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Nancy E.

Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Nancy E. reacted to mal0712 in Top 10 things you want to be able to do after the surgery   
    I love those!! I can relate to all of them
    As well!
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    Nancy E. reacted to Ginger Snaps in Looks like i am switching teams.   
    I don't mean this in any offensive manner but I don't understand why people are so afraid of the bypass. I was MUCH more afraid of making my reflux worse. As far as recovery or pain goes, I think the bypass and sleeve are very similar. With the bypass or sleeve, you still have to take Vitamins and supplements for life. Bypass does has the possibility of dumping syndrome but I consider that to be a helpful thing -- negative reinforcement of my body teaching me what I should NOT be eating. Only 9 days out but haven't experienced it. And, I've heard some sleeve patients also have dumping syndrome.
    I chose bypass because I also have GERD and bypass is more successful for curing that. My doctor explained that most acid is formed in the lower part of the stomach and by bypassing that, you won't create as much acid. With sleeve, the lower stomach is still producing acid and the stomach is smaller so the acid can reflux even more than before surgery.
    Both surgeries are pretty dramatic and invasive. The bypass is the gold standard with the most proven benefits and long-term safety data. I wouldn't let the fear of bypass stop me from gaining health and losing weight.
    Again -- not being offensive to anyone -- we all have our own priorities and factors that weight in to decision-making.
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    Nancy E. reacted to tiggr6199 in Looks like i am switching teams.   
    I too had originally opted for the sleeve but for many of the same reasons you gave changed my mind and opted for the bypass. Until this past year even though I was morbidly(i hate that word) obese I was riding my bike up to 20 miles,taking clases including SPIN at the gym and was very active. I have a very arthritic knee which has limited my activity to the point where I can't do much. I am an RN so am on my feet alot and by the end of my shift even if I wanted to go to the gym I cannot. I am looking forward to getting the surgery on 6/24 and getting back to the activities I love and miss. I think with some time and learning more you will be more comfortable with the bypass. Good luck.
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    Nancy E. reacted to ambpete in Looks like i am switching teams.   
    You sound a lot like me. I too had planned on the sleeve but was told the same as you. I have gerd and Barretts also. My knees , shoulders and hands ache from arthritis. I had lost about 50 lbs back 5 years ago and after a rotator cuff major injury, I put it all back on. I started this process back in December and I am nearly at the end. With all my issues I will go with my doctors suggestion, gastric bypass. July 8th is my date and I cant wait to start this and extend my life I am 68 years old and I want to outlive the rest of my sibling who have all passed from cancer. I am ready to finally conquer this demon I have.
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    Nancy E. reacted to Crosby in Looks like i am switching teams.   
    I had been leaning toward the sleeve but it seems my doctor has other ideas. And since the only medical degree I have was one I printed out I think I will give his opinion a wee bit of importance. I have GERD and am pre- Barrett's so I knew the sleeve was iffy. I had my orientation session and was told by the RN Case Manager that their docs would not do the sleeve for someone with my condition. And considering I am a binge sweetaholic the bypass Is probably better. Oh well I was getting tired of donuts anyway. I am concerned though as anti inflammatories are my best friend. I believe I have arthritis nearly everywhere possible. I am going to begin to look at other options since margaritas appear out too. I know the weight loss will help the hips and knees as I was in relatively good shape and athletic just 4 years ago. I had lost 130 pounds on WW and was running, mountain biking (best high in the world), weight lifting and loving it all. Then I tore my hip up and slowly 80 pounds of the weight came back on. And now it is hard to even walk. I waddle...and I am too young to waddle! So I committed to this endeavor. I have 6 months to wait..great Christmas present though.
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    Nancy E. reacted to Chelly in Disappointed   
    That's ridiculous that they are playing around with this.
    If it was me I would check with them often to find out if they did it or not.
    I might even talk to the office manager or the physicians assistant and ask why there is a delay in them submitting the paperwork.
    You tell them that you were promised a speedy submission of it and now you're being told that it will be sometime this month and that that's unacceptable.
    You were also told that surgery would be next month and now they don't know when.
    I'm sorry you might have already done all of this and I'm preaching to you. I just dislike hearing of people being mistreated.
    Good luck and best wishes.
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    Nancy E. got a reaction from Sparklingbeauty53 in Will surgery after certain age make you look haggard?   
    Thank you all so much for your encouraging words. They are just what I needed to hear and I'm sure I will come back to read them over and over. Bless you all!
  8. Like
    Nancy E. got a reaction from Sparklingbeauty53 in Will surgery after certain age make you look haggard?   
    Thank you all so much for your encouraging words. They are just what I needed to hear and I'm sure I will come back to read them over and over. Bless you all!
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    Nancy E. got a reaction from MrsGloMartin in Going.....Going....Can't Wait Until All of This Gone....   
    I'm so excited for you! Congratulations on doing so well! I'll be over on your side before the end of the summer hopefully! Keep up the good work!!
