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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    auntjanny got a reaction from gourmetone in plastic surgeon. Just going to say it!   
    You are quite strong and outspoken on the boards. That is meant as a compliment. When the shock wears off consider how you would respond to this post had you not written it. In fact, go ahead and write an honest reply on a sheet of paper when you feel better and have a working toilet!
    You certainly need another opinion in plastic surgery. Sorry for feeling demeaned. This is a hiccup. A big hiccup.
  2. Like
    auntjanny reacted to Lallylocks in Wanted: September Sleevers!   
    So hard to take enough fluids...sleeved on 9/24. Managing sips...I'm sure way below what I should. Had a half cup of broth and a few spoonfuls of Jello and was done. I get so gassy! The jello was seriously the most delicious thing I've had in weeks.
  3. Like
    auntjanny got a reaction from msfitn2014 in plastic surgeon. Just going to say it!   
    Wow, RJ, rotten reply on your end to Gummy Tummy. You are open and honest. But defensive and unkind. Gummy Tummy was offering support, not judgement.
  4. Like
    auntjanny got a reaction from gourmetone in plastic surgeon. Just going to say it!   
    You are quite strong and outspoken on the boards. That is meant as a compliment. When the shock wears off consider how you would respond to this post had you not written it. In fact, go ahead and write an honest reply on a sheet of paper when you feel better and have a working toilet!
    You certainly need another opinion in plastic surgery. Sorry for feeling demeaned. This is a hiccup. A big hiccup.
  5. Like
    auntjanny got a reaction from gourmetone in plastic surgeon. Just going to say it!   
    You are quite strong and outspoken on the boards. That is meant as a compliment. When the shock wears off consider how you would respond to this post had you not written it. In fact, go ahead and write an honest reply on a sheet of paper when you feel better and have a working toilet!
    You certainly need another opinion in plastic surgery. Sorry for feeling demeaned. This is a hiccup. A big hiccup.
  6. Like
    auntjanny got a reaction from gourmetone in plastic surgeon. Just going to say it!   
    You are quite strong and outspoken on the boards. That is meant as a compliment. When the shock wears off consider how you would respond to this post had you not written it. In fact, go ahead and write an honest reply on a sheet of paper when you feel better and have a working toilet!
    You certainly need another opinion in plastic surgery. Sorry for feeling demeaned. This is a hiccup. A big hiccup.
  7. Like
    auntjanny reacted to Dooter in Two Years out: LISTEN UP NOOBS AND SEEKERS! *warning-harsh*   
    Hey all- Dooter here. I haven't been on here in a while, but this thought has been plaguing me, and I need to get it out. -Let me preface this discussion by saying I am GLAD I had the sleeve surgery, and I would not change it for the world. I had NO complications and I lost 102 pounds in eight months, and for that I am grateful. I needed to do that quickly for my own sanity and health. HOWEVER- that said-
    DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT think for one teeny tiny minute that having surgery and dumping a bunch of weight is going to fix your head and the behavior that got you here. Not gonna happen. During the "honeymoon" period where you can sneeze off five pounds at a time and you're never hungry after your teaspoon of food, you can't imagine EVER returning to old feelings and desires. I am here to tell you that it sneaks back in a little at a time. A taste here, a taste there... "oh look. I've gained a pound. well, that was salty food, I'll just drink more Water tomorrow." HORSE HOCKEY!!!! That's where it starts. Your old head trips creep in. Hiding food. Eating junk now, figuring you'll just shape up "next week" or "tomorrow." Tomorrow never happens and you've gained 30 pounds back. Yes. With your itty bitty stomach, you have gained 30 pounds back. It can happen. Or worse, you gain it all back. That can happen too.
    The reason I am writing this and being to harsh about it is that you are a person who is considering, or who has gone through a MAJOR life changing surgery. SO CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!! Be vigilant. come out of that honeymoon with your armor on! You WILL stop losing at one point and your body will begin to fight you as mine has. The diet my surgeon gave me no longer works at this point in the game, as my metabolism is stuck in cold molasses and it has taken a personal trainer/dietitian to get it moving again, and it is majorly hard work and painful and distasteful at times, but I have another 100 lbs to lose AFTER the 30 lb regain is gone.
