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Blog Comments posted by Teresita

  1. Well tomorrow is my birthday...how do I feel about that. Ok I guess. It would be another day if it wasn't a holiday. I will be a full 39.....how does that make you feel... I don't know....I'm kinda waiting for 40 so I can have a big party.

    It's Monday, I'm at work and barely anyone else. I had a good weekend because I walked 6 miles. I have to get back to 3 miles a day. I will go to the rec center and get on the treadmill and see if it will work now. When I took a weight training class, I found out the the treadmills there had a weight capacity of 400 and so the thing would just cut off. Yes that is embarrassing. Now that I am thinking about it, I don't want to go find out. Okie dokie now, next.....

    Tomorrow I will get up early and go walk, the earlier the better. Oh yeah my butt hurt LOL. I guess my butt isn't use to this walking. I told the story in the MD Exercise thread. I did get a new pair of shoes. I am not in love with them but they were on sale for $40 so it's ok. I will get some shoes I really like. One day I will design my own on Nike id....yeahhhh. For right now these will do and thank God for them. I don't want to sound ungrateful.....too late. LOL:nervous

    I miss my mom:think

    Thoughts throughout the day.

    It's not everyday but this weekend and today all I can think about is food. I know my level of non restriciton and emotions are contributing to this.

  2. You did an excellent job, with this being your first day of liquids. Me personally I could not just jump in there all at once. I started out replacing one meal a day with a shake. Connie got a shrink the liver plan and it had shakes, bars, steamed fish and a few other goodies. I will have to go search for them.BRB

    Ok here it is......

    Soup Broth

    Protein shake (slim fast, carnation breakfast drink0

    Protein Bars

    I Was also told that if i have to have somthing else i can have salad w/ no dressing, Steamed fish, and Steamed Veggies,

  3. Me and Arthur (my treadmill...see earlier post for meaning) are still getting along really well and I keep moving the goal posts by either increasing my time or my speed...I will be doing a decent walk at a decent pace by the end of the summer and when I next go to England and my mum wants to go for a walk around the fields and farmlands, I'll be in a condition to go with her.:biggrin1:

    I had to go to my first Greek funeral yesterday. Jordan's grandmum had passed away. There was a sadness at her not being here but a recognition of her having lived a great life ..96 and not suffering in anyway either in life or at the end.

    The funeral wasn't too bad but it was over 100 degrees in the church and that was horrible!

    There was one thing that really struck me as funny...outside the church, near the car park, there was a man with a bike and trailer selling ice-creams :welldoneclap: :omg: :confused: Can you imagine putting someone who you loved enough to be at their funeral, in their grave and then nipping outside for a nice cool vanilla cone?????????????? Wonder how much business he does LOL?

    It's good to see you in a wonderful mood....keep smiling.:)

    I'm happy to hear you are arthur are getting along. WOW 96 that is amazing, I hope she was happy during her life.

    At 100 degrees inside I bet a lot of folks wished they had that cone in the church. You have to bring children to a funeral sometimes...enough said....mommmmmmmm (the kids are always a good excuse to get some ice cream)

  4. I am so pleased right along with you about one of your goals. Scales can be so addictive. A lot of people do the same thing and you better believe when I get mine. I will be on it everytime I go to the bathroom, before and after I eat and drink. It's going to be sad but it will get me closer to my goals. Keep up the good work.

    I am so sorry to hear about the baby. : (

  5. That is what today is. I don't want to be here at work but it's going to be ok. I need to reschedule my fill appt because restriction has left the building.:faint: ha ha ha ha I am just tickling myself today.

  6. Somebody is going to think I am crazy but I went to Bed Bath and Beyond for the first time yesterday. I wish I could have seen the look at my face when I walked in. :) I was shocked that it was a real store and I just kept looking up. I thought is was going to be like Ross or you know not a very organized store. Now that I think about it, I have been in the one in Waldorf. This one was just in a smaller space so everything went up. You should have seen me looking up at the stuff on all the shelves. LOL :biggrin1: Anyhow, I was looking for a candle and they were so expensive so a sales lady helped me. Showed me some holders and I found one for 99 cents :nervous ha ha . Also some voltives so I bought diffrent fragarances as a sampler. I go next do to a craft store to get a gift bag and they had big candles sitting at the door very inexpensive. LOL again. I decided to keep what I had because they were "yankee candles" ha ha a name brand. I'm silly but it was fun. I want to go back to BB and B. I am just rambling on. With all my running around for about an hour gas station, Trader Joes, BB and B, craft store, did I say I stopped in Payless LOL. That dag on Payless only went up to an 11, I guess I have to go to big feet land and find my shoes. :Dancing_biggrin: Anyhow, I wish I had the funds to just shop like crazy. Oh wow, I wrote down everything I spent yesterday and that was so cool. Budgets man!!:sick

  7. I am feeling better today. I spoke to my girlfriend's, who passed suddenly, mom yesterday for the first time sense the funeral. I am so glad I did.

