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    chanc reacted to Susysleever in My 600lb life   
    That Fat Doctor, Shaw Sommers is Hot. Since we can't eat candy, at least we can look at some.
  2. Like
    chanc reacted to katesuccess in After three days I'm still ticked at my husband!   
    Thanks so much everyone - your thoughtfulness and responses make me tear up here! Yes, I'll tell him how I feel (thanks PDXMan) or at least some part of it. It's a weakness of women especially (I think anyway) to want to have that feeling of being special or feeling loved without having to ask for it. Somehow that really takes the wind out of the sail for me anyway. I know that's my stuff though and not his. I'm just sad about it I think, and feel unloved and like I don't really matter except for the mechanics of what i do in our lives. Sigh. Not what I want to feel with surgery in 12 days and biggest week of my year right now. But again - my stuff not his. (Though after thirty years, I've sure as heck shared in all HIS stuff - reciprocation would be nice!) Wow, and I thought i was done ranting. Sorry.
    I'll let him know after this weekend when I can get some better perspective and maybe a bit more distance from the immediate hurt and sadness. And yes - I'll plan the trip together, but i'm also going to plan some time for me separately for sure. (I'll keep that punch in the junk in my back pocket though LiptickLady--Thanks!).
  3. Like
    chanc reacted to LipstickLady in After three days I'm still ticked at my husband!   
    Sounds like you should go on a three day girls' weekend with your besties instead of him.

    Or punch him in the junk. Your choice.
  4. Like
    chanc reacted to Loveskinnyme in Anyone from Ontario on here?   
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    chanc got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Knots on my belly from those blood thinning shots   
    Trazedone type blood thinners are notoriously painful. The bruises will take a long time to heal as well, I wouldn't be too concerned about them. I know the feeling... It's a fire brand poker straight in your belly! Pinch the skin, do a quick jab, and that is all you can do. Unfortunately there is no way to avoid the burning feeling or the bruises. :-(
  6. Like
    chanc reacted to lsu2868 in What is your typical day?   
    Ok...changes made and feeling better about things already. I had my usual egg white omlette with a slice of turkey cut up and low fat shredded cheese for Breakfast. I then made a couple of snack packs for the mid mornorning and afternoon Snacks. Each has 1 oz of turkey and 2 oz cheese...19 grams Protein and only 1 gram carbs each. I also made a small bag of grapes...but didn't realize purple grabs were loaded in carbs apparently. No more of those after today. Still have my usual 2.5oz tuna packet for lunch. Will decide dinner tonight after work but probably a turkey wrap. No Protein bars at all today. I have about 6 left at home so they will be eaten over time but not replaced probably or used as an emergency basis. Thanks everyone for the advice and encouragement.
  7. Like
    chanc reacted to Miss Mac in Stop the Whining Over A Few Miserable Days!   
    So,here is what I understand from your rant.
    1. Your sleeve was only a month ago
    2. You felt prepared and confidant going in.
    3. Pain management has been poor, and people need to speak up.
    4. You called for your own re-enforcements to have an advocate on your side
    5. Your hope for newbies is that they prepare themselves for a rough road that will mellow out after a while.
    My note for newbies who are reading this: People on this forum have their own unique way of expressing themselves. Some are meek, some are bold, and most are in the middle. I would encourage forum members to go ahead and ask your questions. Advice will vary based on how a person was brought up. We all can't be strong on the same day, so take what you can out of each response and use it to build up courage.
  8. Like
    chanc reacted to Irishflower79 in What's the story behind your profile name?   
    My name is Heather. Heather is a purple flower in Ireland and well the 78 should be 79 but I have fat fingers and can't change it! So Irishflower78 it is
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    chanc reacted to SerendipityHappens in What's the story behind your profile name?   
