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Blog Entries posted by Teresita

  1. Teresita
    It's Monday we get to do it all over again. LOL
    I went to the gym Friday after work and Saturday. I did not go yesterday or this morning. I plan on going at lunch and after work today.
    I did go to a program for Weight for God. I like any type of weight lost support groups. By their scale I have lost a pound this week. LOL I will have to kick some butt today and tomorrow to get my TOPS scale down. I was shooting for 3 pounds this week but if I don't hit 3 I know will fall amoung the stars.
    I'm excited about weighing in tomorrow. The only thing is on Weigh in day I start eating everything.
    Today I had cheerios and a banana for breakfast. Lunch will be salad and michelina lasagna thingy 260 calories I think. I will have to check.
  2. Teresita
    Today it is 44 days until Spring. I'm not sure what I was smoking when I wrote 31 days but I'm glad to see some extra days to get some more weight off.
    I am at 374 when I was at 372 last week. I want to get out of the 370's NOW. I have been playing in the 370's since November. That is unacceptable.
    I have to say I got serious again in Decmber about losing weight and I have been pretty consistant with losing. See a gain last week was discouraging and I try not to let it bother me but it does.
    I am doing well with eating and exercising but I know I can do better.
    10.3 (384) 10.10 -2(382) 10.17 ? 10.24 -2(380) 10.31 +3(383) 11.14 -10(373):der: 11.21 +4(377) 11.28 -1(376):confused: 12.5 +3(380):mad: 12.12 -2(378) 12.19 +1(379) 1.9.07 -3(376) 1.17 -3(373):clap2: 1.23 -1(372) 1.30 +2(374):bored
  3. Teresita
    Sometimes you have to talk to yourself. You have to give yourself that pep talk that you give everyone else. Sometimes you have to see what you are doing.:phanvan





    slice turkey

    tortilla chips


    jelly beans

    chicken/red beans rice

    ice cream/3 cookies/1/2 burger



    5 deli slice turkey/10 round tortilla chips

    3/4 lemon danish/choc milk 4oz :phanvan


    spinach,shredded,cabbage, green pepper, tomato, green onion, and a pickle

    I'm not sure where to go from here but I will figure it out.:cry I will start out with water.

    Oh well, time to go motivate someone.

