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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Teresita

  1. Teresita
    Let's see how many days to go...4 days till next weigh in which I am nervous about. 18 days till birtdhay and 22 days till bandiversary. Not a lot of days but I will do what a girl has to do.
    I have to get on the ball. My eating is not what it should be. I'm not going to beat myself up over it because I have less restriction, I have been eating things I normally would not but the novelty is wearing off. I am slowly getting back to slimfast, frozen diet meals and meal planning. I'm also getting back to my exercise. Not full force yet but I will be there this weekend.
    Work out now June 20 weigh in will help me better gauge what I am going to do.
    Next week slimfast, salad, protein, soup.
    JUNE 6 -3 388
    JUNE 13 no weigh in tonight(not happy about this) I WILL exercise instead
    JUNE 20 (-6) +5 393
    JUNE 27 (-4)
    JULY 4 (-3)
  2. Teresita
    It's not PMS but I just feel off. I want to cry periodically, I want a hug.....I know I am missing Linda. I feel like a failure.....(psychological examination) my father once told me I did nothing right.....that kinda stuff doesn't go away. It is a shame the stuff we hold on to and just creeps back into our minds. All the shit I forget and this is something that I remember.
    I ate to much last night....my band is officially missing but I will try to ignore that and continue for another week before I decide to get a fill. My band hides every now and then.
    Life Sucks Sometimes ha ha ha ha but God is Good All the Time, I like that
    I would just die if I had to get on a scale today.
    I can't stop eating.
    pop tart 7am
    pineapples 3 cubes 8am
    peppermint patty 9am
    5 crackers w/grd turkey 9:45
    pineapples 6 cubes 11am
    It is 12 and my stomach is growling.....whyyyyyy.....I want to eat but I know I am not HUNGRY.
  3. Teresita
    That is what today is. I don't want to be here at work but it's going to be ok. I need to reschedule my fill appt because restriction has left the building.:faint: ha ha ha ha I am just tickling myself today.
  4. Teresita
    I'm happy to say I did a 2 mile walk yesterday morning. Around 2:30 I went to the community pool for about 1 1/2 hours. I had a ball even though my daughter just stood in the pool. She had fun also. I kept my feet off the floor majority of the time just working my arms and legs the whole time.
    I will be walking Saturday and Sunday!!!!
  5. Teresita
    I need this day. I am going to have egg nog, steak and cheese, maybe some wingettes and exercise.
    I will be waking 3 or 6 miles today.:clap2: I need some endorphines.
  6. Teresita
    WT*&%*#(@ OK it's not really that serious but I don't like to see the scale go up at all.
    Was 372 Now 374
    Yes I pigged out after weigh in on a cup of light rocky road ice cream and a piece of cake from Safeway. I thought about jogging in place last night but I didn't. I went to the gym this morning and did 20 min on the treadmill.
  7. Teresita
    Breakfast- home made choc chip cookies (well at least it is one meal at a time)7am
    Snack- V8 140calories 10am
    Lunch- Salad from Giant 11:45
    Dinner- chicken/porknbeans 3:30
    Supper -TOPS Christmas Party, string beans, lasagna, salad,greens, truffles, 3 chicken wingettes, jello salad
  8. Teresita
    The weather finally really broke and I feel so much better. I need the sun and warmth. I did 6.4 miles yesterday and going back for more today. WOOOHOOOO!!!!!
  9. Teresita
    I kept it moving this weekend, I'm happy to say
    Friday Gym
    Saturday Gm
    Sunday 3.2 walk (bonus cleaned the house)
    Monday 6.4 walk and a little more later (bonus washed the truck)
    I want to incoporate some home exercise in all this movement. I want to start some sit ups, leg lifts, hand weights and Tae Boe Kicks.
    Eating was ok but should have been better.
  10. Teresita
    Well today is one day away from having to weigh in after 2 whole weeks. It has been driving me ......to eat...not crazy. Yeah I will blame any weight gain on them.
