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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    judy1234 reacted to JustWatchMe in Do People Treat You Differently Now?   
    Yes. More people talk to me. Men and women. Coworkers as well as strangers who have never met me. Some of it may be how I carry myself compared to how I did before. But not all of it can be attributed to that. I have mixed feelings about it as well. Happy and hurt at the same time.
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    judy1234 reacted to shellyd88 in Do People Treat You Differently Now?   
    Yes and it makes me mad suddenly I'm worth speaking to or being treated with respect I just passed a year post op and it's still all ppl want to talk about and loudly too about how much I've lost and how wonderful I look seems idiotic I've always been a decent person and now everyone is so " proud" of me what right do they have to be proud or not they had nothing to do with the loss or the gain before that
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    judy1234 reacted to Sophie74656 in Recovery   
    I was out of work when i had my sleeve but i think i could have gone back to work at two weeks. I felt ok after a week but was still so weak that i wouldnt have wanted to go to work like that
  4. Like
    judy1234 reacted to gpmed in Recovery   
    I have a desk job, had RNY and I took off five full weeks and worked from home for one week. Like @@JamieLogical said, the pain had mostly passed, but I was so very tired. Running one errand wore me out. It was like having the flu. I'm really glad I took that time to recover and adjust.
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    judy1234 reacted to goplay94123 in One Week! Advice?   
    Do not underestimate the need for a very soft nightie that is loose. I bought a lot of cotton pjs and a few night shirts that slip on. Hands down I love the slip on super soft rayon nightie. I also like these little red cups that are usually for shots. But they are sturdy and perfect for proportions. I got them at the grocery store. Also Chapstick and if your dr allows sugar free gum. Good luck!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    judy1234 got a reaction from BlueBongo in Post-op blood work and lower liver function?   
    Idk if it's related, but during my pre-op they did a GI ultrasound and told me I had "severe" fatty liver, to the point where they wanted to do a liver biopsy during by gastric bypass. I had my bypass Feb. 29, and should be getting the results of the biopsy at my first follow up visit tomorrow morning. In doing my own research on fatty liver, I found that although most overweight people have some degree of fatty liver, if it is severe enough it can lead to cirrhosis, which would certainly affect liver function. Your diagnosis of low functioning liver might be related to having fatty liver or even early cirrhosis. The good news is, fatty liver is reversible, and though cirrhosis is not, lifestyle changes can enable you to live normally as long as the cirrhosis is not advanced.
    Again, this might not be what your doctor is referring to at all, but it sounded enough like what I was told that I wanted to mention it.
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    judy1234 got a reaction from Pup in One Week! Advice?   
    My GB RNY was one week ago today. Honestly, I was a little surprised at the amount of pain I was in -- not trying to scare you, it was manageable, but I really wish I'd listened to everyone who me to sleep in a recliner. Getting out of bed still feels like a hot knife in my side seven days later. Buy, borrow, or steal one if you can. If you have to sleep in a bed, try to get up at the same time as someone else in your household so they can take both your hands and pull you up. It helps a LOT. Also make sure you have a firm pillow to hug for whenever you need to cough, vomit, or sneeze.
    I really felt fine whenever I was standing or walking. In the beginning I couldn't sit up for long periods but now that's gone and I can sit at my desk for hours. It is really just getting out of bed that's been difficult.
    One more thing -- not sure this is true, but it seems that on the days I get in the higher end of Protein, I seem to feel better the next day. I have gotten the minimum of 60g every day, but the days when I got up to 70 or 80g I seemed the have less pain the next day.
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    judy1234 reacted to jane13 in Maybe I should just get more cats....   
    @RILEYSMOM22 - I would chalk it up as a dating experience and move on...
    Maybe he felt uncomfortable with the fact that you are still losing and that you would be too smokin' hot for him and he wouldn't be able to keep you!
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    judy1234 reacted to sjdtx in Maybe I should just get more cats....   
    your original post was out of line. This isn't Penthouse... and I'm not a prude.
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    judy1234 reacted to CowgirlJane in Maybe I should just get more cats....   
