?   
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to jess9395 in Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?   
    I myself come to these threads for the entertainment value! Wouldn't miss em for the world!!!
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to Clementine Sky in Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?   
    MySpace became popular when I was a teen (I know I'm dating myself here, haha), and I learned then that any gathering on the internet will inevitably have some drama, most often either because of people who take pleasure in creating it, the sense of liberty that comes when you're not in a face-to-face situation and feel less guarded and restrained, or simply due to misunderstandings that are the result of communication that lacks important cues like body language and inflection. I see the same patterns on almost every online community I've ever ventured into. There's a line from a John Green book I read years ago that I've tried to apply both to my online interactions and in my personal life - "be a filter, not a sponge." I retain what is useful to me, and try to filter out what isn't. If you view something as toxic or capable of ruining your experience on this forum or elsewhere, and you don't have any obligation to sponge it up, then try to just filter it out.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to kmorri in Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?   
    I agree with you. I totally understand that it is sometimes frustrating with folks ask questions that those of us that have been around for any length of time have seen over and over......but I don't believe those posts should prompt a sarcastic post from a vet.....just don't comment and the original poster will either get their answer from someone else or they will find it by researching on their own......there is never a need to be sarcastic to someone who is asking a question...
    Don't get me wrong there have been many posts that I've read and am very grateful the original poster can't hear my thoughts!!! haha...............but I'm a nice enough person that I'm going to either not respond to their post, or I'm going to be thoughtful when I do post and use the golden rule of "Do unto others as you'd have done to you"....just pure human kindness.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to BigViffer in Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?   
    I don't know if I am considered a vet or long time member yet, but I can relate to some of them. I have only been a member of this board for a little over a year. The number 1 thing I see that brings out the negative comments from veteran members though is newbies asking questions that have obvious answers that could be answered by either looking at a few threads only a couple of weeks old or using the search feature. Threads like:
    Soda/Pop consumption Stalls at only X weeks out Can I eat pizza? Can I drink beer? I've eaten half a deer carcass and I don't feel full I don't want to read the literature my surgeon gave me and I am too lazy to call them so I will ask the question here just like a hundred other people that have done the same. Drama queens/kings and pity partiers that don't want to change and are only looking for justification for not changing their lifestyle. In those cases, when you see them over and over and over, it's hard to either take them seriously or not be jaded. Then there are the people that create profiles merely to spam or cause uproars. Me personally, I just avoid posting for the most part. I did not join for support rather I joined for information. I have made friends with a couple and as a consequence found support, but that was a lucky result of my contribution to the forums.
    My advice, get what you need and ignore the rest.
  13. Like
    bigmamaAfrica reacted to Monie717 in Hard Boiled Eggs   
    I bought this egg cooker on QVC item #K41589 called Eggspress. I love it! Perfect eggs every time! I made so much egg salad in the 3-6 weeks post op. It also makes omelettes and poached eggs.< /p>
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to jess9395 in Hard Boiled Eggs   
    Ditto on the cold/ice Water. Easiest for me is to drain the pot, put it in the sink, dump a bunch of ice on top and then fill with cold Water from the faucet so it becomes an ice bath from the ice on top of the eggs. Easy peel and no green ring.
    I also second the not using too fresh eggs. We have chickens and if I use the eggs that are less than a week old they always stick. After a week doesn't seem to make a difference.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to CelesteMarie in Stomach stretching   
    @@sanjumelts, I am only a month out and I tend to over eat sometimes so that question was good. I was a little taken aback at the first response too, but I know kindle is a good advisor and probably didn't mean for it to sound judgmental or condescending, but anyhoo. I sometimes can feel that I've eaten too much in one sitting, even if it's no bread, Pasta, rice, etc (haven't had any of those things yet) but to the point of where I do feel full. A 6" Flatbread from subway (used to LOVE subway and would get more than one footlong to consume in a short period sometimes) doesn't seem like that much to me. I suppose that's why we are told not to consume bread if we are in the losing stage, coz it has a lot of carbs without as many nutrients. I don't work out yet and I probably could have eaten that sandwich. I would have been really full though I think. A 4oz chicken breast and some veggies would have been about the same, but less filling because of the bread. Who knows? Do what works for you and remember, there's no tone in text so sometimes we perceive one to be rude or hateful when it's really only our own perception.
    Good things come to good people.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to con con in Stomach stretching   
    Everyone is different. I'm 8 months out and I can't even consume an 80 calorie container of yogurt in one sitting. I do find if you are questioning yourself, you are probably doing that for a specific reason. Just ask your surgeon. He knows you the very best. On a side note I'm not about removing all food options from our diet. It's about being smart and mindful.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to Kindle in Sugar free ice cream?   
    I freeze Protein Shakes and eat them like ice cream. Torani syrups and different Protein powders lend themselves to unlimited flavors....chocolate Peanut Butter, vanilla almond, chocolate hazelnut, banana nut, caramel red velvet cake, cake batter and cookie dough, strawberry, raspberry cake, Irish cream, peppermint, vanilla coconut.....mmmmmm.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to goodnuff in Stalled for months   
    Similar to what I posted yesterday and as I ponder the questions @@Inner Surfer Girl posed I wonder how many of us struggle with those things, after all if I could have done even a handful of them routinely before surgery I wouldn't have needed it. However, I did commit to all of them beforehand, knowing that was what I needed to do to be successful and this was a great reminder of that commitment.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to BeagleLover in Liquid Diet Advantage or Unjury .. Which did you like?   
    The best (most absorbable) Protein is Protein isolate. Three brands are 100% isolate: unjury, Syntrax nectar & Isopure.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to kmjns in Bad food cravings, any suggestions?   
    Vanns organic taco seasoning on 90% ground beef or even ground turkey is awesome. Eat it in lettuce wraps with salsa. So yummy and healthy.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Translation help - french speakers   
    You might have better luck finding a local product that is similar than something imported from France. Maybe show the recipe to someone who makes cheese and ask them if there is a similar product.
    You might have better luck finding a local product that is similar than something imported from France. Maybe show the recipe to someone who makes cheese and ask them if there is a similar product.
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to MissMac in Translation help - french speakers   
    My mean ol' rotten ex-husband's mother was from the Netherlands (near enough to France) and they called cottage cheese "Schmierkase" pronounced "Schmear Case".
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    bigmamaAfrica got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Translation help - french speakers   
    Thanks all,
    I will give it another try at the supermarket this weekend. To complicate things fruther - I dont actually live in France, but in a francophone African country - so i am relying on what is available that has been imported from France.. sigh.
    I guess cottage cheese is not that popular so probably why it is not on the shelves here
    I wish i was talented like that @@Sharon1964! But as they say necessity is the mother of.. so who knows i may soon become a cheese making fool!
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    bigmamaAfrica reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Translation help - french speakers   
    I am not really a French speaker but I studied French in high school and college and am a bit of a Francophile, especially when it comes to movies.
    I did a quick Google search and found a couple of things that MAY help.
    Look for the brand Jockey cottage cheese in the yogurt section of a supermarket. Also, "le cottage" may be on a label (http://www.davidlebovitz.com/2011/12/le-cottage-cheese/). I also seem to recall from something I read years ago that there is a completely different name for what we call cottage cheese and that it is more rustic/country in France. I will see if I can find out more.
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    bigmamaAfrica got a reaction from 4MRB4PHOTO in Translation help - french speakers   
    Lol @4MRB4PHOTO!

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