    ​Have somebody close to you hold you accountable for exercising and eating right. Splatter it all over Facebook if you have to (I did) so you'll have MANY people holding you accountable! Do what you have to do to reach your goal. Don't settle for less and don't eat crap. And don't think that surgery is the final solution. It's a tool that will get you halfway there. The rest is up to YOU and no one else. Thank you. That is all.
  8. Like
    auntjanny reacted to MisforMimi in Devastated :(   
    Oh, I am a surgical coordinator (different specialty) and a physician/surgeon upping and leaving with no plan for patients does not surprise me one single bit. This happened to me just a few months ago. For some reason one of my surgeons was suddenly unable to operate at all, not even minor cases and procedures. It was my job as coordinator to figure what on earth to do with all these patients without having the details. Say it with me. "NIGHTMARE." Crazy things happen in the world of healthcare. That said, it sounds like your hospital has a insurance network for employees that included the hospital you worked in - not uncommon, especially in private settings. Good thing, bariatric surgery is NOT elective. If you've met the standards for approval, you should be given an in-network option through your plan. If may take time, DO NOT GIVE UP. This may not have been the path or direction you were intending and you have a lot of emotions (as one would) and security of having it all planned out. You will get this figured out in time.
  9. Like
    auntjanny reacted to RJ'S/beginning in plastic surgeon. Just going to say it!   
    I am sorry that I did not use a gentle tone on this thread. I am not perfect. I truly am not! I just feel out of control and so hurt and in so much pain that I spoke first. Sorry @@GummyTummy
  10. Like
    auntjanny reacted to GummyTummy in plastic surgeon. Just going to say it!   
    You have to remember what those guys are looking at about 80-90 % of the time. "Hi, I am a middle age suburban Mom that has breasts that aren't quite as high as they were the day I turned 18" or " Hi, I'd like to paralyze my face so no one knows I am 32." Unfortunately, they typically aim for cosmetic surgery as opposed to plastics to actually repair damage. In addition, they are human and while you are not gross or grotesque as a person, we can all be objective in looking at the changes and damage we have caused to our bodies with obesity. As much as you may have felt judged by him, perhaps you are missing the mark since it was likely the first time you met him.; some people look pissed when they are in deep thought, some look happy when they are about to kill a bunny...perhaps you misread his expression. If you didn't and he is a giant douche, there are plenty of other doctors out there that would love to help you. Unfortunately, its just like the weight loss, A LOT OF WORK to find the right one. I am sorry about your other situations and for saying this if you aren't religious and it bothers you, but when things really hit the fan, I think about Christ, about the walk he took with the cross he was crucified on, the shame - hurt - and betrayal / hopelessness he must have felt being on display and abandoned by his father, then I think about my issues and they don't seem as large. Beyond that, your spirit is beautiful, no matter what it is packaged in. I have read your posts on here and they are helpful, lovely, and honest - may your body soon reflect what you need it to, but you have the hardest part of life worked out already. Being a fantastic person, that no plastic surgery can morph someone in to.
    Best wishes
  11. Like
    auntjanny got a reaction from amazon in Skinny comments   
    Just say "thanks, I am working on it"
  12. Like
    auntjanny got a reaction from mochax in Sleeved on Monday 9/22. What I wish I had known!   
    I am happily home sipping on Crystal Light. I was sleeved robotically on Monday. I have read a few WLS books, been a frequent reader here at BP, and have attended support group x2. I was not prepared, as stupid as it sounds, for how huge a surgery this was!! My post op groggy lasted almost 20 hours, so I feel as if I lost some time and was behind the eight ball.
    Getting up and walking was easy. I was given a belly binder and that helps keep all the pieces to gether. Walking cannot be over emphasized. It moves the excess gas all around decreasing back pain, or wherever it chooses to manifest itself.
