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    judy1234 reacted to IcanMakeit in Serious Question. How is WLS the "wrong way"?   
    I think that the perception that WLS is the "wrong" way to lose weight comes from the fact that most people who haven't had it, think it's easy. And since lots of people believe that obese people are lazier or more self indulgent than others or lack self control, they don't want us to be able to lose weight easily. We should have to work hard to overcome our character flaws. I don't think these feelings are at the forefront of most people's thought processes, but I do believe they are there.
  2. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Babbs in Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette   
    I have the same beefs, but guess what? It's not going to change things. People will still continue to be...ahem....people.
    Good rant, though
  3. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Babbs in "I've only lost XX lbs..."   
    Amen, sister!
    Can we just copy and paste your post into every "I've ONLY lost XX amount!" thread?
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    judy1234 reacted to blashlee in "I've only lost XX lbs..."   
    Don't hate me, because I certainly don't hate any of you. But it truly bothers me to see people on here complain about how little weight they've lost. Especially when it actually isn't a little bit of loss. "I've only lost 40 lbs in 2 months since surgery! What am I doing wrong??" Are you crazy? Do you know how amazing it is to lose 40 lbs PERIOD let alone in just 2 months?? Yes, WLS is a tool that is supposed to help weight loss occur a bit more quickly than if you were to do it on your own. But downplaying your losses, regardless of how slow they are, is doing a disservice to yourself and also to people who haven't undergone WLS yet and are here to get some insight and do research for their own possible surgical journey.
    Stalls happen. Weight loss slows down. It seems the closer you are to whatever goal you're working towards, the more evasive it becomes.
    I think it's really important to focus on what you HAVE accomplished rather than to let what you haven't done yet get you down. This isn't a race. The journey to health is just that: a Journey. There's no finish line. This is something we do as a lifestyle.
    The next time you think you might be about to complain that you've "only" lost xx amount of weight, please stop for a second and think about how you might feel if you hadn't lost any of that at all. And think about what message you might be conveying to someone who hasn't had WLS yet and is looking for advice here. It gives newbies and pre-ops the idea that weight is supposed to just magically melt away and that 30 or 40 lbs in 2 months after surgery isn't an acceptable rate of weight loss.
  5. Like
    judy1234 reacted to SoulGlo in Co-Workers and Their Lack of Work Ethic   
    I don't see the issue. As long as their behaviour or work ethic doesn't affect or increase my workload why should i care? These businesses and corporations have no loyalty to their employees and will fire or cut an employee that has been slaving away for the company just as easily as they would get rid off of an employee that's been slacking off.
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    judy1234 reacted to pink dahlia in A little over two years out and thrown right back into my fat days...   
    After reading the story I could see that Dr. Clueless hit a nerve with you but I did'nt see it as intentionally rude. I think he was trying to be nice and complimentary about your weight loss and didn't think twice about saying it in front of others. Some people are more uncomfortable and /or sensitive about "congratulations on your weight loss " comments than others, I'm personally not offended by the comments at all. That doesnt mean you're wrong because you're not, I just don't think he meant it to make you uncomfortable. Since you still have to see the Clueless family for awhile, you might want to casually mention that you prefer to keep you weight loss journey private, etc, especially now that you have your power of speech back................. (Lipstick lady speechless ?? No way !!!! Did pigs fly ?)
  7. Like
    judy1234 reacted to ShrinkingPeach in Everyone is an expert!   
    Just as any aspect of life, some people are educated about things and some are not. Yes, everyone's journey is their own but a lot of things are common among us. Most people just want to help as they have been helped, pay it forward.
    I do not comment on things that I know nothing about. I will always try to help when someone posts a question because I assume they really want help, after all it is a support group.
    I researched every day for 6 months before my surgery and I am very well informed on the plan and what works for most. You an tell the difference when someone is asking for true help and when t hey are asking for permission to cheat or do their own thing.
    Agreed for sure that the first stop for advice should ALWAYS be your nutritionist or surgeon. I often email my nutritionist if I have a specific question about my plan or Vitamins.
    People just have a desire to help sometimes. It is not always about telling you what to do, they just want to contribute. It is always okay to tell them you have a plan in place already and thank them for their interest in helping. You know sometimes they just might have something valuable to offer.
  8. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Miss Mac in Ignorant bi#@h   
    Look at the reviews for sugar-free Gummy Bears on Amazon......and then give her some in the morning. She will have cramps and diarrhea in a few hours, probably in time to ruin her car.
  9. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Sharon1964 in Stop it!   
    Beg your pardon?
