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Blog Entries posted by Teresita

  1. Teresita
    I am now at 390. I lost 3 pounds last night. YEAHHHH ME!!! I want to see that 388 again. I WILL SEE IT NEXT WEEK!!! I know what to do and I am going to do it.
    2 pounds I can do that and I will
    Wed WAP/dancing 3 miles (hot out already)
    Thurs WAP/dancing 3miles
    Fri walk away the pounds (WAP tape) 2miles
    Sat 3 miles HP and pool at noon
    Sun 3 miles HP and pool at noon
    I have a goal and I am going to make it.
    I have walked 106 miles since May. That is what I call walking away the pounds. 66 pounds gone!!!! :Banane20: :clap: :eek: :success1:
  2. Teresita
    Jpitman May 9
    Leona Aug 11
    Dawner Nov 9
    Gunny Jan 30
    Kee March 29
    Crystal Nov 11
    Barbra Nov 14
    Babyanne April 3
    Connie Feb 7
    Skinnyminni Feb 3
    Stocky Nov 28
    Natural Beauty May6
  3. Teresita
    Breakfast- home made choc chip cookies (well at least it is one meal at a time)7am
    Snack- V8 140calories 10am
    Lunch- Salad from Giant 11:45
    Dinner- chicken/porknbeans 3:30
    Supper -TOPS Christmas Party, string beans, lasagna, salad,greens, truffles, 3 chicken wingettes, jello salad
  4. Teresita
    I'm here and it is weigh in day today. You have some days that you know you lost and days that you know you gained. Of course I hope I lost and I feel like I should have lost more then a pound this week but only the scale can tell me that. I am going to buy me a scale when I get to 350, hopefully I will get it before that. I am so excited to be able to get on my own scale at home anytime I want to especially to get on and see 350. Yessssss
  5. Teresita
    Ok it is time to get back to keeping my walk schedule
    12/23 6.4 miles
    12/31 3.2miles
    1/2 6.4 miles
    1/3 3.2 miles
    1/4 gym
    1/5 gym 2x
    1/6 3.2 gym
    1/7 3.2
    1/8 gym am /walk at hm and stairs
    1/9 gym am, 5 min treadmil, afternoon gym
    1/10 gym am, 5 min treadmill, afternoon gym
    1/11 gym am and afternoon
    1/12 gym am
    1/13 gym am
    1/14 3.2
    1/15 6.4 miles (3 more later) Over 42 miles so far
    1/17 gym am
    1/18 gym am
    1/19 gym am (10min walk) gym pm
    1/20 gym
    1/21 gym stairs
    1/23 gym am
    1/24 gym am gym pm
    1/25 gym am 5min gym pm
    1/26 gym am gym pm
    1/27 gym am 1 mile at park
    1/29 gym lunch and pm
    1/30 gym am and lunch
    1/31 gym am
  6. Teresita
    I like that title LOL
    I had a rough mental eating day yesterday....no excuses. I'm not sure why but weighing in may have had something to do with it.
    pepperjack cheese
    italian sausage(I boiled and broiled)
    crystal light
    soup(home made, potato,cheese, broccoli, mushroom)
    When I got home ice cream(egg nog was on sale) cake that I had baked for a friend who did not pick it up
    OK this may be an excuse but my eating may be a little off due to my condition of emotional eating (say with french accent). Holidays do give me serious mood swings. Happy one minute to downright crying and why am I here. Both of my parents are gone and it hurts. I am the youngest and we have a small family. I like the holidays but I feel releaved when they are over. So pray for me that I will exercise today and everyday here on out.
    I love everyone of you...ohhhhh yeah my weigh out
    383-373-377 I gained 4 pounds but I am actually ok with it. That means I was actually supose to have lost 6 pounds last week to keep off. This just means that when I get out of the 370'2 I will be out for good. I still can't believe I weight 3 hundred anything. LOL Recently I said I weigh 473 and my daughter corrected me and I actually had to think. WOW 459-377 yeahhhhhhh:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  7. Teresita
    I feel good dananana na like I knew that I would dananana na ......I feel nice dananana na....
