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learning to love myself

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    learning to love myself reacted to yogachick in My top 3 anticipated NSVs   
    1) being able to reach everything for shaving, washing and wiping purposes
    2) being out of plus sizes
    3) having a normal size bath towel wrap all the way around me
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    learning to love myself reacted to Seanja in Still skinny.   
    What's up you guys I will be 2 years post op in February and being sleeved is great. My sleeve has never given me any problems. Though I can eat more now than I could 6 months after surgery (which is normal) I still can't eat a full or regular size plate of anything. Everything is holding up. My confidence has been at an all time high. One thing they really don't prepare you for is during your pre op testing and therapy is how to deal with all the new attention you get. Whether good or bad depending on how you handle this it can and will be sometimes overwhelming. That may be the only not so good thing though. Other than that the skinny life is great. One more thing? When weighing yourself after surgery should we minus about 7 to 5 pounds for loose skin? Sounds silly I know but what do you guys think?
    307 1st weigh in
    287 day of surgery
    177 last year
    181 now.
    I put on some muscle ????    
  3. Like
    learning to love myself reacted to jrotondella in 8 months out   
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    learning to love myself reacted to sleevie.wonder in 120 pounds lost and 7 months out PIX   
    Hi guys, as of yesterday i am 7 months out and have lost 121 lbs. I just entered ONEDERLAND which I have not seen in YEARS!! I weigh less than I did in high school. I walked my first 5k yesterday which was a breeze. I feel amazing and couldn't be happier with my decision to have this surgery. I'd love to lose another 30 but feel great even where I am at right now so whenever my body wants to stop losing is fine with me.
    HW: 320
    CW: 199
    GW: 170
    (My first pair of jeggings!)
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    learning to love myself reacted to mumoftwo in 11 Month progress pic   
    Down 28kgs and feeling great. Still about 12 kgs to go.
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    learning to love myself reacted to ohh_mandyy in Finally achieved a normal BMI!   
    Today the doctor weighed me and I officially have a normal BMI! Such a huge victory for me! I'm now down a total of 114 pounds!  
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    learning to love myself reacted to skinnygirlwithin in Officially lost 100lbs :)   
    So FLIPPIN excited!! for what seems like forever I have been holding at 99lbs - but I am SO happy to report TODAY I have not only broke the 100 pound mark, but I HIT my docs goal for weight loss!!!
    I have been in the best mood today... just an incredible feeling. I want to scream it from the roof tops!!! lol
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    learning to love myself reacted to startingyoung in Life after surgery   
    Being only 19 years old and a month post op, I realize that there are a lot of things that I will not be able to do anymore.
    Take shots on my 21st birthday, drink soda, enjoy a drink with my dinner, and others. Some of my friends that know were worried for me before the surgery because of these factors. And yes these are things I will not be able to do, but everything comes with a price. In my case, all the things that I gain from this surgery completely outweigh those that I am unable to do. I now can have more confidence in myself, have a smaller chance of developing heart problems, have a smaller chance of developing diabetes, be truly healthy for the first time since I was young, I can buy smaller clothes, I can buy clothes is sizes that don't have an X next to it, I can eventually wear a bathing suit comfortably, I can finally stop the excuses of why I haven't lost the weight, I can love my body, and I can stop feeling like I am wasting my "glory years" by being overweight. These are only a few of the things that I have and will gain from this surgery, and I could not be more content. For anyone who is on the fence about this surgery, yes there are disadvantages and life changes that need to be made, but it can also give you your life back. After years, I am finally going to love everything about myself, including my body.
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    learning to love myself got a reaction from LindafromFlorida in Positivity Challenge. Name 3 things about surgery that has changed your life.   
    Down 110lbs!!!
    1.) I am no longer considered pre-diabetic or at high risk for diabetes.
    2.) I love shopping for MYSELF now! Always loved shopping just shopped for everyone but me.
    3.) I love life. I look forward to waking up every morning and knowing I can do whatever life throws at me!
    Best decision of my life!!!
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    learning to love myself reacted to MzGawjuss in Introducing myself!   
    What's up everybody! I'm Antoinette. I was sleeved on August 19th. I'm recovering well but these staples are annoying the hell outta me. I just came here for support and motivation on my journey. I've been going through a lot in my personal life and could use some positivity. :-) I live in the Dallas area and I'm 29.
  11. Like
    learning to love myself reacted to *Lexie* in This is crazy, this is crazy!   
    My surgery was approved today and my surgery date will be the week of September 22nd. I feel like Clark Griswold when he was about to jump in that pool.
