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    sja reacted to kate_0329 in Pregnancy following Gastric Bypass - Join in 😁   
    I found out I was pregnant at 11 months post OP from the sleeve. I ended up gaining 17lbs during the pregnancy. 28 weeks you have to be tested for gestational diabetes. I didn't want to drink the glucola drink so I opted to test my blood sugars. At 34 weeks they gave me the diagnosis of gestational diabetes, because I had slightly high fasting sugars (100, when the cut off is 94) they wanted me to get extra ultrasounds and meet with a high risk OB. Mind you I was livid at this point. There was already talk of being induced early for high blood pressure (130/80s which was norm, for me even before pregnancy) and now they wanted me to go on metformin. I had a growth ultrasound at 35 weeks, nugget was only 5lbs 2oz. I was induced at 37 weeks and 3 days, gave birth to a 5 lbs 6oz baby girl. She's 10 weeks old now, breastfeeding like a champ! I've lost 28lbs, wanting to loose another 50, but not wanting it to affect my BM supply.
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    sja reacted to Meryline in Still obese   
    This person is obese
    This highlights how absurd BMI is. This picture is from last Monday. I was 183 lbs. BMI 30.5 I think it was. Obese class 1. When I look at that picture, I don't look obese, I don't feel obese. I don't consider myself obese. I started with an BMI of 42+, obese class 2.
    I have another 31 lbs to loose to reach a normal BMI. It might not happen and I'm okay with that. I have lost 74.5 lbs since two weeks before surgery (surgery date 3.20.17)

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    sja reacted to The New Kel in Any regrets?   
    My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. I'm finally living life!
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    sja reacted to sharonintx in Smoking !   
    I never quit. I've already been scolded here a lot so I'm quite aware of popular opinion. Thus far I've had no bad consequences.
    I'll also smoke some weed if I want.
    No problems.
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    sja got a reaction from sweesee in Any regrets?   
    My only regret was waiting so long to have it. I'd talked about it for 5 years. I could have had 5 amazing years added to my life instead of miserable ones. I was headed for diabetes, my blood pressure was rising and I knew I was headed for many health issues if I didn't do the surgery. I couldn't keep living that way. Everyone has their tipping point. If you're not at that point, you may not be ready. I asked myself "am I willing to die?" After I asked my doctor how many patients he has done the surgery on and how many died. And my answer was "yes." So for me, it was time.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. Like
    sja got a reaction from cwcoulter724 in 100 pounds gone in 7 months   
    You look great! I'm down 80lbs in 9 months. I hope to hit 100 by my 12 mo mark.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    sja reacted to mlbdl in Any regrets?   
    I have no regrets. My sleeve was 6/30/16. I researched for 7 months while going through the insurance process. I read a lot on this forum - the happiness and the regrets. I attended every support group and nutrition lecture my surgeon's office offered before my surgery every month for 6 months. I was often the ONLY pre-surgical patient in the room. When I attend now, I feel sorry for those post-op folks that didn't attend - they are very uninformed, and are struggling more than I did. Did I struggle? Yes, but I had resources immediately available because I researched and planned ahead of time.
    The nutrition lectures were/are especially valuable. The medical community has learned so much about this wonderful Bariatric/metabolic surgery, especially in the last 10-15 years. Nutritionist that specialize in Bariatrics are so much more reliable than ones that don't, and are better at knowing what to do in certain food-specific situations than many of the surgeons. The surgeons cut and rearrange. The NUTs know how to handle the chemical reactions our bodies have with the food.
    I also cannot emphasize enough how important it is to get a psychological evaluation before the surgery. Not as a pass/fail test, but to help you identify possible strengths and challenges you may face. It may also help you decide whether you want to more forward. After all, you can continue the process and cancel the day before if it just doesn't feel right to you. I continued seeing the "food shrink" as I call him, and it's one of the main things I contribute to my success. He and I agreed that my main challenge would be, and continues to be, body image and anger at how people treated me/now treat me rather than the food. It's what the evaluation showed and it's what I predicted. My evaluation showed that although I was in the 90+ percentile of wanting the surgery and being prepared for it (and I don't remember exactly how he termed it) I was also in the same percentile for anxiety about it. He said that was very unusual. Most people that want it as much as I did would be in the 60th percentile for anxiety.
    Long story short, with my family history of diabetes, including blindness and loss of limbs, and my own history of hypothyroidism and PCOS, I was done torturing myself with diets that just wouldn't work. Dieting has a 2% success rate. Bariatric/metabolic surgery has a 80% success rate. That's a 98%/20% failure rate, respectively. I'll take those numbers any day.
    Just do your research and your soul searching. I wasn't ready 13 years ago when I was thinking about the band. I'm glad I didn't do that. But I'm thrilled that I did the VSG.
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    sja got a reaction from SarahSleeve in Vacation 3-4 weeks post op?   
    I had my sleeve 2/23/16 and went on vacation 3/17/16. Eating was an issue! I also got tired more quickly, because I couldn't eat much. I was transitioning to soft food at that time, and it's hard to find things like ricotta cheese with marinara when you go out! Luckily, we rented a condo and I was able to eat things like apple sauce and yogurt, at the rental. My advice would be to push the surgery off until after vacation. Have fun! Eat, drink, etc. and enjoy it. It will not be as fun if you have the surgery before, I guarantee.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. Like
    sja reacted to Ron Love in Carbonated beverages   
    It is painful