    I am exciting and scared to weigh in. I am glad I walked this weekend. 3 miles at Haines Point with Kee was not easy. Thank God for sending one of his angels, a fiesty, older lady who could out walk us decided not to walk with her 2 daughters but with us. She talked and she walked and talked and walked. Finally she decided to leave us near the end but if she had not been with us I would have said Kee I need to slow down and would have. This woman kept our speed up.
    Also, everything was going on at the park. There was a triathalon going on, there is a swimming pool down there. There was a 10k training going on and it had to be about 200 people doing that. Then there were the usual walkers and joggers and all of this was going on at 7:30 am.
    Sunday morning I knew I had to walk so I text Kee again and she said where. I thought PGCC would be good because the track was resurfaced but then I started thinking about the sun. So I said Watkins Park, which is what she said on Saturday. Then she said well let's walk around Fed Ex Field, you don't know how big that things is but I got to her house got out the car and we were stretching. I said are we going to be in the sun the whole time and she said pretty much. I said let's go to Watkins, I can't do it. After not walking for a few weeks, daily, I was not motivated to walk in the beeming sun, after walking yesterday and know how I was struggling....oh no. We went to Watkins and the trees were just a tall and blocked out ALL the sun. LOL There are 2 spots on the trail that does not have tree coverage and that sun was beaming. 3.4 miles done in comfort. That girl has more energey then a jumping bean.
    sm salad, pickle
    egg salad
    steakum/cheese 1 bread
    slurpee med
    4 crackers
    spoon of peanutbutter
    fried egg 1 cheese
    few doritos
    McD sundae,pie 580 cal
    2 fried eggs 2 cheese 1 1/2 sausage
    8 M&M's
    hamburger/ 1 cheese
    Roast Beef
    hershey bar w/ almonds
    sundae/pie 580 cal
  11. Teresita
    I'm in a good mood. I'm kinda happy today, I'm not sure why but I feel pretty good. God is Good, sometimes you just have to give a day and you will feel all better the next day.
    I cooked some great northern beans with smoked turkey in my new crockpot last night and they are the bomb. Yummmmyy
    I am still on my grocery store shopping kick. I may not be able to eat a whole lot be I still keep going to the grocery store. I really need to stop that and it is getting on my nerves.:phanvan
    I bought some greens today so of course I am going to fix those when I get home, maybe in the crock pot. LOL I want to eat everything. I want to make a meatloaf with masedpotatoes, baked chicken and mashed potatoes, I want to go to this restaurant that has great chicken wings and cheesesteaks, I want that. I also want lobster, crabs and shrimp, what the..:girl_hug:
    I see a commercial I want it, I watch way too much food network. I really love to cook but I don't have enough people to cook for or enough money to keep feeding them. LOL I am tripping today.
  12. Teresita
    I love you guys, thank you for all of your comments and your encouragement.
    I am blessed by each one of you. :iloveuall:Thanks for allowing me into your journals. I learns something from each one that I read but mostly "I am not alone". We all go through the same struggles and we need each other. It is amazing how much love you can receive from a bunch of strangers LOL. Sincere Strangers LOL:p :huggie:
    I thrive off of other people so you guys really keep me going.:humble:
    86 lost :clap2:
    14 to get to 100 :eek:
    123 to goal :nervous
  13. Teresita
    First day at the gym. WOOHOO I'm so happy. I didn't do much but it was a start. Elliptical for a minute, treadmill for 1/2 mile, lap pull down machine and quad lift machine. I hope to go back at lunch time.
  14. Teresita
    I LOVE IT!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, I HAVE BEEN GOING TO THE GYM EVERYDAY!!!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :faint: I'M GOING WALKING TOMORROW MORNING AND BACK TO THE GYM ALSO!!!! I really need to get an ipod so I can have the music I want.
  15. Teresita
    I'm here. I have not walked in weeks and feeling guilty. I have moved and some of the move itself and daily up and down the stairs has to account for some type of exercise. I feel like I have lost something.