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    learning to love myself got a reaction from BeagleLover in Pain pump   
    I had a pain pump with my surgery. I had the same pump in a previous surgery. It's not as scary as it sounds. If I remember correctly most of the medicine is out of the pump by the 3rd day. Then you will take it out. It's just a small drain tube and comes out easily. Good luck
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    learning to love myself reacted to luckypants in Anyone want to be fat again?   
    Oh my god! Greatest thread ever!
    Heck no I wouldn't trade being fat again for no "snow-woman skin that looks like it's melting off of my body" would rather have all of my loose skin then the disgusting round belly and fat face and bum and enormous boobs that I was carrying before. Not to mention the billions of medications I was on, not to mention couldn't walk five steps without being totally out of breath, not to mention having total sweat stains in the middle of friggen winter...IN CANADA....not to mention all of the rude arse people and their looks and ignorance. Nah I wouldn't trade being healthy AND HAPPY for any amount! Love this saggy body. My doc told me to view my body as a reminder-just like mothers and their stretch marks from carrying their babies-just like war veterans(yes compared my body to a war veteran) WEAR YOUR SKIN WITH PRIDE! And maybe a lil bit of Spanx just focus on the good and deal with the bad.
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    learning to love myself reacted to Cassiopeia in Serious support needed. I don't know how to be anything but fat.   
    Hi. Jumping right in.
    Started journey in April, looking at a surgery date in October. Passed all medical etc, surgeon and team are all supportive and say even though I've only lost 5 pounds on my own, I am going to be cleared for surgery ASAP I go through with the 3 weeks of support group required in september.
    starting weight 307, current 300+/- 2 lbs.
    I dont know how to shop for a woman who isn't obese. I don't know how to dress myself. buy bras. I don't know how to eat for a normal sized person. normal or healthy? I don't know. I went for a two mile hike today and stayed on plan for the first time in weeks. I should be proud to really be committing to this, to taking it a day at a time, but when i think of the results all i think is that i wont be "me" any more. i've always been the big girl. there were a few years i was really ok with that, until this past year when i gained 25 pounds and got over 300.
    now i feel lost. only a few people know about this, my two best friends and my husband. im not close with any of my family. both of my friends are 115 pounds soaking wet. nobody in my life understands that yes i want to be healthier, yes i want a normal life... but i dont know how to live that way and feel that way and im kind of scared.
    does anyone else know what i am talking about?
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    learning to love myself reacted to pinkbarbie in Waiting on ONEDERLAND!   
    It finally happened!!! After two weeks of floating between 202 and 205, I stepped on the scale today and it read 199.4 ????????????????
    I was so excited!!!
    Gone are the 200s never to be seen again
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    learning to love myself reacted to pinkbarbie in Waiting on ONEDERLAND!   
    I'm so excited! down 51 lbs since Easter. Surgery was on April 29, just three months ago.
    However, once i hit 211, I started getting excited. Then at 208, I was starting to anticpiate the feeling of getting close to the big 199 mark. Now at 204, I can see it in the near future, and I'm practically giddy!!!!!
    I haven't been below 200 in over 14 years. I just can't wait. Does anyone else remember getting this excited about nearing that number?
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    learning to love myself reacted to Rena's got this in 2 month stall - I gotta do better!   
    How can I cheat? Yes, I was educated and know what I am supposed to do, but heck, I'm not by any means perfect. If I had willpower, I wouldn't have gotten in this mess in the first place. But...I try, which is all I can do...and I did get on the scales this morning 2 pounds down, so my stall could possibly be broken. Keeping my fingers crossed.
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    learning to love myself reacted to Rena's got this in 2 month stall - I gotta do better!   
    I've been on a stall nearly 2 months now. I am just under the 200 pound mark. Nice to be in Onederland again, but every 3 or 4 days it seems as if I regain just to the 200 mark before dropping back down to 198. I know I could do better. I eat a pastry every now and then, I stuff myself periodically, making myself feel bad before I remember that I don't need to do this to myself.
    Even though I'm stalling, I had two people tell me this week that they've noticed I've lost quite a bit of weight. I had not told them of my surgery, so it was nice to hear that people were noticing. My sister, who has always been the tiny one in my family, gave me a couple of her dresses (size 10 & 12) that she outgrew. It was nice that she has faith in me in getting down to that weight when I'm not sure myself that it is possible. Love that girl bunches. She has put on weight, and I really feel for her, but she still looks great at around 160.
