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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to Elode in Pre-op Binge eating   
    I had some pre-op bingeing (food funeral) What have you. I may have been a different type of case in the fact that on my insurance mandated 3 month "diet" I couldn't lose weight or else I would be disqualified. (Weird I know) so I didn't feel too bad about it. In fact my "last food splurge" before my two week liquid diet was a McDonald's Big Mac large fry and large coke (I don't even like soda) I think it's a common fear for some to think they won't be able to eat or enjoy food ever again. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Of course A lot of us love food, that's why we are where we are now. It's not easy, it takes a ton of willpower and a complete mind change. Just because you have surgery that doesn't mean you forgot what food taste like. They operate on your stomach not your brain. It's not always a easy process, you have to make adjustments and change your life style. I'm thankful for my surgery and I'm glad I did the amount of research that I did prior to having it. I don't have hunger still so it helps but I still make a conscious decision everyday on what I will allow to pass these lips. Surgery won't take the urges away.
  2. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to liannatx in I cheated   
    It really does suck, I hated it too, but if you drink all your Protein drinks and plenty of fluids from here until surgery you will be glad you did. Your surgeon needs your liver to shrink, and also deplete the glycogen, so he will have more room to maneuver during surgery, and it might make your recovery easier. The jumpstart on the weight loss from the liquid diet is probably the only nice thing about it, lol.
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to Elode in I cheated   
    It's not crazy it will help you adapt after surgery. It's not "fun" but I'm thankful I did the two weeks. I think it helped me prepare, oh and my liver Wasn't fat and in danger during surgery....keep at it.
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to JamieLogical in I cheated   
    Every surgeon's requirements are different, but you should stick to YOUR surgeon's rules and not worry about what other people did or didn't have to do.
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to LipstickLady in I cheated   
    Pre op? Post op?
    Cheated with?
    Do you feel ok? Are you planning on changing that behavior?
    All you can do is recognize your bad choices, decide that you and your health are worth more than that and move forward.
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to CowgirlJane in Dealing with Monday morning and feeling overwhelmed . . .   
    I used to get Sunday afternoon dread. I learned that it was the emotional weight of knowing I had to face work/people on Monday morning. It also came from my childhood history of Sunday being the very worst day of the week.
    So, I went to counseling for awhile and one of the things i learned was how to mitigate this. For one, I had to learn to "accept" feeling bad sometimes. I would wind up into anxiety over nothing but the bad feelings. Learning to accept bad feelings without wallowing in them was a huge step forward.
    It was also me being kinder to myself. A key anxiety trigger for me is that feeling that I "should" be doing more than I am able to. It took alot of work (and ongoing) to not let my mind get spun up into that.
    I also learned to plan fun or at least social things for Sunday. If I need a chore day, it can't be Sunday because I was prone to lonliness and sadness that day that i wouldn't feel on another day. I remember a couple of years ago being wound up like a top on a Sunday. I did a hard workout and still felt intolerably anxious. I decided, for the first time in my life, to take up my friends who always offered to "support me" and started calling. I finally got ahold of a friend who dropped her plans to spend the day with me horseback riding and we had a great time. Throughout the day, i got back texts and calls from friends who couldn't free up, or got my message too late, expressing care and concern. I called or texted everyone back over the next day or two and that whole experience made me feel very well supported. I will always remember that day - going from feeling so bad to feeling well cared for and pretty okay and all it took was to ask for help.
    Much counseling has been useless to me - but counseling that focuses on specific behavior practice has been very helpful.
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to CanyonBaby in Dealing with Monday morning and feeling overwhelmed . . .   
    Put in place a "forward" approach. ALWAYS look forward, because looking back will seldom help in depression. So, what to do? Find a focus, a goal to reach for. It doesn't have to require work, it can be a fun goal. Find the perfect purple blouse, hike to the top of that hill, learn to drive a motorcycle, create a new recipe for WLS...Whatever it is, have it take your mind off the negatives of the moment. Depression can easily get the better of a person, if you let it. DON'T let it. Aim to steer your thoughts elsewhere. I also have my faith that helps me in such times (and all times, really), it helps tremendously! You have to "train" your mind to seek positive thoughts and directions. Start with a little at a time, then progress over time. Force your mind to focus on the positive goal, seek it out when times get difficult. When you find it hard to find a positive goal, what I do is just think of all the good things I would really like to do, then make a plan as to how to achieve that goal. Maybe it will take baby steps, as it might be an expensive goal and it requires more money than I have right now. So how can I set aside little bits of money until I can reach my desire? It takes mental concentration, sometimes work, but the ACT of reaching my goal, more times than not, is actually more enjoyable than the goal ITSELF!!! ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS look forward......
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to BLERDgirl in No respect from family.   
    You are not wrong for being mad. Just don't hold a grudge. It only hurts you. However when my mother did this I told her. "I asked you to keep this in confidence. since you were unable to do that, do not expect to know anything else about my personal life. You have just shown me you are not to be trusted."
    I meant every word of it. After I said my peace I let it go.
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to laceyrasely92 in No respect from family.   
