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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to JamieLogical in Friday NSV roll call!   
    Ha! I bet he wishes you had NSVs like that every day!
  2. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to Cervidae in Friday NSV roll call!   
    I was able to wrap an average towel all the way around me. I was so excited that I ran through the apartment naked to show my boyfriend.
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    MimiBMe reacted to Nurse_Lenora in Friday NSV roll call!   
    Oh, I also BUTTONED MY LAB COAT! All the way because I was cold...????
    Never before...maybe 1-2 buttons at the top but never entire coat and where buttons don't look like they are straining ready to pop like Violet in Willy wonka!
  4. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to tappingmom in Friday NSV roll call!   
    I bagged up 2 sizes of clothing to take to our local resale shop. For the first time ever I didn't hesitate thinking that I should at least keep a couple things in case I gain the weight back again. And then I dug through my box of clothes that I know I can now fit into and got rid of most of those, too. They were unattractive clothes that I bought as I was gaining weight to try and get by. No more! From now on I am only going to wear clothing that looks good and makes me feel good.
  5. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to Margie122 in Friday NSV roll call!   
    My NSV for this week continues to be that I can do SO MUCH MORE than I could at my highest weight. I'm down several sizes, I can shop in "regular" stores, and I cross my legs every day!
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    MimiBMe reacted to BobbyD in Friday NSV roll call!   
    When I started this journey I was in 3X shirts. A short 3.5 months later and I am in a Large shirt. It makes the stall seem less significant.
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    MimiBMe reacted to SeahawksFan in Friday NSV roll call!   
    I went and got a new drivers license and when they were updating my information and got to the weight they were like Wow you do need to update that. I've been at goal for about a year so it was nice to finally get it updated.
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    MimiBMe reacted to ProudGrammy in Friday NSV roll call!   
    continuing to enjoy my wonderful life
    today, tomorrow, and always
  9. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to Amylou in Friday NSV roll call!   
    Went shopping in a normal (not plus) sized store and even some of their clothing was too big!!
    Running into someone I worked with two years ago and they didn't recognize me.
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    MimiBMe reacted to RILEYSMOM22 in Friday NSV roll call!   
    Wearing a sweater that wasn't "plus size"!!
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    MimiBMe reacted to Pillar2butterfly in Friday NSV roll call!   
    Fitting back into a size 14 again!
  12. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to CynthiaAnn in PBS Weight Loss Surgery Documentary   
    Have any of you watched the advertised documentary? I found it terribly depressing. I felt it to be sad that several of the young women were trying to convince themselves that being obese was a good thing. Also, so many were having the lap band and my surgeon will not even consider doing the band any more, feeling it did not offer the chance of success that the sleeve and by-pass surgeries provide . I can't pinpoint what else bothered me, but I need to read or watch something light and positive after watching that! Any thoughts???
  13. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to borg/assimilated in All Of Me. Wow.   
    I hated this documentary. I couldn't relate to the women ( except perhaps the one who had surgery and lost a lot of weight and was working hard at it). I thought those women were disgusting and most of their lives depressing and pathetic. Hmmmm am I being too harsh? I just cannot find any sympathy, and usually I am not that unfeeling. I was relieved when it was finished.
  14. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to sleevedinseptember in How Do You Like to Be Complimented?   
    This is such a great question and I don't know if I have a good answer for it. I thought I would be happy to receive compliments and have people notice my weightless but so far whenever anyone has mentioned it, whether friends or family
    I have been deeply uncomfortable.
    And not because of how they have said it or anything like that - I think I'm struggling with some mental and emotional stuff around this weight loss thing (and the loss of protection that my fat provided me) which is surprising me.
    Ideally, I think I would like people to not say anything but if they feel so moved then a simple it's good to see you and you look great would do.
  15. Like
    MimiBMe got a reaction from CynthiaAnn in Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!   
    Skinny Pop was a great find for me- a popcorn lover! I buy mine in individual 100- calories bags at costco.< /p>
  16. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Exercise and Plateaus   
    I found it reassuring. The way I read it, moderate, sane exercise is optimal: spending hours and hours in the gym isn't healthier. I keep seeing visions of those poor, tortured souls on The Biggest Loser futilely shaking those ropes for hours.
  17. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to CynthiaAnn in Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!   
    Skinny Pop popcorn!