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    Nancy E. reacted to msfitn2014 in Vitamin Help Please   
    I take bari-life I buy them online from barilife.com and they are 28 p;us 5 shipping. They are powdered Vitamins with EVERYTHNG in them. My dr also have me on a nasal B12 that I used once a week. I love the powder, I take it 2x a day and I can put in my shake, Water, Jello or yogurt.
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    Nancy E. reacted to Kimberly Marie in Vitamin Help Please   
    My Dr. recommends fusion Vitamins. I would have to chew up 4 of this BIG vitamins a day! They gave me some samples and I could barely get one down. The advantage to these is that they have EVERYTHING you need after surgery. They have Calcium, B12, Biotin, Vitamin D, Iron, Zinc, and SO ON!!! So you only have to take these and nothing else. But if I can get them down then they are of no good to me. They are about $25 dollars a month that seems to be a pretty good price if you start adding buying them separately. I have looked into some other Vitamin completes but they all seem to be missing something that you will have to purchase. So I guess basically I was just wondering what everyone else does?
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    Nancy E. reacted to Harley59 in Going.....Going....Can't Wait Until All of This Gone....   
    It is a marvelous journey. So happy to be feeling the same way and that we made this decision to take back our lives. It does feel so powerful, to be satisfied after a few bites and not be fighting and saying " oh, I shouldn't, but I want it, but you can't have it, if you do you will undo all the work you did this week" and the self talk would go on and on. Instead, have a little something for food and move on and LIVE!!!
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    Nancy E. reacted to MrsGloMartin in Going.....Going....Can't Wait Until All of This Gone....   
    I am so pleased and excited about this journey I am on. I get tickled every time I eat because for the first time I can remember I leave lots of food on my tiny little plate and after a few bites I am completely satisfied!!! I went to a cookout at my sisters home today and everyone who knows me was amazed. Normally I'd be sitting at the table without moving unless I needed to use the facilities. Today I had so much energy I danced, raced with the kids and won, and when I left I did not take a doggy bag for later. Is this really me? Yes, it is the new and improved me. The me that loves life and have taken control of the lifelong bad habits and turned them into healthier ones. My hubby looked at me with a big od smile on his face as everyone congratulated me on my weight loss. When I weighed myself this morning I have lost another 5.2 lbs. I wish I had this done as soon as my bmi got over 40, ten years ago, but now I am just glad to be feeling good and having so much energy. I Love My new Life!!! I'll post some pictures tomorrow so everyone can see my progress thus far.
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    Nancy E. reacted to Bobby46 in Nioxin anyone?   
    Hi. I haven't had surgery yet. They are suppose to be getting the paperwork together to submit to insurance. Just waiting. I am terrified of losing more hair. About a year ago I lost a lot of hair when my thyroid went out of wack. Tons of hair on the bathroom floor, in the drain, in my hands, on my clothes....frightening. It stopped falling out about 7 mths ago but is noticeably thin to me. Its also starting to grow little fine hairs now. I had super thick hair....couldn't see my scalp when I parted it.....now you can see my scalp, some what, and it scares the holy mess out of me. Having surgery and the thought of losing more of my hair because of it almost made me stop the process. But....after surviving the thyroid issue and hairloss, I know that my hair will grow back. A month ago I started using Nioxin hoping to get a jump start on the hairloss. Honestly, I noticed a difference the 2nd time I used it !! I get less hair in the drain now.....even though my Hair loss already stopped....I don't notice hair on my clothes and when I put gel in my hair there are only a couple strands on my hands. It gives my hair a little body too...which helps disguise the scalp where I part my hair. I have also been taking 5000mg of Biotin a day and I take B12 under my tongue 2xs a day. I also make sure I get Protein with every meal now too. I am going to do anything and everything I can to avoid the hairloss. But, If its going to happen, regardless of what I do, I know that it will grow back and life will go on. Its a small...all be it, scary....price to pay to drop this weight once and for all!
  15. Like
    Nancy E. got a reaction from BeagleLover in Surgeon recommended roux n y, I was thinking sleeve   
    James Marusek, thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. It is always good and oh so helpful to hear about others success stories. A year out! Wow!
    Like Mexicangirl commented above, I can't wait to see where and how I am a year out from surgery! When I think about it I get such a warm, happy feeling because I believe not only will I be off most my medicine and weigh far less than I do now, I will actually be able to breath without so much effort. I will be able to put my shoes on and tie them without holding my breath and struggling. AND I will have more energy and feel better about myself! Oh! And of course I can't wait to be able to "buy off the rack" again!!! :-)
    Anyway, we sure do appreciate your feedback. Please come back and fill us in on your progress!
  16. Like
    Nancy E. got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Surgeon recommended roux n y, I was thinking sleeve   
    Bunnytoes, so many people have reported being taken off so many medications. I sincerely hope it will be the same for you! I am hoping to get off a bi-pap machine, cholesterol medication, pain medication, and hopefully reducing the strength of medicine I take for fibromyalgia, as well as loose about 100 lbs.
    Like others, I go between excitement and concern if I am taking the right way. I believe I am, but when others talk it down to me that is when I question myself and my decision. I know this is right for me. I just have to be patient! :-)
    Do you have a surgery date yet? Mine will hopefully be early August but that is yet to be determined.