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    judy1234 reacted to LMolina1987 in Anger   
    If I could sleep for two weeks id be happy.
    Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
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    judy1234 reacted to beachgal2935 in Does it hurt?   
    I had surgery on a Tuesday morning at 8 a.m. and went home the following day at 6 p.m. The ONLY pain I had was when they "stripped" (where the tube exits the body, they pinch and slide the Fluid away from the body and into the bulb. It prevents the tube from clogging and keeps it working correctly) my drain. They'd emptied if throughout the day and it was no big deal. However, when the nurse came in at 4 a.m. to strip it, I thought I was going to scream. It felt like someone took an ice pick and stabbed straight down into my left collarbone. I have a high tolerance for pain and I cried like a baby. He kept saying how sorry he was but that he had to do it. When the day nurse came in to do it I had to endure the pain all over again. My left shoulder was sore for days. When the surgeon and his resident, that assisted, came in later that afternoon I told them. The resident doctor was the one who removed my drain prior to my leaving the hospital. It was quick and painless. They sent me home with a prescription for 55 percocet. I took one twice on Thursday and once on Friday, just as a precaution. By Saturday I was good to go. I have been full of energy and at 53 years old, with a painful nerve condition on my entire right side, I think I've done great! Everyone is different but I'm sure you'll be just fine. Just a couple of suggestions for your hospital stay ... take ear plugs and an eye mask. I did! It will help you sleep so much better
  12. Like
    judy1234 reacted to toasty in Does it hurt?   
    I had my surgery last Friday, so this is fresh in my mind! The day of surgery (day 1), after I was in my room, the nurses were giving me demerol every 4 hours. They asked me once if I wanted pain medication every 4 hours when it was allowed, I said yes, and from then on they just came in and gave it every 4 hours. The pain was negligible after the demerol, maybe a 1-2 or so.
    The second day, they switched me to oral Norco (Hydrocodone/Tylenol) liquid. Again, every 4 hours, but now I had to ask for it. It kept the pain level to a 3-4. At night, I would generally go 6 hours between needing the Norco without problems (I preferred the sleep). Generally, on this day the greatest pain came when trying to drink; my pouch hurt whenever I tried to drink anything, even the smallest sips. Pain was maybe a 5-6 for a few moments while drinking. Didn't do much drinking that day. Walking definitely helped.
    When I got home (on day 3), I continued the oral Norco. Now, pain level was 2-3. Walking helped, as did passing gas. GasX strips helped a lot.
    Day 4, I started taking Norco every 6 hours. Pain level 1-2 right after taking Norco, 3-4 six hours later. Walked a mile over the course of a day, it helped (probably got my mind off the pain too).
    Today, I stopped the Norco altogether, and have been on Tylenol. No pain when sitting down, about a 1-2 when walking, 2-3 when bending over, 4-5 when coughing. It's raining, so not much walking today.
    Throughout it has been my stomach area that has been in pain. Not my incisions, which don't hurt at all. It feels like maybe the muscles in my abdomen, as well as some gas too. I never had any pain in my shoulders at all.
    That's my experience so far.
  13. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Madeleine Renee in Negative feedback from bariatric surgeons in regards to gastric bypass   
    I find it strange that reputable surgeons would comment negatively about the bypass.
    It is the golden standard. If you have any co-morbidities, it is the only way to go.
    My diabetes is in remission, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, I had 70 lbs to lose, already lost 23 lbs after 4 weeks and already, my health is so much better.
    I recommend to you to do your research on other bariatric surgeons in your area or out of your area. Only a surgeon with not enough experience would make that kind of comments when research from all over the world recommend just the opposite.
  14. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Knitchic in A bad day today.   
    Hi there. You're right the diet isn't easy for sure. powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein is really good and they make a chicken Soup flavor that is actually pretty good. It makes you feel like you get something salty.
    I was allowed sugar free Jello and sugar free Popsicles. Those really help. I will say days 4 and 5 were awful. I think I was having sugar withdrawal. Once that passed I have been ok. I still get hungry if I wait to long between meals but all in all it really does get easier.
    Ps the chocolate Unjury power is amazing! If you put it in the freezer it's almost like a thin Frosty from Wendy's.
    Good luck.
  15. Like
    judy1234 reacted to BLERDgirl in Who Was Your Gastric Sleeve Surgeon   
    I come to sing the praises of Dr. Noel Williams and the University of Pennsylvania Bariatric program. They have support groups in varying times and locates throughout the month, the staff is always nice and professional. I LOVE the handbook given to patients, It literally became my bible giving me a written reference book to guide me through the entire process. My in-patient stay was comfortable. I was given a private room and the nursing/medical staff could not have been better.
