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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    judy1234 reacted to CHM in Cheese   
    Give me pecorino romano, or give me death!
  2. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Christinamo7 in Cheese   
    a nice smoked gouda - irish cheddar, or publix has one from the Isle of wight - I also like colby/jack, string cheese - cheese curds - mmmmmmmmmmmm I love cheese!
  3. Like
    judy1234 reacted to James Marusek in How to stop weight lost.   
    My surgeon is noted for creating very small pouches. This restricts my meal size significantly even though I am 34 months post-op RNY surgery. When I spoke to my nutritionist about this issue, she recommended that I increase the number of meal. Eat small meals but eat them as much as five times a day. The problem you are experiencing may also be caused by a stricture.
  4. Like
    judy1234 reacted to SuperFab in Dreaded 3-week stall?   
    I was stalled for 2 weeks starting right at my 3rd week after surgery. Cool thing was that I had kept up taking my measurements and the inches were still melting off during my stall.
  5. Like
    judy1234 reacted to rewind in Dreaded 3-week stall?   
    We all lose based on our biology. Hang in there. The scale will start to move. I was sleeved late February and lost 13 pounds the first week, then nothing for THREE WEEKS. I followed every rule and recommendation. It's just our bodies adjusting. The best thing you can do is not focus on it. Weight will come off. It's a math problem. It will. Just wait for it.
  6. Like
    judy1234 reacted to sammielouwho in Chinese Food   
    Our local place has a diet menu where nothing is cooked in corn starch or anything. It's steamed and the sauce is sugar free on the side.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Kindle in Chinese Food   
    I eat Chinese and Thai food all the time...just stay away from the rice and noodles. Except when it comes to sushi then I throw the rice "rule" out the window!
    In fact, I had beef and broccoli today and snacked on some seaweed salad.
  8. Like
    judy1234 reacted to dhrguru in Follow up appointment- great advice from surgeon   
    I'm 11 months out and 114# down. i had an interesting appointment with my surgeon today. He asked what I was doing for activity, and I proudly rattled off my routine. He then asked me what I was doing for relaxation. Blank stare, felt like I was just handed a pop quiz. He stressed the importance of not over doing things and trying to 'conquer the world one pound at a time. ' he cautioned me about push, push, pushing to do more and more; cause life will inevitably throw us a curve ball and we need to be able to balance those curve balls and activity and diet etc. basically the journey can't take over your life, because your life is well, your life. His message was one of sustainability, which I feel I have with how I've handled things. But I did tell him I felt like others often pushed me to do more. He told be don't be persuaded into being the pinnacle of everything. He shard a story of a patient who worked and lost weight, ran a huge marathon and then just stopped.-- then regained.
    I thought it was great advice worth sharing...
  9. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Luanddo in Bad news   
    I was one week into my two week pre-surgery fast and my doctor cancelled my surgery indefinitely. He "claimed" that he had some issue with another bariatric surgeon that he had to work out before he could do any more surgeries. I was devastated. When I got home, I Googled him and saw his mug shot on line. Turns out he was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and THAT is what he was dealing with. I had to find another surgeon and go through the whole process again. Three months later I finally had the surgery done by a really good doctor. Glad I dodged the bullet of having a crazy man do my surgery.
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    judy1234 reacted to JamieLogical in Boss   
    If you have an HR department, you should report her immediately. She has no right to ask you that question and you have no obligation to answer it.
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    judy1234 reacted to LaDivaDev in Boss   
    Hey there....WOW. Talk about feeling ambushed. I don't think that people really get how personal this is for us. There seems to be a sense of entitlement to your personal information which is not okay. It is your right to never have to disclose what you aren't comfortable disclosing. I really admire your integrity in the moment and can only imagine the violated feeling you probably experienced. Truth is, this is YOUR business and nobody else's. Obese people deal with enough discrimination already without having to tell the worked when they're trying to improve their health. At this time, you need peace of mind without others crossing that boundary line! Once you go further through your journey, it's up to you who you share with. Just my two cents. I'm feeling you on this.
    Always with Love and Compassion,
  12. Like
    judy1234 reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Boss   
    As you continue to grow up, you will learn this marvelous lesson life teaches us all:
    You are not required to answer any question anyone asks you -- even if it's asked by an FBI agent, in which case you can always ask to speak first to your attorney.

    Another thing life teaches us is that if you want to keep a secret, do not tell anyone.
  13. Like
    judy1234 got a reaction from Bohemian in A little less than a month (4/11/2016)   
    Which procedure are you having? I had RNY gastric bypass 2 weeks ago and am able to move on from full liquids starting tomorrow. I have been doing OK with the Protein shakes and popsicles (full liquid) diet but have had occasional hunger. My NUT thinks once I start "real" food tomorrow, I will no longer have hunger, so I'm excited for that. As far as what you should eat, your surgeon's office will give you a list of foods you can eat and when you can move on to other foods. My surgeon has had me on a full liquid diet since surgery, which included Protein Shakes, yogurt, SF Jello, and SF popsicles. The pureed stage, which starts tomorrow, will allow pureed chicken, pureed Soups, eggs, etc.
    As far as clothing sizes, I have yo-yo'd for so many years that I have clothes from size 12 through 28. But I have heard others mention thrift stores as places where they bought clothes until their weight loss slowed.
  14. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Spiceyfrog in I want the TRUTH about vitamins!   
    I took Vitamins regularly right after my surgery. I had a leak in my pouch and ended up back in the hospital and when I was released I quit taking them. I did not take them for about three months before having my Vitamin levels tested. The only thing that was low at that time was B1. I started taking a Multivitamin, a B1 supplement and Calcium (because I had heard horror stories about people not being able to get knee replacements because their bones were too weak for the screws) about two months ago. Last Friday I had my bloodwork done again and the B1 has come up from 37 to 56, but they want me to take that supplement for another two months, then test again. My surgeon feels that once I get the level up, everything I need will be in the multivitamin. So, long term, I will just take a multivitamin and calcium.
