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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Msmimi

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  1. Thank you @@Dee951 I am sleeve now and if you have any questions feel free to ask we all here to help
  2. I no right @@naomi742004 it make you feel so bad
  3. update 2 week out and I am eating to fast omg not a good feeling at all. Need help
  4. I just wanted to say HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL MY DEC SLEEVE SISTER AND BORTHER this is our year we will rock it check in everyone so I can see how everyone doing. As for me down 22pds feeling good and still working hard on getting all my PD in it a job in I work it hard every day and the pay off is feeling good .... be safe this year you guys
  5. Update went to Doc today 19pds down very happy about that but he said that to fast? ok but he did tell me it will slow down soon. I am just happy to be losing. I will tell anyone that's going thru this don't go out in buy a lot of stuff because you may not like it after your WLS.
  6. Msmimi

    2 days post Op

    sugar free popsicles chicken broth beef broth any kind of broth jello free the water good luck
  7. Wow I am 6days out and I am over the sugar free popsicles the chicken broth and the protein drinks. I dont no what to do I no the frist 2 weeks is the hardest but OMG it is
  8. @@smoggie Cool it goes by fast believe me if you have any question feel free to ask we all here to help each other
  9. welcome @@smoggie what did your doc tell you can you have 2 meals a day or not
  10. Update on me 5 days post-op and I still having a hard time with my drinks not really on any pain pills the only thing I am taking is HYOSCYAMINE under my tongue every 6 hours and my sleep I feel like I am a new born baby it like my new stomach wake me up every 5 hours to drink something. If I lay on my left side it hurt like hell. O have anyone had a BM yet I did not no if I should have one by now or not. And what is everyone dinking I really would like to no I cannot drink pla water at all. And the gas is a live and well in side of me
  11. @@lynette85 I am right there with you no I am not getting in enough fluids in
  12. Msmimi

    Loving my sleeve!

    OMG you are right I am only 2 days post-op really no pain just a lot of gas cramping in my stomach.
  13. two post-op And I feel ok I just have a lot of gas pain in the stomach
  14. OMG today is the day and I am leaving out in about 3hrs to be at the hospital by noon and I feel like I going to be sick wish me luck everyone. And I wish all of you guys luck and I have sent a prayer up for all of us and he got us

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