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    beckygensel reacted to shrinkingnicola in My mind is completely sabotaging me!   
    My goodness, people have been responding to this and I didn't know ... I hadn't been receiving notifications. I'm just stopping in to give folks an update. I wanted to thank everyone for their input and feedback. I've made some changes and have been feeling more in control of my ability to follow through - that's what it's all about, I think. At least for me, that's why I had the surgery in the first place, because I'd felt so out of control of my weight and my health. I figured having the surgery would make enough of a bodily and emotional shift to put the ball back in my court. But it's so easy to let things spiral out of control again so nothing in my life feels manageable. So I'm working on some of the things I discussed with folks over the weekend and getting back on track. I'm a raging b!+€h, I think because of sugar detox???? and also hormones, but that's just a passing problem. I'm glad I've identified it. That does happen, right ... Sugar detox rage / blues / crankiness???? Time to work on the meditation thing? Thank you all so much again for your support. I'll read the new responses as soon as I can.
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    beckygensel got a reaction from shrinkingnicola in My mind is completely sabotaging me!   
    A good book for the spiritual battle of this is Made To Crave by Lysa Terkquirst (sp?)
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App
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    beckygensel reacted to Dub in Today. Was. Rough.   
    You did great.
    Hang in there and KNOW FOR A FACT that it get's much, much easier.
    Skip over the rubbish gloom and doom posts of regret and sorrow. That's a battle for someone else to fight.
    Your's is the good fight......righteous in that it will deliver your health and peace of mind.
    Easier days are ahead and you'll have that steak and many other tasty items. Everything tastes better in the future, too.....because it's guild free as you are sticking with your plan and getting strong results.
    Good days ahead.....even better, too, that he's showing support at a strong level by cutting out the junk himself. Good dude.
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    beckygensel reacted to Dub in Today. Was. Rough.   
    I hope he appreciated what you endured for him.
    I've always enjoyed cooking/grilling.
    I simply ceased all that for a two months of time bracketing my pre-op 14 day liquid diet and the 6 weeks after surgery. Staying out of the kitchen made things easier for me.
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    beckygensel reacted to madisunshine1 in Today. Was. Rough.   
    also to add. Today was kinda cool though, i realized I can Celebrate and go to the movies and I don't "have" to eat the food there. Currently drinking my Protein drink. Ha.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    beckygensel reacted to madisunshine1 in Today. Was. Rough.   
    Today was my husbands 30th birthday. I made New York strip steaks, potatoes, and fresh green Beans followed by german chocolate cake. And I didn't have one bite. Obviously. I'm 11 days post op. It was hard. Really hard. I've realized how much celebrations are surrounded by food. Then I took him to a movie. It was the first I think I've ever been to a movie and didn't get popcorn. That was hard too. I know I'll eat steak and pop corn again. But it's seriously like mourning a loss of a friend. Food was a friend. Anyway, hope you can all relate. I know this is worth it. There are just really hard times.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    beckygensel reacted to ididit34 in Wow! NSV relating to clothing and other things!   
    Ok, so I was barely squeezing into a 30/32 in avenue women's clothing prior to surgery. So at about 10 months post-op, I went to lane bryant's during a sale and decided to buy a size 18/20 (I've always been hourglass/pear shape), thinking, these pants will probably last me through thanksgiving (I've experienced too big pants that look like you 're carrying a load of something really unpleasant around in the gluteal area), and those joints fit....I mean they fit like the fit will only last about a month of two; what a NSV for me! Another NSV is two other people sitting next to me on the NYC MTA subway (ok so they, not the fattest person, but two other people on a three sitter is an NSV for me!).
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    beckygensel reacted to CLN.BK in Wow! NSV relating to clothing and other things!   
    Congrats! I'm looking forward to the day when people no longer avoid sitting next to me on the subway or bus due to the fact that I take up 1.5 seats.
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    beckygensel reacted to lessismore2297 in The struggle is real and why I'm going through with it.   
    Some people don't understand that the struggle is real. I've been a yo-yo dieter my entire adult life and this is the absolute last resort for me. It amazes me how people know my body better than i do. They tell me that I don't need the surgery!!!!! Yeah they know my body better than my doctor and I. Ok rant over thanks for listening.
    Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App
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    beckygensel reacted to ramona5555 in The struggle is real and why I'm going through with it.   
    Makes me feel not so bad about my weight loss failures to see that so many have the same problem. I'm not alone. My surgery date is Aug 22...good luck to all of you!
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using the BariatricPal App
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    beckygensel reacted to walkermy in The struggle is real and why I'm going through with it.   
    Here I am less than 36 hours before I take my seat on the losers bench. Currently on day 12 on my 14 day liquid diet. Pause to knock on wood, I made it with out cheating and no major craving episodes. Hopped on the scale this morning and I'm down 14 lbs since my pre-op visit, 36 since I started this journey in March 2016. Someone today applauded my weight loss and commented, that if I can do this without surgery, why am I having surgery. Well my friend I said with a smile on my face. These 5 months have prepared me for the rest of my life. See, I've lost massive amounts of weight before, once I took phentermine and lost about 50 lbs, of course when I got off the drug I gained about seventy. About 7 years ago I went on a high Protein, low carb diet, joined a gym and exercised 6 days a week. I lost a whopping 90 lbs, of course along came a job change, a new roommate, a change in habits.... and I gained 110, imagine going to bed one night wearing a size 10 and waking up in the morning wearing a size 22. I know it didn't happen like that, but that's what it felt like happened. See yo yo dieting is real, the struggle is real, and the mind and body play tricks on you. Each time you lose and gain your metabolism slows, your mind tricks you into craving the sweet, the fatty, the salty. Your body wants more, and it stores more (fat that is). That's only part of my story, but you get the drift. I've gone through it, and that's why I am going through with it.
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    beckygensel reacted to Alex Brecher in The Brain Drain: Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?   
    @Elizabeth Anderson RD,
    Thanks for this great article! It addresses something very important: what happens after the honeymoon when some of the doubts can creep back in?
    You have hit on some great points. The questions of “Why me?” and “Why is it easier for everyone else?” can be so destructive. It doesn’t matter why me, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s hard or easy for everyone else (by the way – it’s probably hard for everyone else! – the WLS patient may just may not realize it!). What matters is what you do about it.
    You also make a good point about recognizing and believing that this time is different, that this time you have the tools to succeed whereas before you didn’t. Even though this can be hard to remember and feel sometimes, since the journey never actually gets easy, it is true, and we need to believe it and act on it – that we can do this.
    Thanks for the article.
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    beckygensel reacted to smallbmi in Need Help With Working Out / Training - Clueless.   
    Call the gyms in your area, talk to them , also another suggestion is to do a class like a booty fit , or a boot camp- many of these classes uses your own body weight and can help you with positioning, some indoor classes uses small weights like 2-15 lbs as well - so see what's in your neck of woods and choices of support , and make your decision from there in my opinion anyhow
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    beckygensel reacted to smg in Need Help With Working Out / Training - Clueless.   
    A trainer is always a good option for beginners as they don't just tell you what to do but show you how to do it...which is just as important, if not more important...especially for avoiding injury.
    There is also a site where you can either build custom workouts or choose pre-made workouts for various muscle groups and each exercise is illustrated to show you the proper technique as well. Many of the exercises can be done at home with no equipment or minimal equipment if you want to invest in a workout ball, bosu ball, or resistance bands/dumbbells. It's a great resource. It's called workoutlabs.com
    Best of luck.
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    beckygensel reacted to Fredbear in Need Help With Working Out / Training - Clueless.   
    Get a trainer. You're just going to injure yourself without guidance. It doesn't have to be a ton of sessions, just have the trainer teach you how to start and go from there.
    "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
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    beckygensel reacted to NeedaBreak4Me in Need Help With Working Out / Training - Clueless.   
    I know this is posted in the "mens room".. but ill put my 2c worth anyway.
    If you have not been exercising you should build up to it, otherwise you will be sore and could possiby injure yourself if you do too much too quick...
    Start by doing cardio, walking and a pace that is vigorous enough that you have to slightly catch your breath to have a conversation...
    Then once this gets easier increase the incline and speed.. when you get to the point that it is no longer a struggle, alternate between cardio and weights...