    Ok in my universe implying, not so indirectly that women use their bodies to get money is an insult. While it is obviously true of some it certainly isn't of most ... so is the fact that men use their strength to rape and intimidate a good topic to toss out there?. Would a smiley face make that funny? If so well I guess that says alot.
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
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    judy1234 reacted to Miss Mac in Maybe I should just get more cats....   
    One excuse is as good as another when you don't want to do something.
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    judy1234 reacted to RILEYSMOM22 in Maybe I should just get more cats....   
    I'd happily send you the grey persian that has been scratching up my loveseat!
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    judy1234 reacted to crazygoose in Maybe I should just get more cats....   
    I am so sorry this happened to you but I believe the problem is with him and not with you. He sounds like a jerk and a coward and it really irks me that he commented on your weight while breaking up with you, sounds like he was trying to make you feel insecure and bad about yourself like gowalking says and I don't know you but I have this feeling that the break up wasn't really about your weight. You need to know that you are a beautiful quality person fat or skinny and deserve way better than that. I don't have much dating experience myself but I believe that sometimes people have to kiss a lot of frogs to get to their prince and he was just a frog. Be glad that his true colors showed and he hopped back into the pond, you don't need someone so shallow and obtuse in your life. Don't be afraid to take a chance with someone else, just be careful and a little more guarded and maybe take things slower next time so you can get to know what kind of person they really are before you start investing romantic feelings. In the mean time until you get ready to pucker up to another frog or potential prince take some time to build yourself up, love yourself for the way you are regardless and not just what you could be and don't be afraid to raise the bar a bit when it comes to the type of partner you want.
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    judy1234 reacted to OKCPirate in Maybe I should just get more cats....   
    Damn what is it with you WLS women and violence...This is the third post I've seen like this.
    OK,@@RILEYSMOM22, to the problem at hand. <ehm>
    The guy was a jerk. Probably still had mommy issues. Be thankful you found out now al beit awkwardly. But be thankful you found out.
    NOW, the good news. You are going to be a real hottie soon. How do I know? Because I was a 52 year old male version last year.
    <Ahem> you will also be experiencing the hormone dump that comes with serious quick weight loss. Yes I know, this is coming from a guy, but PLEASE listen...what this means is you want to jump the damn parking meter soon. It's not your fault. Its not rational. It's just the way it is. Not making judgments, but please do not make any long term relationship decision during the next six months.
    I am not particularly proud of the December through April of last year in my life. Yes it was a great deal of fun, and I am glad there were no long term consequences, but I have come to grips with the reality that I wasn't fully myself during that time.
    Please do not do anything completely stupid during this time. But dang I wish I had that same rush with my hopefully last girlfriend...It's powerful stuff. (enjoy it)
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    judy1234 reacted to Kindle in Maybe I should just get more cats....   
    5 gallon buckets and lye works better.....leaves no trace. And that comes directly from a police investigator!
    BTW, I have three cats and a good supply of batteries. Couldn't be happier.
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    judy1234 reacted to Valentina in Maybe I should just get more cats....   
    So, here's the plan:
    I have a flashlight and a shovel...
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    judy1234 reacted to BestDayEver in First Colonoscopy next week - tips?   
    My prep has been nothing like the one you've been prescribed. The day before I had to take 4 dulcolax and drink an entire bottle of Miralax mixed with 64 oz of Water. Needless to say I was completely cleared out. Yuck!
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    judy1234 reacted to WLSResources/ClothingExch in First Colonoscopy next week - tips?   
    Do you really think that three days of low-fiber eating is monumental? Three days? You have it easy, especially if you can tolerate Gatorade, of which I sipped once decades ago and still recall as liquid potting soil.
    I won't describe the swill I had to drink for colonoscopy. Low-fiber for a few days would have been a bacchanal in comparison.
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    judy1234 reacted to James Marusek in First Colonoscopy next week - tips?   
    I had a couple colonoscopies. The main problem was they knocked me out prior to the colonoscopy and just when I was starting to come out of the anesthesia, the doctor gave me the debriefing. I remember the doctor was very excited. That is all I could remember a half hour later when I became fully awake.