    I cooked yesterday and that was nice also, cabbage and wingettes. Ummmm ummmmm

    Did I exercise yesterday.....no......just danced a little.

    Will I exercise today, YES!!!


    I'm having a good day now. God is good all the time.

  8. OK Tuesday Weigh in day is always a new day. OK so I didn't gain, Thank God.....but needless to say this is not where I wanted to be today....393.

    I'm dragging, I don't feel like it....

    I will do what I can....:)

    PMS - I really can't deal with other peoples crap right now.:phanvan I can't stand people who break promises....ALL THE DAM TIME!!

    I need to go to the pool before I come on.

    Oh bright note, today is Lamonds birthday.:Dancing_biggrin: Part of what's bothering me is that I did my bills last night and .......I'v got to pay them by myself. To be married or not to be married is that the question.....NO.....just can't get everything I want RIGHT NOW.

    Today is a venting day, pms can be so emotional for me.

  9. There are things I want to say but this is public. It is a new day and I am blessed.

    I thank god for another day

    He woke me up this morning

    I had a safe drive into work this morning

    I have a roof over my head

    I have lost weight

    I will be productive today!!!

    I did not go to TTC because of the weather and flood warnings. TOPS may be cancelled tonight and I am trying to wrap my brain around that. That means I will have to go 2 weeks before weigh in.

    I WILL look for a scale this weekend. I believe the weight watchers scales are sold at Hecht's. I will look into it. I really need a scale at home.

    NEWS Flash WW scales do not go up to 400 pounds,,.....they suck. I am so glad I NEVER tried them. They don't cater to the super morbidly obese obviously.

    Oh well, I found some anyhow.

    :pound: :rolleyes2: :hug: :lightbulb: :) :behindsofa: :Dancing_biggrin: :confused_smile:


  10. Weekend turned out well even with rain. Got a 2 mile walk in w/Pooky Sat. with incline. I don't want to do 3 miles anymore unless it's at HP. I won't force that extra mile. My excuse is that oh I'm going to the pool anyhow.

    OK off that. I put on my 32 goal jeans and I think I can acutally wear them now without them cutting in to my gut. YEAHHHHHHHH. I was actually able to get the muffin top into the top of the jeans. It sits above the pants just a little and not hang over like it use to. I am also wearing a shirt today that someone gave me about 4 years ago and I couldn't get into then. It's a 5x, it is just amazing when you find out how big you really were. I am embarrased that I had gotten so big. I don't need to be cheating in any kind of way. My eating has not been good, portions are small but the food is not a good choice. I will turn this around ASAP and begin meal planning again. I will be having my good ole grd turkey, sour cream, refried beans and salsa for dinner. A veggie, I need a veggie, oh mixed vegatables.

    Sunday we had a great time at our meeting. Everyone is doing so well losing. We all fall off the wagon but thank God we have each other to push our fatarzzes back up on it. :heh:

    I don't like to be pesamistic but I like to deal with reality. I don't see myself meeting my birthday goal but I look and feel better. I will continue to strive for 375 and will celebrate when I hit it. I want to find out what my weight is tomorrow at TOPS badly. I hope and pray that the 5 pounds I gained last week are gone. I will be doing the Walk Away the Pounds tape this evening. I'm sure the pool will be closed this evening. I have Take the Challenge this evening anyhow. TTC I know that will be a good workout and with less people because the shopping trip is today for some folks.

  11. Yeahhhhhhhh Good Job Meowwwwwwwwwwww

    You go girl keep up the 10 minutes. Hey if you ever feel like it, march in place while watching tv or during commercials. I find that to by my lazy day exercise. Sometimes I will jog in place for 1 minute. If it's movement I see it as cardio. I try to get my heart rate up a bit and keep it going for minute.

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