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    KristenLe reacted to kaitlynm in Sleeve or bypass? Please give me advice!   
    The bypass only discourages sweets if you get dumping syndrome. Not everyone gets this. I initially wanted the bypass for that reason, and my surgeon left the decision to me, but I definitely felt he was pushing me towards the sleeve. Ultimately that is what I went with because of the malabsorption of Vitamins and minerals. I already have some issues with B-12 absorption. You lose weight slower with the sleeve, but my surgeon said at 2 years out the results were about the same.
    I guess it came down to risking that I could never have another piece of Birthday cake if I had the bypass and was I really willing to accept that. I wasn't. I'm happy with my sleeve so far at 6 mos out.
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    KristenLe got a reaction from kaitlynm in Surgeons Goal vs Personal Goal   
    That's a great loss in 6 months! Congrats! I hope I do as well as you!
    And I agree - 115 is an unreasonable expectation and too low.
  3. Like
    KristenLe reacted to kaitlynm in Need support .. Tempted to cancel surgery   
    Your the only one that can really answer the questions because everyone's journey is so different. Based on my experience this is how I can answer your questions:
    If you have been having great success on Optifast that may be the answer for you. I tried a medically supervised liquid diet like that and only lost 6 pounds in 3 months. I went off of it and ate Chinese food that weekend and gained 8 pounds.
    Keeping the weight off is going to be a struggle no matter what option you choose. I'm a sweet lover and every day I have to fight off those urges even with the sleeve. It has nothing to do with hunger, it is pure cravings. If you don't make an effort you can eat around your sleeve and gain the weight back.
    If you are not that big you will probably not have that much excess skin. The skin comes from loosing lots of weight and it doesn't have the elasticity to shrink back up anymore.
    I was really worried about the social aspects and business dinners, but that is not a problem at all. I still go out to eat all of the time with friends and even have a glass of wine or two. (I don't do the wine very often however). I make better choices at restaurants these days, and generally only the wait staff notice that I don't eat that much. At 6 mos out I can eat about a cup of food, depending on what it is, so there is nothing to worry about socially. A lot of times I just share food with friends. It makes it cheaper that way.
    I have had no hair loss so far and hoping to keep it that way. I do take the Bariatric Advantage multi Vitamins with Iron. It has Biotin in it as well. I also take 2 Calcium chews per day as well as get a minimum of 100g of Protein daily. I'm at 1000 calories per day because I work out 2 hours every day.
    For me I couldn't wait to have the surgery and wish I had done it many years ago. I do realize it is a lifelong commitment and only if I stick to the diet and exercise will I be able to keep the weight off. Not sure how Optifast works these days, but if it is still all liquid can, or do you want to, stay on it the rest of your life. I like having lots of choices and the sleeve allows you to do this. Plenty of healthy options out there. All you have to do is go on Pinterest and search bariatric recipes.
    Good Luck with your decision! Hope everything works out well for you.
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    KristenLe reacted to NeedaBreak4Me in Need support .. Tempted to cancel surgery   
    Thank you... i really needed that.
    I guess i know deep down that it will be a different journey to the last time... maybe i am going through the pre-surgery jitters.
    I think a big part of it is that the last time i went into it completely blind and naive... so everything was new and unexpected... maybe i am too over educated about it now... and possible complications.... ah ignorance is bliss
    Thank you for taking time out for me... i appreciate it
    Sent from my SM-G925I using the BariatricPal App
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    KristenLe got a reaction from baconsher in Dull Stomach ache 5 days post   
    It could be from both. You need to stick with your post-op diet so you avoid complications (more serious than a stomach ache). Please be careful!
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    KristenLe reacted to Nurse_Lenora in Funny observation about clothes post-surgery   
    I agree! I have sent clothing to thredUp....they send you a postage paid bag, you fill it with clothing and they pay you....I have app credit for new clothing
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    KristenLe reacted to FayBee in Surgeons Goal vs Personal Goal   
    @@Christinamo7 I guess I never pictured myself getting to 135lbs! I have this fear that even with this surgery I won't get under 200lbs even though I'm following doctors orders. It really is all in my mind!
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    KristenLe reacted to Cervidae in Dull Stomach ache 5 days post   
    You're a big girl and can make your own decisions, but keep in mind that the stages are there for a reason. At four days post op, your sutures on your stomach are extremely new and delicate. Most likely the pain you are feeling is inflammation of these sutures. It's only "dull" because most of the nerves are still numb from being severed, so most likely you aren't feeling nearly as much damage as you may be doing. You could be seriously harming your new stomach! Not to mention, a progresso can contains 18.5 ounces of Soup. So over a cup of non-strained soup... most people can't do that for a few months post-op.