    Keep us posted as to how you are doing! :-) best of luck!
  17. Like
    Nancy E. got a reaction from HelenaMarie83 in Surgeon recommended roux n y, I was thinking sleeve   
    Helenamarie83, I just love happy endings and that is exactly what I see for you and your cousin!!! I agree, I would take the date being open for both of you as a sign also. Do you guys live close to each other? You will be able to walk together or whatever form of exercise you choose. Having an exercise buddy I think helps to keep us accountable and I know gets me out there on the days I just don't feel like it. Make sure you and Mexicangirl keep us all updated. I'm so very excited for you both!!
  18. Like
    Nancy E. got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Surgeon recommended roux n y, I was thinking sleeve   
    Bunnytoes, so many people have reported being taken off so many medications. I sincerely hope it will be the same for you! I am hoping to get off a bi-pap machine, cholesterol medication, pain medication, and hopefully reducing the strength of medicine I take for fibromyalgia, as well as loose about 100 lbs.
    Like others, I go between excitement and concern if I am taking the right way. I believe I am, but when others talk it down to me that is when I question myself and my decision. I know this is right for me. I just have to be patient! :-)
    Do you have a surgery date yet? Mine will hopefully be early August but that is yet to be determined.
    Keep us posted as to how you are doing! :-) best of luck!
  19. Like
    Nancy E. got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Surgeon recommended roux n y, I was thinking sleeve   
    I also planned on the sleeve and was redirected to the bypass due to several conditions I have. Took me a bit to get used to the idea but I'm more comfortable day by day and just want to get it done and be on the "other side"!
  20. Like
    Nancy E. got a reaction from MrsGloMartin in Week Four: Training for the Philadelphia Marathon?   
    Mrsglomartin, what a WONDERFUL goal!!! You can do it too as long as you keep your eyes on the prize! I'm hoping for surgery in early Aug. Perhaps next year I could run a 5k, I've always wanted to try that. Right now my knees are shot from this excess weight but I am hoping weight loss will take care of that.
    So you are doing great! Listen to your stomach!! I think next to your doctors advice your stomach comes in 2nd as an expert! :-)
    Let us know about that race so we can cheer you on!!!!
  21. Like
    Nancy E. reacted to ALLGODSGRACE in Brand new, nervous and excited!   
    Hi! I am new and nervous. My surgery is this Wednesday the 21st. I am having Gastric Bypass. My current weight is 130. I have wanted this for 2 years but due to insurance requirements I kept barely missing the BMI criteria. Any helpful things regarding the 3 day full liquid would be appreciated. My biggest fear is messing up. I have been given a great gift to have a second chance at a healthy life. I don't want to mess up.
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    Nancy E. reacted to daw3378 in Vitamins   
    my doctor has in our workbook that we can take Flinstones or bugs bunny chewable, and sublingual B12
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    Nancy E. reacted to newbody2014 in Vitamins   
    I have surgery the same day. I bought woman's mega liquid vitamins from GNC along with a liquid B12 and a dissolvable bitotin that goes under your tongue. And a chewable Vitamin D from the Unjury site advertised on here. Hope that helps.
  24. Like
    Nancy E. reacted to MrsGloMartin in Week Four: Training for the Philadelphia Marathon?   
    Hello everyone, today is week number four post op and I am not at all excited about starting soft foods. I am doing well as far as getting my 64 oz. of Water each day and protien in from the shakes and food, but I'm just not hungry and I can only eat two-three teaspoons of food at a time. I joined myfitnesspal and I'm monitoring what I eat, drink, and my exercises that I do every day. This is a new and exciting world for me because my tastes have changed drastically (I can no longer tolerate anything sweet or fatty) and that's great news for me because I was addicted to sweet-fatty foods for many years. My new stomach is definitely in control of what it likes and doesn't like and I am okay with that. I weighed myself this morning and I have lost another five pounds. Life is good.
    At my support group last Wednesday my surgeon gave us a challenge. He challenged us to set a long-term goal for ourselves. Then he asked how many of us would like to run the marathon in Philly in November. I said I have always wanted to get back into running (I used to run track and was on the cheer leaders in high school, and I was on the girls volleybally team) I said yes. I looked at all of the training that I will have to do in preparation and I am going to give it my all. I believe that by setting this training goal I'll be more focused on getting the exercise I need everyday and it will help me to achieve my goal to get to 140 lbs in a years time.
  25. Like
    Nancy E. reacted to Ginger Snaps in Week Four: Training for the Philadelphia Marathon?   
    November this year? Or next? I ran in high school too and have always wanted to get back into it but the weight has taken it's toll and I wonder if I'll ever be able to again. I was thinking of making a tiny little goal of a 5k late this year. But a marathon???
    You GO girl! (and if I get postop and find I can start running some, I'll hit you up to do a 5k with me somewhere near Philly! Maybe one of those Turkey trots on Thanksgiving Day... better than staring at all that food you can't eat!)

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