    I enjoyed my weekend.....and I will stop there.....no I won't.
    27 miles of walking to date and it is only the 17th. I have got to commit to do the WAP tape more often and not just walk on the weekend. I walked Sat and Sun 6 miles, walked/danced in the house periodically, went to the pool Sunday and did 40 min of movement. I should have went to the pool on Saturday because it was killer hot.
    60 miles May
    25 miles June
    50 miles July is my goal, I will reach and surpass it.:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
    It is suppose to be hot all this week so I will make sure I go to the pool 1 or 2 times.
    Hello can we say nsv. I tried on 2 skirts that were a size 1x and 3x and they both fit. LOL I bought them and will be wearing them weekly. LOL
    This morning I looked at the 1x and said is the really the skirt you tried on in the store and I put it on and I said yepppp. ha ha ha ha
  8. Teresita
    I am happy with my exercise this weekend. Friday night we went downtown and walked but it was dark and did not stay long. LOL I don't know how the tourist do it. I walked bright and early Saturday morning at HP and came home picked up my child and went over to the track and did 1 mile there. Sunday I got up early again and was at the park by 6:15.....walking.....came home and did the laundry. I got my 10,000 steps both Sat and Sun.
    I don't know what I am going to do this evening but the exercise thing is addictive.:eek: Ha Ha 20 miles so far this month and today is the 10th. yesssss I will pass that sad 25 miles for the month of June today.
    I have Take The Challenge tonight and weigh in tomorrow. :clap2: :clap2:

  9. Teresita
    I just had an epiphany.....I have lost 73 pounds. I need to lose 2 pounds to have 75 pounds gone forever. This is 25 pounds away from 100 pounds gone. :faint:
    I need to lose 27 pounds to have lost 100 pounds. I will then weigh 359... I did not realize how close I was. OMGoodieness [/b]:emoticon(':ele')"][/b]:emoticon(':ele')"][/b]:emoticon(':ele')"]
  10. Teresita
    I decided to take Friday for myself. I went to the park early and did my 3 miles.
    Saturday I walked my first official 5K for Diabetes Association w/Pooky,Karen, LSasha, Pat and Jackie. It was a great since of accomplishment.:clap2:
    Sunday I went to the park early and walked with Karen. It always great to get a walk in and over with.
    9 miles for the weekend.....I am so excited about where all these miles are taking my body. THE WEATHER WAS ABSOLUTLY GORGEOUS ALL THIS WEEKEND!!! WOW THE SKY AND CLOUDS WERE AWESOME!!!
    I can see my body changing. I finally see some more diffrence in my face. My thighs, wow there is actually less of them. LOL (I can't see using the word smaller when talking about my thighs). I think I can keep this walking up because I do see results. I really enjoy seeing the numbers of the scale come down. I am going to ask my sister in law for a scale for my birthday. I still won't be able to weigh on it but it will be a goal. The scale I saw goes up to 350. If I am about 390 now that is 40 pounds.....I could make that a Christmas goal realisticly speaking but I would love to do by fall. You never know.
    Weigh in is tomorrow and I am excited. At my unofficaly weigh in last week I gained about a pounds so I know I will have a nice lost this week.
  11. Teresita
    I can't wait to get my own scale. I'm going to get on it in the morning before I pee then after I pee, after I get dressed, when I get home before I pee and after I pee, after I drink some water, after I eat something, whenever I go to the bathroom, with diffrent clothes on, shoes on and off. he he he he he
    Thursday I really need a weigh in....:faint:
    later that day..shake 180.PP160 almonds170 cheesestick80
    590 so far today
    JUNE 6 -3 388
    JUNE 13 no weigh in tonight(not happy about this) I WILL exercise instead
    JUNE 20 (-6) +5 393
    JUNE 27 (-4) -.2 392
    JULY 4 (-3) no weigh in
    July 11
    388 6.6.05
    71 pounds gone*
    13 pounds to go for July4/July8
    459 began
    391 now
    68 pounds gone
    391 now
    375 birthday/bandiversary
    16 pounds to go for July4/July8
    I need to start looking at new goals.