    You didn't go through all this pain and effort to sabotage yourself now. You could damage your new stomach beyond repair or worse... much worse. I don't mean to sound alarmist, but you've just undergone huge abdominal surgery and you are putting your life at risk for a can of soup. You are better and stronger than that! Please take care of yourself and remember why you went through all of this and worked so hard in the first place. Good health is yours if you are willing and able to work for it. Everything leading up to the surgery was just the tip of the iceberg, and now the real work of healing and maintaining is ahead of you. But you won't ever get there if you never heal.
    I wish you the best! You are strong, and you've made it very far. You can do this. Don't give in to your head hunger.
  9. Like
    KristenLe got a reaction from ld33 in Is returning to work after 5 days reasonable?   
    Alot of places require a Drs note if out for more than 3-5 days. Be sure your Surgeon will release you that soon. I agree with @@Christinamo7 filling out FMLA paperwork is a good idea (if you're eligible). I would be very careful going back too soon.
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    KristenLe got a reaction from ld33 in Is returning to work after 5 days reasonable?   
    Alot of places require a Drs note if out for more than 3-5 days. Be sure your Surgeon will release you that soon. I agree with @@Christinamo7 filling out FMLA paperwork is a good idea (if you're eligible). I would be very careful going back too soon.
  11. Like
    KristenLe reacted to smb1966 in Before & After pics   
    This is me in my first new workout outfit. I am 6 months out from surgery here. I think that the mirror just makes you look slimmer!
    I can't believe that I am posting the second picture but oh well, I am sure that we all have seen granny panties before.

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    KristenLe reacted to dashofsunshine in Before & After pics   
    I'm a year and 5 months out, not just 5 months. Lol just making sure you didn't think I lost 172 lbs in 5 months!
    I guess my best tip would be to work on yourself mentally. There is a reason we all got to 250 or 300 lbs, a reason we needed this surgery - and a lot of it is mental. I worked with therapists, nutritionists, and groups at my hospital to repair my mind and be sure that the changes I made were for life. Other than that...follow your doctors plans, don't drink your calories, learn moderation in the way you eat. Don't label foods as "good" or "bad." food is just food. It is fuel for your body. Don't be afraid to treat yourself in moderation; learn balance. Protein first has become such a way of life for me that I don't even think about it anymore - same with checking nutrition labels.
  13. Like
    KristenLe reacted to Rainy Days in Anyone ever thought:"I can do this on my own, I don't need the sugery"   
    I thought that the first 200 times I tried to lose weight and keep it off. Now, I don't have faith in myself to keep it off without a surgical intervention.
    But the thought that motivates me to do this now is thinking about getting more unhealthy than I already am. I have high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and get tested for diabetes every 3 months because I'm real close to having it. How much more am I willing to take? If I don't have surgery now will I become someone that CAN'T have surgery later because I'm too unhealthy from heart disease or whatever? I don't want to chance it. And I don't want to wait any longer to finally have the life I really want.
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    KristenLe reacted to BayougirlMrsS in Before & After pics   
    Patricia.... I hope you don't take this wrong... But, you should stop saying... I only lost 13lbs... Girl you lost 13lbs. in one month... that is amazing. Think how long that would have taken you doing any other diet.... Your doing great. I remember when i said that... Many years ago, and was depressed when i saw everyone else losing fast and i wasn't... then a friend gave them the same advice to stop saying the word... ONLY.... Now im glad for the slow loss... my skin was able to go back better and as a result i only had to have a tt. My advice to you, not that you asked.... But, start hitting the gym if you haven't already. I started with Zumba... and progressed from there.
    Remember we all gained weight differently and we all lose differently..... but the main focus is you and your WL journey...
    I have this quote on my mirror in my bathroom because i was always comparing my self to others. There will always be someone prettier and thinner.. But there will always be someone less attractive and largger.... Envy is the Thief of Happiness....
  15. Like
    KristenLe reacted to Katrinakit in How long does it take to fall in love?   
    The last guy I dated, I was with for over a year when I learned he had lied about his name and age and failed to mention that he was a registered sex offender due to multiple felonies involving under aged girls so I really know how to pick them (or maybe they know how to pick me because those are the guys that ask me out!)
  16. Like
    KristenLe reacted to KATEJ71 in Newbie .. Surgery buddy ? Advice?   
