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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    YCandy reacted to bugwitch in How is 1200 Calories enough?   
    Well, I am just curious because on all of the boards and at the surgery websites it says the 600-800/1200. And that is just so little. I worry that it's not enough. I also wonder why, if it is okay for the body to have such few calories, why is it okay after the surgery but not before?
    Not sure it is just choice in the long run. Our body needs fuel and if we do not provide it fuel we have complications.
    Thanks for your reply...I'm still surfing through the literature. I should try and find a local nutritionist who could answer this.
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    YCandy reacted to Champ715 in ProYo High Protein Frozen Yogurt - 20g protein in 4oz serving   
    Note that these contain whey protein concentrate, not whey isolate. Because it's from concentrate, your body is not absorbing the entire 20 grams from one serving. So if you eat two of these, you're probably getting around 30 grams instead of 40.
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    YCandy got a reaction from Julie norton in ProYo High Protein Frozen Yogurt - 20g protein in 4oz serving   
    I have discovered this amazing product called ProYo High Protein Frozen Yogurt. I am 3 days post op and have been able to get 40grams of protein in today eating these alone. Great replacement for the shakes if you are stick of them. Check to see if they are available in your area:
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    YCandy reacted to tdc in ProYo High Protein Frozen Yogurt - 20g protein in 4oz serving   
    I will be trying to find this... thank you
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    YCandy got a reaction from Julie norton in ProYo High Protein Frozen Yogurt - 20g protein in 4oz serving   
    I have discovered this amazing product called ProYo High Protein Frozen Yogurt. I am 3 days post op and have been able to get 40grams of protein in today eating these alone. Great replacement for the shakes if you are stick of them. Check to see if they are available in your area:
  6. Like
    YCandy reacted to christy1982 in One week post op   
    I'm a week post op , feeling really hungry I made a Soup put heaps of vegs in it and purée it I eat a bowl and felt great I just won't to eat more
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    YCandy reacted to rking in Anyone that has had surgery within a week?   
    Sorry y'all are having nausea. That would really suck. I had mine on 17th. Doing well.
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    YCandy reacted to Dub in Head hunger   
    85% of your stomach has been removed.
    Lots of healing to take place.
    A cool side effect to the liquid diet during this healing time is that it'll help you lose the strong food focus.
    Know that in time a big juicy cheeseburger will be a righteous meal......okay....2-3 meals. What a bargain that will be. Leftovers will be an extra value with the sleeve.
    I'm a cheeseburger fiend. I love 'em. I strive to make a damn good one on my grill. It's was sorta a point of pride.
    I can honestly say that as much of a food lover as I was before......these past few weeks have been extremely beneficial in cooking my heals and getting me focused on a better way of eating that will ensure long-term benefits.
    As far as big-girl panties.........throw 'em out. Get rid of them.
    Go by some hot looking new stuff and rock it with your new body. Unleash the new beast on a lucky dude.
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    YCandy got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Question about initial weight loss   
    Shane did you take your measurements? I've read many who stall don't see the scale move, but they are losing inches.
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    YCandy got a reaction from mrs kaje in Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!   
    I am 6' and CW is 260. 10 years ago I got down to 185 and was a size 10. It was a great weight and size for me. I hope to get there again soon! Surgery Nov 19th....
    Here is what 185 looked like for me then:
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    YCandy got a reaction from mrs kaje in Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!   
    I am 6' and CW is 260. 10 years ago I got down to 185 and was a size 10. It was a great weight and size for me. I hope to get there again soon! Surgery Nov 19th....
    Here is what 185 looked like for me then:
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    YCandy reacted to ladyraerae in Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!   
    Largest size 22/24
    I am 6' tall and am now a size 10. My doctor and I did set a goal of 180 so I started running the beginning of the year. I am completely fine with my size, I am just working on toning my body now. I am the happiest I have ever been with my health and feel great and that's what matters the most to me!

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    YCandy reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Goal setting - small attainable goals or one big one?   
    @@sleevedinseptember ... I didn't stress at all either about how fast I lost. And yet I've made it all the way to goal (150 pounds) and 12 pounds below that.
    One of the lucky things I (think I) did was not to eat 800 calories/day for all of my weight loss phases. I ramped up to 1,000 cals during Months 5-6 and up to 1,200 cals during Months 7-8 (at my bariatric P.A.'s urging). She said it would help my eventual maintenance budget be higher.
    Turns out, in my case at least, that she was right -- I'm now while maintaining eating 1700 calories a day (on average) and bouncing (now) between 138 and 140. I honestly think that I will need to raise my cals to stop slowly losing weight or that, if I do eat a few hundred calories, I can maintain close to this weight.
    Boy oh boy, this is working for me!
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    YCandy reacted to SaraSleeves in Nicholson Clinic   
    Walking and putting your arms up on the wall while someone beats on your back. That helped me the most to get relief. ( Was recommended by nurse). Congrats tbmichals and good luck. Dr. long is great.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    YCandy reacted to 2goldengirl in To tell or not to tell...   
    As a few others have said, people who have not fought obesity as long as many of us have have a completely different perspective. I plan to tell very few people ahead of time, because I don't want the topic to be the center of attention as I've witnessed it inevitably becomes. I, too, want to keep my focus internal, because this is an inside game. My energies will need to be spent on making changes. I don't want to explain myself or try one more time to educate well-meaning but seriously unhelpful folks who try to second-guess what is a very personal decision. I'm not afraid that my decision will make friends who also struggle with their weight "feel bad", we're adults and responsible for our own choices.
