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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    MichiganGirl got a reaction from Roo101769 in How Fast do the weight come ofg   
    That's one reason I'm sorry that I shared my surgery with many people. They are all looking at me to lose incredible amounts of weight in a very short time. Every time my mother sees me she gets this child-like look on her face like I've just went potty on the toilet for the first time, exclaims and claps her hands together and calls me skinny.... "Mom, I haven't lost any more weight than the last time I've seen you... cut it out."
    I was sleeved on June 24th and have lost 24 pounds. You are TWO months behind me and are already on track to beat that! I too feel like I should have lost more by now, but the issue that I read on this forum more than others is that we are all different - we all lose differently. Sticking with the plan that was given to us from our surgeon/doctor/nutritionist is what I'm shooting for and am determined not to let everyone else make me think I'm off track. Or "should be" here by now. Or my neighbor's best friend sisters cousin lost 100 lbs in 3 months...
    It may come off quickly - it may come off slowly. But the surgery wasn't the only tool we should be getting out of this - it was only part of it. The rest of it are the changes that we are permanently making towards eating better, eating differently, exercising more, etc etc..
    Good luck to you!!
  2. Like
    MichiganGirl got a reaction from Roo101769 in How Fast do the weight come ofg   
    That's one reason I'm sorry that I shared my surgery with many people. They are all looking at me to lose incredible amounts of weight in a very short time. Every time my mother sees me she gets this child-like look on her face like I've just went potty on the toilet for the first time, exclaims and claps her hands together and calls me skinny.... "Mom, I haven't lost any more weight than the last time I've seen you... cut it out."
    I was sleeved on June 24th and have lost 24 pounds. You are TWO months behind me and are already on track to beat that! I too feel like I should have lost more by now, but the issue that I read on this forum more than others is that we are all different - we all lose differently. Sticking with the plan that was given to us from our surgeon/doctor/nutritionist is what I'm shooting for and am determined not to let everyone else make me think I'm off track. Or "should be" here by now. Or my neighbor's best friend sisters cousin lost 100 lbs in 3 months...
    It may come off quickly - it may come off slowly. But the surgery wasn't the only tool we should be getting out of this - it was only part of it. The rest of it are the changes that we are permanently making towards eating better, eating differently, exercising more, etc etc..
    Good luck to you!!
  3. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to iloveingvar in You know you've had WLS when ___________________ ! ! ! ^_^   
    Fitting comfortably in a Stadium seat
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    MichiganGirl reacted to McButterpants in Help please...back and forth   
    Even though I was self-pay, I did waffle back and forth during my decision making process and even after I decided to have the surgery. I kept asking myself, "Have I tried hard enough?" "Can I lose this on my own?" "Should I give it one more try?" I think it's perfectly normal to go back and forth.
    I almost backed out the night before surgery and in admitting on surgery day. While in admitting I said to myself, "You can walk out of here right now and only be out $500." I was so scared. I looked over at my husband and I knew this was the right thing for me. He didn't say anything to me, he didn't even look at me. I just knew I had to do this and I couldn't let fear get in the way.
    That was 9 months ago. I can tell you, short of marrying my husband and having my son, this was the best decision of my life. This changed my life. When I think back to what my life was like a year ago, it's like I'm looking at a different person. I don't recognize the old me or the behaviors that made me that way! I'm an active mom and wife and I'm happy - so much happier and energetic than a year ago.
    Only you will know when you're ready - be prepared, gather all your information, talk to you family or friends. This isn't easy - it's harder than I ever thought it would be. But, it's so worth it!
    Best of luck to you!
  5. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to thesmilos in You know you've had WLS when ___________________ ! ! ! ^_^   
    You no longer have to worry about where the hostess will seat you in a restaurant...corner booth? Bring it!
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    MichiganGirl reacted to SparkleCat in You know you've had WLS when ___________________ ! ! ! ^_^   
    You can't stop looking at/examining your collar bones, wrists, ankles, ribs and hip bones cause you've never actually knew they existed.
    Your bras cost less, which is a good thing because your buying them every two months or so
    You throw away food with little guilt
    Your stomach and thighs look like melting silly putty and you couldn't care less!
    Weight loss ads are no longer intriguing, but profoundly annoying.
    Cameras and mirrors are now your friends
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    MichiganGirl reacted to JustWatchMe in You know you've had WLS when ___________________ ! ! ! ^_^   
    You cross your arms a dozen times a day without resting them on top of your boobs just because you CAN.
