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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from docbree in Just turned 39 - again   
    Well, actually, 39.9! My BMI is now under 40. This was the first goal I set. I am officially out of the morbidly obese classification! I lost so slowly the first 6 weeks, but things are picking up now. I've also upped the exercise from 3 days a week at the gym to 5 (1 session with the exercise physiologist trainer and 4 times on my own). Today, after my session with the trainer, I am shopping for a non-morbid outfit! No more scary non-stylish things for me!
    Have a wonderful day,
  2. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from docbree in Just turned 39 - again   
    Well, actually, 39.9! My BMI is now under 40. This was the first goal I set. I am officially out of the morbidly obese classification! I lost so slowly the first 6 weeks, but things are picking up now. I've also upped the exercise from 3 days a week at the gym to 5 (1 session with the exercise physiologist trainer and 4 times on my own). Today, after my session with the trainer, I am shopping for a non-morbid outfit! No more scary non-stylish things for me!
    Have a wonderful day,
  3. Like
    MeAndTinyTina reacted to Roo101769 in I finally hit a "magic" number   
    No, I have not yet obtained "one-derland". No, I am not at goal. But today is still a special and important day to me none the less. Today I hit the 100 lbs lost mark. It is a deeply profound number to me. I have lost 100 lbs. It feels wonderful to say...( although it is tinged with some guilt to admit I had that much to lose to start with) I still have 76 lbs to lose to hit my ideal goal weight. It has taken me just shy of a year post op to make it down to my current weight, so as you can see I am NOT a fast loser. But here is what I am...I am a loser. I am a winner for being that loser. I have lost the equivalent of a small human being. ( not that darn small either!) I am 100 lbs thinner than I was when I started. Today I am celebrating this positive and not focusing on negative. ( That it has taken me almost a year, that I still have 76 lbs more to lose) I have a renewed sense of hope. While goal still seems so far away, a year ago 100lbs seemed like an insurmountable amount to lose. Not everyone who has spent most of their adult life morbidly obese gets to utter the words " I have lost 100lbs". I feel such joy. I feel that reaching my goal weight could be possible. I know my body is healthier today than just one year ago. My aches and pains have lessoned or disappeared. I can do more than I have in years. I fit places I only dreamed of, and can wear sizes I longed to see again.
    To anyone just starting this process please know it is not easy, but it is absolutely worth it. To anyone struggling with eating right, or not losing as fast as others please know it will happen. Have faith, give it time. This past year seems like a blink of the eye now that it has passed, yet during the year it has been hard. No, it has been more than hard. It is a constant emotional battle. I thought I was ready to go, as prepared as any one person could be for the surgery. But I fooled myself. I was ready for the physical, but certainly not the mental. I am just here to say I would not trade one day of it to get where I am now. I have lost 100 lbs. I have tears welling up, it makes me that emotional. I truly hated what had become of me physically, but now I am slowly learning to love myself again. It is dawning on me I am fairly close to "normal". Ok, I am still heavy. ( obese technically) But I am closer to normal now than I have been in 18+ years. I am still adjusting to being in social settings and not having that overwhelming feeling of shame for being the largest person in the room. I can walk through a mall ( or even recently through an airport) and I am just another person in the crowd. My size is no longer what I am instantly recognized or defined as. Trust me, that too is part of the mental battle. But it is becoming a part I am growing more and more comfortable with. I hated the fat lady, but she was I and I was her. Now I am just Rhonda.... minus 100 lbs!
  4. Like
    MeAndTinyTina reacted to ChavaBling in Onederland, 92 pounds lost, Before & After Pics (first ever)!   
    Hello boys & girls of BP!
    I had to check in today and let you all know that as of this morning, I am in onederland!! It's not a number that means anything to my health really, but it just feels significant. I guess because most women aren't really supposed to weight more than 200 pounds even under the best of circumstances, but especially if you're 5'1/2". It's been at least 9 years...yeah, I was 22 or 23 the last time I was undoh-2-hundo.
    In honor of this (personally) momentous occasion, I am posting a couple of pics, which I've never done before. be gentle, be nice, or please don't comment...because my body is a onederland
    also i feel kind of dumb because I can not get BP to display pics properly...it keeps rotating them for some reason, grrr. you get the idea.