    Blue skies, My name has a similar story to yours.. My husband, the love of my life, and the kindest man I ever knew, had a complete mental breakdown and I have not seen him since (he fled the country thinking the FBI was chasing him and that I was a spy) I felt like my life was over and that I couldn't possibly survive without him...Whenever I would feel like I couldn't get out of bed in the morning I would just tell myself "**** happens... it happens to everyone" This helped at first but eventually I needed more than that and I started looking for and appreciating the serendipitous moments in life... and there are many. Now every time I see my username or log in here, I'm reminded that around every corner there are happy discoveries to be made... without any reason... good things are just there for the taking...
  10. Like
    chanc reacted to Madam Reverie in Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....   
    Start away! I'll contribute! And for the record, flattery will get you everywhere!
    As it stands, I don't need to read another article today (having, in truth, no knowledge of what 'Focus' is). I have done enough academic journals to scare the most dedicated of academics. Sadly, I have learnt nothing to which I could contribute to this site and would enhance any currently posted discussions.
    Never fear, however. I have embraced banality!
    I am watching the film Fracture.
    Because its got the marvelous Anthony Hopkins in it? Because the story line isn't bad?
    Nope.. Because Ryan Gosling is in it and he would get it. Big stylee
    Now, look at my half nekkid picture. Doesn't it make you want to touch yourself. It does me
  11. Like
    chanc got a reaction from canadianchick in Canadians?   
    Sounds like you are further in process than I am... So I don't think I would be a great mentor. But do I qualify for friend? :-)
  12. Like
    chanc reacted to shmily in Apparently I disappointed someone...   
    We can't be all things to all people. We have to go our own "journey" and make decisions on our own.....and really it is none of her business
  13. Like
    chanc got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Knots on my belly from those blood thinning shots   
    Trazedone type blood thinners are notoriously painful. The bruises will take a long time to heal as well, I wouldn't be too concerned about them. I know the feeling... It's a fire brand poker straight in your belly! Pinch the skin, do a quick jab, and that is all you can do. Unfortunately there is no way to avoid the burning feeling or the bruises. :-(
  14. Like
    chanc got a reaction from *Misty*Raine* in update...why I vanished (long)   
    That must be terrifying. You and your mom will be in our prayers. Take care of yourself, and best wishes for your mom. Oh, and 'Woot' on the 3 months you shaved off!!
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    chanc got a reaction from Valerie Mercer-Spencer in Last Pre-Op appointment today. What I learned.   
    You are in Ontario?!?! Do am I! Hi neighbour :-) i'm so full of questions if you don't mind me asking. Shall I private message you? (Sorry, kinda excited to see another Ontarian on here)
  16. Like
    chanc reacted to ggdrop in Most humiliating day ever! 22 days post op..   
    Ok for real wtf! Your boss walked over and smelled you? I am s nurse... and work at a hospital with other nurses... my boss wouod NEVER DO THAT. Number 1 its f'n rude! I mean if u have body odor thats one thing but if u did she wouldnt have to come over and smell you. So rude and unprofessional. My heart breaks for you
    Buy some body spray and use it. Seriously??
    Do u have an HR department? I would seriously talk to them. And stand up for yourself sweetheart! Tell your boss shes being rude. If there really was a problem there are other ways of addressijg it.
    Im so sorry
  17. Like
    chanc reacted to Cherry in Most humiliating day ever! 22 days post op..   
    personally, if you are settled and progressing with what you are taking, then DO NOT change it....
    I HATE the smell of coffee and have to deal with it in the office ALL DAMN DAY LONG.
    Also, I am 9 months out and no matter how many times I brush/floss/rinse, I have bad breath. I refuse to eat mints all day.
    Just be a little more discreet - such as change your cup washing habits maybe. Perhaps get a really nice smelling air freshener to keep near your desk.
    Your post kind of made me angry at the intolerance of people to simple things. If the diabetic employee has a certain diet that causes them to have stinky gas all day (yes a co-worker), and someone said to them that they smell, I would FLIP. They have made great compromises without having to jeopardize their diet.
  18. Like
    chanc reacted to livvsmum in 6 Months and 99 Pounds Lost w Pic   
    Yesterday was my 6 month surgiversary and I cannot be more pleased with this journey. I have so much more energy, have discovered a hidden runner inside me, am more active with my kiddos, and all-around more confident.

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