  4. Teresita
    Saturday morning walk was good. I was fired up because I am not walking through the week. It was warm out but I had to get it done. I walked fast and still 1 hour. I was determined to do more so I went to the track and did 1 mile. I was going to do another but the sun hit me and I said nope that was enough. LOL Sunday was gorgeous, it was 68 but felt like 78. LOL It felt good to walk, I have been going to the park long of enough now that I am a regular. There are just some folks you see every week and you wave, nod or say good morning. It puts that smile on your face and makes you feel good that your are a part of the little people. I am still the biggest one down there but that is ok because I am getting healthier and stronger. I'm excited about the weather changing so I can walk after work again. I need to find a walking buddy. I like walking by myself sometimes but I know that someone else would push me to speed up when I don't want to.
    Office walk/jog today
    8:05 6min
  5. Teresita
    Back to the gym this morning 1 min on ellipt, 20min treadmill, lat pulldown.
    I can see my body changing. I can feel bones ready to show through the fat. LOL
    I love LBT and my journal, I feel so comfortable here venting for all the world to see. LOL:eek:
    My heart is smiling for thickchickintexas
  6. Teresita
    OK Tuesday Weigh in day is always a new day. OK so I didn't gain, Thank God.....but needless to say this is not where I wanted to be today....393.
    I'm dragging, I don't feel like it....
    I will do what I can....
    PMS - I really can't deal with other peoples crap right now.:phanvan I can't stand people who break promises....ALL THE DAM TIME!!
    I need to go to the pool before I come on.
    Oh bright note, today is Lamonds birthday.:Banane20: Part of what's bothering me is that I did my bills last night and .......I'v got to pay them by myself. To be married or not to be married is that the question.....NO.....just can't get everything I want RIGHT NOW.
    Today is a venting day, pms can be so emotional for me.
  7. Teresita
    I am now at 386. I lost 4 pounds last night..[/b]:emoticon(':woohoo')"]......[/b]:emoticon(':ele')"] All the walking has paid off.
    I have 27 miles under my belt. I will do the WAP tape tonight and tomorrow.
    Wed WAP 3miles
    Thurs WAP 3miles
    Fri Pool
    Sat HP 3miles pool
    Sun HP 3miles
    August 8 goal 375..... 11 pounds to go
  8. Teresita
    I have to say I am excited about weighing in tomorrow.:whoo:
    I'm in the groove of this walking now and it feels good. I really want to add more but once TTC begins I know it will help. I see my body changing a little at a time but I love seeing the numbers coming down on the scale.
    459----398---394--- and tomorrow is going to be 390 then 389--385---380---379---375 I just like looking at that number. My birthdayand bandiversary goal 375. At last weight in I was 19 pounds away. :Banane09:Tomorrow should be 15 pounds away. I can do this.
    I have 54 days to my bandiversary.
    Thank God for all of my support:grouphug:, LBT, MD LB Suuport Group, my child, my friends. They keep me motivated!!!
  9. Teresita
    Well tomorrow is my birthday...how do I feel about that. Ok I guess. It would be another day if it wasn't a holiday. I will be a full 39.....how does that make you feel... I don't know....I'm kinda waiting for 40 so I can have a big party.
    It's Monday, I'm at work and barely anyone else. I had a good weekend because I walked 6 miles. I have to get back to 3 miles a day. I will go to the rec center and get on the treadmill and see if it will work now. When I took a weight training class, I found out the the treadmills there had a weight capacity of 400 and so the thing would just cut off. Yes that is embarrassing. Now that I am thinking about it, I don't want to go find out. Okie dokie now, next.....
    Tomorrow I will get up early and go walk, the earlier the better. Oh yeah my butt hurt LOL. I guess my butt isn't use to this walking. I told the story in the MD Exercise thread. I did get a new pair of shoes. I am not in love with them but they were on sale for $40 so it's ok. I will get some shoes I really like. One day I will design my own on Nike id....yeahhhh. For right now these will do and thank God for them. I don't want to sound ungrateful.....too late. LOL:nervous
    I miss my mom:think
    Thoughts throughout the day.
    It's not everyday but this weekend and today all I can think about is food. I know my level of non restriciton and emotions are contributing to this.
  10. Teresita
    I just found out that my doctors office scale goes up to 400 pounds......am I happy or am I sad......I don't know but since there is no TOPS meeting I think I will be making a little run to Waldorf to get on the scale and get my pressure checked. YEAHHHHH that is what I am going to do. This is one of those times I would could my girlfriend Linda, who passed, to ask her to ride with me and she would. Whenever I called her to say you wanna go.....she was ready. She was always on time and but of course early. I don't have anyone to share my joy with anymore. She would feel my pain and feel my happiness as if it was her own. I know we were a blessing to each other. I am glad I went to the hospital when I found out she had surgery. I don't feel bad about not going back up there before she passed 2 days later. God allowed me to see her one more time. God is good.
  11. Teresita
    Depression sucks, life goes on, Thank God.
    It's Thursday, I'm cute today. I'm going to give myself a serious pedicure today.
    Cheetoes(what am I doing, I gave them away)
    Celeste microwave pizza
    Pork chop, broccoli,roll, whole grain rice
  12. Teresita
    We had a great circuit training workout last night. I loved it, I can see me and my daughter doing that one. OK this is what we did.
    Hands against the wall as if you are going to do a wall pushup instead lift your knee to your chest and 1 2 3 4 ....10 swictch other kneee and 1 2 3 4....10
    Feet together and step right foot out and back together and the left foot out and back togther and out and in out and in out and in right and left righ and left 20
    Fist in front of you to punch so twist to the left and puch right arm, twist to the right and punch left and go left punch and right punch left punch and righ punch 20
    March in place, and march and march and march and march.
    All of this can be done while sitting also. Oh yeah the stretches felt good also...whewwwww good work out. I can see myself doing these at home, dare I say everyday:cry
    You know I am going to do this at work today. So hourly, 2 minute training today.
  13. Teresita
    Today is a new day, Thank God.
    Lots of water today
    B- 1 bowl cereal
    S- trail mix, 1 oz cheese
    L- hm made pulled pk, rice, cheese hopefully real slow
    D- salad(lettuce, egg, pickle), ice cream
  14. Teresita
    WT*&%*#(@ OK it's not really that serious but I don't like to see the scale go up at all.
    Was 372 Now 374
    Yes I pigged out after weigh in on a cup of light rocky road ice cream and a piece of cake from Safeway. I thought about jogging in place last night but I didn't. I went to the gym this morning and did 20 min on the treadmill.
  15. Teresita
    My mind is just every where today. I refuse to focus on anything, I won't even take the time to read and post what I want in others journals. I have been unfocused for about a week.
    It is weigh in day, I need it. I don't know how I have done but I will try to eat as little as possible today.
    Great work out at TTC again. He had us outside but it wasn't bad. We worked the legs and arms. It is amazing what slow steady motion can do and just holding your arms out....wow that hurt. He even had us jog, I was surprised.
    5min cardio
  16. Teresita
    That is what today is. I don't want to be here at work but it's going to be ok. I need to reschedule my fill appt because restriction has left the building.:faint: ha ha ha ha I am just tickling myself today.
  17. Teresita
    31 days until Spring :omg:

