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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to LisaPunkinHead in Almost cried at my doctors office   
    scales do not measure anything more than the gravitational pull of our bodies to the earth. Sometimes that's different depending where we are or how the scales are calibrated. I weigh about 10 pounds less at my mom's house in Southern California, but she weighs the same at my house. It's time to stop judging ourselves by that number on the scale -- it's just a checkpoint, that's all!!
  2. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to Lady With A Lens in Surgery is tomorrow...   
    After 7 months of medical testing my surgery is finally tomorrow (May 4th, 2015).
    I've yoyo dieted for many years. I think I've done everything there is out there from Vegan to Atkins. After an injury, last year, prevented me from exercising I decided to go to another seminar on bariatric surgery. I'd gone to one many years ago and thought I could handle things on my own. Losing 20lbs gaining 30 over and over again. Since I've been unsuccessful on my own, and now limited to swimming only, I decided to pursue surgery. I'm happy, excited and very ready to move forward.
  3. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to KD Achieve in Newbie Introduction - Sleeved 5/20.   
    Hi All,
    I hope everyone is doing well. I had my sleeve surgery on 5/20. I have lost 24 lbs total since I started the liquid diet the week before surgery. I am very optimistic!! I feel good, no post surgery issues getting my liquids and Proteins in. Surprisingly no discomfort since after the first 2 days. I guess I am lucky there. I just started soft foods. I have been on this weight roller coaster for a long, long time; probably 15 years. Up, down, up, down. I have gained and lost between 50-75 lbs at least 6 times by diet and exercise alone. Unfortunately... I was never able to achieve my goal weight nor was I able to keep it off. So I am truly grateful for this tool. My bigger weight problems started about 10-years ago when I was diagnosed with PCOS and then Type 2 diabetes and later, high blood pressure. I quit smoking 8 years ago which helped chronic breathing issues and annual bouts pneumonia and bronchitis... BUT also caused weight gain. I am also in a high-stress job. I love my job and the pace of my job but it has also contributed to my weight gain thanks to "stress eating". This is all very disappointing since I have always considered myself "athletic" (lol). I like to be outside, I would love to swim, I like to play softball and volleyball. I love to fish and hike. I feel like I am a high-energy person on the inside and I simply cannot wait until my outsides match. The bonus will be to regain my health. I have 3 beautiful grandchildren that I would like to take to Disney World one day but I would like to be fit enough to keep up. Its good to be here... looking forward to interacting with you and being inspired by everyone's journey. Happy Slimming to all!!
  4. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to laguerr13 in So excited   
    I at my Dr.'s office for my last visit before surgery and I cap happy I had to share as I am waiting fort surgeon,
    I began this journey in March weighing in at 388,
    Went on self diet, then started pre op diet and I weighed in 5 minutes ago at
    Wow bring it on
    # I will beat this!#
  5. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to likelike in My surgery is TOMORROW!   
    I'm getting sleeved tomorrow at 12!! OHER MEEHRR GEERD!!
  6. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to NewNewMe in One month post op   
    Thanks all for your replies. I am also glad to hear I am not alone with the fatigue and the stall. My scale finally moved again today after an entire week. I hope it keeps going now.
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    Sleevefornellie got a reaction from shani22404 in My surgery is TOMORROW!   
    Congrats!!!!! Praying you both have speedy recoveries!!!! Please come back and update us on your status!!!!!
  8. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to CreoleVSGGirl in Hi, I'm Cryss!   
    Thank you for your kind words! I can't wait to be back in single digit clothes sizes again! I appreciate finding this site. I haven't told many ppl about this. Not that I'm ashamed...not at all! But I don't need the criticism right now at all! Not when I'm trying to make up my mind as it is.
    Well I've already done that! Lol
  9. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to CreoleVSGGirl in Hi, I'm Cryss!   
    Hello everyone. I'm Cryss and I'm new to the site. I'm in the beginning stages of WLS and I've chosen the VSG. I've done the initial seminar, consultation, initial dietician visit, I've been told how much to lose and now I'm on the diet plan that my dietician gave me.
    I made this decision at the suggestion of my endocrinologist. After getting some blood work done...he didn't like what he saw.
    I'm overweight, duh lol. My BMI is really high. I started thinking about how I've been struggling with my weight pretty much my whole life but DEFINITELY after the birth of my daughter. That was 15 years ago. I thought about not being around for my daughter.
    So I made the choice to do this! Im still struggling with feeling disappointed in myself for not being able to do this on my own. But there's nothing wrong with admitting to yourself that you need help! And well...I need help!
    My PAC that works with the surgeon at the hospital that I'm getting the procedure done at said if all goes well with all my blood work, I'm looking at 10 weeks!
    I'm really REALLY trying to stick to the diet that I've been given. I was told to lose between 10-20 lbs. I've only been on the diet since 5/18 so I'm pretty sure I haven't lost any weight but I'm more working on sticking to what I need to be doing.
