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Blog Entries posted by Teresita

  1. Teresita
    I was 379 and now I am 376 WOOOHOOO I have to admit I was a bit disappointed. I just knew it was going to be down 8 or 9 pounds but I am ok. I am going in the right direction and have a new workout routine. I want to be out of the 370 by the end of this month and it is doable. I am going to stay positive and focused. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
    Thanks guys for all of your support.
  2. Teresita
    It is September.......I have been posting all over the place today. I think I am in a good mood. I'm not sure why but that is a good thing. I'm normally in a good mood but today I am loving what life has to offer. I hope you can do the same today. Dare I say......I feel blessed today. No mess today, keep to yourself, I like the peace.
    Thursday, house music comes on tonight. I want to record a new tape, that music is awesome to exercise to. Woohoo and that is what I need.
    388 yep still there or should I say back to it. I will be moving in the office today to burn some calories. My lowest was 385.....I don't have weigh in next week so it gives me time to lose ......dare I say......9 pounds to get to 379......look at that......I like that......379.......375........350 wow
  3. Teresita
    yeah yeah yeah
    Oh yeah I went to Bath and Body Works and bought some "Toe the Line" foot scrub and my feet feel so much better.....right after I use medium grade sandpaper (the kind on an emery board) on my feet then use the scrub on my feet for 3 days after I got off from work and then slathered them down with cream and oil and put socks on. They feel really good now.
    Gotta get them ready for the Summer.
  4. Teresita
    WOW today is one of those days...not in the negative but just one of those days....I guess I mean a good day. I feel like praising God. Thank you Lord....I guess it is kinda contagious. Like a smile is contagious, is someone smiles at you, you smile back most of the time. I just spoke to a friend who just kept giving God the Glory and saying he is here becuase God woke him up. I forget sometimes in a small way. I am so blessed, wow in so many ways. A freind called with some problems and I didn't want anything negative but God gave me the patience and words to encourage her yesterday. I am sorry she is going through what she is going through but it takes someone else's problems sometimes to see how blessed you are. The grass is not always greener on the other side but I am the type of person that wants to come over and help you water your grass so it can be as green as you want it to be.
    Patience is key in life. Love yourself.
    Thank you Lord for this day
    waking me up this morning
    giving me the ability, walk, talk, see, think
    for my aparment
    for my vehicle
    for food on my table
    for a job
    for my friends
    for my child with no problems or diseases
    for my family
    for lbt
    for my support groups
    for being my Lord and Savior
    for being a mercy for God
    for allowing me to help others
    Lord I pray that there is peace on this earth and allow every to come to know you in an intimate way
    Lord I thank for contiously blessing me everyday
    thank you for every breath
    thank you for every beat of my blessed enlarged heart
    Lord jesus you are an awesome God
    Thank You:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  5. Teresita
    I feel like ick because I have been eating since thanksgiving. My DD came home and some stress came back also. I have been eating Stuffing, Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes and ham all weekend. It got on my nerves. I finally made a salad last night and ate just a little bit because I was already full from eating the other crap. That was just stress eating the salad. I am tired of eating.
    Today I am drinking nothing but water. I figure since I don't want to eat I will fast so I can go get some blood work done around 11.
    I have fallen off and can't seem to get back on the exercise wagon. I have got to do something. I don't even want to weigh in tomorrow. Help Me! Saturday and Sunday I tried calling a few people to talk about the food but I couldn't reach anyone. Oh boy. With allall the food except the Turkey is gone I can get back to focusing on better eating habits.
    Boy if I could say everything I want to say. :tired
    Pick me up 459-373 at my lowest but 377 last week.:paranoid Oh goodness I don't want to get on the scale tomorrow.
  6. Teresita
    I got my pressure checked yesterday and it was fine. I have saying for months that I was going to get it checked. I will not wait and put it off like that again.
    I am not making the best food choices right now but I am conscious of what I am eating.
    I did not workout yesterday so I built up a sweat sorting throught clothes. I was able to actually thrown some clothes out, box some up for someone else and hang up so old thing that now fit again. I have on a top today that was once too tight but today it is baggy. I had my ex boyfriend button down shirt in the closet so I tried it on and guess what....it buttoned up and was tight at the bottom button. Woohooooo who would have thought....I'm happy.....this feels good.
    I am going to do this, I know I am. I'm not going to waste anymore time of my life being overweight and unhappy.