  8. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to Sherry S in Sucks to be a Newbie and be considered Offensive   
    Sandstress we're all moving on the same road to a goal. Some hit pot holes, some speed bumps, others run and still others crawl but we do it our way. None the same. We're all different but want a similar outcome to be healthier and at a good weight for us though this surgery.
    I'm sure you didn't mean to say anything to criticize any person and it takes a lot of courage to apologize to a group.
    You'll do fine and good luck with your surgery.
    One of my favorite sayings is:
    I don't take anything personal unless it's a compliment.
  9. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to Bufflehead in 1 month post op issues   
    You are doing great with both weight loss and exercise. If you chart your weight loss, it is never going to look like a smooth slope racing diagonally downhill. It's going to look like stair steps going down, and not even nice even stair steps. Like crazy stair steps that you would have to lurch down and probably trip on! Trust the process and that if you follow your eating plan you will lose weight, just not in a way that you can predict, control, or even like!
    Being exhausted is normal. Focus on getting your fluids and Protein in and your energy will gradually come back. Good luck!
  10. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to Chelenka in SAGGY ASS   
    Thanks everyone for the great responses!
    It occurred to me that I pedaled my bike standing up! I never was able to do that when I was heavy. Now it's become so much easier for me that I did without even thinking. I guess that comes under the heading of NSVs.
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    MichiganGirl reacted to Peggy Jean in SAGGY ASS   
    Way to go girl! You got one in for all of us lololololol
  12. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to CowgirlJane in Why are we overweight, anyway?   
    It seems to me a very complex situation for many of us. I too used food to numb me. I went through a bad time with anxiety post hitting goal...alot of it was I had no way to "quiet the noise". I am learning new techniques and tolerances for "feeling bad". Turns out you won't die if you actually feel negative emotions rather than stuff them down with food.
  13. Like
    MichiganGirl got a reaction from #9grammy in Just wondering.....   
    They won't know. But you'll know. You'll know you did the right thing to make your liver fit as possible for the surgery.
    Good luck Friday!
  14. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to swimbikerun in Being a fat lady at a skinny gym...   
    Girlfriend listen to me:
    Your money is the SAME size and color as those skinny people.
    You know how they got skinny and stay that way? By not caring what some other person with a hangup has and getting in there and working it!
    You will have role models in front of you to keep motivated.
    I didn't care. I was in a gym for college age people. I got out there walking and then cheering on any one else larger. I then kept working it until I was down girlfriend ...
    do not under any circumstances, after you've come this far, let someone with a small mind interrupt your Quest to be healthier.
  15. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to VSGAnn2014 in 9 days out and wondering why I don't feel any different?   
    Still lovin' this thread.
  16. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to Lady Rock in 9 days out and wondering why I don't feel any different?   
    @@Melanieada, I feel the exact same way, no issues at all and I am already at a stall no pounds lost in my 2nd week, ( I was sleeved on 07/28) however I can see that my body is changing but it is a little discouraging wen the scale is not moving. I have since decided to put the scale away and continue to eat right and get my liquids in and I am walking about a mile a day. Good luck to you
  17. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to Bufflehead in 9 days out and wondering why I don't feel any different?   
    You are doing great. The reason you saw a lot of posts from people with nausea, trouble getting liquids down, etc. are those are the people who tend to post a lot. They are the ones who need information, reassurance, etc. But there are tons of us out there who had problem-free recoveries, able to get in all our liquids and Protein right away. You just didn't hear from us a lot because there was no real reason to post about it. Someone else said, it's like if you spent the day walking around the city and shopping. If someone stole your purse, you'd probably get on Facebook, twitter, your social networking site of choice, and post about how your purse got stolen. But if nothing bad happened to you, you wouldn't post on Facebook, "I walked around the city all day and no one stole my purse!"
    It just means that your body heals well and your surgeon did meticulous work that didn't leave a lot of swelling, bruising, or trauma to your insides. Keep doing what you are doing
  18. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to KittyChick in All the attention...   
    I'm having an odd time adjusting to all the new found attention & "admiration" from strangers now that I've lost weight & was just wondering how everyone else is dealing with this mindf**k.
    Reflecting back on 77 lbs ago, I really felt transparent. I feel so "visible" now.