    I don't have to tell y'all that this is HARD! But it'll be worth it in the end.
    I'm scared....I've never had any kind of major surgery before. But I'm SUPER excited! I'm looking forward to starting a healthier and better part of my life!
    So now a little about me!
    I'm Crystal but my friends call me Cryss. I hope to make new friends here...some that understand what I'm going through. I have one 15 year old daughter. She's the most amazing child! And resilient! She still smiles despite A LOT that she's been through.
    I'm born and raised in New Orleans! I work in healthcare. I've been a pharmacy tech for 12 years. I would like to go to school for dental hygiene or even dentistry. Maybe one day...
    I'm just happy to be here and be at this point in my life!
  10. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to EnglishDan in Today was the day, and I feel great   
    Had my sleeve done today by Dr Teel at Miami valley hospital in Dayton OH. Let me just say how wonderful this experience has been, I was mentally ready for this and that's what has helped me through.
    Had my surgery at 7:45am, surgery complete at 8:30, spent one hour in OR, within another hour I was on my feet walking the halls and have done all day. They use foot markers here with signs every 25 feet, well because i feel so good after my surgery I have walked over 2000 feet, I'm really happy, I have no pain from the surgery just some gas discomfort.
    If anyone is worrying about this surgery then please don't. My advice is get mentally prepared, do your research and once its done get on your feet.
    I'm doing so well that at 5pm they changed my diet to full liquids instead of tomorrow, still here for the night but will go home knowing this was the right thing and a great experience so far
  11. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to jm726 in 4 + weeks out and feeling regretful and hungry   
    Hi, I'm only 2 1/2 weeks out, so I don't have much advice on the hunger issue. But I do understand. I find that I'll "eat" and then about two hours later get hungry. That then leads to thoughts and feelings of frustration because I can no longer eat like a "normal" person, and that totally activates my old (and learning to subside) feelings of food addiction. So then I have myself a good old cry-fest! Lol. One of these cry-fest occurred last night... To which I told my husband I knew it would be hard, but not THIS hard. I said I wished I would have just done it on my own... To which (in a loving and supportive manner) my husband reminded me, that the whole reason I decided to do the surgery was because I did try to do it on my own over and over for many years, and needed the surgery to finally help me reach where I've always wanted to be.
    I also searched the boards and while a good chunk of people were very positive and never regretted a thing... But that wasn't me. So I also found other people who said those feelings of regret were completely normal and they felt the same way, and they were also very emotional in the bringing. So while I'm glad some people don't regret a thing, I highly appreciated those who were open with their feelings of regret...because they helped me to realize it I'm normal after all. So while it's hard now, us "regreters", will come out on the other side.
  12. Like
    Sleevefornellie got a reaction from KSTUZ in approved after 2 denials!   
    What amazing results!!!!! Congrats!!!!
  13. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to Walter Lindstrom in June and the hidden dangers of the 6-month diet requirement   
    Last year at this time I posted this Blog about why June is such an important month for patients seeking surgery. http://bit.ly/1SUlolN
    I thought it was worth bringing to folks' attention. Here's a snippet:
    "By waiting you are RISKING that you might be one of the unfortunate ones whose failure to plan well in June caused them terrible Gloom at the end of the year, even though they thought – and their bariatric program thought – jumping the silly hoops and playing by the insurance plan’s rules was the right thing to do. So if your bariatric program is talking about having you wait and jump through more hoops show them this post and get them to re-think that plan. It could be a terrible but avoidable mistake."
    I hope this helps anyone who is being told by their bariatric program that it's better to wait to complete "the diet" before getting submitted to insurance. Sadly, that's usually not the case but you probably won't know until the end of the year. Good luck to all!
  14. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to KSTUZ in approved after 2 denials!   
    I was denied for a weight gain during my 3 month supervised diet. And no weight for 2013. But I had 5 years of dates. Didn't matter.
    I was denied in July, sent my appeal on my own by August, denied 2 weeks after and hired lindstrom. They had me approved in 2 1/2-3 weeks! I was approved October but because of my work I couldn't schedule surgery until jan 5th. I was looking at end of November/December with my doc. But had to wait. And it was 100% worth it.
    I'm down 95 pounds since jan.
    Best thing i ever fought for!!
  15. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to KSTUZ in approved after 2 denials!   
    I'm IN!!
    Heard from the Lindstroms today and Aetna approved me!!
    Kelly and Walter Lindstrom were absolutely incredible. My second level appeal was nothing that I would have ever come up with!
    So waiting for the surgeon to call me back, to get a date!!
    Thank you to all who have helped and encouraged me the past few months after my denials. I think I would have lost hope if it wasn't for many of you.
    I had a really tough year, and this is my light at the end of the tunnel.
    I cannot wait!!!
  16. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to Susan Quincy in Sleeve Stretched?   