    I finally made an appt to back to the cardiologist because of some issues. I got an emergency appt for tomorrow. I will call my doctor today but I don't think I will go see her because what can she do but take my pressure maybe order a scan but that would not be done before tomorrow. Like I said I will call.
    Here are the issues.
    The imfamous wheez I heard Monday night
    Twitching of my left eye
    Have not be taking my HB meds daily
    I have been feeling off balance
    I have walked down the hall and felt slightly dizzy or light headed
    I feel like I can't walk as far anymore
    Once I see the cardiologist I will get back to walking. I am sure I will be scheduled for my stress test.
  16. Teresita
    Stress is a mutha....leave home without it.
    I am at 371 thank God, after gaining 4 pounds two weeks in a row is a real downer. I knew I did not gain all that weight in that amount of time. So I have lost 10 pounds in 1 week....the body has a serious sense of humor and I was not laughing. Ok my goals seem more attainable now.
    I still don't have much time to get on line.
  17. Teresita
    Somebody is going to think I am crazy but I went to Bed Bath and Beyond for the first time yesterday. I wish I could have seen the look at my face when I walked in. I was shocked that it was a real store and I just kept looking up. I thought is was going to be like Ross or you know not a very organized store. Now that I think about it, I have been in the one in Waldorf. This one was just in a smaller space so everything went up. You should have seen me looking up at the stuff on all the shelves. LOL :biggrin1: Anyhow, I was looking for a candle and they were so expensive so a sales lady helped me. Showed me some holders and I found one for 99 cents :nervous ha ha . Also some voltives so I bought diffrent fragarances as a sampler. I go next do to a craft store to get a gift bag and they had big candles sitting at the door very inexpensive. LOL again. I decided to keep what I had because they were "yankee candles" ha ha a name brand. I'm silly but it was fun. I want to go back to BB and B. I am just rambling on. With all my running around for about an hour gas station, Trader Joes, BB and B, craft store, did I say I stopped in Payless LOL. That dag on Payless only went up to an 11, I guess I have to go to big feet land and find my shoes. Anyhow, I wish I had the funds to just shop like crazy. Oh wow, I wrote down everything I spent yesterday and that was so cool. Budgets man!!:sick
  18. Teresita
    It'ssssssss Friiiiiiiidayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    I'm not eating right today
    kill me
    cini minis BK
    sausage/egg/cheese croissant BK
    small bag chips
    orange soda
    almond snickers
    kill me please
    I will exercise today and lick stamps for dinner
  19. Teresita
    I can post today, Good Day Good Day
    I am now at 380, I am so thankful that the numbers are still going down even though I have not exercised but those stairs are a workout. I hope to get back to exercising this week because me and my child need it. 350 is so close.
    459 - 380 - 375- 350
  20. Teresita
    Had a pain in the right side of my chest yesterday from about 3:30-7:00. Then it just felt like pull twinge. It did scare me and was concerned I would have to go to the ER. I layed in bed for an hour or so. I can't find my blood pressure monitor I recently bought. Once the pain went away I started feeling like myself and going up and down the stairs, cleaning up and getting ready for today.
    Last night I didn't think I would be able to go to work today but I felt fine when I got up and here I am. I do have an appointment for an echo today. I will call and make another appt with my primary doctor so I can get some blood work done. Ok Done appt for Monday.
    I have lovely restriction this morning. I took my meds around 7 and spit for about 15 minutes. Now I have hot oatmeal and that is not going down. I will stop eating now. I have grape juice after the sliming stops and my band opens a little. Also, have trail mix.
    Yesterday, I was a slow eating pig. 4 nuggets, 1/2 double cheeseburger 1 bun, insides of a meat burrito. Dinner was greens, bite of baked chicken, scalloped potatoes (which go down very well).
  21. Teresita
    I lost a pound...whewwww I feel better now. I will not be eating like last week. I am going to try and take it slow and not let things stress me so I eat everything in sight.
    376 is my new number.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
