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Duodenal Switch Patients
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    ShellMilliner reacted to scstxrn in Needing a little encouragement   
    Yep - I was there just after the sleeve; I can't imagine having to deal with malabsorption on top of it. Are you taking the Vitamins - being monitored for deficiencies? Protein, Essential Fatty Acids, Iron, B6, B12 are the ones that I can think of off the top of my head that will make you feel like a train hit... especially recovering from surgery and blood loss.
    I like the pink lemonade concentrate from HealthSmart at http://www.nashuanutrition.com/store/cold-drinks/healthsmart-liquid-concentrate-pink-lemonade-7-box.html
    It is liquid, so it doesn't hang out - and it's low calorie Protein. It's not terribly sweet, especially if you add a little more Water - and I have to drink the Water anyway. At the same time, Premier Protein's ready to drink chocolate has almost all my Vitamins for the day in two of them... so they're useful to me, too.
    I didn't feel *GOOD* till a solid 6 weeks after surgery.
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    ShellMilliner reacted to CanyonBaby in Needing a little encouragement   
    Believe it or not, I'm kinds in a similar spot, and I'm almost 5 months out. In a stall, for the last 2 weeks, lacking proper energy, not finding anything appetizing because I'm just tired of it all, right now. I will prevail, just a little setback. I know I have done too many carbs the last couple of days, I really think the coffee 2 days in a row sent me into a tizzy about hunger. And carbs ALWAYS make me sleepy, less energetic, and they tend to feed off each other. Now I have to pull myself back off that track, onto my better path. Not easy, not at all.
    Just know you're not facing this stuff alone, it will always come and go with us, it seems. But having all the encouragement and support of these folks really helps, REALLY, it DOES! Let us hang tight together!
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    ShellMilliner reacted to Elizabeth21 in Needing a little encouragement   
    I remember being disappointed that I was still so tired at 4 weeks out. But as mentioned above, this is major surgery and the body is adjusting and healing a lot!! Try to be nice to yourself and get extra rest as much as you can. You will feel a little stronger every week and the energy that you are hoping for is just a few more weeks away.
    Good luck!
  4. Like
    ShellMilliner reacted to Djmohr in Needing a little encouragement   
    I have to remind you that you did just have major surgery. You need to be a little easier on yourself.
    In terms of the weight loss, you body is likely in starvation mode fighting the weight loss. I promise if you stick to the plan it will work itself out and the pounds will start to drop off again.
    You are not doing too bad on Water and Protein but if you could get some more in, it would give you more of the energy that you are looking for.
    I also think that going back to work might just be what you need to get past the afternoon sleepy time. I remember going through that and You just have to build your stamina up again. but it will be very important for you to focus on your liquids and Protein while at work.
    I wish you the best of luck!
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    ShellMilliner got a reaction from CanyonBaby in Needing a little encouragement   
    So I've been having a down day or two. I'm just shy of 4 weeks post-op from the SADI/SIPS and I've plateaued for the past two weeks. Which I can live with although it is a bit disappointing. The harder part is my energy levels, I can't seem to get through a day without needing a nap around 1. When I skip taking a nap I'm so exhausted by the time 7 pm rolls around I'm ready to crash which doesn't work with a kindergartner and a 2.5 year old. I go back to work tomorrow (mostly sedentary) but, I'm not looking forward to the mid-day tiredness that will follow. The tiredness is really making me an emotional mess. I was expecting hoping by this time I'd have all this extra energy and going outside to play with the kids and doing lot of things. I know everyone is different, and other than tiredness I really had no real bouts of nausea or pain since leaving the hospital.
    I've also been struggling with getting in my Protein and Water. I usually manage about 48 oz Water but only about 50-60 grams of Protein. The past couple of days has been very hard because absolutely nothing looks or sounds appetizing. You know that feeling when you have a pantry and a fridge full of food but you stare into it for a long time close the door and look again, yeah, that's me. I can't even imagine anything sweet or savory that sounds remotely good to eat. Is this a phase? I try to force down Protein shakes to up the protein but I'm really having problems drinking them now too. What do you do when you really don't want to eat anything? I feel like pre-surgery I obsessed over foods, I ate when I was happy, sad, angry, bored, etc...I even resorted to sneaking food so no one knew how much I was eating. Now, I obsess over it, but in a totally different way. Now it is I need to eat xx grams of protein every so many hours.
