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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Sleevefornellie got a reaction from ANewBeginning15 in APPROVED FINALLY!   
    @Anewbeginning15: yaaaaaay!!!!! I'm so happy for your approval!!!! Playing the wait game was so irritating!!!! But so worth it in the end!!!!
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    Sleevefornellie got a reaction from Heatherrc1 in APPROVED FINALLY!   
    After waiting patiently and nervously for 3 1/2 long weeks, I received a call today from my surgeon's secretary telling me that I've been approved for the Gastric Sleeve surgery yaaaaay!!!!! I'm so excited and nervous at the same!!!! My surgery is scheduled for June 24th!!! Please save a seat for me on the loser's bench!!!!!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to 00612 in APPROVED FINALLY!   
    Congratulations! My insurance approved mine within 3 hours after submission.
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to 3bzmom in Thoughts on your young children visiting you in the hospital   
    I have had various surgical procedures over the years, and when the hospital has allowed it, my children have always come for a quick visit just to see where Mommy is and to know that I'm ok. I think it can be a valuable experience for a child to understand that you can be in the hospital and not be on your death bed. Too many times, a child's first or only experience with the hospital is a really sick relative. That said, they have never stayed more than 15 or 20 minutes- just long enough to understand that Mommy will be tired when she gets home, but that everything is ok.
    Because my children had experienced my surgeries, when my son had to have an emergency appendectomy at age 9, he was quite the trooper and knew that even if he felt really bad when he woke up, he would be feeling better soon. I realize 9 isn't a "little kid," but I still think the experience helped him.
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to Okinawa girl in Thoughts on your young children visiting you in the hospital   
    My husband brought our four year old to visit me both afternoons I was there. My child is well behaved in public and I had a private room. She just came in and sat down. She didn't really know what to think. I say let your wife bring her. It is nice to get a kiss from them when we are gone for the night. Just know that if your child isn't tolerating the visit well that your wife may need to leave early
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to ANewBeginning15 in APPROVED FINALLY!   
    I also got my approval on Friday after waiting a month! The secretary scheduled me before even talking to me because she knew I wanted to get this done as soon as possible, while I'm On summer break. I'm scheduled for the 19th. My liquid diet starts Thursday. I've had some last meals, eating some things I know I won't be able to eat again. Not binging, though, not enjoying as much as I'd expect.
    Is there a June sleevers Forum?
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to mclorrie in APPROVED FINALLY!   
    Thanks! It's been a week today, and I want to call them so bad!! But I'm trying to refrain!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to mclorrie in Countdown to surgery begins!   
    @Sleevefornellie keep me posted on your surgery date! @@ShrinkingPeach - Thank you! Can't wait!! @@mallen1895 that's awesome that you got approved within a week! I hope that I hear back soon! Today marks my one week since my patient navigator submitted it to insurance. I hope it won't be much longer! The wait is making me crazy!!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to mallen1895 in Countdown to surgery begins!   
    Good luck to both of you. You have made the right decision. Two years ago I was thinking of WLS and decided I would try and lose weight on my own. Well a year later I had lost and regained weight plus more. At that point my doctor said this would be the best option for me. I started the journey last Sept. Got all my required test done by end of March including the 6 month supervised diet. My Doctor submitted everything to the insurance company and they approved me within a week. I had my surgery May 12th. The first few days after survey was not bad a little sore. But believe me it gets better everyday. I have my first follow up with my doctor today. So far I'm down 17 lbs this include the two week liquid diet that was required before surgery
    My only problem is I WISH I was not afraid to do it two years ago.
    Good luck
  10. Like
    Sleevefornellie got a reaction from Heatherrc1 in APPROVED FINALLY!   
    After waiting patiently and nervously for 3 1/2 long weeks, I received a call today from my surgeon's secretary telling me that I've been approved for the Gastric Sleeve surgery yaaaaay!!!!! I'm so excited and nervous at the same!!!! My surgery is scheduled for June 24th!!! Please save a seat for me on the loser's bench!!!!!
