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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Casey235 reacted to mae7365 in Anxiety   
    I just need to add that with time, all foods are tolerable in limited quantity. Yes, your eating habits will hopefully be forever changed, but with time, you will never need to feel deprived. Protein shakes are still my main source of Protein, but I can go out to dinner with my husband and always find something on the menu. I take a bite of his dessert and it satisfies that craving for sweets. I've had a small slice of pizza. I do not feel deprived at 5 months post op.
    It is the best decision I've made for myself. I was always worried about kids, husband, work.......this was just for me and I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to change my life.
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    Casey235 reacted to Bandista in Anxiety   
    I think that most if not all of us here can completely identify with your worries. It's hard for me to believe that I don't miss anything. I really can have whatever I want, just in small quantities at appropriate intervals. The weight loss is great but as others have mentioned it is the change in attitude that is so amazing. For me choosing weight loss surgery was choosing myself. And getting that appetite monster off of my back was the best decision ever. The constant gnawing thoughts of what can I have, what will I have next, etc. are gone. I am some one who benefitted from seeing a therapist for a while. I wanted a third party to go through the process with me. We worked on identifying my triggers and really breaking them down into very specific incidences. Prepping myself with food before a meeting or conference call, cruising for a little something as a form of procrastination, getting a bowl of ice cream to self-comfort then getting more because I knew I would be back to a strict diet soon......no more dieting. That didn't work for me. WLS has given me my life back.
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    Casey235 reacted to Sleevealicious in Folks Who Have Had Complications   
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    Casey235 reacted to torifill in April Sleevers! Where are you at in your Journey?   
    This is my first post. I have been lurking for a few weeks. I will be getting sleeved on April 21!!! One week from today!!! I am very excited. I am from Louisiana and my Doctor is Dr. Rachel Moore. This Forum has answered a lot of my questions.
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    Casey235 reacted to crazyffhfan in Any April Sleevers?   
    Tomorrow is my day! Everyone at work has been so uplifting and encouraging with the well wishes. I am so excited!!!
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    Casey235 reacted to jackiemc1987 in Were you guess as prepared as u thought u would be?   
    yes i see how easy it has been for other sleevers and i envy them im just ready to be normal again im so tired of the gas the soreness the sips , crazy how we take things for granted what i wouldn't give to just down a bottle of Water but i does get a lil easier as each week approaches but theres gotta be a pot of gold at the end of the tunnel
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    Casey235 reacted to TWJ in Were you guess as prepared as u thought u would be?   
    It is definitely a struggle. And of course all of my friends who have been sleeved had no issues and are just wonderful! This site has been a life saver!! Read some posts from other people on here. It helps to know that some of these issues will pass. I'm new to all of this so I can't really give much advice but I'm here for support any time. Sounds like we are in the same boat.
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    Casey235 reacted to jackiemc1987 in Were you guess as prepared as u thought u would be?   
    yes i agree no matter how research or information uve been giving NOTHING has prepared for this very moment this journey has been CRAZY ive asked my self a million times why did i voluntarily do this to myself i felt like i took my rights away i was and still am bitter about the choice i made and sorry to say i dont wanna heal to see results i wanna heal so i can EAT!! Not to mention im going to miami may 30th ???? idk how this is gonna play out well see tho any i was sleeved 3.23 so im still new to this to im here if u ever need to talk because i could use a friendly ear as well
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    Casey235 reacted to TWJ in Were you guess as prepared as u thought u would be?   
    I was recently sleeved also (April 9) and I am going through the same thing. I researched this for years! Went to the seminars, researched online and in books, talked to numerous people who had the procedure and was 100% sure this is what I want and need to do. The day after surgery I was a crying mess asking God what had I done to myself. Finding this forum has helped tremendously. Nobody knows better than someone who has been through it and so many here have helped me. I still have the occasional down feeling but definitely better and ready to eat real food again, but at the same time scared to. Hope you feel better!!
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    Casey235 reacted to Tauruslady5 in Were you guess as prepared as u thought u would be?   
    I am sorry you are feeling this way. Just remember we all had had this surgery and are here for each other.
    I started my whole investigation/knowledge into this procedure even before meeting with the provider. I had to do an orientation first, which was the start of my knowledge. I went online and found even more information to help me decide which surgery was best for me.
    Understand that my surgeon is more knowledgeable than I am, but he was certinaly impressed when I met him with the information I already knew. I knew exactly how the surgery was going to be performed. I understood exactly what was expected of me mentally.
    When I went to see him, I even told him ... "This is my new opportunity to start over. I will be having a new "baby" tummy and know I have to think that way". He was glad that I understood this.