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    judy1234 reacted to Djmohr in I want the TRUTH about vitamins!   
    I take 1 generic multi Vitamin with D, 1 Bariatric calcium citrate sweet tart, I take 1 Vitamin d3, I take 1 vitamin b1. I also take stool softeners with laxative twice a day. This is because I am currently on narcotic pain relievers.
    I am on hold for B12 until March because my b12 was through the roof as I was taking it too often. I take the vitamin b1 because my thiamin was low during my last labs. I am not on Iron because I had a hysterectomy, I was told had I still had my period I would have to take Iron as well.
    Other than the b Vitamins my levels have been excellent. I never skip my Vitamins, I am very careful because I know that the malabsorption of bypass can lead to problems. I already have significant issues with my bones and joints and would prefer to not make that worse.
  16. Like
    judy1234 reacted to CarolinaCutie in I want the TRUTH about vitamins!   
    I took Vitamins the first few months after surgery. They started making me sick, so I stopped. I see my doctor every six months and my lab results are always fine. May not work for everyone, but I've literally has no issues and I'm 2.5 yrs out
  17. Like
    judy1234 reacted to CowgirlJane in Here I go again... need to get it together.   
    Here is my personal observation - over time it is easy to "slip" but it doesn't mean you are crazy binging or anything. I have friends who were never obese and they struggle with appetite, Portion Control, desire for delish but junky food... it is a lifelong thing...
    So, I don't consider a small regain as any kind of failure, but rather as the normal part of life! The key is to get on top of it quickly like you are doing.
    As best I can tell, regardless of the procedure you choose, at some point your capacity increases and your hunger is more. I am 4 years + years post sleeve, and I can eat way more and I do get hungry. The difference is, I am fighting to stay in the 150s, not under 300#, my hunger is much less exetreme and while my capacity has grown,, it is not nearly as much as I had presleeve.
    What has worked well for me to get back under goal is intermittant fasting (like 5:2), intense exercise and dilgence with food intake.
    I weighed 157 this week which is frustrating because I was in the low 150s. My current kidney stone nightmare has me bloated and looking about 12 weeks pregnant.
  18. Like
    judy1234 reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Shaving Armpits   
    I have always used nair.
  19. Like
    judy1234 reacted to stacyrg1 in Shaving Armpits   
    One word for you. Wax.
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    judy1234 reacted to Miss Mac in Here I go again... need to get it together.   
    Instead of thinking of yourself as a mess-up who is regaining weight, think of yourself as a regular person who could stand to lose 25 pounds. Hey, girl......if you can lose 121, you can lose 25. Hang in there!
  21. Like
    judy1234 reacted to JamieLogical in Here I go again... need to get it together.   
    It seems pretty common for people as far out as you to just get kind of complacent and have bad habits creep back in. So you are not alone! At least you are taking stock and trying to turn things around. A 25 pound gain is a lot to overcome, but if you are anything like me, pre-op it would have been a 75 pound gain before I did anything about it! You can do it! You know what you need to do and you can make it happen!
  22. Like
    judy1234 reacted to CowgirlJane in dating?   
    It's too soon to be worried about this. You will be fine - although it is a tough adjustment to single life! And, when you are ready to start dating there are some of us with online dating experience that can give tips.
    BTW, my lifelong pattern was to not really "date" either - I more like fell right into a relationship. I am practicing breaking that habit because I would rather be alone than with someone that doesn't enrich my life; and me his life.
  23. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in dating?   
    Sending hugs.
    For what it is worth (I am single, never married):
    It is ok to cry and grieve over the end of your marriage.
    It is ok to be miserable for a while.
    You do not have to decide anything today.
    You are going through a tremendous amount of stress and change: WLS, weight loss, work, living situation, and your marriage dissolving.
    Rather than jumping blindly into the dating pool, why not take some time to grieve and heal (physically, emotionally, spiritually)?
    Do you have a good counselor or therapist?
    You might also want to look for a good bariatric support group and/or 12-step recovery group like OA (OA.org).
    When you are emotionally stronger, then you can be better able to rationally date.
    You are not doomed to be alone the rest of your life. You get to choose whether or not you date or seek a new, healthy relationship.
    In the meantime, why not find out how strong and awesome you are by yourself?
    Again, it is ok to cry and grieve.
    Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  24. Like
    judy1234 reacted to leanora27801 in Lost 200lbs total   
    As of today I have lost 200lbs. I started at 439 and today 239. My goal was to reach 239 by April 1st, but with God's help, hard work at the gym by burning 2000 - 2100 calories a day in cardio and weightlifting and eating around 1100 to 1200 calories a day i have hit my goal much earlier than expected. I'm so proud of myself because i haven't weighed under 250 since i was 13 years old and I'm 38 now. For anyone thinking they can't lose the weight use my story as inspiration because it can be done, and i will help anyone that wants to try. I have to thank my husband and kids for keeping me focused everyday and loving me. I also can't forget the rest of my family, who has also given me the encouragement i needed also. 
    Sent from my LGMS330 using the BariatricPal App
  25. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Kathy Coop in Veterans....#1 thing you miss / don't miss   
    I miss my ass! I went to Disneyland at thanksgiving and my boney butt was getting slammed all over the rides. That padding is all,gone and even sitting on chairs and benches ends up a pain in my ass so to speak.
    I don't miss soda. The first 6 months I wanted it so so so bad. About 6 weeks ago I took a sip of my husbands Dr. Pepper and I almost spit it out. It was so gross. Like pure Syrup. Bleh!!

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