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Status Updates posted by Chrystee

  1. Ready to go back to Mexico!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Daisee68


      @Chrystee - Yes I am lucky. I am in Texas, so it is a quick flight down there so it's easy to go for just 3 or 4 nights. AND that was when I had a VERY good job - from which I got laid off in December. :( I have a new job which I am lucky to have but SO much less money that likely those trips will dwindle - at least for a while. Hope you get to go back!

    3. Chrystee


      @Daisee68 that's no bueno!


    4. Daisee68


      LOL!! Agreed!

  2. It finally happened.. someone had something negative to say about all the pictures I've been posting of myself on FB. *sigh*

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      If the negative comment was something like "You're so full of yourself," it seems the only appropriate response is "Damned right."

    3. Valentina


      Valentina's "plan A":

      I have a shovel and a flashlight...

    4. Chrystee


      Thanks y'all !

  3. 42 pounds to reach goal weight. AMAZING.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Chrystee


      @OKCPirate I'm hoping to reach goal by May which me and the hubby are going to Mexico for a friend's wedding without our kids!

    3. LisaLouBop
    4. Chrystee
  4. Had a 100 mile run goal for December.. I have 3 days left and I'm only at 52 miles for the month, however, I am STOKED and AMAZED that I ran that much. I don't think I ever ran more than a mile in a month in the past!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chrystee


      @TealSister thank you so much!

    3. LisaLouBop


      You are amazing. I have a way to go to catch up to you. I did a 4 mile in 60 min - that is my best so far.

      But like you, I can't believe how far I've come!!!!!

    4. Chrystee


      @LisaLouBop I'm so proud if you! I started at about 3.5 jogging mph.. Improvement is the key!

  5. Its so weird to put on clothes that I used to wear that were SO tight.. and now.. they are way too big..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MrsSugarbabe


      Congratulations, Chrystee!!

      It is very exciting to start fitting into smaller clothes!! And as @LisaLouBop said - even when the scale doesn't budge (mine's been stuck, too), the clothes still get bigger because the inches keep coming off.

    3. Djmohr


      Yeah! My favorite thing to do is put on both the clothes I was wearing before surgery and clothes that I have purchased that are one size smaller than I am currently wearing.it is so motivating!!!

    4. Laydee_G


      Love that feeling! Keep going Chrystee, we're all in it together x


  6. Officially signed up for the DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon!! In 2 weeks!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JamieLogical


      Ha! That's my philosophy about the whole thing too! "Hopefully I don't die...." We should get some t-shirts printed up!

    3. Chrystee



      HAHAHA! I swear. I'm mortally terrified.

    4. deadmanwalking


      no need to be! with your determination and attention to detail you have already finished this marathon!! make us proud!

  7. Yesterday, was the first day in my entire life that I felt pretty..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NikkiDoc


      You look very happy and pretty in your profile picture. I am glad you finally get to feel that way.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      "I just feel happy and pretty and wonderful" -- Chrystee, you realize, I hope, that you're saying you feel fully alive. You have me weeping with happiness for you.

    4. Chrystee



      I've never felt alive before now.

  8. 42 pounds down! So happy!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ProudGrammy


      happiness is all that it is cracked up to be!!! keep up the good work congrats kathy

    3. Chrystee


      Thank you all! I have a few pounds to get to my pre-pregnancy weight with my youngest, and then i'll be at my smallest weight my adult life!

    4. LisaLouBop


      Congratulations - yay you. awesome!!!!!

  9. FINALLY under 200! 197 in fact! 37 to go to goal!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      How can you stand it? Pretty AND close to goal at the same time.

    3. Chrystee


      HAHA, Thanks ladies.. @LisaLouBop - thanks for your support though.. it helps. @laura-veen-baldus - I'm getting a new tattoo.. @WLSResources/ClothingExch - you are too kind. :)


    4. ssflbelle


      WOW Job well done! You look fantastic. Keep moving toward that goal.

  10. My BMI has went from 52 to 33. Still considered Obese.. but MAN! 3 more points to just being overweight!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OKCPirate


      so I don't know if my BMI will ever be "normal". BMI is a quick screening tool, but far from perfect. https://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/does-weight-matter/

    3. Chrystee


      Oh, I know.. I'm not worried about it.

    4. Steph Anie

      Steph Anie

      Doesn't it feel good to be so close to just overweight? I'm there too and can't wait to be out of the obese range.