    Thanks. My dad told me they are just happy for me but I feel that's not the reason if they actually was happy for me they would respect my wishes
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to Elode in No respect from family.   
    I hear you! Nobody should be telling your business, especially if you asked them not to. I'd be pissed to, and slightly Saddened that they have nothing better going on in their lives to talk about.....@@laceyrasely92
  11. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to Pennie in Frequently Asked Questions   
    This is an AWESOME post!! I wish I had been able to read something like this before I had surgery.
    One question that I get asked a lot by potential sleevers is "Does the sleeve stretch out?" Everyone is familiar with stories of how the pouch on an RNY patient can stretch out significantly over time. In my research and understanding, the answer on whether or not a sleeve can stretch out is "possibly, but very little." We can be at risk for gaining weight if we graze all day or discover a "slider food" and eat that excessively, but we should have good restriction for life if we stick to the basic rules of sleeve-eating.
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to Miz Z1 in My 10 rules 3 1/2 yrs post op   
    I've never been happier or healthier. Recently, I wrote down the changes I made and was surprised at how many there were. Before I made my list, I would have said I hadn't made many. My guiding food principle is that I have a limited amount of space so whatever I put in that space has to count nutritionally. So here's my list:
    1. I can eat anything, except bubbles, of course. No fear.
    2. If I want a cookie, I can have a cookie but no boxes or bags. I have to go buy a good one, just one.
    3. As a rule, I stay away from all types of Pasta, even the "good" kind. I can have it, I just prefer not to.
    4. I avoid bread unless it's fabulous or unavoidable. I have a sandwich with the equivalent of one piece of bread about once every three weeks.
    5. Never say yes to a bread basket. Why fill up on nutritionally empty food and have no room for the meal?
    6. I exercise. Quite a novelty for me compared to my past life. I now go to the gym 4 days a week and don't feel right if I skip.
    7. I can have crunchy Cheetos if they come from a vending machine, usually when I get my car serviced.
    8. Ice cream is ok, it's just not allowed in the house.
    9. I don't count calories or journal my food. I feel oppressed by both.
    10. Be grateful every day for the miracle that's been given to me.
    Hope these help you
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to Cleo's Mom in Sliding back into old habits....I need HELP! Please!   
    You got some good advice on here but what I have taken away from your posts is that your are beating yourself up. There is no need to do that. Isn't that what we've always done to ourselves pre-surgery? You came on here asking for help because you knew you were in trouble with your cravings and eating beyond full. And you got some good advice - very specific and helpful. You've already taken the first step to address your problem - getting the surgery - and the second step by asking for help. Please stop beating yourself up. You know what you need to do to get back on track. There are many threads on here where you can post to get help. And good for you for losing 86 pounds. That's the size of one of those Hollywood types.
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to BLERDgirl in Sliding back into old habits....I need HELP! Please!   
    Then make a plan. This is why some people need food logging. You can write out for each day or even the week what you plan to eat. You can do food prep on Saturday or Sunday to make sure you have those items. At some point you have to hold yourself accountable. However if you feel your dietitian is being too vague, then speak up! Tell her your concerns and that you need more assistance.
    Develop some skils or list of things you can do instead of mindlless eating or emotional eating. If you need to print it out and stick it on the fridge at home. Remove any food in your house that is a slider or binge-y snack for you.
    Even though I try to eat a healthy, whole food, plant based meals, yes occasionally I do have cravings. I try to come up with alternatives. For example, I LOVE chocolate. Sometimes I will make myself a cup of hot chocolate. ( I make it from scratch with almond milk and cacao (chocolate) powder. To make it a bit better for me, I may add a bit of Protein powder. There are also days when I just have it. The different is, I wont keep it in the house. I allow myself to buy one mini reese's cup. or other piece of chocolate.
    I workout 5 - 6 days a week and I am always seeking out fun ways to stay active whether it's riding my bike or taking an African Dance class.
  15. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to Terribj in drinking after surgery   
    I won't lie - I miss the guzzle ability...but buying a size 6 off the rack and my bones not hurting, and being able to keep up in daily activities, staying active without really trying far outweighs the guzzle....
  16. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to Bobby46 in So confused? Thought I did my homework   
    The reason for the weight gain is because you can still eat all the stuff you shouldn't eat if you are dieting and eating right. chips, candy, icecream, donuts....you name it. Yes, surgery cuts down the quantity at one sitting....but it doesn't stop you from eating all day and eating all the unhealthy stuff your heart desires. With any diet....its you who controls what you put in your mouth. Surgery is not a quick, forever, fix. It is no where near the "easy way out" so many people seem to think it is. Continue to do your research and make a choice that's right for you. Just keep in mind there is nothing out there that will take the weight off and keep it off without constant hard work. Nothing.
    Good Luck to you!
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to BLERDgirl in So confused? Thought I did my homework   
    That's true with whatever WLS option your take. I personally know people who managed to eat around their lap band and several people who managed to eat around Bypass.
    This can't be said often enough. This is a tool, not a cure. No matter what surgery your take you still need to make a lifestyle change to healthier eating habits or risk regaining.