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    Sleevefornellie got a reaction from sandyb68 in I'm a size Medium? NO WAY!   
    Yaaaaay!!!!! So happy for you!!!!! Congrats on your stunning results!!!!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to Bob B in Four months, down 90 pounds! (Plus job stress)   
    I was sleeved on 12/16/14, and as of my weigh-in today, I am down 90 pounds!
    As a restaurant owner, my biggest fear before the surgery was how the weight loss would affect my personality and image. While I am thrilled with the quick results, and I have been VERY able to handle the big changes in lifestyle, I must admit that unfortunately my "work joy" has lessened. I'm a restaurant owner, and been in the business my whole life. I love food, the food business, talking about food, etc.
    Since my eating is so restricted, and I don't get much joy from it any more, I have been feeling less and less enthusiastic about serving and selling food. It's such a disappointment. The trade-off is worth it, obviously, from a health standpoint, but every day at work I'm less enthusiastic about what used to make me so happy.
    I've been in the restaurant business since I was a kid. I don't know anything else, and I don't have any other skills. I don't know how I can keep doing this for the next 20-30 years with the kind of "food apathy" I seem to be developing.
    Has anyone else had a negative WORK reaction to the surgery? Anyone changed their career as a direct result of the surgery?
    I would love to know that I'm not alone!
    Bob B
  13. Like
    Sleevefornellie got a reaction from Heatherrc1 in APPROVED FINALLY!   
    After waiting patiently and nervously for 3 1/2 long weeks, I received a call today from my surgeon's secretary telling me that I've been approved for the Gastric Sleeve surgery yaaaaay!!!!! I'm so excited and nervous at the same!!!! My surgery is scheduled for June 24th!!! Please save a seat for me on the loser's bench!!!!!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to mclorrie in APPROVED FINALLY!   
    Congrats on getting your date!!
    I'm patiently waiting too!! It was submitted to insurance last Tuesday (May 26). . . It hasn't been a week, but this wait is driving me crazy!! It's been a long six months!!
  15. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to Miss Mac in Eating off plan-ok, cheating- 5 days post op   
    Your new tummy is now the boss of you. It is the parent and you are the child. Go to YouTube and watch a video of your type of surgery to remind yourself of how brutalized your stomach is right now. It is an internal organ - vital for your survival - not a picnic basket. Please, please stop and be strong.
    The liquid stage will pass soon enough. Would you give roast beef, chips, and pop to a newborn baby? Of course not. Its little baby tummy can't handle that stuff yet. Well, neither can you right now and your tummy is trying to communicate that to you. Take care of it and it will take care of you. Now, young lady.......you behave today. Hugs from Chicago.
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to bikrchk in Will l feel Deprived ?   
    I never did feel deprived. After the first 2 months of healing, (not lying, that part is an adjustment), I could eat pretty much what I liked as long as it was in small quantities. I supplemented Protein to meet my goal of 80+g per day, (still do) so I can have that variety in my diet. I LOVE the fact that now that I'm in maintenance, I can eat relatively clean during the week and party on the weekends and stay a size 4! SO worth giving up that 2nd 3rd or 4th slice of pizza!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to Mike4132 in 5 month update?   
    The stalls suck but for me they are mainly due to reduced exercise. I was stalled for about a month and then after 3 days of strenuous work I dropped 5 lbs.
    Overall, I'm down 89 lbs in less than 6 months so I can't complain! (And I feel better than I have in years.)
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to sandyb68 in I'm a size Medium? NO WAY!   
    Just wanted to jump in and toot my horn i am so happy i did this. i am three and a half months with my new teeny tummy and although the first month was a little unpredictable and yes, very hard, i am so happy to report I am already half way to my goal weight. As of today i am down 73 lbs and things are going really well. It really hit me yesterday when i bought a new summer dress and i just grabbed the XL off the rack and put it up against me thinking this should fit, or if it doesn't it will soon enough, to get it home, try it on and it fits like a glove. Best news, it was not an XL it was a M. it was just on the wrong hanger. OMG i cannot even remember ever buying an Medium. Yay for me!! That is all
  19. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to Kindle in Tell me your secret   
    What's your big hurry? I had "only" lost 17 pounds at 7 weeks postop and I was thrilled. My rate of loss did not keep me from meeting and even passing my goal. Weight loss is not a competitive sport. You have the rest of your life to "win".