  18. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to Kindle in "Exercising" your self control   
    I read so many posts from people who go out of their way to avoid temptation. They don't attend certain parties or events because there will be too many tempting foods. They don't go out to restaurants or movies with friends. They don't eat with or cook for their families. And in trying to avoid temptation they may be missing out on a lot of fun stuff. Eventually, a lot of people end up caving in to their temptations, resorting back to old habits and either never reach goal or regain their lost weight. So how are you supposed to strengthen your willpower and self control if you never exercise or test them? How do you learn new habits without attending "school".
    IMHO it's the same thing as exercising your body or mind. How can you build muscle without picking up some weights? How do you train for a marathon without running everyday? How do you win a spelling bee without opening a dictionary?
    I realized that I specifically put myself in situations where I know I will face temptation just to be able to put my willpower to the test. I go to events that I know people will be partying and I stand by the food table and drink Water all night. I look at the dessert menu but don't order. I walk down the candy and chip aisles in the grocery store. I linger in the bakery department. And whenever I feel like my willpower is fading or I find myself eating off track I put myself back on the liquid preop diet for a few days just to prove I can do it. We all know how hard it was the first time around, but doing it again voluntarily really boosts my confidence and ability to succeed.
    Just like when you cheat, it makes it easier to cheat the next time, saying no makes it easier to say no the next time....you get better at making good choices. You build up your immunity against temptation. So I say don't run away from those food demons, turn and face them head on! You have to train your brain and get in fighting shape in order to win those long term head games.
  19. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to AvaFern in Drinking with meals?   
    Lol, I didn't ever subscribe to this particular "rule". I cannot eat with a dry mouth and I refused to spend my entire life doing so. The reason this rule exists is so that you don't wash down all the food in your stomach and then end up eating more. If you monitor your portions, then you're fine. There's no real medical reason to not drink while you eat, it just makes it easier to eat less food.< /p>
    I'm 28 months post-op, I've been at goal for 10 months, and there is literally not a single meal in the entire 28 months since surgery that I did not drink with it. Life is for living and dry mouthed meals are not living, haha.
  20. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to lupelane in What does "success" look like to you?   
    Being able to paint my toenails
    Being able to have better hygiene
    Not having rashes under my stomach fold
    Being able to ride a roller coaster without fear that I won't fit
    Being able to play outside with my teenagers
    Being able to be more intimate with my hubby
    Being able to shop confidently
    Not having to wear these fat clothes that make me feel 20 years older than I am
    Being able to eat normal portions and be satisfied
    Getting rid of my joint pain
    Feeling less self conscious when going to the beach
    Vacationing without limits

  21. Like
    MimiBMe got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Honest Opinions Needed -- photo included   
    The choice is clear. I just like voting! Black and white!
  22. Like
    MimiBMe got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Honest Opinions Needed -- photo included   
    The choice is clear. I just like voting! Black and white!
  23. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Do you use tools like My Fitness Pal, Fitbit, etc?   
    I know a lot of people love MFP, but I am not a fan.
    I have a fitbit and I use Lifesum to track my food because it allows for different types of diets and make suggestions off those diets for you. I follow a ketogenic diet and it has that built in.
    Lifesum would would with your Apple Watch. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lifesum-healthier-living-better/id286906691?mt=8
    You can use a Fitbit Flex in Water, that was one of the reasons I bought it.
    If I ever live near another good quality gym with a pool I might look into a tracker just for swimming.
  24. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to Nurse_Lenora in Anyone else gauge food by protein?   
    I can't be the only one who gauges a good based on its Protein content.
    I do the same with Protein shakes/ powders.
    Me in a store-
    160 calories and ONLY 15 grams of protein??!! Not worth my time! Lol
    I'm forever looking for the highest protein content with the lowest calorie commitment.
    Anyone else do this?
  25. Like
    MimiBMe reacted to MarciaN in Do You Log Your Food?   
    I track everything in my Fitbit app. (I also have the Fitbit scale so everything goes straight into the app so I've got my food, weight, Water intake, exercise etc.) I love to do it this way because I am on a lot of challenges with my family and this motivates me.
    I'm 2 months post-op but started tracking right at my first intro meeting. I really think it helped me lose almost 70 pounds before surgery. I'm going to keep it up.

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