  18. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to CowgirlJane in Bought a New Butt- Now I Look Ridiculous   
    At one point I was so disappointed that my breasts looked, but especially FELT so unnatural. My boyfriend said "oh no, they feel natural. You just forgot how young breasts feel but I HAVEN'T!" That was perfect and with the perspective of time I n ow know he was right, they turned out awesome.
    Thing is, once the swelling goes down and your brain adjusts,I think you will have a more realistic view of yourself.
    You must have looked at hundreds of before and after photos, are your results that far off?
  19. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to Kindle in What are your favorite Quest Nutrition products?   
    GNC, Amazon, Quest website, lots of health food stores, many bariatric and body building websites, I even found them in the snack kiosks in several airports. 20g protein/under 200 calories. Some people claim they are too high in carbs but they obviously aren't reading the whole label.... 18g of the carbs are actually Fiber.< /p>
  20. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to Jerr_Bear in So disappointed   
    I'm gonna nerd out on some math here. But look at it this way. Your goal is to lose ~100 lbs. Well you've already lost 15% of that in just one month! Those are what I call results. So if you continue on this pace, you'll probably hit your goal in the next 6 months. Before your surgery, could you have ever imagined losing 100 lbs in 6 months? You are doing it. Don't lose sight of the goal here.
  21. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to beachgurl84 in So disappointed   
    I'm surprised you're doing that much exercise this early. Most docs that I've heard about recommend only walking programs until 6 weeks out. I agree with everyone about the low carb vs. low fat. Generally, low fat foods are higher in carbs. Here is a great article that breaks down where our calories come from.
    This will help understand why something low-fat is higher carb.
    Also, it looks like you're averaging a little over 3 pounds a week. That's no small feat and you should be proud. Compared to a lot of people on here you're starting weight isn't that high. That's why you shouldn't compare your weight loss with others. The more you have to lose, the faster you lose. In one month you've lost 14% of your excess body weight (based on your starting & goal weights). THAT'S AMAZING!!! Pat yourself on the back. If you really want to compare, at 4 weeks out, I had lost 16% of my excess body fat since surgery. For me that was about 25 pounds. See how comparing does no good? This is your journey and you're already off to a great start. If you're mom is asking you everyday how much you've lost (my mom does this), just stop telling her a number. She'll get the hint. You're body is still healing so just stick with the program and focus on that. Make sure you get your fluids and if you can, your Protein. Good luck to you! We're proud of you
  22. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to KristenVSG2014 in So disappointed   
    First, anytime you are referring to weight from here on out, remove the word "only" from your vocabulary. ANY weight lost is a victory and success. Celebrate it! Second, you shouldn't listen or care what other people think. Even your mom. Easier said than done, I know. But this is YOUR journey and you cannot make your body lose faster than it already is as long as you are following the rules. Third, you will hit multiple stalls and you need to be mentally prepared for that. I'm 4 1/2 months post op and I just had my first week where I GAINED weight. I didn't cry. I didn't freak out. Why? I had been out of town all week and did a horrible job of getting my fluids in.
    Also, at your stage I was still battling extreme fatigue, depression and figuring out how to get calories in. The few calories you're eating combined with the level of working out you're doing could cause slower weight loss. I would recommend going back to your team and asking about your diet and exercise. I personally did very low carb the first 3 months then my doctor had me add some healthy carbs in.
    Keep your chin up and take it day by day. You'll make it to your goal. But it won't happen over just one month.
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to Wynnie in So disappointed   
    @@kndoster you are doing an AMAZING JOB! Think of it this way, when was the last time you lost 14 pounds in a little over a month? Also, low carb may be your best bet. I eat no processed carbs, I.e. Breads, crackers, and no rice, potatoes, etc. I eat 2 servings of fruit and 2 servings of low carb veggies, I.e. No corn, potatoes, etc and no sugar. I concentrate on high Protein, I.e. At least 20 grams per meal, and I don't count calories or fat, of course I'm not binging on fried foods, bacon, etc. Also fluids, are you getting in no less than 64 ounces per day? I don't care for plain Water so I use the berry flavor dasani drops which has no sugar, and Decaf herbal teas which I sweeten with stevia in the raw. You are new on this journey, and the weight you have lost between your pre op diet and since your sleeve is impressive. Go step by step and be confident that u are doing wonderfully!
  24. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to alswifey in March 20,2013 two years later   
    @@Babs thanks I worked out lifting weights as soon as the weight started coming off so the skin wouldn't sag as bad
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to alswifey in March 20,2013 two years later   
    Hello everyone just wanted to stop in and share some exciting news I was sleeved 2 years and 8days ago
    Starting weight 315lbs
    Surgery day 286lbs
    Current weight 159lbs
    I set my goal at 159lbs the day of my
    surgery my doctors goal for me was 175-180lbs but I couldn't stop at that I needed my bmi to be normal for my height and as of today I've reached my personal goal I will continue to focus and maintain my progress thanks for taking the time to read my success here are some pictures of my journey
    Paints size 26 3xl shirt
    Now pants size 7/8 small shirt

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