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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About sa111antha

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 03/10/1979

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    I am Sam. Sam I am.
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    Movies, Music, Crafting
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    Youth Rights Administrator
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  1. sa111antha


    I have very slow weight loss and large stalls. I think it might be the Quest bars. I am going to go cold turkey this week and see if I do better at losing.
  2. sa111antha


    I love my Quest Bars, but have noticed the weight loss has slowed since I started eating them. Maybe time to say goodbye.
  3. sa111antha

    Roll call all who had surgery JUNE 2015

    I was sleeved on June 18th. Weight before pre-op diet: 278 Weight on day of surgery : 260 Current weight: 236 Total I've lost 42lbs I got a wicked bad stall my second week which lasted almost 3 weeks. The scale finally started moving again last week to my relief. During my stall I did lose 2 pants sizes though. I had bought some pants at goodwill anticipating my new sizes and skipped right over one size down to the next. I feel like the weight is coming off so super slow. I know everyone goes through this process differently, but I had higher expectations on my weekly/monthly loss. I have tried all sorts of food and only found that salad makes me sick. I had some ground meat last night but it didn't sit well. For the most part I have a Protein bar for Breakfast, tuna for lunch, a Protein Bar for a snack then something for dinner...usually Progresso Light Soup, then sugar free popcicles for a night snack. Getting about 60g of protein a day and about 60oz of Water a day.
  4. Starting weight was 278. Sleeved on 6/18/15. Day of surgery I weighed 260. Lost 18lbs with the pre-op diet. (I did three weeks instead of two) June 25: 244 Down 16 from surery date. July 1st: 244 July 9th: 242 July 16th: 240 I want to throw the scale out of the window sometimes. Is 2lbs a week normal...or should I be seeing better results. I am terrified I am doing something wrong. Not enough Water...not enough Protein...etc. But I am following my NUT guide to the T.
  5. sa111antha

    Lost a lot week 1, not so much week 2?

    I am having a similar issue. I had my surgery on June 18th. My weight was 260 on the day of surgery. The following Thursday June 25th I weighed at 246. Down 14 lbs in one week. Since then I have only weighed on Thursdays. July 2nd weight: 244 July 9th weight: 242 Is this normal? I feel like the scale has just stopped moving. I am following all of the instructions of my Nut. Getting in my Protein and as much Water as Steve my Sleeve will hold...
  6. sa111antha

    Big box of samples. Now what?

    I ordered the sample pack pre-op. Loved most of the flavors but Fuzzy Navel and Roadside Lemonaid were my favorite. So I ordered two of the large jugs of powder to have ready for after surgery. THEN SURGERY HAPPENED... And I cannot stand even the smell of them. The one and only thing I have up-chucked since surgery. Don't forget that your tastes might change after surgery...so don't make the same mistake I did and order so much before hand. So far between the Isopure and the Syntrax nectar I am about about 80 bucks worth of Protein that I can't tolerate.
  7. sa111antha

    Sleeping on left

    I am 2 weeks post op and still can't lay on my left side or stomach in general. The large incision that they use to remove the stomach is still sensitive. BUT...I got a horrible cough 2 days after surgery so the constant thrusting of my chest to cough has slowed the healing down for that incision.
  8. sa111antha


    Well I am happy to report that I saw my surgeon today for my 2 week check up. THE scale finally moved again. Down another 2 pounds...I guess the stern talking to I gave to "Steve" my sleeve did the trick. I am just happy it is moving again.
  9. sa111antha


    Yeah my resolve was to only weight on Thursday...each anniversary of my surgery. So I weight on the 25th. I was so happy with my progress. Then the scale got the best of me this morning and I saw no change since last Thursday...and it was so upsetting. But THANK you for your advice. I will keep on keepin on!!
  10. I put one in my mouth, started to chew and instatnly threw up. There is something in those that did not agree with my stomach right away. I switched over to OptiSouce Post Bariatric Vitamin Chews and have had no issue since.
  11. So I am 12 days Post op. The first week was awesome. I had my surgery on the 18th and by the 25th I was down 16 pounds from my surgery day weight. I know that is a lot. And I am so greatful that I got that much so quickly. BUT NOW...I have not lost a single pound since the 25th. Is this a stall? Or am I doing something wrong? I am still on liquids until tomorrow...which I have been pretty strict with myself about. So I haven't changed what I am doing. I have found it hard to get in more than 60g of Protein each day, but my NUT said I will work my way back up soon enough. Please help.
  12. Tomorrow...6:00am check in time. SOOOO excited. See you on the losers bench.
  13. sa111antha

    WLS Water Bottle

    It is not insulated. I start with cold water and by the time I get to the bottom it is still pretty cold.
  14. sa111antha

    WLS Water Bottle

    So I stumbled across the most AMAZING Water bottle for WLS patients. Here is the link. https://www.motivationalbottle.com/product/graphite-motivational-water-bottle/#comment-7709 It has an awesome Quote on the front "GOALS ARE ACHIEVED ONE SIP AT A TIME." Also, the way the spout is designed it doesn't allow you to take in water and air at the same time. It litterally only allows you SIP. I wanted to share this with you guys because I hadn't seen anything like it. On the back side of it, it has a time line for making sure you drink the proper amount of water in the correct time frame. My friend purchased it for me as a present for being "brave" enough to get VSG done. I got it today and it is the best. ***I don't work for this company or have any stake in the product. This is my own personal opinion about a product I actually use.
  15. 6 more days can't come soon enough. Reduced diet since the 1st, liquid starts on Sunday!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
