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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Remix reacted to QuilterGal in Weight loss bucket list   
  2. Like
    Remix reacted to Dawny28 in If you were sleeved in Mexico add me I can help you!I   
    Hi BeccaLayne
    I would love to add you ...how do i add you? I haven't done this before i'm pretty new to this,
    I leave this friday the 18th and I am having my surgery that day and I CAN'T WAIT!!!
    Please let me know if there is anything important not to forget to pack or do before i go. I will be asking more questions after surgery
  3. Like
    Remix reacted to BeccaLayne1959 in If you were sleeved in Mexico add me I can help you!I   
    I am shocked at the lack of support there is for people who have been sleeved in Mexico. I helped a lady from Montana who was literally dying get on track and healthy. I m willing to help any way I can! You need to know how to eat properly. Add me and ask me any thing and if I don't know the. answer I will find it. I am almost 6 months post surgery and have lost 102lbs
  4. Like
    Remix got a reaction from stephh in Halloween Challenge!   
    CW 152
    Goal 135
  5. Like
    Remix reacted to Elode in When did people notice your weight loss?   
    Every time I point it out to them!!! I have no shame
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    Remix got a reaction from jess9395 in How Do You Get Yourself Out the Door to Exercise?   
    I put a calender on my fridge to write down my workouts. When I don't exercise, that day stays bare and I hate staring at those empty days for the entire month so I am hyper motivated to fill in as much as possible each and every day!
  7. Like
    Remix reacted to LynnAlex in Jealous: Low BMI   
    I had surgery 8/4 and have lost 21 pounds. I was very happy. When you start at 210, you lose the same percentage as a heavier person. I am only expecting a 2 pound loss per week from Month 2 till goal weight. Before surgery, I could lose 30-40 pounds, and then get down no further. So...the loss is slow but I am down to 189. I went from a size 18 pants to a comfortable size 12 and tight size 10 pants. I look like a normal person. I am not content, I want to weigh125-135. So, while we don't lose as fast, the small weight loss puts us into another category quickly. We are able to exercise and move more quickly than a 300 pound person, who lost 40 pounds and still weighs 260.
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    Remix reacted to tg273957 in How Do You Get Yourself Out the Door to Exercise?   
    I moved from Ohio to Florida so I can walk on the beach every night after work.
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    Remix reacted to jess9395 in How Do You Get Yourself Out the Door to Exercise?   
    I'm all about training plans and checking things off lists and challenges on apps.
    Started with Couch to 5k and kept going from there. I am lost without a plan!
  10. Like
    Remix reacted to amazon in My one year "surgaversay" today w/pic   
    Well, I've survived a year, lol. What an amazing journey it's been. I've learned so much.
    The support on the board is great. I'm on here every day reading what going on. Chiming in if I can. Thank you to all of the vets. You rock.
    To summarize my highest weight I ever saw (around 2004) was 265. I was 224 when I started my WL program and just under 200 the day of surgery. (In the attached photo I think I was around 225).
    I reached my goal weight of 138 three weeks ago. I am now 135. I imagine I'll stop losing soon.
    I get 80-100 grams of Protein a day. I exercise 4-5 days a week. (Walking, biking, resistance). I also golf, and swim, amongst other things. I enjoy running, but my knees don't. So I'm working on it.
    I'm 52 and feel like I'm 20. This is the best thing I've done besides marry my husband of 30 years and have our amazing son. ???? They've been my biggest supporters.
    My major health issues have resolved. No more metformin. Normal A1C.
    Down side is loose skin (yes, I am pursuing plastic surgery). Also developed acid reflux. That's a trade I can handle. I wonder if I had it all along. My butt and boobs are gone...MIA. One will get fixed...you can guess, lol.
    My words to live by...life is short, so get your butt out there and LIVE it. Really SHOW those that you love that you love them. That includes yourself.
  11. Like
    Remix reacted to krista132 in Bucket list of things to do after weight loss...   
    I have always wanted to travel to Europe, but I was afraid I would be too tired or not be able to be accommodated well due to my size. I am only 5 months out now, feeling GREAT and I just booked a Europe trip next summer for myself and my husband. Here's to celebrating new life!
  12. Like
    Remix reacted to bellabloom in I feel like I lost myself , became stuck up and shallow.   
    I relate to what your saying.
    Having been in a bad marriage which largely contributed to my weight gain, feeling depressed and the lowest ugliest most difficult time of my life- getting out of that and losing weight was like getting out of jail. The relationship I was in smothered the hell out of me and it felt so good to get free.
    When I started dating again I went a little crazy. I did eventually end up with a boyfriend- not hard to do looking like this. But I haven't been a very good girlfriend. I crave men's attention. It makes me feel so powerful,so wonderful.
    When I was overweight I felt invisible to men which was crushing. Especially because I'd only been overweight for five years and I was used to being much more attractive. So to have that back now feels awesome!!!
    I don't play with men's emotions but I do enjoy letting them take me on a date and getting their appreciation.
    I think their are lines you can't cross here. Enjoy the attention of men, that's fine- but keep it professional. You don't need to sleep with everyone you meet. Look for one you actually want to be with, or keep it casual with all of them. You can enjoy sexy and your body, but make it clear to them where your at if your not looking for a relationship.