    I don't know how to put this into words without sounding like a narcissist- (trust me, I'm not) but people DO look now. Often for what seems like a prolonged amount of time. I'm more self aware than ever & definitely don't feel like I'm imagining this.
    When I was fatter, I was mostly left alone. I *never* felt stared at. Men didn't chat me up randomly in public the way they do now. Their faces didn't light up when they looked at me.
    I vacillate between pride & annoyance most days. Pride because I spend hours upon hours in the gym now & eat healthfully and I've worked HARD to get this weight off. Annoyance because of how superficial this world is...most of the people who lavish attention upon me now wouldn't have glanced my way 77 lbs ago. I was a beautiful person then. Or at least I feel like I was.
    It's weird. I'm happy with who I'm becoming, but I mourn for the fat girl who was treated as disposable and unworthy by everyone else. She was beautiful, loving, generous, and kind and she deserved better.
  19. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to sophie'sChoice in OK Girls.. what the heck is the story   
    Thanks for the chuckles ladies and Kindle, you almost made me spew Water all over my computer. That was hilariious....just whip em out!.....too funny. I have to say that compared to the rest of my body my breasts were not as large as you would expect but like so many others they did deflate. when I bend over without a bra on they look like a tennis ball inside a sock hanging there! yikes! Even so....no regrets! I don't care if I have to roll them up or tuck them into my trousers....onward....lol
  20. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to CrissyRing77 in OK Girls.. what the heck is the story   
    OMG YES! Mine are the same and if my hubby dared say that he get a flapjack to the side of his face bwahahah!
  21. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to Zingythingy in OK Girls.. what the heck is the story   
    Omg my ladies have gone!!! Total spaniels ears!! Lol. I went from a 58JJ to a 34 droopy d. All skin no substance. But to be fair it's only been in the last 25lbs lost a massive cup size difference has been obvious. Keep the faith they will/should shrink.
    Ps get your ass in the gym. It makes you feel great xx
  22. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to cutlass6521 in OK Girls.. what the heck is the story   
    Bra size dropped, but the cup size has stayed the same. My boobs now have more of a tear drop effect. LOL
    my husband decided to give his opinion and called my boobs "flap jacks"
    now tell me, is this not justifiable homicide???
  23. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to swimbikerun in Slow losers unite   
    My advice:
    the world beats you up enough. Why do you want to do the same? Stop!!
    People give us enough garbage for being fat, dont add yourself to it. Think about what you need to do to take charge, both of you and your mind. Concentrate on YOU and getting YOU healthier.
    Whether it is a slow lose or a fast lose, as long as you are getting healthier and losing, does it matter? A number on the scale doesn't equate to your worth in life.
    Politely said
  24. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to LindafromFlorida in What was your favorite thing to eat in the "pureed" stage?   
    I craved spicy. Chili was awesome, even a couple tablespoons. Refried Beans topped with Taco Bell sauce was yummy. I had no problem with spicy. Heart healthy Soup, pureed with a blender, with added refried Beans for Protein, was good.
  25. Like
    MichiganGirl reacted to MichiganChic in Would you do it again if you knew....?   
    I would do it again, hands down. My life is exponentially better at this weight than it was at over 300 pounds. I loved food, and I love to eat, and everything I did centered around it. I always knew that, but it really became evident after my surgery.
    I have a much different perspective on this now that I'm 19 months out, and it has evolved over time. In the early days post op, eating was a CHORE. I couldn't believe that! I actually loved it. As time went by, eating became enjoyable again. Now I enjoy food again - too much. I can eat PLENTY. Certainly not like I used to, but I can eat like a normal person. My perception of normal has changed, and now I think it's actually correct, as opposed to the inflated idea of normal before surgery.
    I actually wish I felt a little more like I did in the early days. I wish a few bites could fill me up. I wish eating was more of a chore some days. Now its ALL me. I have to count calories and really work at this, or I'll eat my way right back up to 300 pounds. So, unless a person comes to the realization only they can make the needed changes for themselves, the surgery will be a partial, temporary fix, at best.
    I do think the surgery was the best thing for me, and I would do it again, but I caution people to really think about whether or not they WANT to make those changes. You probably will grieve the change in your life, but only you know if that's something you can handle. If you think you can't or are not willing to make that change, it might not be worth it. If you are willing to accept the "loss" and work through your issues, then it's a great choice. I could not have done this without the sleeve.

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