    I'm glad I'm already exercising and not waiting for the warm weather to start exercising.
    1.9.07 -3(376):eek: 1.17 -3(373):clap2: 1.23 -1(372) 1.30 +2(374):bored
    So I had lost 4 pounds since beginning bootcamp but put 2 pounds on last weigh in. I really hope it is muscle. I really think it is but needless to say I want the scale to always go down regardless.
  18. Teresita
    It's Fridayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
    I'm here, I went to the gym when I got off yesterday and this morning. When I go I normally do 2 min on the eliptical thingy 15 or 20 min on the treadmill and between 2-4 weight machines working my arms and legs. I am normally there from 25 to 45 minutes. At home I run up and down the stairs. I need to incorporate more in at home.
  19. Teresita
    I was thinking about not going to weigh in tonight but I was just trying to punk out because I have had some stupid eating habits lately. Ice cream is on sale and it is killing me. It is good that I have really good restriciton in the morning and the afternoon. Once I get home I can eat a tad bit more. :heh: :kiss OK too much. Yesterday I had a flash back. I had soup around 11:30 and went to a doctors appt at 4. I did not eat anything in between but was hungry. I went to Wendys and got a jr deluxe cheeseburger and nuggets. I ate the whole thing :hungry: :omg: It took about 35 minutes but I ate that burger except for the last 2 bites. I was driving down my steet which is kind of long and as I was biting down on the burger I realized this is where I would purge while driving so many years ago. I felt like I was doing the same thing but only I would have had 2 sandwiches, fries, a big soda and a dessert. Thank God for my band. I will go weigh in tonight.
    No I still have not gotten back to exercise yet. I am thinking about it more and more. I will get there. I have started dancing to a song here and there at work and at home. For me that is a start. LOL I will walk this Sunday.
  20. Teresita
    I put this dress as my dream dress and as I believe it is not a dream, it will become reality. I am not looking to be skinny. I want to be neat. So many fat people just look a ....mess. I don't want to be a mess anymore.
    I went shopping with my child last night and shopping is always so traumatic. She was trying on tops and looked unhappy and said she looked pregnant....that hurt because I know the feeling. I was sitting in the dressing room thinking I have lost 65 pounds but I am still a mess. I feel better then I use to sitting in the dressing room looking to a mirror but I have a long way to go.
    We went to a second store and and we found a nice top but wasn't sure so we went to payless to check out shoes but of course she has her mothers feet (big) so that wasn't so much fun. We went to another store like the second one and they didn't have anything so I had them to call back and hold the blouse at the second store. She really looked nice in it. Now we just have to look for shoes, jewlery, deal with a little make, hair oh yeah and a purse. The capri suit is black, blouse is green with a beautiful silver flower on the front so silver accesories is it. It is fun but stressful. My child does not really like to take pictures so I am going to get her picture taken that day or the weekend when we do the trial run. LOL

    It's going to be ok.
  21. Teresita
    It'ssssssss Friiiiiiiidayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    I'm not eating right today
    kill me
    cini minis BK
    sausage/egg/cheese croissant BK
    small bag chips
    orange soda
    almond snickers
    kill me please
    I will exercise today and lick stamps for dinner
  22. Teresita
    I am now at 390. I lost 3 pounds last night. YEAHHHH ME!!! I want to see that 388 again. I WILL SEE IT NEXT WEEK!!! I know what to do and I am going to do it.
    2 pounds I can do that and I will
    Wed WAP/dancing 3 miles (hot out already)
    Thurs WAP/dancing 3miles
    Fri walk away the pounds (WAP tape) 2miles
    Sat 3 miles HP and pool at noon
    Sun 3 miles HP and pool at noon
    I have a goal and I am going to make it.
    I have walked 106 miles since May. That is what I call walking away the pounds. 66 pounds gone!!!! :Banane20: :clap: :eek: :success1:
  23. Teresita
    I lost 3 pounds WOOOOHOOOOO back to 373 thank God. I want to lose 4 pounds this week to get out of the 370's. I can do it with a lot of exercise. I can do this!!!! I have 14 pounds to lose 100 pounds. I can't wait. My goal is to do this my the end of next month. I can do this!!!
    459-376-373-370-365-360-355-350 WOW it is so much closer.
    I was so excited I went to 2 run and walk stores to look for some good shoes. I found them at Metro Run and Walk so I will go pick them up today. I also went to the gym this morning. I did 2 min on the elipt, 22 min treadmill and lat pull down machine. I will walk at home for 15 min while Oprah is on and do floor exercise w/my child this evening. Oh yeah run up and down the stairs a few times.
  24. Teresita
    There is not enough time for everything/.
    My life is full of me and weigh loss. What did eat, did I move enough to burn some calories, what am I going to eat for my next meal, what am I going to eat tomorrow, do I need to go to the store
    help others
    Thank God

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