    OH! Also, the order goes : Before, After, B, A, B, A. Hopefully you could tell that!
  5. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from docbree in Just turned 39 - again   
    Well, actually, 39.9! My BMI is now under 40. This was the first goal I set. I am officially out of the morbidly obese classification! I lost so slowly the first 6 weeks, but things are picking up now. I've also upped the exercise from 3 days a week at the gym to 5 (1 session with the exercise physiologist trainer and 4 times on my own). Today, after my session with the trainer, I am shopping for a non-morbid outfit! No more scary non-stylish things for me!
    Have a wonderful day,
  6. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from docbree in Just turned 39 - again   
    Well, actually, 39.9! My BMI is now under 40. This was the first goal I set. I am officially out of the morbidly obese classification! I lost so slowly the first 6 weeks, but things are picking up now. I've also upped the exercise from 3 days a week at the gym to 5 (1 session with the exercise physiologist trainer and 4 times on my own). Today, after my session with the trainer, I am shopping for a non-morbid outfit! No more scary non-stylish things for me!
    Have a wonderful day,
  7. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from Kindle in 100 pounds lighter today!   
    Waaaaaaaay cool! I feel a little chocked up and I don't even know you! Congrats!
  8. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from Kindle in 100 pounds lighter today!   
    Waaaaaaaay cool! I feel a little chocked up and I don't even know you! Congrats!
  9. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from Kindle in 100 pounds lighter today!   
    Waaaaaaaay cool! I feel a little chocked up and I don't even know you! Congrats!
  10. Like
    MeAndTinyTina reacted to TheCurvyJones in Your choice.   
    Here's what the surgeon that i saw during my seminar said, and I wish docs would address this: It's a Psychological thing. It depends on what kind of eater you are. For example:
    meat and potatoes eater, have issues with Portion Control but not huge on sugar, don't drink a lot of calories, mobile, able to stand and move on your own-- VSG would be a good choice. I chose VSG because after the surgeon closed me up, it was all on me. I wasn't counting on some intestinal trickery nor was I counting on an implanted device. Loss seemed the most natural.
    Issues with portion control, sugar is a HUGE problem, need to lose a lot of weight in a life or death situation, or immobile/unable to move on your own-- RNY would be a good choice to give you the best chances for weight loss success. Because many RNYers dump, it helps them avoid sugar. Also because of mal-absorption, loss is rapid. My seminar surgeon referred to it as the Cadillac of weight loss surgeries.
    Fairly active, don't have issues with portion control OR sugar, just have weight problem and need some additional help to slow down and stop eating when you're full-- Lap Band may be a good choice. WARNING that Lap Band requires the MOST amount of work. Successful Banders I know go at it pretty hard, every day. Takes an enormous amount of work to be successful. There are also some issues with the band-- I see a lot of revisions due to slips and stomach erosion, plus people just not knowing how to care for themselves with the band.
    I HAVE heard that Duodenal switch is the Supercharger of the WLS Surgeries. The Sleeve is only part ONE of the DS procedure. DS is good for people with a significant amount of weight to lose.
  11. Like
    MeAndTinyTina reacted to jessiquoi in When you can't even be honest with yourself   
    i think that for many of us, our weight issues have caused us to be less confident and less able to debate even things we wholeheartedly believe in.
    i also think that most of us will improve in these areas after losing our excess weight.
    maybe those of us who are selective about who we tell (myself included) will become more open as we gain emotional strength.
  12. Like
    MeAndTinyTina reacted to Kindle in When you can't even be honest with yourself   
    Bikrchk, I'm with you. The fact everyone knows about my surgery is a big factor in holding myself accountable. Now that I'm in maintenance I know I won't fail because I want to be a good example.
    And thank you everyone else for your posts. You make very good points. I used to work for a big corporation, so I know about office politics and dealing with "suits". That BS is a big reason why I went back to school for a complete career change in my 30's. And it's a real shame that so many people have friends and family that are unsupportive.
    I guess it just upsets me that WLS is still such a taboo subject in today's society. Losing weight and being healthy are an aspiration for Americans but the fact that there is a "right" way (excersise, eating healthy) and a "wrong" way (WLS) is just crazy.