    Aim to exercise 4-5 times a week, allow yourself 2 rest days, preferably after your weight training days.
    If you can afford it, perhaps meet with a personal trainer to create a plan for you... and to teach you to lift properly and give you the right amount of repetitions for each target area.
    If hiring a trainer is not possible... invest in a range of hand weights, dumbells, kettlebells and resistance bands....( there are literally hundreds of videos on youtube that have info on what to do and reps required.. just search for the target areas... bodybuilding.com has some good advice too.
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    beckygensel reacted to KimDawn in Today is my 1 year surgiversary!   
    Here are before and after. The latter taken July 5, 2016 at 118 lbs.

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    beckygensel reacted to Jasmine Smith in Update: 9 months post op   
    Hey guys...it has been a while since I posted. Life has been great. I've actually become this fitness fanatic. I love working out now...never saw that coming. My RNY changed my life and I'm so grateful. Still have a ways to go but I'm so happy with my progress. Starting weight 519lbs...surgery weight 428lbs...current weight 262lbs[emoji123] 
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    beckygensel reacted to SilentBotts in Big NSV Today!   
    Met with my urologist this morning and I am now officially off my meds for low testosterone!!!
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    beckygensel reacted to Daniel2015 in Surgiversary today! Sharing before & after pics.   
    Hey friends!
    One year ago I started my journey to health & fitness. I began at 504 lbs., and currently weigh 232 lbs. I've lost 272 lbs this year. I'm going to Celebrate with some plastic surgery in the coming months.
    I live outside of KC, MO. My surgeon was/is tremendous, and this forum has been also been so inspiring.
    I've gained insight and perspective as you've shared your journeys with me...so, I thought I'd share back! :-)
    All the best to each of you!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    beckygensel reacted to Cape Crooner in October 2015 Peeps......where U be ? What it is ?   
    Thanks @@Dub for starting this thread. I always feel like we're coming from a similar place.
    I hit my goal really quickly by doing exactly what I should for the first 6 months (starting right after my post orientation weigh in).
    I've been on maintenance since March 3rd and only gone over goal a few times and immediately go back on my post opt routine. So far that gets me back under goal in one day!
    Summer on the Cape has really been a test, but as you say, the sleeve is a beast. Last night I ordered a pizza and had two beers. The pizza was really thin and I had three small pieces (probably 8 ounces). I've only had pizza a few times and it's fine. I'm not having trouble with complex carbs/starches, I just have really watch simple carbs/sugars.
    I never dreamt that I could live life this way - unbelievable!
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    beckygensel reacted to jintycb in October 2015 Peeps......where U be ? What it is ?   
    Hi October pals. Nearly 59lbs down and 24 to go. Loving feeling the way that so do. Stuck in a mini stall but do I care? Nope. June 9 '15 was the date that a pic was taken that showed me looking like a barrage balloon at ballet company (that I was in during the 70s) reunion. That was the straw that broke this camel's back. I feel GREAT. I'm costing my husband a fortune in new clothes and shoes as wearing stylish, fun things for the first time in years is just giving me such a buzz!!!!! He hasn't quite sussed my on-line shopping spree yet as I'm still dazzling him with my colour schemes!!!!!!!!! God help me when he realises that I am no longer wearing camouflage tents!!!!!!!!
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    beckygensel reacted to chrisredjeep in October 2015 Peeps......where U be ? What it is ?   
    You are so right about the sugary things! I do my best to keep away from carbs and sugary things because one is never enough! Better for me to avoid . You are doing great anyway so all the best from me in sunny Wales uk
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    beckygensel reacted to justhere4theshow in plateaus and other ungodly events.   
    Oh goodness you are indeed tripping!! 8 DAYS. You will need to heal and adjust before you start dropping any meaningful weight. I know you want it now, because I did, too. Your main concern this early should be Water and Protein. You will see results when things get settled down. Just follow your doctor's instructions and stick with your plan. It will happen.
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    beckygensel reacted to KristenLe in plateaus and other ungodly events.   
    @@tanktalken You're just tripping! ???? Weight fluctuates - you really can't go by the scale this early out! Stick to your plan and the weight will come off. Starting at a lower BMI than many of us - it could be a little slower. You'll get to your goal!

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