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to Alex Brecher in Tell me your secret   
    UK Cathy is completely right…don’t even bother going down this path because you will drive yourself crazy. You might also end up discouraging yourself so much you decide to quit your good intentions.
    Besides that…I don’t even understand your disappointment! You said you lost 32 pounds in 6 weeks and you don’t know how some people lose 50-80 pounds in 3 months. Well, I have news for you. If you’re losing 32 pounds in 6 weeks, you’re on pace to lose 70 pounds in 3 months. FYI!
    And Djmohr is exactly right – when is the last time you lost weight so fast? Probably never. And how long did it take you to put on the weight? Probably a long time. So ENJOY this magical time – the fast weight loss, the changes in your body, the pride you get from knowing you are taking control of your weight and health, and the knowledge that you can do this…because you ARE doing this!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to Djmohr in Tell me your secret   
    Ukcathy is exactly right. Everyone loses weight at a different rate. It has a lot to do with how much weight they need to lose (starting point). You will notice over time that weight loss slows down to a crawl and you have to fight for every single pound.
    I lost a lot in my first 8 weeks but since then, if I lose between 5 and 10lbs a month if I am lucky.
    Also, in the end everyone that loses a bit slower catches up to those who lost quickly in the beginning. You have lost 32lbs in the first six weeks! That is significant.
    When was the last time you lost so much so quickly?
    Remember slow and steady wins the race. Also you certainly did not put this weight on in 6 weeks, you cannot expect it to come off in six weeks either.
    Stay positive and keep doing what you are doing. You are making great progress already! Congratulations!
  22. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to LuvMeTheNext50 in My PERFECT Sleeve Surgery May 25th, 2015!   
    I had my sleeve surgery performed by Dr. Ramos Kelly in Mexico on May 25, 2015 and cannot imagine having a better possible experience and outcome! He is a highly experienced surgeon specializing in bariatrics with a background in trauma care as well. That was important to me in case i had any issues during the procedure. He was just tremendous in all aspects.
    I am now 1 week post op as of tomorrow and I NEVER thought i could possibly feel so incredible...so fast...after this procedure!! I have had ZERO issues whatsoever. I have lost 17 lbs since 4 days pre op.

    I feel AMAZING and will share further pre and post op details over the next few days and am totally willing to speak on the phone or over email with anyone considering this life changing surgery. I would shout my happiness from the mountaintops if i somehow could!!
    I cannot begin to express my gratitude to Dr. Kelly and everyone involved with my care. I get somewhat emotional even talking about it because my gratitude runs so deep ... and i am not sure how one can express it adequately. They started me down the best path i have been on possibly in decades and they also probably extending my life in general. There are simply not enough words...
    SW 215
    CW 198
    GW 135
    ~ Paige
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to Miss Mac in I am a big fat phony failure   
    Liars unite!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to AvaFern in I am a big fat phony failure   
    LMAO! Ha, ok that totally made me laugh. I feel like that all the time. People are like...what is your secret? I reply...oh I just workout more and eat less, when I'm really thinking, well I cut out 80% of my stomach because I couldn't manage to eat like a normal person.
    It's ok, we can be big fat phony failure liars together, I'm good with that, lol.
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to JaneJaneDoe in Did they really take half my tummy?   
    Reading through these posts made me say, "I felt that way!" At eight days post-op, I vividly remember how I felt like I was starving. I remember telling my hubby how hungry I was and wondering if the doctor took out enough of my stomach. As soon as I started eating soft foods I felt much better. I think it must have something to do with eating Clear Liquids and your body is just craving substance. I'm now five months post and down over 40lbs. I love, love, love my sleeve and am ever so thankful for it. I will say, eat slow and learn your "full" point. I have only thrown up once... now I know my point. Good luck on your journey!

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