    "...I've been told directly to my face by a woman who absolutely loved my personality that she could never date me because of my size alone. She continued to tell me about how much of an amazing connection she felt to me for a few years, but never once considered rethinking her stance."
    @@Sandi73, I seriously hope you kicked that judgmental ****** to the curb...no one needs that kind of passive-aggressive negativity...(like oh, you COULD have a relationship with ME if only YOU looked a CERTAIN way)...pffft, who is this chick, the Gods gift to women? There's no reason you should stop yourself from looking...the right person is out there...trust me, if I could find someone...so can you...and that person should love you no matter what you look like...I mean, you can be skinny all you want and still be ugly (case in point).
  17. Like
    KristenLe reacted to Kelly84 in Liquid diet day 2-STRUGGLING   
    My doc said I could use unsweetened almond milk instead of Water with the shakes. And I have been drinking Isopure Water. 40gm Protein and it counts as water. It's rough but I am hanging in there. I was drinking broth from chicken noodle Soup yesterday and when I got finished I chewed up the noodles and spit them out just for the sensation. I am pathetic
    At Sonic. The fast food drive in FatKellyRN>soontobe<SleeveKellyRN
  18. Like
    KristenLe reacted to AnA92212 in 6 weeks post op I want to be down more   
    You will get there! I still get frustrated but it is so worth it. This time last year I would never have dreamed that I would be a size 6! I am so much healthier than I was.
  19. Like
    KristenLe reacted to theotherfatgirl in Dr. says 40 is too young...help   
    I'm only 26 and my doctors all 405050 of them are more excited than I am
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    KristenLe reacted to LeeRN in Dr. says 40 is too young...help   
    Honestly, I would get a 2nd and 3rd opinion on that. Is it possible that he prefers the more frequent visits (hence more frequent payments) that come with the Lap Band? I hate to think that way but money making is a big motivator for many physicians.
  21. Like
    KristenLe reacted to CowgirlJane in How long does it take to fall in love?   
    You have posted before mentioning scent /pheromones and I kinda dismissed it...or rather didn't relate to it. You will laugh when I say I thought of you when I realized it is true!
    My love interest does not wear cologne and is very clean ... I would say he doesn't have a detectable scent. The other evening I was snuggled next to him and took a deep breath in and was conscious that it made me feel good. Triggered some kind of chemical reaction in my brain... so I must experience a scent even though I can't name it. I was already relaxed and content but that made me feel even more so... it made me feel secure and like I belonged there.
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
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    KristenLe reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Letting Go of Fear   
    This was on Facebook today and I thought some folks might find it helpful. This is from one of my favorite books.< /p>
    "The Language of Letting Go
    April 12th, 2016
    Letting Go of Fear
    Picture yourself swimming floating - peacefully down a gentle stream. All you need to do is breathe, relax, and go with the flow.
    Suddenly, you become conscious of your situation. Frightened, overwhelmed with "what if's?" your body tenses. You begin to thrash around, frantically looking for something to grab on to.
    You panic so hard you start to go under. Then you remember - you're working too hard at this. You don't need to panic. All you need to do is breathe, relax, and go with the flow. You won't drown.
    Panic is our great enemy.
    We don't need to become desperate. If overwhelming problems appear in our life, we need to stop struggling. We can tread Water for a bit, until our equilibrium returns. Then we can go back to floating peacefully down the gentle stream. It is our stream. It is a safe stream. Our course has been charted. All is well.
    Today, I will relax, breathe, and go with the flow."
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    KristenLe got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in The Human Cost to Insurance Not Covering WLS Surgery in the US   
    I'm sorry for your loss! It truly is messed up and priorities are backwards!
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    KristenLe reacted to crazygoose in I'm going to scream....   
    Yeah don't listen to people who tell you to stop losing weight. I can see if you were in mid onederland or something but 300 lbs. Yeah it's bizarre that they'd say that. Plain and simple they are full of it and just want to keep you from succeeding either that or they're being phony. I'm relatively new to the weight loss surgery game but I think life has a messed up way of trying to bring you down when you're winning and people can be down right evil. Just ignore them or make them feel stupid if it annoys you that much but you keep going toward your goal and don't let anyone's bs hold you back. Do not listen to them I don't think they have good intentions. I think they're just trying to throw wrenches in your plan.
  25. Like
    KristenLe reacted to sbg224 in The second most painful experience of my life..omg...this was bad   
    I first guessed gallbladder, thats how my pain sounded. The only way my surgeon will let me take nsaids, just had total knee done, is if I take carafate three times a day, it protects the stomach, good luck, feel better

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