    Bring as little to the hospital as possible. Chapstick. It cannot be overemphasized!! just bring chapstick. I wore the same clothes home that I arrived in and that made things simple.
    Do the deep breathing and coughing. I developed a fever pretty quickly that was over 100 and it was an added distraction. My blood sugar went up to 199 so I was put on insulin. Despite no history of diabetes, this is not uncommon.
    Truly, each "day" gets better. significantly better. The nausea was so terrible I could not imagine it going away, but, I have not had an issue with it since home.
    Best wishes to all.
  13. Like
    auntjanny got a reaction from mochax in Sleeved on Monday 9/22. What I wish I had known!   
    I am happily home sipping on Crystal Light. I was sleeved robotically on Monday. I have read a few WLS books, been a frequent reader here at BP, and have attended support group x2. I was not prepared, as stupid as it sounds, for how huge a surgery this was!! My post op groggy lasted almost 20 hours, so I feel as if I lost some time and was behind the eight ball.
    Getting up and walking was easy. I was given a belly binder and that helps keep all the pieces to gether. Walking cannot be over emphasized. It moves the excess gas all around decreasing back pain, or wherever it chooses to manifest itself.
    Bring as little to the hospital as possible. Chapstick. It cannot be overemphasized!! just bring chapstick. I wore the same clothes home that I arrived in and that made things simple.
    Do the deep breathing and coughing. I developed a fever pretty quickly that was over 100 and it was an added distraction. My blood sugar went up to 199 so I was put on insulin. Despite no history of diabetes, this is not uncommon.
    Truly, each "day" gets better. significantly better. The nausea was so terrible I could not imagine it going away, but, I have not had an issue with it since home.
    Best wishes to all.
  14. Like
    auntjanny reacted to mamie60 in Favorite foods during the pureed stage?   
    Greek yogurt with sugar free raspberry preserves.
  15. Like
    auntjanny reacted to FedUpwithBeingFat in 57 year old low bmi post op 4/24   
    Hi! Thank you so much for checking in on me. Your note before my surgery gave me great peace and comfort. I have told NO ONE but my husband, so having you and others checking on me in INVALUABLE! I have had a tough 1st week of recovery, but am beginning to feel better.
    My 1 week check up is tomorrow. Because I was converting a "plication" to a sleeve, my procedure lasted 5.5 hours. I think this may be the reason the Anesthesia was particularly difficult to rid from my system. Not sure if this is the cause of my blurry vision for the last 6 days, but reading online, I have found that this can be a result of anesthesia and will improve in 9-10 days. (I have been unable to read the newspaper, emails, or any of the 3 new books I bought to enjoy during my recovery phase.)
    Additionally, I have had severe headaches that I cannot treat with my regular Migraine meds, due to the complicated revision-----my doc's fear that the strong meds (even crushed) would cause damage to my new sleeve.
    ENOUGH COMPLAINING THOUGH!!! I'm grateful for my supportive husband who paid the 17,500. fee to have this done and my steady improvement. I actually feel myself getting stronger each day. Remembering what you said about walking the anesthesia off, I made sure to walk a little each day but honestly I only made it to my mailbox and back, walked from one end of my house to the other.....etc. (I was quite wimpy this week) I tried to balance what you said about walking and resting my body. I have a goal of walking 30 minutes (all at one time) by Saturday of this week. I hope I am able.
    Your 3rd piece of invaluable advice was very helpful and something I HAD NOT considered. As soon as I can get out, I'm going to purchase tiny bowls and small plates. Thank you so much for this tip!!
    Something I had not expected was the weight gain in the hospital from fluids. ( I probably should have done better research and made myself aware of this bc it SHOCKED me!) I gained 11 lbs and after 6 days that was finally gone. I hope I begin steady "losing" from this point on.