    When I answer others on this site, I always leave them by saying... "your doctor did surgery on your stomach, not your brain" or "You have a new BABY stomach, treat it that way."
    Mentally you need to realize that it is a new beginning. I know it is tough, especially if you were not prepared of what would happen.
    Here is some helpful thoughts.
    1. First 2 weeks is liquids only
    2. 3-6 weeks - start with the soft/pureed foods (no nuts or seeds)
    3. 7-12m - start off by eatting new foods introducing them one at a time. (still no seeds or nuts)
    4. Relax and let your stomach heal
    5. No stomach crunches until after 6 months to make sure you are healed 100%
    6. Walk as much as you can.
    7. Drink plenty of fluids (if you don't like the Protein drinks, don't drink them...... I don't and my Protein levels are fine)
    8. Think positively every day.
    9. You will loose weight, just give it time.
    10. DO NOT STEP ON scale DAILY. Try every week or every other week
    REMEMBER: You did this to become more healthier and you will succeed. If you feel depressed, go to a therpaist and talk to someone. This is one subject that my surgeon made sure I did if I needed to. I am assuming before the surgery you met with a Therapist. Call them if you need. They are there for you.
    I hope this helps. You are doing great, things will get better, and you will learn to eat more and more each month. Just relax, breath, and enjoy this new journey.
    Have a sparkling sunshiny day...
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    Casey235 reacted to kathysleeve in Were you guess as prepared as u thought u would be?   
    I don't know if I could have been prepared enough for this surgery.
    wasnt prepared for feeling so out of it after surgery. I didnt miss sugar until just recently
    because now an excess of sugar makes me feel sick.
    I didnt feel sick after consuming sugar until I lost 83 pounds.
    Now my body cannot handle the sugar now. I am grieving that.
    But I never grieved the gross amount of food I used to eat I was glad to see that go.
    we are all so very different, and each new change prompts a unique change in each of us.
    please feel free to continue to share your struggles as it helps you and each one of us to learn
    more and to help each other.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
  12. Like
    Casey235 reacted to Stephanie Stroup McIntosh in Anxiety   
    First off, congrats on opening up. It takes a lot of nerve. I personally found it freeing. 7 months ago, I would never have told anyone my weight. Today, I practically shout it from the roof tops and I am still morbidly obese. You know what has changed the most...my attitude. I found that when I opened up to people about it, I found so many other people that were also struggling. I found that I had a lot of support and that really helps to make everything else easier. Its hard to pass up the pizza and pepsi, but the compliments I get from people satisfy my so much more.
    I think its important to get to the root cause of your initial weight problems. Why do you turn to food? Take a deep look at this and see the real reasons. It may even help to talk to a counselor about it. So many people struggle with food issues and don't know it. For me, it was a control issue and the fact that I grew up poor and couldn't have things, so as I earned my own money, I could spend it. I could justify spending it on food, because we had to eat. That problem continued into adulthood. When you figure out why you have a problem, it will be easier to move on.
    Also, you need to really ask yourself why you want to have surgery. Why now? Be honest with yourself (and others if that will help you) and make sure you are ready to change your life.
    Most insurance companies require a supervised diet program. Take that time to make sure you are well informed on all the aspects of your surgery. Also use that time to start changing your habits. Ween yourself off the fast foods and sugar now, so you don't go into a state of withdrawal or shock. Start exercising now. It will make everything easier for surgery.
    I am not trying to sound harsh. I weighed 295 in September, possibly more before, but that was the first time I got on the scale in almost a year. On the morning of my surgery I weighed 263. Now at 23 days post-op I weigh 241. We all got overweight for a reason and we have to really be willing to change for surgery to work. I am here if you ever need to talk. You can do it.
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    Casey235 reacted to Nyelaah in Anxiety   
    I am in the later phases of getting my approval and am terrified and excited. I've never ever had any surgery before so it's pretty scary overall. I go through all these food funerals (eating everything in sight because it's the last time). However I start realizing that it's not that I won't ever eat again it's just that I'll eat different. This mentality of binge eating and loving food is what has me here in the first place. Will I be able to eat 3 slices of pizza NO but maybe 1/2 a slice once in a while. Hey... I might not want that half a slice anymore because you realize you don't need it after being healthy. So my long winded point is that it's normal to be nervous, anxious, scared, excited, curious..... This is a life changing surgery but know that it will be for the better (Atleast for majority of folks here it is)
    Good luck and take it all a step at a time. It's a lot of work but from what I've read worth it!
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    Casey235 reacted to AvaFern in Anxiety   
    This was my first surgery ever and I was completely freaked out. I read all the horror stories and I was sure for the first 2 weeks after surgery I had ruined my life. I was 100% miserable in the hospital and at home I felt like a zombie for those first two weeks. The only way to handle it is to take a deep breath, put on your big girl shoes, and march your butt into that surgical center. Being scared is completely normal, it's how you handle it that counts.