    July 375
    August 365
    September 350
  12. Teresita
    I don't drink often but I had wine coolers Saturday......I just found how many calories is in them......500.:faint: No wonder they were so good. It's not worth it, I'd rather have a lemonade.
    Today is Monday...TTC this evening and I will run in place for 1 minute periodically in the office.
  13. Teresita
    It is September.......I have been posting all over the place today. I think I am in a good mood. I'm not sure why but that is a good thing. I'm normally in a good mood but today I am loving what life has to offer. I hope you can do the same today. Dare I say......I feel blessed today. No mess today, keep to yourself, I like the peace.
    Thursday, house music comes on tonight. I want to record a new tape, that music is awesome to exercise to. Woohoo and that is what I need.
    388 yep still there or should I say back to it. I will be moving in the office today to burn some calories. My lowest was 385.....I don't have weigh in next week so it gives me time to lose ......dare I say......9 pounds to get to 379......look at that......I like that......379.......375........350 wow
  14. Teresita
    I am a tiny bit down because of life stresses. The decisions, bills, work, children,food. This too shall pass but right now I want some major food to eat right now.
    I didn't eat, I got a slimfast....yeahhhhhh me. Food is not going to make the situation better.
  15. Teresita
    I was drained when I got home yesterday. I said ok I will just sit for a little while. I got up to start cooking, almost finished I laid down for a few minutes. I got up ate, kept thinking about exercise, didn't do it. Then I decided the place was a mess. So I made the child do the dishes and vacuum. LOL I mopped the kitchen floor, the bathroom sink, the tub. Put away all the clothes in the living room. We take off our clothes in the living room evidently...LOL OK cleaned my placed.
    2 minute walk/jogs in place hourly today
    12:30 I'm gonna have a mile before I leave here today.
    2:15 1 mile so far (wow jogging is good)
  16. Teresita
    Weekend turned out well even with rain. Got a 2 mile walk in w/Pooky Sat. with incline. I don't want to do 3 miles anymore unless it's at HP. I won't force that extra mile. My excuse is that oh I'm going to the pool anyhow.
    OK off that. I put on my 32 goal jeans and I think I can acutally wear them now without them cutting in to my gut. YEAHHHHHHHH. I was actually able to get the muffin top into the top of the jeans. It sits above the pants just a little and not hang over like it use to. I am also wearing a shirt today that someone gave me about 4 years ago and I couldn't get into then. It's a 5x, it is just amazing when you find out how big you really were. I am embarrased that I had gotten so big. I don't need to be cheating in any kind of way. My eating has not been good, portions are small but the food is not a good choice. I will turn this around ASAP and begin meal planning again. I will be having my good ole grd turkey, sour cream, refried beans and salsa for dinner. A veggie, I need a veggie, oh mixed vegatables.
    Sunday we had a great time at our meeting. Everyone is doing so well losing. We all fall off the wagon but thank God we have each other to push our fatarzzes back up on it. :heh:
    I don't like to be pesamistic but I like to deal with reality. I don't see myself meeting my birthday goal but I look and feel better. I will continue to strive for 375 and will celebrate when I hit it. I want to find out what my weight is tomorrow at TOPS badly. I hope and pray that the 5 pounds I gained last week are gone. I will be doing the Walk Away the Pounds tape this evening. I'm sure the pool will be closed this evening. I have Take the Challenge this evening anyhow. TTC I know that will be a good workout and with less people because the shopping trip is today for some folks.
  17. Teresita
    2 pound gain and I am not happy. Going in the wrong direction. PMS is an excuse, mother nature is not funny.
    60 May
    25 June
    39 July
    50 August
    I have got to get more walking in.....the weather is just not conducive to going out to walk. I'll get it.