    There is nothing shallow about enjoying your sexuality, your beauty, and your freedom. I am woman hear me roar!!
    But whatever you do, don't forget about or screw over your female friends. They are the ones we need the most in life!!! Don't chose men over them or let men become a bigger priority.
  13. Like
    Remix reacted to newlifenewsong in I feel like I lost myself , became stuck up and shallow.   
    I don't think you're stuck-up and shallow; you're just getting used to the new slimmer you and what it can do. My weight has been up and down a lot over the years, but I have found that whenever I was back at a slimmer size, I became a lot more conscious of men, dating, etc... It's like you need that confirmation that you *have* lost weight and that you *are* attractive, because you've spent such a long time being disappointed when you look at yourself in the mirror, that the only way to make your weight-loss real is to have someone else appreciate it. All that's going to happen is that you keep relying on that male gaze to define you, with the result that if something doesn't go as planned with someone, you're more likely to go back to using food as comfort and letting your weight creep back up (personal experience speaking here).
    My advice? Go on a man-diet! Try spending a month consciously choosing not to go on a date or hooking up with anyone; if a cute guy asks you out, turn him down or make plans for a few weeks from now to give yourself time to get to know him through messages, or whatever.
    And in that time, take yourself out on dates. Go try new things, maybe even things you don't think you'll like. Plan a nice dinner with the goal of only pleasing yourself. Get a full length mirror if you don't already have one and just spend a little time every day looking at your body and thinking about all the things that it is able to do now that you're lighter, and just take the time to appreciate yourself without someone else having to tell you your worth.
  14. Like
    Remix reacted to Eric@@ash in Bucket list of things to do after weight loss...   
    I want to travel to Arizona and go on a three day hike to all the beautiful blue-green waterfalls on the Havasupai reservation. You have to hike about 8 miles to get to them and in my current state, it's out of the question. I can't wait to swim in those beautiful waters!! Also getting through a whole Zumba class without stopping to rest and shopping, Shopping and more SHOPPING in "normal" stores

  15. Like
    Remix reacted to wildGoose in Weight loss bucket list   
    My favorite thing is having people not recognize me! I love flying now, and I used to not go anywhere. I love being told I'm too thin. I love weighing less than my friends. I love putting on clothes I don't think I can possibly get into and having them fit. The simple stuff is the best. I'm 62. Now I'm waiting for my plastics, which I did not think I'd want, but I do. I'm a year out from my liquid diet. I measure from there. 110 lbs. oh my.
  16. Like
    Remix reacted to LadyReyven in Weight loss bucket list   
    Going on a roller coaster again and for the first time with my 15 year old son! Also, my son an I are planning a white Water rafting trip together. He's my biggest cheerleader and almost as excited as I am!
  17. Like
    Remix got a reaction from mollysinger64 in Bucket list of things to do after weight loss...   
    Wearing a bikini
    Whitewater rafting
    Zip lining
    Stand up paddle boarding
    Running a marathon
  18. Like
    Remix got a reaction from mollysinger64 in Bucket list of things to do after weight loss...   
    Wearing a bikini
    Whitewater rafting
    Zip lining
    Stand up paddle boarding
    Running a marathon
  19. Like
    Remix reacted to Mom26 in Bucket list of things to do after weight loss...   
    1. I want to take a picture with my husband in his police uniform and be proud to hang it up in the house.
    2. We're going to Cabo in January and I want to go horseback riding on the beach and swimming with the dolphins.
    3. I want to be able to open my closet door and have my pick of anything hanging up - without worrying what will still fit.
    4. Run a Disney half-marathon or full marathon with friends.
    5. Be able to wear a bathing suit and not feel like everyone is laughing at me.
  20. Like
    Remix reacted to magicalwoman in Bucket list of things to do after weight loss...   
    I want to keep learning about obesity. I want to help, encourage, and mentor others.
    I am going to get involved in the support group at my Weight Loss Center.
    Oh and I want to ZipLine! Oh yeah
  21. Like
    Remix reacted to newmebithebypass in Bucket list of things to do after weight loss...   
    my husband has family in peru i have always wanted to hike machu picchu
  22. Like
    Remix reacted to Mrs.RRn in I used to fit these.   
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    Remix reacted to AllisonK1986 in Bucket list of things to do after weight loss...   
    Go to Disney world and be able to ride all the rides, have an higher self esteem, be able to shop in regular stores, go zip lining , go hiking, horse back riding, and kayaking/paddle boarding.
  24. Like
    Remix reacted to twittymilk in Bucket list of things to do after weight loss...   
    Single digit pant/jean size
    Sky dive
    Run a marathon
  25. Like
    Remix reacted to Sophie74656 in Bucket list of things to do after weight loss...   
    There are a list of things I'm looking forward to
    having a conversation with any member of my family that doesn't revolve around my weight
    crossing my legs (I've NEVER been able to do that)
    fitting in a booth
    walking up to the second floor without being totally out of breath
    going on a hike
    going on a tropical vacation and feeling comfortable by the pool
    buying clothes in a regular store
    looking in the mirror and not hating what I see
    not being embarrassed to have my picture taken

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