    So maybe you could ask the doctor to wait a little on debriefing you. Or you might have your husband there during the debriefing so he could jot down everything that was said. They provide you with very nice color photographs of the inside of your colon. I just wish I was awake when they told me what everything of importance was.
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    judy1234 reacted to Sharon1964 in Vegas, Baby!   
    I'm getting on a plane in a couple of hours to go to Vegas for a work seminar.
    Some good things so far:
    Able to pack everything I need in one carryon bag, because my clothes don't take up as much space.
    Not worried about who I'll be sitting next to or if I'll make them uncomfortable.
    Some not-so-good things so far:
    Nobody to go with me.
    Some maybe good things:
    I've lined up a date for while I'm there.
    What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
    Some not-so-good things:
    What happens in Vegas sometimes shows up on youtube! LOL!
  21. Like
    judy1234 reacted to GibbsGirl in Interesting experience   
    We all have a type, first thing I was thinking was he should have an accurate online pic just to be honest. Well and also be on time.
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    judy1234 reacted to terrydumont46 in No appetite...no desire to eat or drink?   
    Sometimes it helps if you take the pressure off yourself. Mydoctor always uses the phrase " do the best you can". Instead of concentrating on food I just concentrated on Protein intake. I made my favorite stews and Soups and emulsified it to mushy or liquid form. I would added chicken flavored protein to them. Made Protein Drinks the way I liked them like vanilla protein with orange crystal lite. Or Decaf coffee hot or cold with chocolate protein. Keep a sports bottle next to where you sit. Sip on it all day. Use flavor u like so you will drink. Good luck and "do the best you can" and stop beating yourself up.
  23. Like
    judy1234 reacted to SHOTzY* in 3 weeks post-op ate eggs last night thought I might die? Scary ...   
    Hi! I'm just shy of 2 weeks post op from 2/8/16. After my 20 day check up, I'm allowed to have some soft Proteins. Everyday I have tried an item on the list. Today I tried Water packed tuna (1oz) and all seemed to go well as of this posting.
    I tried eggs yesterday, and I did well. I have read and have been told many people have a hard time with eggs at first. They describe a feeling of "sitting heavy", stuffed" sensation, and out right going to come back up! I'm very glad I did well, but I'm sorry about your trouble !! I agree with several mentioned ideas here: chew until it's just like baby food, take bites almost the size of a child school pencil eraser, don't drink with your meal, pause between each bite and do an assume that of how you feel.
    Many others I have met around these forums speak of just backing off a troublesome food item for two weeks, or a month, and then having a go at it again. They often say they are able to eat it at that stage. And, if they cannot, they simply move on and learn from that experience.
    I hope you can eat eggs. Great complete Protein, low fat, very easy to mix other things with, easy to prepare and eat in a time crunch situation. I don't know if I helped, but I'm rooting for ya'!! .
    Good luck eating all your food items, and you can always come here to get the skinny on any issue
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    judy1234 reacted to KimDawn in 3 weeks post-op ate eggs last night thought I might die? Scary ...   
    I am a "late" dumper - occurring 2 hours after I eat anything fatty (egg fried in butter; rib-eye steak). It feels like a wave of the flu - dizziness, clammy, dry heaves. It lasts for about 30 minutes and then I fall asleep. I feel wonderful when I wake up. But boy it is not a fun ride. My NUT said that gravity helps - get up and walk around, but honestly while I'm going thru this; I just want to lie down on my cold leather couch and pray for relief.
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    judy1234 reacted to Cervidae in sip sizes post op and major food cravings pre op   
    James covered most of what I would advise. As for cravings for your favorite foods... well, I think most of us had those same cravings. It makes sense to want to eat certain things you know you will never be able to eat again, or things you're resolved to never eat again. All I can say is: go ahead and have some of those favorite foods (if they aren't like deep fried fat covered in sugar and grease or something like that) but I would really recommend being careful with the amounts you eat. You're having surgery to extend your life and make yourself healthier. Might as well not sabotage that. Enjoy these bad/delicious foods but be aware that the worse you eat now, the less prepared and healthy your body will be for surgery. I'm sure you'll figure out a balance that works for you.
    My last meal was a favorite - grilled chicken and shrimp with red potatoes from Applebee's.

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