    I practiced "going out to dinner" last night with my husband. This is a little scary at first! We went to a Tai restaurant where I was able to order a bowl of simple broth. It was divine. (After eating broth from a box all week.) Since today is 1 week out, I'm going to weigh, take measurements, etc. I'm hoping I'm on the right path and will continue to improve.
    Enough about me! Are you doing o.k.? Still losing? Adding new foods to your diet? Feeling good? I think your surgery was this summer so we are just a few months apart. Your wisdom and compassion came through so clearly in your message to me and I want you to know how very much I appreciate the time it took to send it. Please continue to send your valuable tips and please let me know how you are progressing.
  16. Like
    auntjanny reacted to imsoglad56 in September Sleevers!   
    The post op eating levels vary so much that some are eating eggs 2 or 3 days after surgery. As long as you didn't gorge yourself and you don't do it again, I bet you'll be fine. Of course, I'm a secretary not a surgeon.
  17. Like
    auntjanny reacted to #9grammy in Sleeved on Monday 9/22. What I wish I had known!   
    Welcome home, thanks for the info it's really helpful. Did you just wear the hospital gown? I have a 2 night stay when I get mine done so I'm just wondering. Do they keep the IV in you the whole time?
    Take care
  18. Like
    auntjanny reacted to Kathy812 in Sleeved on Monday 9/22. What I wish I had known!   
    Thank you, very good information. Glad things are getting better.
  19. Like
    auntjanny got a reaction from mochax in Sleeved on Monday 9/22. What I wish I had known!   
    I am happily home sipping on Crystal Light. I was sleeved robotically on Monday. I have read a few WLS books, been a frequent reader here at BP, and have attended support group x2. I was not prepared, as stupid as it sounds, for how huge a surgery this was!! My post op groggy lasted almost 20 hours, so I feel as if I lost some time and was behind the eight ball.
    Getting up and walking was easy. I was given a belly binder and that helps keep all the pieces to gether. Walking cannot be over emphasized. It moves the excess gas all around decreasing back pain, or wherever it chooses to manifest itself.
    Bring as little to the hospital as possible. Chapstick. It cannot be overemphasized!! just bring chapstick. I wore the same clothes home that I arrived in and that made things simple.
    Do the deep breathing and coughing. I developed a fever pretty quickly that was over 100 and it was an added distraction. My blood sugar went up to 199 so I was put on insulin. Despite no history of diabetes, this is not uncommon.
    Truly, each "day" gets better. significantly better. The nausea was so terrible I could not imagine it going away, but, I have not had an issue with it since home.
    Best wishes to all.
  20. Like
    auntjanny got a reaction from mochax in Sleeved on Monday 9/22. What I wish I had known!   
    I am happily home sipping on Crystal Light. I was sleeved robotically on Monday. I have read a few WLS books, been a frequent reader here at BP, and have attended support group x2. I was not prepared, as stupid as it sounds, for how huge a surgery this was!! My post op groggy lasted almost 20 hours, so I feel as if I lost some time and was behind the eight ball.
    Getting up and walking was easy. I was given a belly binder and that helps keep all the pieces to gether. Walking cannot be over emphasized. It moves the excess gas all around decreasing back pain, or wherever it chooses to manifest itself.
    Bring as little to the hospital as possible. Chapstick. It cannot be overemphasized!! just bring chapstick. I wore the same clothes home that I arrived in and that made things simple.
    Do the deep breathing and coughing. I developed a fever pretty quickly that was over 100 and it was an added distraction. My blood sugar went up to 199 so I was put on insulin. Despite no history of diabetes, this is not uncommon.
    Truly, each "day" gets better. significantly better. The nausea was so terrible I could not imagine it going away, but, I have not had an issue with it since home.
    Best wishes to all.
  21. Like
    auntjanny got a reaction from BeagleLover in Devastated :(   
    My hope is that a replacement surgeon will be found or is already in the wings, and your employer will be able to carry on at the point where the former doctor dropped off. The surgery is a life time commitment. If you find you are delayed 6 months, or a year, it is just that much more time to prepare and be mentally at the ready.
