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  1. Like
    leenieceymic1 reacted to ProudGrammy in State Fair advise   
    if you would be tempted by other foods/smells - i would stay away from the fair
    you are pre op - IF you could have that ONE onion blossom and stop - go for it
    if you want to show your "strength" to yourself
    of not eating the onion blossom at the fair, thats cool too
    sometimes abstinence is best
    November 14th will be a great day to start your healthier, happier, longer life
    good luck
    speedy recovery
  2. Like
    leenieceymic1 reacted to VSGfor150 in State Fair advise   
    My date is 11/14 too! I will be on vacation in San Diego when I start my pre-op diet. I'm just thinking of the money that I'll save from not eating out at restaurants during that time. Good luck!
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to alwaysvegas in State Fair advise   
    There will still be food available after your surgery. Best to follow 'the plan' that your surgeon/nutritionist have prescribed.
    Best of luck!
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to Nicole Cloud in State Fair advise   
    if you have already started your pre op diet I would stay away from it just so you don't jeopardize having your surgery pushed back it is not worth it
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to Cupcake in Pre Suregry   
    Hi I do not regret having my surgery and I would do it all over again I am 3 weeks post opt and my health has greatly approved I was a diabetic type 2 and no longer on any diabetic medications and I was taking 6 shots a day of insulin, I am off high cholesterol medication and I am only taking a half pill my blood pressure medication and will be off that soon. The first couple of days were rough with the gas but after the gas came out I was feeling great with the exception of a back pain that lasted a week. I have lost almost 40 pounds at 3 weeks post opt and I am looking toward more weight lost. Good luck.
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to joatsaint in Pre Suregry   
    Would you do it again knowing all you know and what you have experienced?
    I would go through it again in a second if I had to. It was a big hassle getting all the approvals and it was painful that 1st week post-op, but I have no regrets.
    I know first few weeks liquids and protien shakes but can you eat real food again?
    I was eating real solid food at 30 days post-op. Just not much, which I was very very happy about. I was eating about 1/4 cup of real food per meal. Mainly turkey hamburger and chicken and refried Beans - my diet is pretty simple. Vegetables and fruits took much longer to get re-accustomed to - around month 6 I was able to add them back into my diet. By month 9, I could eat anything I wanted with little to no grumbling from Frankensleeve. :-)
    What are biggest highs and what are worse things?
    The biggest highs for me were being in control of how much I could eat and seeing the weigh fall off so quickly (about 15 lbs a month). The worst thing was that 1st week post-op, getting all that gas out of my body was painful and having to sleep propped up (I am a side sleeper and couldn't lay flat for about 10 days).
    Can you drink alcohol again once recovered and havre been on this new journey for awhile?
    I tried a beer at 6 months, sipped it slowly and had no problems. I'm not much of a drinker anyway, but I occasionally have tequila mixed with my Crystal Light lemonade. I'm a cheap drunk now! 2 shots of tequila and I'm done! :-P
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to AlanaRN in Hating the puréed stage...   
    Good luck!!!!
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to robga999 in Hating the puréed stage...   
    if you can mash it with a fork you can eat it!!
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to Thinkingthinner1109 in Hating the puréed stage...   
    I had to skip puréed. No way I could do that. I had to do liquids a little longer but oh well.
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to NotWishWhen512 in Hating the puréed stage...   
    I'm on day 3 of it and it's awful! I've been mashing food up well instead of pureeing because I just can't stomach it that way.
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to robga999 in Hating the puréed stage...   
    I eat scarambled egg with cheese, chili pureed, creamy Soups, my doc said if you can mash it with a fork I can eat it!im doing great on it.tonite I made skinless boneless chicken thighs in the crockpot with zucchini,onion and garlic,omg delish!!I mashed it with a fork and ate about 2oz!!
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to AlanaRN in Hating the puréed stage...   
    I'm on purée and can have scrambled eggs. It was actually the first food I tried. I can eat about 3/4 of an egg with some fat free cheddar scrambled with it.
  13. Like
    leenieceymic1 reacted to Stephannie in Size 2 wedding dress   
    I am the Maid of Honor in my best friends wedding. While shopping for her wedding dress the boutique only had a size 2 in the one she wanted to try. So....she asked me to try it on. I've been married forever but dug out my actual wedding pic for a side by side. What a shock. I sure wish I would have had my sleeve years ago!! Love my sleeve.
    Surgery Date: 12/2012
    Start weight: 246
    Current: 109
    4' 11 & 1/2"
  14. Like
    leenieceymic1 got a reaction from Agreen0707 in Anyone got some good ideas (puree) diet.   