    What I decide to to afterwards remains to be seen. It isn't likely to become an issue until after people notice that my weight loss has gone beyond my usual yo-yo pattern anyhow. I plan to to take four weeks off work, and my coworkers may wonder what is up, but beyond saying I need to have some surgery, that's as much as I'm sharing on the front end. I work with a bunch of other healthcare professionals and I frankly just don't want the input.
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    YCandy reacted to sbrainwater in To tell or not to tell...   
    You sound really judgemental and rude. That's not the point of this website. This is supposed to be a supportive, helpful site. I cannot believe you are judging other people's very PERSONAL decision. What part of the "problem" am I since I'm not telling people? And yes, I am well aware I seem angry. I am angry at your comment.
    Do you judge me for having two surgeries for endometriosis and not telling people about that? This has been my personal struggle and battle. It is my story to share if I decide to.
    I think you shaming others for not telling is part of the "problem." And by problem, I mean obesity. We know we are being silently judged at all times just walking into a room. We know how hard it is to stick to a diet and exercise regimen and fail over and over again. For most of us, surgery is the last ditch effort. And we are still afraid of failing. Everyone has their demons, issues, and their right to privacy.
    I'm glad you feel so confident in telling everyone about your surgery. But do not try to shame me and make me feel like I'm doing something wrong by keeping my experience to myself.
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    YCandy reacted to VSGAnn2014 in To tell or not to tell...   
    The OP asked:
    I'm just curious what guides others' decisions to tell or not?
    There's "ignorance" that stems from not having relevant information or education, and then there's "ignorance" that comes from never having had the kind of specific experience that delivers knowledge and even wisdom to those who have had that experience. Examples include being a parent, being a combat veteran, and (yes) having been obese most of your life.
    It's my observation that those who have never been obese have a very different view of what it takes to overcome obesity. They simply don't get it. That is how most of my friends and family feel, many of whom are confused if not downright disgusted by fat people.
    Therefore, what guided my decision to remain on the down low re WLS (I was sleeved 14.5 months ago) was that I simply didn't want to have any of those conversations wherein I had try (over and over) to explain and educate people who have never been obese.
    Plus, when you have those kinds of conversations, there's also an element of seeking agreement and even approval for my most personal decisions that sneaks in. And I didn't want to get even close to that emotional monster. This is my body, my decision, my life.
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    YCandy reacted to Linaka in To tell or not to tell...   
    It's a really personal decision. I didn't tell anyone when I had a hysterectomy because I'm a private person and it's none of their business. I didn't tell anyone other than my husband about this surgery. There's no place for the word "shame" in this discussion. Not telling people does not have anything to do with that. I wanted to focus my time and energy on getting well and following my surgeon's guidelines, not answering curious people's questions, explaining my medical choices or listening to the opinions of people who are not in my shoes.
  19. Like
    YCandy reacted to anna9/15 in Its taking a toll on me   
    Just found out my nut wasnt really trained in this feild persay so all the education i received wasnt that accurate. .so its like starting over again, and now i need additional time off work ..just paid for a new nutritionist and will have to pay for more classes and medication
    Well Vitamins
  20. Like
    YCandy reacted to meganliz0824 in November Sleevers   
    I would love to stay in touch! I'm getting mine done at UPMC Magee Womens in pittsburgh. How about you?
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    YCandy reacted to hilaryglynxo in Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking   
    I'm doing great 2 weeks post op as of yesterday and down 18 pounds since day of surgery. Tired of liquids but only one more week of them! Feeling great like I made the best decision ever
  22. Like
    YCandy reacted to Yammi in You know you lost weight when   
    When you sit in coach seating on an airplane and feel like you are in first class.
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    YCandy reacted to Jennifer Cunningham in Dreaded Stall   
    Well I hit the most dreadful stall - the 3 -4 week stall - I was stuck and so annoyed!! I was at 211 for 9 days - I spoke with a friend of mine who had the surgery years ago and she told me to eat more - I looked at her like she was nuts...I was like what?? She said eat every 2 hours - trust me it will help you!! I can honestly say I felt like the biggest pig yesterday - I was eating every 2 hours - and felt horrible because I want to lose weight and it brought back memories prior to surgery....well this morning - I woke up and the scale said 209! I was shocked!!! She she said we stall because we aren't eating enough and if we eat more then the stalls won't be as bad!! I was 239 pre-op and today I'm 209 - October 2 will be my 1 month post op - So I'm super thrilled - just thought I would share it with everyone who is experiencing the dreadful stalls that are super annoying
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    YCandy reacted to Jennifer Cunningham in Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!   
    My surgery went great! I stayed 1 night in the hospital and was in no pain! I had no nausea/pain - my surgery was at 2:30 - I was in my room by 4:30 and up walking by 7pm - I was honestly surprised! I had no issues - so far so good!! I'm home now on a clear liquid diet until Wednesday - then I go on full liquids which I'm super excited about it! The only thing I have noticed is I get tired easily - but I sip, walk, rest, and repeat! It's helped to have my husband home with me this week as well - My kiddos have also made sure I had everything I need!
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    YCandy reacted to OKCPirate in Can I just be real with you?   
    Indeed. I thing nearly every successful person has. Ultimately you have to do it for yourself.
    This is a tool. Not a magic wand. If you have a great hammer, but you use it as a screwdriver it won't give you the results you want. Same with your new stomach. You will be amazed at how much control it will give you if you use it well. If you look on recent topics, you will find others in the same situation like http://www.bariatricpal.com/user/260890-jennifer-cunningham/. So find a buddy for support. Good luck, and if you need inspiration, go to:  http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/195065-you-know-you-lost-weight-when/page-60#entry3934830

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