  11. How come I can't reply to any of the topics in the forum?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chrystee


      What! Why? :(


    3. OKCPirate


      I am hoping you are realizing Sharon was joking, but since there isn't a sarcasm font (which the world needs NSA) I just thought I'd make it clear.

    4. Chrystee


      LOL, I know. I just still don't know whats going on.. I tried on my phone too, and I can't reply to my last thread I made.. :( @OKCPirate

  12. Off work for a week in 3 hours!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. deadmanwalking


      oh we could do big things in mexico!!

    3. Kathy812



    4. jane13


      Mexico and a wedding!!!

      Sweet and tomorrow is the 5th - TEQUILA!!! Wonder how much protein that little worm has in it? I know, eeewww ;P

      Be safe and if you decide to 'run' take in the scenery...

  13. Really tired of giving two shit's about people who don't give two shits about me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Chrystee, in the absence of context for your sentiment, I'll just go for it: Flush the bastards!

    3. KindaFamiliar


      Would you care to join me in my "2016 - The year of purging my existence of dead weight and shit..." mission?

      I've already made a start...

    4. Chrystee


      HAHA @KindaFamiliar @WLSresources/clothing/exch

      Yes.. SO TIRED OF IT.

  14. Holy hormones.. a fire has been lit..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OKCPirate


      It stinks when you are not in a committed relationship, but it wasn't too bad either ;-)

    3. Chrystee
    4. Cervidae
  15. Half Marahon on SATURDAY!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. deadmanwalking


      wellllll??? how was it? been thinking about it and hope you did awesome!

    3. Chrystee


      @olfbriannomore It went well! I finished right under 3 hours. I kept a pretty consistent 12 minute per mile pace.

    4. deadmanwalking


      yep! I knew you would rock it! I just replied on your new status.. again, congrats! well done!

  16. 70 pounds gone today! almost to my halfway point!

  17. 54 pounds.. and I ran 3 miles on Sunday.. I'M RUNNING. WTF!! DREAMS COME TRUE!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chrystee


      @Stevehud: Good for you! I am a big biker. Love road biking.. did 30 miles a couple weeks ago..

    3. Healthy_life2


      you are an inspiration. It is such an amazing gift to find out just how strong you are.

    4. Laydee_G


      Fantastic! Keep going...I'll be asking you for running tips very soon!!

  18. 105 pounds lost.. 49 to go! UNREAL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bayougrl


      We'll post a pic! :)

    3. Bayougrl


      Well not we'll!

    4. Chrystee


      I have some pics on my profile, I believe.

  19. Officially registered for the VA Beach Rock and Roll Half!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chrystee


      @KindaFamiliar - it is a half marathon in VA Beach

      @jane13 LOL

    3. KindaFamiliar


      Well in that case - Well done!!!

      It's not something I can ever see mycelf douing, but I fully support someone who chooses to do so...


    4. Chrystee
  20. Now officially registered for 3 half marathons this fall.. Rock and Roll in VA Beach, Philly and Brooklyn.. WOOOP.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OKCPirate
    3. JamieLogical


      I'm just doing two here locally. My first is April 24th and the other isn't until Sept. 18. I'm curious about traveling to do others around the country. Do you have friends/family in those areas. I'd be worried about not having "support people" around to take care of me before and after.

    4. Chrystee
  21. 2 more pounds to hit 100 since survey! I hit 101 from my highest weight ever!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Healthy_life2


      Look what you have achieved. Do you have any goal rewards planned for 100 ponds down?

    3. Chrystee


      ThNks! Yes, every 50 pounds I get a new tattoo.

    4. LisaLouBop


      Yay you!! The girl is amazing.

  22. Phew, been away for a bit..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deadmanwalking


      busy body! LOL

    3. Chrystee


      I was in a month long class for work, overwhelmed and stressed!

    4. ProudGrammy


      oh, were you ever here?? LOL - guess i didn't realize you were gone!!! LOL - nice to see you back - kathy

  23. When people tell me I inspire and motivate them, its so surreal to my mind..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jane13


      Chrystee - you are an inspiration, just like @Elode and even the ever so wonderful @KindaFamiliar. You share your thoughts and plans (goals) and you make them! You inspire those of us who do struggle, because you have and succeeded :D

    3. Elode


      You're too sweet! Thank you!

    4. Chrystee
  24. Today is my 1 year surgiversary! 125 total gone, 32 pounds to go!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deadmanwalking


      this made my day! I love seeing people succeed on their journeys! great job chrystee! I look forward to what the future has in store for you!

    3. LisaLouBop


      Congratulations my friend.

    4. Dub


      Happy surgiversary and happy results !!!

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