    The choice to tell or not tell is just that and everyone has to do what is best for them. I just think that the only way to help break down the stigma of surgery is for people to hear about our successes rather than repeat the stories about a "friend of a friend that died". And people's reactions may surprise you...hearing the truth could help someone else struggling with their weight. Really, if we can't be supporters of WLS, who will be?
  13. Like
    MeAndTinyTina reacted to CowgirlJane in It was shocking   
    Today I was cleaning my garage and came across some old jeans and shorts. It shocked me how big they were. I had forgotten I guess how far I've come. I held them up one by one and marveled that they ever fit me. I was pretty sure I had found clothes from my very heaviest - 330 ish and size 28W to 32W or 3x to 4x range. I checked tag number 1...size 20W. Checked the next...sure enough they were all 20w to 22w. It hit me like a ton of bricks to realize why these were forgotten in garage was because they were WAY to small when I moved to this house.
    I spent a few minutes feeling sad for the woman who would have considered 20w pretty damn good clothing size/fairly trim. Then I emotionally moved on to gratefulness that I have attained a normal weight and size.
    I am surprised how much this event shook me up.
  14. Like
    MeAndTinyTina reacted to Miss Mac in Phooey!   
    I have been on a lengthy stall as well, and just finally gave up my independent thinking a couple of days ago, and went back to my original materials. It has become painfully clear that I have been straying more than I realize. This is a time for perfect honesty with yourself (and me to myself). Although I have been logging, weighing and measuring all along, I think my issues are with not logging incidental calories like the scant butter on a veggie, or my 1/3 cup of something may actual be more because the measuring cup is heaped instead of level. An ounce of cheese has to be an ounce and not 1.2 ounces.....and why do I need cheese on everything? This stuff adds up quickly.
    In going back to my original phase four recommendations, my lunchtime tuna salad needsto be 1/4 cup, and not 1/2 cup. Milk is not my favorite beverage, so I have been using almond milk instead, but by wavering from the plan, I am missing out on dairy Calcium, a nutrient that is supposed to be conducive to weight loss.
    I eat Greek yogurt, but do I really need lite whip cream in it?.......I am examining all of my little additions this week. And I am afraid there are going to be way more than I realized. My exercise needs an honest review as well. My form just absolutely sucks due to orthopedic and post-stroke balance issues, so maybe it's about time for a personal trainer...just for a few weeks to get perspective on a proper and do-able exercise routine suited to my abilities.
    Hopefully you can find some quiet time to reflect on how correctly you are following you program and see if you can identify any blips that can be addressed. This is work - a lot of real work. I wish you good luck and good health on your journey to healthy and happy.
  15. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from JanetPRN in I recognize that that voice...   
    I'm not really a teary person, but this post made me misty for some reason. I think it kind of encapsulats everything I want to happen for myself. Congratulations!
  16. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from coriek in 1 year out and in trouble   
    Good luck -- I'll be thinking about you today and wishing you well!
  17. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from coriek in 1 year out and in trouble   
    Good luck -- I'll be thinking about you today and wishing you well!
  18. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from dianalvrs in Soft Solid food stage! ????????   
    I'm also on soft foods. Love ground turkey sautéed in seasoned Tomato sauce with onions and zucchini. Add a little shredded low fato cheddar and enjoy. Made half a pound with one small zucchini and quarter onion and enjoyed for several days. Chew well and slowly or you may be tempted to eat more than quarter cup.
  19. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from shorty54 in Greek yogurt ! Help   
    Hi -- Choboni 100 has the fruit flavors, but lowest sugar of all the flavored and still has the Greek style extra Protein. Whenever they're on sale for 10 for $10, I stock up. Now, at only 2 ounces per meal, one cup will last a long time!
  20. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from alwaysvegas in Still Feel Hungry   
    Hi - I'm just finishing up my 2-week pureed stage. I look at the tiny 2 oz and I think how is this going to fill me up? Then I eat it and my brain is still thinking this isn't enough. Then I wait about a minute and I actually focus on my body and not my brain and can feel the fullness. But I have to actually direct my thoughts to Tiny Tina (that's my stomach). I also have noticed that some really thin purees feel more like liquids. Tiny Tina feels the fullness much more on thicker purees, like the cauliflower and cheese puree I had for a snack this evening. But I also noticed that the feeling of fullness is kinda like a hunger pang. If I let my brain take over, I can convince myself that I'm hungry. I'm not saying this is what's happening to you, just sharing my experience, for what it's worth.