    Sounds like quite a shake up. I think the future bariatric surgeon will be a better choice. In my community, such surgery is not "big business" but, it is increasing and all three hospitals provide the services. I do not think your hospital will let it lay dormant for long. Sorry for the delay. Stay positive. Stay proactive. Maybe get a support group going of the folks affected, and have nutritionist come speak, former patient speak, exercise therapist speak. Keep us posted.
  22. Like
    auntjanny got a reaction from mochax in Sleeved on Monday 9/22. What I wish I had known!   
    I am happily home sipping on Crystal Light. I was sleeved robotically on Monday. I have read a few WLS books, been a frequent reader here at BP, and have attended support group x2. I was not prepared, as stupid as it sounds, for how huge a surgery this was!! My post op groggy lasted almost 20 hours, so I feel as if I lost some time and was behind the eight ball.
    Getting up and walking was easy. I was given a belly binder and that helps keep all the pieces to gether. Walking cannot be over emphasized. It moves the excess gas all around decreasing back pain, or wherever it chooses to manifest itself.
    Bring as little to the hospital as possible. Chapstick. It cannot be overemphasized!! just bring chapstick. I wore the same clothes home that I arrived in and that made things simple.
    Do the deep breathing and coughing. I developed a fever pretty quickly that was over 100 and it was an added distraction. My blood sugar went up to 199 so I was put on insulin. Despite no history of diabetes, this is not uncommon.
    Truly, each "day" gets better. significantly better. The nausea was so terrible I could not imagine it going away, but, I have not had an issue with it since home.
    Best wishes to all.
  23. Like
    auntjanny got a reaction from mochax in Sleeved on Monday 9/22. What I wish I had known!   
    I am happily home sipping on Crystal Light. I was sleeved robotically on Monday. I have read a few WLS books, been a frequent reader here at BP, and have attended support group x2. I was not prepared, as stupid as it sounds, for how huge a surgery this was!! My post op groggy lasted almost 20 hours, so I feel as if I lost some time and was behind the eight ball.
    Getting up and walking was easy. I was given a belly binder and that helps keep all the pieces to gether. Walking cannot be over emphasized. It moves the excess gas all around decreasing back pain, or wherever it chooses to manifest itself.
    Bring as little to the hospital as possible. Chapstick. It cannot be overemphasized!! just bring chapstick. I wore the same clothes home that I arrived in and that made things simple.
    Do the deep breathing and coughing. I developed a fever pretty quickly that was over 100 and it was an added distraction. My blood sugar went up to 199 so I was put on insulin. Despite no history of diabetes, this is not uncommon.
    Truly, each "day" gets better. significantly better. The nausea was so terrible I could not imagine it going away, but, I have not had an issue with it since home.
    Best wishes to all.
  24. Like
    auntjanny reacted to Jz0917 in 5 months and rocking it out! from Michigan   
    Auntjanny. I had blue care network which is basically bcbs. I had to do 7 months (initial consultation and 6 months of nutrition visits). I was approved. I have to say I didn't like it at first, but in hindsight, I had 7 months to learn how to eat better. I lost very minimal weight over that time but I started working on bad habits. First it was actually eating every morning. Then it was eating more protien. Then it was eating the right foods. It all has prepared me for now and the future. I am almost 3 weeks post op, but I am glad I had time to correct my bad habits before I was thrown in the fire. Good luck. And I believe that God is on the delay.
  25. Like
    auntjanny reacted to kimba6999 in 5 months and rocking it out! from Michigan   
    I am so sry! That was for Auntjanny. But so happy for you too. Cant wait to have all this excess removed. Its such a pain. I have currently lost 129lbs and just about 9 months post. I have been in a stall for the last couple weeks but partly my fault. Havent l been eating the best. Need to get my head back on str8 and get my butt in gear. In the gym everyday though just not eating the best. Good luck to you and the rest of you journey. So exciting!

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