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    Casey235 reacted to bbecca in Anxiety   
    Thank you both. I will keep reminding myself of why this is better than food and read successful stories when I start to freak. ????
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    Casey235 reacted to bbecca in Anxiety   
    I hesitate to even write this but instead of letting fear and anxiety take hold I thought I'd put it out there. I cannot be the only one who ever felt this way.
    I am starting the process of WLS and have my first appt with my WL Clinic/Surgeon on 4/27/15. I want this surgery badly and will have it, however, I'm starting to freak out a little. Fears of the unknown and thoughts like "how will you handle not being able to eat?"
    Being healthy and enjoying my life will be far greater than any food but even knowing this doesn't seem to calm that itch of anxiety that is creeping in. Suggestions? How did you calm these thoughts?
    thanks in advance,
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    Casey235 reacted to Bonbini in Anxiety   
    I was so scared!! Ive never felt any kind of worry like I had before my surgery. It will be 1 year May 5th. I can tell you I truthfully have had NO regrets. I too worried if I could handle life without my friend ,food. I am satisfied with the way I feel after I eat and I don't feel like Im missing anything. I hope this helps and all goes well with you.
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    Casey235 reacted to alwaysvegas in Anxiety   
    Hi and welcome @@bbecca!
    I had some anxiety also. There are so many wonderful success stories on here to help you confirm your belief in WLS as a great choice.
    I also love that you said "...Being healthy and enjoying my life..."
    Because if you focus on health...all the great benefits of WLS will come to you. You'll still have to do your part by focusing on a healthy lifestyle, but the WLS is an incredible tool for helping you achieve long-term success.
    Best of luck on your journey! Don't be afraid to ask questions. There's a wealth of great wisdom on here.
  19. Like
    Casey235 got a reaction from aubrey222 in Clothing size   
    This is funny because after a size 14 pants got too tight, my pants size became LEGGINGS ????
    Decided to have the surgery just when I realized I would have to go up to a 16, and hopefully never going back there again!!
  20. Like
    Casey235 got a reaction from aubrey222 in Clothing size   
    This is funny because after a size 14 pants got too tight, my pants size became LEGGINGS ????
    Decided to have the surgery just when I realized I would have to go up to a 16, and hopefully never going back there again!!
  21. Like
    Casey235 got a reaction from aubrey222 in Clothing size   
    This is funny because after a size 14 pants got too tight, my pants size became LEGGINGS ????
    Decided to have the surgery just when I realized I would have to go up to a 16, and hopefully never going back there again!!
  22. Like
    Casey235 reacted to dar81 in Cheating   
    I'm six weeks postop I do not encourage or condone cheating but I am not one to be hypocritical and or a liar I cheated pre-op diet and postop. It was a struggle for me I'm a mother and a household of six so I did pick up things that I made could've been a spoonful of rice may have been two french fries could've been a strawberry point I did cheat my surgery was pushed off an extra 13 days because of a pending blizzard for the surgery date so I had to fast again which was hard. When I went for my surgery up to two days before I still had solid foods I was supposed to be strictly liquids but I was honest with my surgeon and I had already lost nearly 20 pounds and I was able to have my surgery. After surgery I had pain on my one incision and in my back but I had a steady decrease in weight and I was able to hold down liquids puréed foods so within 13 days I was put back to solids. For those who are able to say they did their fasting before and after strict liquid and puréed diet that is terrific it is very hard do the best you can and make sure you were honest with your surgeon
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    Casey235 reacted to MichelleTN in April bypass buddies.   
    Keep us posted. Prayers for you.
  24. Like
    Casey235 got a reaction from aubrey222 in Clothing size   
    This is funny because after a size 14 pants got too tight, my pants size became LEGGINGS ????
    Decided to have the surgery just when I realized I would have to go up to a 16, and hopefully never going back there again!!
  25. Like
    Casey235 reacted to samuelsmom in Just tell me I'm doing the right thing!   
    My surgeon also prefers that his patients use food instead of Protein shakes. I do use them because they are convenient, help me get my Protein in, and are not harmful. As another poster said, stalls are common. You lost a lot of weight in just a few weeks. It will pick back up in time. I know it is hard to be patient but you will see more results. Also, with snacks- some doctors are not fans because of the dangers of grazing, however, if you are not getting your protein in, a cheese stick in the afternoon might do you a world of good- easy to get down and a good source of protein. I also think it would be a great idea to talk to a dietitian. As much as I respect surgeons for the work they do, dietetics are not their specialty. Hope things improve soon!

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