    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App

  10. Like
    sja reacted to Dub in Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?   
    Had a Diet Pepsi at 11 months out.
    Was during a working lunch.
    Two minutes after finishing it off.......was my turn to address the group.
    Carbonation was not fun. Thought I was gonna hurl the entire time....Every time I opened my mouth to speak it felt like bubbles were gonna fly outa my mouth.
    Surgeon gave me the okay to have Diet Dews if I wanted them (6th month appointment). He said, "Sure...give 'em a try if you can tolerate them". I think it was a setup. Tha brotha knew I'd not be able to.
    I'm perfectly okay with Water & coffee.
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    sja reacted to 4MRB4PHOTO in Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?   
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    sja reacted to Babbs in Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?   
    I've known some VERY knowledgeable pre ops and newbies, and I would be lying if I said I never have learned anything from them. That's what's awesome about sites like these, everyone can contribute something to our shared experiences.
    @@KristenLe comes to mind. In my opinion, one of the most knowledgeable pre ops I've seen, and I'm sure others would agree. She had surgery this week, and admitted as knowledgeable and prepared as she was, it wasn't quite what she expected.
    It's kind of like before having kids. We ALL know what's best for other people's kids.....until we have our own. The experience is much different than the expectation, and we soon find out what was best for their kids may not be what's best for ours. Experience tells us that.
    Your opinions are welcome, but don't tsk tsk and wag your finger at others who obviously have more experience than you and pretend to know what's best for THEM. Not only is it kind of ironic, it's actually pretty rude and presumptuous.
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    sja reacted to Joy@boman in Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?   
    As far as "fake sugars go" isnt there just as much in the premade Protein drinks, diet puddings, and other sugar free things. sugar free anything makes me sick so I am panicked as to how I am going to choke down these Protein shakes and yogurts.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    sja reacted to jess9395 in Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?   
    I still can't drink it almost three years out. ouch!
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    sja reacted to Montana Gal in Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?   
    Like @@Bufflehead, I tried a few times and it just doesn't agree with me.
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    sja reacted to Bufflehead in Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?   
    No, I've tried a couple of times with carbonated drinks post-op and both times it was extremely physically uncomfortable.
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    sja reacted to bekah7482 in Any regrets?   
    Not to mention, I am more likely to be sick or die from obesity then I am from weight loss surgery.

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    sja reacted to Berry78 in Any regrets?   
    I think what it boils down to is this:
    This is a risky surgery. Obesity is also risky. It is up to the individual to decide which risk they are willing to live with.... or whether they should just exercise more and eat less, and not endure either.
    There are criteria for those that get the procedure. High BMI, comorbidities, previous attempts at weight loss. Surgery truly is designed to be a last resort.
    I have told my family members, "I would rather die young (38) while trying to better myself, then to continue on the same course, ending up like those around me (strokes, diabetes, etc)." They are aware of the risks, and are afraid, but they won't stand in my way either. After all, what if everything goes great, and I get my life back? Do they really want to stop that from happening?
    We do need to hear the voices of those that suffer and die. But, mostly those voices ARE heard through statistics and forums such as this.
    Mr. Divine, I believe you are suffering from survivor's guilt. You are healthy and well, but the plight of those that weren't so lucky is resting heavily upon you. Perhaps speaking with a counselor can help you work through these difficult feelings. I wish you well in your journey.

  19. Like
    sja reacted to My Bariatric Life in Any regrets?   
    I had the gastric bypass in 2003. For the past two years I have been having digestive disorder. Despite multi modal treatments with an array of healthcare providers, my condition has gotten worse rather than improved. It is owing to the malabsorptive component of the gastric bypass. I would suggest people explore the long term effects of malabsorption (obviously not a consideration with the sleeve). I know of people who have lost their teeth and hair, too.
    In hindsight, I really don't know why the medical community did not foresee the long term effects of NOT absorbing 20% or more of the vital nutrients your body needs.
    My Bariatric Life
    Publisher of
    www.MyBariatricLife.org online bariatric magazine
  20. Like
    sja reacted to danaymacklin in Any regrets?   
    Congrats! Yes very normal. On surgery day it becomes so real but you have to know your WHY and remind yourself of it then and even after until you start achieving various desired results. All the best!
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    sja reacted to kimberb in Vacation 3-4 weeks post op?   
    I'm a week post op. So far I've been very blessed and haven't experienced any nausea or gas pains. I am very tender around abdomen and tired. I would say schedule vacation for after vacation. I don't think you will get to enjoy it right after surgery. You'll be out of your comfort zone. Want to sleep. Riding in car for long distance will be no fun. You won't enjoy vacation and the rest of the family probably won't either.
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    sja reacted to kimberb in Vacation 3-4 weeks post op?   
    Schedule surgery after vacation.
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    sja reacted to NWJill in Vacation 3-4 weeks post op?   
    I had a business trip at 4 weeks post op and it went fine. I was even able to swim in the hotel pool. It is hard to know how you will feel, everyone is different. The hardest part of my trip was eating, it would be good to find a hotel with a mini kitchen kind of set up as it is hard to eat out at that stage. I was cleared by my surgeon for soft foods right before my trip but it is still hard
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    sja reacted to Minimel in WAS TOTALLY AGAINST PLASTIC SURGERY UNTIL I WOKE UP....   
    Mine just keep getting longer but I think I'll just keep slinging them up with a bra. My arm wings on the other hand have got to go.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Like
    sja reacted to GeekMomChanging in Almost a year post-op   
    It took me two years to lose the 100 pounds that I needed to lose. I needed to change things up often in order to keep my body from getting too used to the program. Try varying your daily calorie count, vary your exercise, increase the intensity of your exercise, add a fast day and add a day with a higher carb count. Mix things up. It worked for me but it took time. As long as each year is a little lighter and healthier than the year before, you are on the right track.

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