    I *&%$#*( *#$
  18. Teresita
    I went to the gym this morning but the big treadmill was not working so I got on the elipt, small treadmill for 5 min and the bike for 5 and did arm weights. I need more cardio this week if I am going to lose 4 pounds. It is going to be cold the weekend so I am not going to the park. I need more cardio!!
  19. Teresita
    First day at the gym. WOOHOO I'm so happy. I didn't do much but it was a start. Elliptical for a minute, treadmill for 1/2 mile, lap pull down machine and quad lift machine. I hope to go back at lunch time.
  20. Teresita
    Seeing how this journaling works
    1 3 miles
    2 3 miles
    3 toe break
    4 toe break
    5 3miles
    6 3 miles
    7 3 miles
    8 no walk
    9 3 miles
    10 3 miles
    11 floor exercise
    12 3 miles
    13 3 miles
    14 5 miles
    15Monday 3 miles
    16 3 miles
    17 finally a break went shopping :phanvan
    18 didn't walk, why:confused:
    19 3 miles
    20 3.1 miles 5K ha ha ha:clap2:
    21 3 miles
    22 Monday I better (but I didn't)
    23 weigh in tonight no walk
    24 walked 3 (thank God)
    25 no walk (ran errands for dance)
    26 no walk (do hair for dance)
    27 Sat walked 3 miles around the Tidal Basin and up the Jefferson Memorial steps w/Crystalstar and Connie
    28 Sun walked almost 3 miles at Haines Point w/Pookie
    29 Mon walk 3.4 miles at Watkins Park, just beautiful, Crystalstar, Pookie,Kee and friend
    30 no walking (a tiny bit of walking in place and Te Bo Kicks)
    31 no walking ( walking at home, a little bit)
  21. Teresita
    I feel like ick because I have been eating since thanksgiving. My DD came home and some stress came back also. I have been eating Stuffing, Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes and ham all weekend. It got on my nerves. I finally made a salad last night and ate just a little bit because I was already full from eating the other crap. That was just stress eating the salad. I am tired of eating.
    Today I am drinking nothing but water. I figure since I don't want to eat I will fast so I can go get some blood work done around 11.
    I have fallen off and can't seem to get back on the exercise wagon. I have got to do something. I don't even want to weigh in tomorrow. Help Me! Saturday and Sunday I tried calling a few people to talk about the food but I couldn't reach anyone. Oh boy. With allall the food except the Turkey is gone I can get back to focusing on better eating habits.
    Boy if I could say everything I want to say. :tired
    Pick me up 459-373 at my lowest but 377 last week.:paranoid Oh goodness I don't want to get on the scale tomorrow.
  22. Teresita
    I took off yesterday to get somethings done. I am stressed!! Washed clothes, cleaned up a tiny bit, went to cleaners twice in the morning, picked up kids, took them to Duke Ellington for tests, realized they get out of school in a matter of DAYS!!!! Traffic was tighter then expected getting there, visited friend in hospital, very pesimistic person, picked up kids, they came out late, hot out, traffic was silly going home, going over everything I need to do for DC prom thingy. Go back to cleaners and pick up clothes, beauty supply store spend more then wanted to. Ended up showering and blow drying DC hair, went to sleep after ironing blouse while watching made. he he he
    This morning stressing about all that I still need to do before prom tonight
    necklace, nails, hair, wash car, her girlfriends hair, purse and who knows what else :faint:
    How personal can I get on this thing......have you ever gased and it felt really good to have it out but it stinks...:eek:
    I have gone to several threads/forums this morning and I can't even gocus to get my thoughts together.
  23. Teresita
    Thank you ladies for being here and for the encouragement. I am feeling blessed today. Listening to Yolanda Adams and tyring to work. WOW I am doing my walk/jog in place today to keep the cardio going, keep the metabolism burning.
    God is Good all the time....what.....God is Awesome!! THANK YOU THANK YOU:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
    Here is a moto for today!!!! I've Got the Victory

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