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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by judy1234

  1. judy1234

    Am I eating too much?

    Like ThinnerTimes, I also was told to keep it between 500-600 calories until Week 6. Now I have been encouraged to go to 700-800, but am having trouble since I am used to eating so little! Plus I am on a stall more often than not so worry about overeating.
  2. judy1234

    Sugar Free Popsicle Help

    I also ate Popsicles Sugar Free for my post-op liquid diet.
  3. judy1234


    I've been taking Imitrex (sumatriptan) for migraines for years and my surgeon said I can continue taking it. You need a prescription but if you get migraines regularly it's worth asking for. In the meantime, wendilin is right -- get some caffeine.
  4. judy1234

    Food Please

    I am also exactly 2 weeks post-op, doing well in recovery, and was given the go-ahead to advance from a full liquid diet to a pureed diet today. I will be on this for two weeks. Then I will move to a "soft diet." I won't be eating the harder-to-digest foods until I am 6 weeks out. If your doctor told you to figure out yourself what you're supposed to eat, there are lots of pages online that will give you the details for each phase. Just Google "bariatric surgery pureed diet" or whatever phase you're interested in. After you come up with a list I think you should still call your nutritionist and run it past her/him. Follow-up is usually part of the process for this type of surgery. Good luck!
  5. I wanted to dump too, but I read that only 15% of patients actually do.
  6. judy1234

    A little less than a month (4/11/2016)

    Hi, Which procedure are you having? I had RNY gastric bypass 2 weeks ago and am able to move on from full liquids starting tomorrow. I have been doing OK with the Protein shakes and popsicles (full liquid) diet but have had occasional hunger. My NUT thinks once I start "real" food tomorrow, I will no longer have hunger, so I'm excited for that. As far as what you should eat, your surgeon's office will give you a list of foods you can eat and when you can move on to other foods. My surgeon has had me on a full liquid diet since surgery, which included Protein Shakes, yogurt, SF Jello, and SF popsicles. The pureed stage, which starts tomorrow, will allow pureed chicken, pureed Soups, eggs, etc. As far as clothing sizes, I have yo-yo'd for so many years that I have clothes from size 12 through 28. But I have heard others mention thrift stores as places where they bought clothes until their weight loss slowed.
  7. Idk if it's related, but during my pre-op they did a GI ultrasound and told me I had "severe" fatty liver, to the point where they wanted to do a liver biopsy during by gastric bypass. I had my bypass Feb. 29, and should be getting the results of the biopsy at my first follow up visit tomorrow morning. In doing my own research on fatty liver, I found that although most overweight people have some degree of fatty liver, if it is severe enough it can lead to cirrhosis, which would certainly affect liver function. Your diagnosis of low functioning liver might be related to having fatty liver or even early cirrhosis. The good news is, fatty liver is reversible, and though cirrhosis is not, lifestyle changes can enable you to live normally as long as the cirrhosis is not advanced. Again, this might not be what your doctor is referring to at all, but it sounded enough like what I was told that I wanted to mention it.
  8. judy1234

    Going back to work...

    Pammieann, what is your commute like? I am 8 days out from surgery and could probably go back now, but up until yesterday I couldn't sit upright for long periods without pain. My commute is an hour in the car each way, so even a half day would have meant sitting upright for 6 straight hours without any painkillers. I understand wanting to go back due to uncertainty in your field, but remember once you go back it is very hard to stop and take more time off. Is there any way you can work from home for a couple of weeks? If not, and your commute isn't too bad, I would go back half-days for the first week and tell them you'll put in full days if you feel up to it. I think if they see that you're committed to your job and not trying to take advantage of your time off, they will understand.
  9. judy1234

    One Week! Advice?

    My GB RNY was one week ago today. Honestly, I was a little surprised at the amount of pain I was in -- not trying to scare you, it was manageable, but I really wish I'd listened to everyone who me to sleep in a recliner. Getting out of bed still feels like a hot knife in my side seven days later. Buy, borrow, or steal one if you can. If you have to sleep in a bed, try to get up at the same time as someone else in your household so they can take both your hands and pull you up. It helps a LOT. Also make sure you have a firm pillow to hug for whenever you need to cough, vomit, or sneeze. I really felt fine whenever I was standing or walking. In the beginning I couldn't sit up for long periods but now that's gone and I can sit at my desk for hours. It is really just getting out of bed that's been difficult. One more thing -- not sure this is true, but it seems that on the days I get in the higher end of Protein, I seem to feel better the next day. I have gotten the minimum of 60g every day, but the days when I got up to 70 or 80g I seemed the have less pain the next day.
  10. OMG, me too, exactly! I still get bad dry mouth if I go more than 5 or 10 minutes without drinking.
  11. Hi, I got my gastric bypass on Monday and have been home since Thursday night. I have been trying to follow my doctor's plan exactly, but forgot a couple of things and am just now realizing. For instance, I've easily been drinking 80-100 ounces of Water a day and 2-3 Protein shakes for a total of 60-90 grams of protein. I have never thrown up, and have been swallowing pretty normally, just because I forgot to take small sips. Now that I realized my mistakes, I will start sipping more slowly, but I am not sure if I caused any harm by "over drinking." Also, I had some Jello and did not chew it 30 times, or anywhere close to it, because I forgot. My pouch felt fine. Did I do damage? I understand that I need to follow all the instructions and I don't plan on forgetting this stuff in the future. I am just feeling a little overwhelmed this week trying to learn the new way of eating, take my Vitamins on schedule, and deal with the pain. Has anyone else made mistakes like these?
  12. Thanks, Spiceyfrog. That's what's so weird -- I am drinking the same amount of Water as I did pre-op. I've heard so many people say how hard it was for them, I just wondered if something was wrong. I'm seeing the surgeon for my follow-up Wednesday a.m., so I'll mention it.
  13. Thank you WLSResources/ClothingExch!
  14. judy1234

    Any bike riders out there?