    Hang in there,
  21. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from alwaysvegas in Still Feel Hungry   
    Hi - I'm just finishing up my 2-week pureed stage. I look at the tiny 2 oz and I think how is this going to fill me up? Then I eat it and my brain is still thinking this isn't enough. Then I wait about a minute and I actually focus on my body and not my brain and can feel the fullness. But I have to actually direct my thoughts to Tiny Tina (that's my stomach). I also have noticed that some really thin purees feel more like liquids. Tiny Tina feels the fullness much more on thicker purees, like the cauliflower and cheese puree I had for a snack this evening. But I also noticed that the feeling of fullness is kinda like a hunger pang. If I let my brain take over, I can convince myself that I'm hungry. I'm not saying this is what's happening to you, just sharing my experience, for what it's worth.
    Hang in there,
  22. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from shorty54 in Greek yogurt ! Help   
    Hi -- Choboni 100 has the fruit flavors, but lowest sugar of all the flavored and still has the Greek style extra Protein. Whenever they're on sale for 10 for $10, I stock up. Now, at only 2 ounces per meal, one cup will last a long time!
  23. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from LindafromFlorida in What was your fat-based nickname as a child, and how did it make you feel?   
    Hi. My screen name is MeAndTinyTina, but my real name is Ellen (Tiny Tina is my new stomach - a story for another time). My grade school taunt/nickname was Ellen, Ellen Watermelon (chanted over and over again). I was a plump child and then an overweight teen and so on all my life. The taunting had lots of negative impacts, but also one very important, positive one. I believe it made me a much more empathetic person, a good listener, and a champion of important causes. My whole life I have tried to stand up for those who can't and speak up for those who are too timid to do so themselves. The core of my belief system for almost all of my life has been to try to change the things I don't like if I can, but to remember that I can ALWAYS change my reaction to what is happening. I have been fairly successful in keeping to that philosophy. But with my weight, not so successful in changing the situation, although I am mostly happy about how I have dealt with being a larger than life person in a normal-sized world. Now, in the second half of my life, I am tackling the change in the situation itself. But I am very interested in weight-related discrimination and just logged onto the Obesity Action Coalition website, which I learned about yesterday from Bariatricpal.
    Sorry for the loooong post. I hope your nick names from the past can now give you strength, as we move beyond them.
  24. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from Summer Rain in Exercise - what a concept!   
    Hi - I'm now 12 days post-op and had my first session with a personal trainer this evening. I am also now the proud owner of my very first sports bra!
    All my life I have rationalized away the need for exercise, but I can't live in denial anymore. Actually, reading a lot of the posts on this site from veteran "losers" have helped convince me. Honestly, I was almost as nervous for this training as I was for the surgery. But now that session one is over, it wasn't that bad. Alright, I'll admit it, I kinda liked it. Maybe because the trainer is a 23-year old hotty. I know at age 56 I'm supposed to be harmless, but whenever he asked me "where I was feeling it", I had to bite my tongue
    Well, we'll see how I feel in the morning - hope I can get out of bed.
    Three more days til purees -- yippee!
  25. Like
    MeAndTinyTina got a reaction from tkauhi in Why are some weight loss surgery patients so clueless?   
    Hi - I got tons are classes, one-on-one appointments with a NUT, with the surgical team, dietician, support groups, etc., before the surgery and it continues now post op. I also purchased (thru Amazon for my Kindle) the Big book of Gastric sleeve" - which is written by Bariatric Pal and there are links to it on this site (not sure about the phone app). It was a bit repetitive for me, since I received a binder's worth of handouts from my surgical team, but tkauhi, it would be great for you. Has all the stages of diet, starting from liquids, to purees, to soft, to harder foods, a chapter on what Vitamins you need, exercise, etc. Even has sample menus. I might help you tkauhi and others who didn't get enough info from their medical team.

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