  7. Teresita
    I just had an epiphany.....I have lost 73 pounds. I need to lose 2 pounds to have 75 pounds gone forever. This is 25 pounds away from 100 pounds gone. :faint:
    I need to lose 27 pounds to have lost 100 pounds. I will then weigh 359... I did not realize how close I was. OMGoodieness [/b]:emoticon(':ele')"][/b]:emoticon(':ele')"][/b]:emoticon(':ele')"]
  8. Teresita
    Too many people have been talking about bacon. So what do I have this morning. Bacon and scrambled eggs. I have eaten 1 strip and about 2 forks of eggs and I'm almost stuck. I think that's enough until later.
    I wish I had put my pedometer on first thing this morning because I was up and down the stairs and running around to fix my breakfast and lunch and get dressed. Whewww
  9. Teresita
    Wigh In day I'm ready. I saw a scale on sale somewhere that goes up to 380. I'm thinking about getting it. Waiting until Tuesday weigh ins are so nerve racking sometimes.
  10. Teresita
    I'm in a good mood. I'm kinda happy today, I'm not sure why but I feel pretty good. God is Good, sometimes you just have to give a day and you will feel all better the next day.
    I cooked some great northern beans with smoked turkey in my new crockpot last night and they are the bomb. Yummmmyy
    I am still on my grocery store shopping kick. I may not be able to eat a whole lot be I still keep going to the grocery store. I really need to stop that and it is getting on my nerves.:phanvan
    I bought some greens today so of course I am going to fix those when I get home, maybe in the crock pot. LOL I want to eat everything. I want to make a meatloaf with masedpotatoes, baked chicken and mashed potatoes, I want to go to this restaurant that has great chicken wings and cheesesteaks, I want that. I also want lobster, crabs and shrimp, what the..:girl_hug:
    I see a commercial I want it, I watch way too much food network. I really love to cook but I don't have enough people to cook for or enough money to keep feeding them. LOL I am tripping today.
  11. Teresita
    I am .....I'll just say my plate is full.
    I feel like I don't have anything to give to anyone else right now.
    I feel like I am eating everything.
    few string beans, 2 bites of beef...golf ball 8:30am
    granola bar 11am
    brownie sundae 1:30
    asian salad 2:10
    cereal, fried chicken thigh5:45
    grape mike and ike candy 6:30
    piece of eckridge sausage and fruit 9pm
    Bed 12pm
    Again it is not a meal. I am scared to weigh in this evening. The weekend was so full I did not walk. Sat morning ran errands to begin DD hair for school. I was so tired I went to bed early. Got up early to volunteer and came home to continue to hair. Washed clothes and then she took a nap so I cooked dinner. She got up and I finished her hair but I kept going back for another piece of beef. Yesterday I do go to TTC so I am happy about that.
  12. Teresita
    I'm here.....PMS...I'm sure. I feel depressed and going through my mood swings. I feel like I don't have anyone to lift me up.
    Ding ding ding ding my girlfriend Linda.....I miss her......:think . That is partially what's wrong with me. I don't have her to talk to anymore. We would talk just about everyday.
    I need a hug.[/b]:emoticon(':hugz')"]
  13. Teresita
    I'm here and it is weigh in day today. You have some days that you know you lost and days that you know you gained. Of course I hope I lost and I feel like I should have lost more then a pound this week but only the scale can tell me that. I am going to buy me a scale when I get to 350, hopefully I will get it before that. I am so excited to be able to get on my own scale at home anytime I want to especially to get on and see 350. Yessssss
  14. Teresita
    I gained and I don't want to say what it was. I'm hurt but it was expected. I am doing well so far today. Instead of eating I will cry. I wanted to eat something very late last night, instead I cried. The release of fluids have to be some kind of weight loss. This morning, upset about life in general, cried.
    289-291 I ate so much bread last week it was crazy. Yes I need a fill and I will get one soon. I will call now and see if the office is open. 9.13 at 1:30 good done. Stress is crazy but I decided to slow down yesterday. There is no point of running around with your head cut off just to be on time. I am having to follow my DC around just to get her to do things in a timely manner. It is working my last nerve but there is peace of mind because I know it is done. We had 25 minutes to get ready for TOPS and she gets in the bed. Noooooo get your clothes ready for school tomorrow. It took 25 minutes for her to look for and try on things. (I do not allow her to put something out unless she puts it on and we are both satisfied with how it looks, she is thick and I don't want her to be uncomfortable or upset about how she looks) I decided she needs to do a few other things she is going to have to do before bed anyhow.....empty the trash, clean the bathroom sink and get all papers that need my attention for school. I'm soooooo glad I took care of these things before we left.