    Hi, At 268 you are unlikely to have problems if you buy a good quality bike like Trek, Specialized, Giant, etc. I weighed a little more than you and never had issues. However, my husband is a big guy and he found he would break spokes until he got the got the bike shop to upgrade his wheels to ones with stronger rims. Congratulations on your new bike; riding is a great way to get fit and a lot of fun!
  15. judy1234

    Feel like dying!

    I am only 5 days out, but I haven't had a problem getting in Protein shakes or Water. (I have, though, heard of many, many people who do, so you are not alone. The nurse is there to help you overcome issues, not to make you feel bad for having them!) We all have issues -- mine is pain. I am afraid I'm going to be called a drug addict because I should be off pain killers by now and instead I'm thinking of asking for something stronger. So everyone's got something to make things difficult in the beginning. If you literally can't eat more than a couple of foods without getting queasy, maybe they aren't controlling your nausea well enough. Painkillers (if you're still using them) cause nausea in a lot of people. Maybe they can give you some Zofran to keep you from throwing up until your new pouch settles down. These are the kind of things you should feel comfortable discussing with your nurse. Making you feel stupid then sending you on your way with no resolution is dereliction of duty, in my opinion. Maybe an appointment with your surgeon is in order, or your PCP.
  16. judy1234

    Bypass vs. Sleeve

    I think almost everything's been said, but I just want to add my two cents because my doctor also totally left it up to me. I took a look at the comorbidities I had -- GERD, long-standing diabetes, severe sleep apnea, high blood pressure, obesity-related asthma -- and Googled which procedure had the best success rate at curing these conditions or putting them into remission. I tried to pay attention to research studies or abstracts where I could access them rather than peoples' experience, though I looked at some of that too. I ultimately decided on the bypass because it had the better result with overcoming diabetes. I am in my mid fifties and having a hot body was not on my list of priorities -- health was really my only focus. So that is one method that might help you decide -- you won't get most peer reviewed journal articles on the web, but you can find a surprising number of abstracts. Good luck and whatever you choose, give it your all and don't look back! Either procedure can help you get to your goal.
  17. judy1234


    I m probably not the best person to ask since I haven't had surgery yet, but that's exactly how I felt when I tried to do Atkins a few years ago. In my case I wasn't getting enough carbs; the 20g allowed in the Induction phase were just too few. I found for me, about 60-80g of carbs per day were necessary. I know that we are encouraged to eat low carb after surgery, so I second the others' advice to see your GP and speak to your NUT about this. Don't wait.
  18. judy1234


    Mbain, you can get the chips at Vitamin Shop. The flavor isn't great but they have a very satisfying crunch. 120 cals and 15g of protein in a small bag.
  19. judy1234

    Husband left me!

    I second all the supportive advice of the others here, but would just add: Since he won't go to counseling, go alone. You'll need a lot of emotional support as you go through the weight loss process and hormonal changes. And it sounds like he was mentally checked out anyway -- that is not normal behavior for someone who loves you. Maybe couples counseling would have just dragged out the pain. I am so, so sorry.
  20. judy1234

    dental problems post-op?

    I am also concerned about this. The research I have done indicates that this problem is not so much one of not getting the right nutrients, but frequent vomiting and also changes in the composition of saliva. The best advice I have seen is to add more fluoride through trays or specialized toothpastes, and to really keep up with cleanings/exams so that any problems can be caught early.One dentist who posted on an ObesityHelp board recommended three cleanings a year.
  21. judy1234

    The mental side

    I did this too. Went to my first info session in July 2015, now scheduled for surgery Feb. 29. It was partly my choice (I had some personal stuff I wanted to deal with first) but it seemed to take forever. It DOES get here though, so try to be patient. Maybe focus on something else for a while? A hobby or your job if you have one?
  22. judy1234

    Struggling with forgiveness horse related

    Maybe you are having such difficulty forgiving her because in your heart you don't really want to. You know this person doesn't share your values and isn't a good friend but your head thinks it "should" want to salvage the friendship. It can be hard to distinguish whether we truly want something or whether we just think we should want it. I would stop rowing and see if the boat still moves. If not, you know you are doing all the giving and she is doing all the taking. Just as an aside, if it were me and I was watching her ruin the rescue because she didn't have the energy/knowledge/money to get it trained properly, it would be very upsetting. I might let the friendship go just so I didn't have to watch it unfold.
  23. judy1234

    Dental problems

    I'm really worried about this too. I have my bypass scheduled for 2/29. Apparently the dental problems start about 3 years out. I don't think it happens to everyone, and my surgeon's office never mentioned it. The scariest thing is that dentists don't seem to know what to do about it. The theory is that somehow removal of most of your stomach causes chemical changes in your saliva that weaken teeth. I have read of people who say their teeth just snap off and they end up with dentures at a young age. I haven't been able to find out the percentage of people it happens to. I plan on asking a lot of questions at my surgeon appointment this Friday.
  24. judy1234

    Any February Surgery Dates Out There?

    My date is Feb. 29! just got insurance approval. Starting to get nervous...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