    I know it will get better, I know the weight will come off and as it does my energy will come back, but there is nagging very impatient voice that keeps telling me I'm doing it wrong and it should be faster.
    Any advice is welcome...hanging in there.
    Thanks for letting me vent!
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    ShellMilliner reacted to blondbomb45 in Any April Sleevers?   
    Hi Ladies! I am officially 4 days post-op. My surgery was Monday and they literally had me walking after I woke up from the surgery. I didn't have any gas pain, maybe due to all the walking they had me do. I have had a very sharp pain, feels like runners cramp in my left side which I am told is normal and even that has gotten better every day. My only other issue is constipation.... I know tmi, but drinking lots of milk of mag in hopes of some relief. Feeling great surprisingly, slowly but surely on the mend!
    We got this!!!! On our way to being healthy and sexy!!!!
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    ShellMilliner reacted to heleneval in FL - Orlando   
    Most of these posts are old, but I hope someone is still here!
    I am in Orlando and just starting the procedure. Have my first appt next week, after going to the group info session last night. I'll be with Orlando Health.
    Would love to chat with some locals! Or…is there a Facebook support group? I spend most of my time on Facebook (ha ha) as opposed to this website, and would love to chat with others there, in a group or just by private message. You can add me as a friend: www.facebook.com/heleneval
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    ShellMilliner reacted to MichiganChic in Things men say when told about WLS :)   
    Wow, number three is super insulting. That is pretty judgmental. I agree, the guy sounds clueless, and I think people give the most insight into their true thoughts and selves when they least realize it. At least you know where he is coming from.
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    ShellMilliner reacted to LisaDomalewski in Feeling like I am taking the easy way out :-/   
    I am almost 3 weeks post op, and it is soooooooooooo not easy!!!!!!!
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    ShellMilliner reacted to Bbyblueyez in May 2015 SIPS patients   
    Thanks Michelle! I'm glad to hear you are doing great! I know I need to make Protein a priority for recovery and I heard it helps with Hair loss from the weight loss. I'm excited and talking on here helps a lot to see there are other people that have had successful surgeries. Now the count down begins! I start my liver reduction liquid diet next week.
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    ShellMilliner reacted to jennalia in SIPS - stomach intestinal pylorus sparing   
    @@SippedChick and @@ShellMilliner
    Thank you both for your responses. I am looking to have surgery the first week of June. I have completed all my pre appointments, I just have to get approved by insurance now. I'm worried BCBSNC will not approve SIPS because it is so new. I really like the idea of sips. I went in to the office thinking I was gonna have sleeve and left thinking sips. My doc said I would only lose around 60% of my excess weight with the sleeve whereas adding the sips would make it 90%+ of the excess. I'm 5'11" hw:309, cw:293 gw:170.
    My wedding is in October and right now I'm struggling with what size wedding dress to buy. I'm thinking (hoping) I'll be 225 by then and am probably gonna go with a size 18. I'm currently a 22/24.
    As for the surgery itself, I've never had any type of surgical procedure so just the idea of anesthesia makes me nervous. How long did it take you to feel well enough to get back to work fully? I am hoping to not take more than 2 weeks off. What would you say was the hardest part of the whole process so far?
    Do you have any advice for someone about to follow in your footsteps?
    Jenna - raleigh, nc
  12. Like
    ShellMilliner reacted to SippedChick in SIPS - stomach intestinal pylorus sparing   
    Hi Jenna!
    I stumbled across your posting under Recent Topics there on the right. I had the SIPS Procedure on March 6, 2015. So I'm about 6 weeks out. Ask away!
  13. Like
    ShellMilliner reacted to Bbyblueyez in May 2015 SIPS patients   
    Hello all! I was wondering if there are any people scheduled for the new SIPS procedure. I am scheduled for May 12th with Dr. Tyner. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. I have never had a surgery before and I am hoping for a smooth surgery and recovery.
  14. Like
    ShellMilliner reacted to CanyonBaby in Super Hangry   
    sugar-free popsicles. LOTS OF THEM!!! They give you crunch and chew. And you can have them! There are lots of good flavors out there, too.