  15. Teresita
    Stress is a mutha....leave home without it.
    I am at 371 thank God, after gaining 4 pounds two weeks in a row is a real downer. I knew I did not gain all that weight in that amount of time. So I have lost 10 pounds in 1 week....the body has a serious sense of humor and I was not laughing. Ok my goals seem more attainable now.
    I still don't have much time to get on line.
  16. Teresita
    I decided to take Friday for myself. I went to the park early and did my 3 miles.
    Saturday I walked my first official 5K for Diabetes Association w/Pooky,Karen, LSasha, Pat and Jackie. It was a great since of accomplishment.:clap2:
    Sunday I went to the park early and walked with Karen. It always great to get a walk in and over with.
    9 miles for the weekend.....I am so excited about where all these miles are taking my body. THE WEATHER WAS ABSOLUTLY GORGEOUS ALL THIS WEEKEND!!! WOW THE SKY AND CLOUDS WERE AWESOME!!!
    I can see my body changing. I finally see some more diffrence in my face. My thighs, wow there is actually less of them. LOL (I can't see using the word smaller when talking about my thighs). I think I can keep this walking up because I do see results. I really enjoy seeing the numbers of the scale come down. I am going to ask my sister in law for a scale for my birthday. I still won't be able to weigh on it but it will be a goal. The scale I saw goes up to 350. If I am about 390 now that is 40 pounds.....I could make that a Christmas goal realisticly speaking but I would love to do by fall. You never know.
    Weigh in is tomorrow and I am excited. At my unofficaly weigh in last week I gained about a pounds so I know I will have a nice lost this week.
  17. Teresita
    That is what today is. I don't want to be here at work but it's going to be ok. I need to reschedule my fill appt because restriction has left the building.:faint: ha ha ha ha I am just tickling myself today.
  18. Teresita
    2 pound gain and I am not happy. Going in the wrong direction. PMS is an excuse, mother nature is not funny.
    60 May
    25 June
    39 July
    50 August
    I have got to get more walking in.....the weather is just not conducive to going out to walk. I'll get it.
    I *&%$#*( *#$
  19. Teresita
    I only had time to do a few minutes on the treadmill this morning. I ran in place in the bathroom and I will get on the treadmill again later.
    Weigh in tonight, I'm anxious. I tell everyone else don't stress about the numbers but I want to see big numbers go down also.:faint:
  20. Teresita
    I was drained when I got home yesterday. I said ok I will just sit for a little while. I got up to start cooking, almost finished I laid down for a few minutes. I got up ate, kept thinking about exercise, didn't do it. Then I decided the place was a mess. So I made the child do the dishes and vacuum. LOL I mopped the kitchen floor, the bathroom sink, the tub. Put away all the clothes in the living room. We take off our clothes in the living room evidently...LOL OK cleaned my placed.
    2 minute walk/jogs in place hourly today
    12:30 I'm gonna have a mile before I leave here today.
    2:15 1 mile so far (wow jogging is good)
  21. Teresita
    Well tomorrow is my birthday...how do I feel about that. Ok I guess. It would be another day if it wasn't a holiday. I will be a full 39.....how does that make you feel... I don't know....I'm kinda waiting for 40 so I can have a big party.
    It's Monday, I'm at work and barely anyone else. I had a good weekend because I walked 6 miles. I have to get back to 3 miles a day. I will go to the rec center and get on the treadmill and see if it will work now. When I took a weight training class, I found out the the treadmills there had a weight capacity of 400 and so the thing would just cut off. Yes that is embarrassing. Now that I am thinking about it, I don't want to go find out. Okie dokie now, next.....
    Tomorrow I will get up early and go walk, the earlier the better. Oh yeah my butt hurt LOL. I guess my butt isn't use to this walking. I told the story in the MD Exercise thread. I did get a new pair of shoes. I am not in love with them but they were on sale for $40 so it's ok. I will get some shoes I really like. One day I will design my own on Nike id....yeahhhh. For right now these will do and thank God for them. I don't want to sound ungrateful.....too late. LOL:nervous
    I miss my mom:think
    Thoughts throughout the day.
    It's not everyday but this weekend and today all I can think about is food. I know my level of non restriciton and emotions are contributing to this.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