    I go and see my surgeon this week for a follow up. I'm going to try to be good this week to try and lose one or two more pounds, but so far I haven't been able to shake up my diet. I did give up pretzel sticks, which I thought might be a contributing factor, but it is going to be hard to give up the Bacon Jerky that I've been enjoying.
  19. Like
    learning to love myself reacted to CowgirlJane in Intermittant Fasting IS good for healthy people   
    I did 5:2 to address a 5# regain and it worked so well, I decided to lose a bit more. I am not doing 5:2 now, but I still use some of the techniques- and they work! Anyway, an article, not about 5:2, but about health benefits of fasting:
  20. Like
    learning to love myself reacted to mi75 in ONE-derland baby!   
    so happy to finally have hit the 'ones'!!! got on the scale this morning and it has been teetering for days and days around 201...today i finally hit the one-derland numbers! can't wait to see it go down and down.
    haven't been in the 'ones' for about 14 years and it's an awesome feeling. now i'm feeling super motivated again to just keep up the momentum!
  21. Like
    learning to love myself reacted to shelly513 in 12 months out! FINALLY   
    It's been a long time since I've been on here so hete I go...
    This has been the most amazing journey over the last year. I have started to live again and love again.
    I was a food addict. I still am but im in recovery... I ALWAYS will be.when I was 353lbs I would wake up and think about food. I would eat and eat and eat. I reached the point that I could barely tie my own shoes bc i could barely bend over. I had to roll off of my couch to get up.. I could barely wipe my own ass. I was always uncomfortable.
    Miserable.. I was completely miserable.
    When I would pull thru the drive thru I would act like I was ordering for 2 bc i was ordering so much food. When I was cashing out at the convenient store I was act like I was buying all that chips and candy for my kids.. not me.
    Embarrassed. .. that's what I was.
    I would constantly compare myself to everyone... I would look at other women and actually be mad at her bc she looked better than me.. she had a better body than me.. my man probably wanted her bc i was so fat and ugly.
    Ashamed is what I had become.
    Finally I decided after years of dieting enough was enough.... I had the gastric sleeve 02/26/2013.BEST DECISION I MADE.
    It's now been a year and here are my stats. 32 years old and 5-7'.I was 353 and now I'm 183lbs. Went from a bmi of 55.5 to 28.7. I wore a size 26 pants and now I'm in 10/12.
    Over the last year I have stayed active. For the first 6 months I was VERY strict.on what I ate. Now I'm more lenient. I eat every 3 hours making Protein #1. That isn't hard for me bc I'm a hard




    core carnivore. As far as exercise I life weights 2xs a week at home.. 2 10 lb weights.. I walk 3 miles 4xs a week also. I've never busted my ass at the gym and do what works for me!!
  22. Like
    learning to love myself reacted to puchy123 in Scales moved the wrong way!   
    I'm in the same boat, I was sleeved 13 month ago, I've only lost about 52-55 lbs, I haven't lost any weight since December I go from loosing two to gaining two. I have lost a lot of inches because I'm very active I walk 5-6 miles a day and also cross fit trained. In the past few weeks I've gained about five pounds, and I know what is causing it stress and snacking. I use my fitness pal app and realized I was consuming a lot of carbs and it was all in snacking( healthy Snacks but high in carbs) I too worry because like you said the pounds can creep up and I don't want that to happen. My doc told me to try doing liquid for about a week to kick star my weight loss. I'm going to try it this week, fingers cross this would help. I still have about 20-25 more pounds I want to lose. GOOD LUCK
  23. Like
    learning to love myself reacted to GODSON in Scales moved the wrong way!   
    Most of your forget that muscle weights more than fat. What changes your not seeing on the scale you will see on your body. Granted your doing the correct things. Body needs break from routines to break away from stalls.
  24. Like
    learning to love myself reacted to scarlet333 in Scales moved the wrong way!   
    I'm in the same boast as you guys. I am 16 months out and was about 7 pounds away from my goal weight. Since I had not been so thin in so long and getting all kinds of compliments I became complacent which led to more snacking and now I have gained about 7 pounds! I know this is a slippery slope and want to stop it right now but finding it so hard to get back on track. I have been reading about the 5:2 diet but can't seem to get myself to try it. I think its the whole diet thing again. I got this surgery so I would never have to "diet" again. I have never succeeded in the past at diets and can't think this will be any different. I just want to go back to eating right without all the Snacks. Lucky for me I do like to exercise or I think I would have done more damage to myself.
  25. Like
    learning to love myself reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Scales moved the wrong way!   
    5-day pouch test?
    Google it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