    Thanks for the feedback. I am pretty sure it is a head thing and I know I do not feel hungry when I snack. I have to engage in focused activity and get out when I see this starting. I have tended to spread my eating of meals out longer and so the Protein is first and then veggies come an hour later. So far this and almonds with cranberries have been the go to Snacks. Very careful to limit carbs that is my "crack" and will stat the problems out again.
    Here's to the continued journey. Lifting a glass of Water with Crystal Light flavoring to everyone.
  17. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to HalloweenBaby24 in 8 Months Out 80lbs Down.   
    High Weight 255.
    Current Weight 175.
    15lbs till my goal.

  18. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to AvaFern in There isn't a Victoria's Secret model under there?   
    I know exactly how you feel. I was a little about 25 pounds from goal when I realized that even when I hit my goal weight, I was not going to be remotely attractive in anything that didn't cover most of my body. Over the course of the last 8 months I've had 3 plastic surgeries and while I look in the mirror now and I look pretty decent, all the surgery in the world isn't going to make me a Victoria Secret model either!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to Goonie in There isn't a Victoria's Secret model under there?   
    What I'm trying to look at is that even though I don't look great....I feel amazing! I'm all floppy when I run...but at least I don't have to fear my thigh rub starting a fire or getting a black eye from my obscenely large boobs. It's those little things that make the saggy new me a happier new me. Good luck to you...it is really hard!
  20. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to MizzouFan1 in There isn't a Victoria's Secret model under there?   
    100lbs lost and now finding that I am just irritated with how my body looks. Yes, I know its not just about that. I get it. But right now my self esteem is not all that great. I've lost probably 75% of my once awesome thick wavy hair. My thighs are sagging, I have no boobs, and my arms are flabby. Its summer and I don't feel confident in wearing any of the stuff I can now fit in. I don't typically have body image issues...even when I was heavy but losing all the weight to feel disillusioned with how I look now is frustrating. Apparently my brain had tricked itself into thinking after I dropped all the weight underneath would be waiting a Victoria's Secret model. Silly brain.
  21. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to AvaFern in Bathing suit shopping left me depressed... Until I reminded myself where I started (pics)   
    You look fantastic! You should have totally bought that bikini. Even if you only wear it around the house or in the privacy of your backyard or pool, you have done such a great job you deserve to enjoy a new bikini!
  22. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to liannatx in Bathing suit shopping left me depressed... Until I reminded myself where I started (pics)   
    I think you look fabulous! Are you kidding???? Your stomach is NOT frowning at you, it is smiling as you look down at it!
  23. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to Bluesea71 in Bathing suit shopping left me depressed... Until I reminded myself where I started (pics)   
    I tried on bathing suits today. I tried on a few bikinis knowing there is no way in heck I would be seen in them in public with the sad state my tummy is in. I snapped the picture on the right to send to my Husband as a desperate plea for a Tummy Tuck ASAP (he's anti-plastic surgery and loves my body the way it is.) I left the store feeling sad that although most of my body has snapped back after my almost 95 pound weight-loss, my stomach still frowns at me. I feel trapped in a fat suit most days.
    Something made me search for the pic that led me to get WLS in the first place. A picture of me at my heaviest (245 pounds) in a bathing suit on a zip line on vacation.
    Im still critical of my body but it helped to remind myself where I started. For those of you just getting started, take plenty of pictures to remind you where you started.
    Now to save up for that tummy tuck!

  24. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to princess20 in Non-Scale Victory: Down Two Shoe Sizes!   
    A friend who had sleeve surgery told me to Celebrate non-scale victories, so I am DELIGHTED that at seven weeks post-op, I am down two shoe sizes. I went from a 11WW to a 11M. This is especially thrilling, because I LOVE HIGH HEELS. I had to stop wearing them because my weight got to be too much to stay on heels longer than about 30 minutes and there are not many choices for heels with extra wide feet. My dream is to buy a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes since they only come in medium widths. Since they are so expensive, I will wait until I reach my weight loss goal to buy them. I am glad that I am refocusing how I reward myself and not using food as incentives.
  25. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to Jewelgirl04 in My Weight Loss Coming Out Party (aka: my law school graduation party)   
    I'm so incredibly excited for this Sunday! I just graduated law school last week and have my graduation party this Sunday.
    Only two of my friends have seen me since I had the surgery (and they're the same 2/4 who know I had the surgery), but they saw me at the beginning of April when I'd lost only 30 pounds. I've lost another 30 since then!
    None of my other friends and non-immediate family have seen me. I was a size 18/20 in August. I'm now a size 10 across the board.
    Not to mention a former co-worker I've had a MASSIVE crush on for the last two years is going to see me SIXTY POUNDS lighter than the last time we grabbed drinks.
    I've been making short term goals to keep motivated. I wanted to be in the 170s when I went to this convention in Philly (and did it!) and then wanted to break 169.9 for my graduation party. I'm at 170.2 today.
    I know this post doesn't have much point to it, but I just had to Celebrate this with my sleever family.

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