    I was sleeved on the 8th too.. Your on purées already ?! Lucky! Lol I start in 2 days .... Try some crab meat, tuna, or salmon with low fat mayo or Greek yogurt. Delish!!! Don't forget done garlic... I love garlic
  15. Like
    leenieceymic1 reacted to Sleevarilla in Missing the "Full" signal   
    All of the nerves were sliced through when they removed your stomach. You will never have the same full feeling again. As you progress to soft foods, you will determine what your new normal is. Right now, on liquids or pureed, you won't have a full feeling at all. Foods/drinks of that consistency just slip right on through. Once you move up to soft foods, you'll quickly feel that restriction.
    The gurgling could be acid. Are you on a PPI? Also, tiny tummies have a lot to say ... they rumble, grumble, squeak and chatter. I think it's kind of endearing, lol.
  16. Like
    leenieceymic1 reacted to CubsWinCubsWin in $600 Bariatric Program Fee   
    The CPA in me reminded me that you could add that to your Schedule A deductions of your tax return under medical expenses. It's always tough to get any real deductions on medical with the 7.5% of AGI threshold but don't forget about it come tax time next year. This should fall under medical expenses, perhaps a grey area but I've seen so many worse abuses on interpreting the US tax code.
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to juls0102 in A couple questions - 2 weeks pre op.   
    I'm having a hard time getting my Protein in also. My doctor told me the first 2 weeks post op I am to focus on healing and hydrating. I stopped all pain meds on day 2 because I was so nauseous. I can't stand anything "sugar free", so my liquids are pretty much Water, some gatorade and I added unsweet iced tea yesterday and felt like I was in heaven!!! =) I'm definitely not getting in my 30 grams of Protein yet, but I'm trying.
    Hang in there!!!!
  18. Like
    leenieceymic1 reacted to BitterSweet* in Post op eating   
    So sorry about your complication. I hope it resolves quickly so that you start feeling better soon. You were really smart to trust your feelings and seek medical care.
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to Sassy24 in Tomorrow is the day!   
    You are doing GREAT!!!! Indeed, I will keep you posted:+) PS:BTW, i'm eating right now too like it's the end of the world, only because I wanna stay the weight I am right now and not slip below the bmi criteria, but i know FULL WELL what I have to do once I'm ok'd for surgery, and for the REST of my life if I wanna live a 'healthy' life!
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to Mia83 in Tomorrow is the day!   
    Yay!!! You got this!
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    leenieceymic1 got a reaction from rachel_b in Tomorrow is the day!   
    Sassy24.... Things will be just fine. My 1st post op appt was yesterday & I was taken off of 1 blood pressure medicine, my diabetic medication was cut in half. I was so happy! I started this journey at 278, in currently 255.5. Most of my WL was during the liquid stage. During the 6 months I ate like it was the end of the world. Lol, but you will be fine. Keep me posted on how you are doing.
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    leenieceymic1 got a reaction from Miss Mac in Feeling so discouraged   
    I agree with Kamp.. Do not let anyone discourage you from what you are considering. Who is he to tell you not too? He's not your primary doctor, he's just a heart doctor. Unless you have a serious heart condition I wouldn't listen to him. Find another heart doctor.
    I think that the only way you will have diarrhea is if you eat something that may not agree with you.
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    leenieceymic1 reacted to kczar in Last Meal The Night Before Surgery?   
    I dontf know if I'd trust any surgeon who encouraged their patient to have a meal the night before surgery.
  24. Like
    leenieceymic1 reacted to Greeneyes123 in Best clear Protein drink?   
    I wouldn't say I love any of them but there are a couple of Isopure clears that are okay. The Apple melon and Peach mango are pretty good. I mix the peach mango with Crystal light pink lemonade and it tastes very tropical. I can drink the Apple melon watered down a little otherwise I find it too sweet. Try mixing any of their flavors up in different crystal light flavors and hopefully you hit on one you like.
  25. Like
    leenieceymic1 reacted to par1959 in Shopping List Needed   
    I wouldnt suggest stocking up. Purchase what you need as you need it. Your diet will change many times over the first month to six weeks. You really dont need to worry about Protein shakes. Instead make sure you get your Water in. For me protien shake were a thing of the past after surgery. After the first couple of weeks I could get the 60 gr of protien in eating real food. shakes in my opinion are nothng but liquid calories. However, some on this site feel differently. Greek yogurt will become your best friend.

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