    Nest of all I had no pain, no gas, no Constipation, no complications to speak of. They arranged a visiting nurse to check on me at home when I was initially discharged. I get high fives from the nutritionist and nurse when I go for my follow-up appointments. How's that for positive re-enforcement?
  16. Like
    judy1234 reacted to blashlee in Increased attention post-weight loss...   
    That makes sense. I never really felt like I lacked confidence being heavier but I have been told that I seem happier so that could be it. I'm ok with compliments and positive comments but all the nosiness and increased interest in my life feels very intrusive though. I think that's the part I'm bothered by most.
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    judy1234 reacted to MsAlaineus in Workplace drama...REALLY?!   
    ^^^I'm just sayin'...
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    judy1234 reacted to Miss Mac in Workplace drama...REALLY?!   
    I am soooooo glad I am retired. Even at the age of 62, I was still dealing with "mean grls" at work. It sounds like yuo are a dedicated hard worker who will do just fine working someplace else. Just consider that every little thing you do (even tasks you don't like) can be considered as resume bait. Plus, by venting here instead of cutting loose at work, shows that you can add "diplomatic" to resume. You hang in there. They don't deserve you. It will all work out in the end.
  19. Like
    judy1234 reacted to pink dahlia in Workplace drama...REALLY?!   
    Stuff like that happens when you're awesome. Just sayin '. Congrats on your weight loss, and no , I won't go talk behind your back now. I'll tell it to your face . This weight loss has been an incredible journey, and like any journey, you're bound to hit some speed bumps. It's not a smooth ride all the way. Consider some of the people in your workplace are "speed bumps", so you just drive right over them , and enjoy that satisfing "thump!" as you roooooollllllll over them, because they are beneath you, literally and figuratively. Speedbumps honey, that's all they are. Just speedbumps. Have a good day !!!
  20. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Djmohr in Oh the "Advice"   
    All I can say is UGH! This is the danger especially when it comes to your family members.
    I love my father n law to death. He is a very sweet person normally but he is in his late 80's and sick as heck with type 2 diabetes. He is close to losing his limbs due to poor diet and lack of adherence to the fact that he is a diabetic.
    He was always very quick to point out when some woman in particular was heavier. Well, he never said it directly to me and he loves me very much but when he would say something rude of course I knew he likely felt the same about me.
    Now, I am down over 120lbs and to him I look thin. I swear every time I see him he first compliments me on how thin I look and then follows it by asking if I would like a piece of cherry pie, chocolate chip Cookies or ice cream. All 3 some of my favorite treats.
    He knows that I chose not to eat like that any longer and he tells me he is sorry that I cannot and when I eat in front of him and eat my 1/2 cup of food he says, that's a shame that you cannot eat what you love.
    I remind him that I love what I eat and especially love the fact that I get full fast and stay full longer.
    He tells me constantly that I should eat more. I want to say, love you Dad but remember all those times you would see an obese person and call them a cow or a fat ass? Well, I know what really is in your head.
  21. Like
    judy1234 reacted to QuilterGal in Still being judged after death   
    A woman who worked at my organization died suddenly last week at the age of 67. She was morbidly obese. She was in the health care field and people used to comment about how ironic it was that she was a health care researcher but was so overweight. I thought that was pretty catty. Today I was telling another coworker about the woman's death and she said, "Well, I'm sure she had a lot of health problems, you know..." and just trailed off. I knew she wanted to say "because she was morbidly obese" but she stopped because I have just had RNY. No one really knows why this woman died. Everyone is assuming it was because of her weight. I know that obesity can cause significant health issues. That's one of the reasons why I had my surgery. But it just struck me as strange that, even in death, this woman, who held a PhD, is still being judged.
  22. Like
    judy1234 reacted to LipstickLady in My First Roadblock   
    I'm sure he has your best interest at heart. He wants your surgery to be as safe as possible and for your recovery to be easier, I imagine. That said, I'm sure this was very hard to hear and it seems like a monstrous task.
    Can you seek a second opinion? Find a surgeon who specializes in larger scale obesity? Did he offer you assistance in losing that weight? Did he give you a plan?
  23. Like
    judy1234 reacted to lauraellen80 in VENT: Caught off guard   
    Ugh, people can just be awful! Specifically, people who use the anonymity of the internet to post extremely rude personal attacks that have nothing to do with the service that they're reviewing. I'm with @@Babbs, this online culture of nastiness is terrible.
    I'm also annoyed on your behalf at your staff person for pointing it out to you!

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