    If this how you handle day one, what will it be like for you after the surgery? You can't get your stomach back. Period. Why are you doing this? What is your point, your goal? It is tough now, and it is going to get TOUGHER! For weeks, and maybe months. Reality check. Make 100 percent you want this for yourself, then get ahold of yourself and DO IT! You have lots of support here, and we who have gone through it know your suffering. But we got through it. We loved ourselves to do this for ourselves, enough to suffer for it. And we succeed! It is not an easy thing, and it is a life long endeavor. READ THE POSTS of everyone who has done it. We live this life for the REST of our lives. It is our future!
  15. Like
    ShellMilliner reacted to AELee in Super Hangry   
    Sugar free-Popsicle's are the truth. Mostly humans have a need to chew their food. The crunch and chewing alleviates the hunger fast. I rather have them then the damn Protein or yogurt or even the plain oatmeal my group was told to eat. I mean who eats plain oatmeal- no sugar, no milk, no nothing. The good news is after surgery you won't be hungry.
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    ShellMilliner reacted to Stevehud in Who all did you tell?   
    i have told and will tell anyone who will listen and even people who wont, well especially people who wont. They are my target . I wrote about this in my blog and share it with everyone on Facebook and then some. bartenders know i have had it, waitresses, friends of friends, heck I am not only not ashamed, I am damn proud of it. As you should be, even if only proud of yourself. Its your decision who to tell, I wont get into any of that, its a very touchy subject. But please do not be ashamed of who you are and what youve done, there is no need for it.
    Good luck and congratualtions.
  17. Like
    ShellMilliner reacted to Crosby in Who all did you tell?   
    I told everyone because I feel it helps to remove negative stigmas associated with obesity and Bariatric surgery. I have only gotten positive responses. I think my confidence in the decision and how I presented it may have shutdown any possible naysayers..
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    ShellMilliner reacted to Bonawanabfree in Who all did you tell?   
    i forgot to tell you why i tell everyone. I want everyone to know that this was my saving grace in life. I want others to be inspired by this decision cause they may want to make the same steps and they may need a hand to hold. I have always been an open person though. I am an open book and if people dont like my decision they can fly a kite....lol
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    ShellMilliner reacted to vsgSarah3 in Who all did you tell?   
    I gained most of my weight with my oldest daughter now 11. I now have three kids and after each pregnancy tried my hardest to loose weight. Clearly nothing worked. I'm now 30 years old and knew I needed to drop the lbs to better my life and be able to stick around for my kids.
    I was excited to have my surgery to help change my life. I told every one, and I will keep that part of my life open to any one who wants to know how I lost the lbs.
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    ShellMilliner reacted to Bonawanabfree in Who all did you tell?   
    I told everyone capable of hearing and still do.
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    ShellMilliner reacted to KingMoose in Who all did you tell?   
    Everyone that knew what I looked like before and knows what I look like now! I am not ashamed of the way I chose to handle my weight loss. I was ashamed of weighing close to 400lbs. I am very excited and empowered by my results both on and off the scale.
  22. Like
    ShellMilliner reacted to JamieLogical in how much do you eat?   
    It really depends on how far out you are from surgery and what you are eating.
    I am almost 8 months post-op. I can now eat about 3-4 oz. of dense meat (chicken, pork, etc.) in a meal. If I'm eating something liquid-y... like greek yogurt, I could easily eat 6 or more oz. I eat the 5 oz. containers every day and never feel restriction with them. I also have no trouble eating a 2 oz. Protein bar in about 5 minutes.
  23. Like
    ShellMilliner reacted to Jersrose43 in In need of encouragement & support :-( depressed while waiting for wls   
    I felt like this after I had both my kids. I found a good therapist to help me talk through it. I went to 3 before finding her and she was great.
    The first one blamed me. The second one blamed my parents. The 3rd one actually helped me look inside myself and find the reasons why I want wanting to participate and be engaged in life.
    The second pregnancy I was so much better prepared for the emotional roller coaster because of her. I saw her for two years after my first then throughout my pregnancy for number 2 and two more years.
  24. Like
    ShellMilliner reacted to crazyffhfan in Any April Sleevers?   
    4 days post op and feeling fabulous! Had some trouble Friday was about to get released when I went unresponsive and lethargic. My vitals were good so they gave me narco or whatever to get the pain relievers out of me. I came to and they chalked it up to a reaction with the meds. I've been fine ever since! Stayed an extra day in hospital and home on Saturday doing really well now!!!
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    ShellMilliner reacted to CrissyBat in April 1st Sleevers! Tomorrow is our Day!   
    I'll do it once I get on a computer. Normally I do everything from my cell. Lol.

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