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    kjb71 reacted to Marathongirl in I Hate Stalls!   
    Anyone else going through a stall right now? I just can't get that stupid scale to move!
  2. Like
    kjb71 reacted to CarmenP in Chewable Vitamins - HELP!   
    I'm using the Celebrate, as I researched it before hand, and the consensus was they were the best and easiest to tolerate.
    I cannot STAND the taste, nor the texture. They're awful.
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    kjb71 got a reaction from greensleeve in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    Down 55 lbs. from my highest weight - now, at 233, I can: ride rides at Legoland with my son comfortably, go to the pool and not feel embarrassed, cross my legs (!!!), climb stairs with ease (up and down), go shopping or work all day without feeling like I am going to die. No more knee pain, foot pain, swollen legs, feet and ankles! So happy and so looking forward to even more NSVs!! I need to edit my stats and ticker - very out of date!
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    kjb71 reacted to Susan-031314 in GREAT NEW SINGLE LOCATION FOR "STALL TALK!"   
    Here is a link to an article from magazine section on the site. It's great 'food' for thought.
    Also, check out this 3 Week Stall explanation. It makes sense to me. (Thanks Kindle!!)
    From my personal experience, which is limited, if you have stalled for a bit, look for the non-scale changes. When my weight change slows, I find that my body is shifting. This is when I see the bigger changes in inches and other things like stamina.
    Bottom line, we all go through stalls, and we get past them. Keep working your program and it will work for you!!
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    kjb71 reacted to Travelmego in New! Forum for stall talk and support called "Don't sweat the Stall stuff"   
    Just letting everyone know there is a new forum for stall talk and support! It is called, "Don't sweat the Stall stuff." You can find it here: http://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/1102-dont-sweat-the-stall-stuff-new/
  6. Like
    kjb71 got a reaction from greensleeve in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    Down 55 lbs. from my highest weight - now, at 233, I can: ride rides at Legoland with my son comfortably, go to the pool and not feel embarrassed, cross my legs (!!!), climb stairs with ease (up and down), go shopping or work all day without feeling like I am going to die. No more knee pain, foot pain, swollen legs, feet and ankles! So happy and so looking forward to even more NSVs!! I need to edit my stats and ticker - very out of date!
  7. Like
    kjb71 got a reaction from greensleeve in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    Down 55 lbs. from my highest weight - now, at 233, I can: ride rides at Legoland with my son comfortably, go to the pool and not feel embarrassed, cross my legs (!!!), climb stairs with ease (up and down), go shopping or work all day without feeling like I am going to die. No more knee pain, foot pain, swollen legs, feet and ankles! So happy and so looking forward to even more NSVs!! I need to edit my stats and ticker - very out of date!
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    kjb71 reacted to green*eyed*girl in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    From size 22/24 (UK) I am down to size 18 UK, that is size 16 US. It feels amazing.
    My feet are not hurting at the end of my 12 hour shift. Yes, I am tired but I recover in an hour - before surgery I was close to quit my job as it put me in such misery, I was not able to recover in between shifts and my feet were constantly hurting. I never went out coz other then work all I wanted to do is rest my feet, so I always cancelled on all my friends with various excuses (was ashamed to tell them the real reason).
    This freedom of mobility is huge for me. I can go up the stairs without feeling like I am going to pass out. I can walk long distances, I can walk uphill without needing to stop and catch my breath. This is the real reward for me, feeling how I'm getting lighter and how life gets easier. Sometimes I look at my 120 pounds co-workers and I wonder how easy their life must be. I wear trainers at work, I carefully choose them, with ortho insoles, and they wear some little canvas shoes that has no support, without any issues. I will get there soon!
    However, I have a confession to make. As much as I love losing weight I am also very sad to see a few of my clothing to go. I spent lots of time finding them and lots of money buying them, and I have quite a few pieces that I really really like. So this makes me a bit sad. Most likely I will not have much money to replace them so I will have to be satisfied with some budget solution such as second hand ect.
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    kjb71 reacted to AprilHansen in Post surgery and depression   
    Kim I'm sorry you're feeling depressed. This surgery has so much build up (like christmas) and then its really not that fast of a life changer. I wish the results were more instant. I hope after I get my staples out, I'll feel like working out. I already take prozac so hopefully that will still work. I guess we just have to view this as a tool we've been given and make the most of it.
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    kjb71 reacted to Amyllf2 in slow weightloss in the beginning.....   
    The scale is not our friend!!! It can drive you crazy. So can comparing yourself to people on the boards. Take the helpful advice and leave the weight loss comparisons alone. We all wish we could lose 40 pounds in the first 3 weeks but that's just not reality for the majority of people. I am 9 weeks yesterday, and just now got to 40 pounds. And trust me when I tell you, that's plenty fast!!! My skin thinks it's a bit too fast!
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    kjb71 reacted to Sparklingbeauty53 in slow weightloss in the beginning.....   
    What I have learned is we are all on our own path. I think I am slower than others but you have to take into consideration that we are all different. Some have gone on pre-surgery diets, some haven't, I would say hang in there you have been losing not gaining and that is good. In the beginning we have swelling too don't forget. Put the scale away it is still your enemy at this point. Weigh yourself once every 2 weeks at the same time for true results. It will come off, just be patient!
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    kjb71 reacted to Srreeder in Anxiety, have you had it since surgery?   
    Anxiety, depression, anger, sorrow, happiness, anxious! All in 10 minutes ! Mood swings are driving me crazy! Balled the other night because my embroidery machine quit working! And this too shall pass!
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    kjb71 reacted to Mkmb2006 in what foods YOU cannot eat anymore?   
    I was a salad freak, and can barely tolerate 1/2 cup now. Surprisingly, chicken gives me a lot of trouble, but beef burgers and steak are fine. Ground turkey is fabulous, and I get along well with veggie products (e.g., Morningstar grillers, chik'n patties and nuggets - huge amounts of protein). I have to really steam fibrous vegetables, such as broccoli and asparagus, until they're soft. I still don't eat carbs (maybe one slice of whole-grain toast a month), and I haven't tried sugar (1) because I'm afraid I'll want it and (2) because I'm afraid of what it will do to me and (3) because I'm afraid I'll want it even after what it might do to me. I do miss soup....liquid and substance is hard to consume. All in all, it's a re-learning experience...surgery was Dec 19, and I'm down about 95 pounds.
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    kjb71 reacted to RNBSN786 in what foods YOU cannot eat anymore?   
    I have a major sweet tooth but after my surgery, I have not been craving sweets anymore. Matter of fact now I prefer salty things...I never use to like Peanut Butter but now I do so I have that with my 1/2 apple or 1/2 banana. I have tried a few bites of ice cream but its too sweet for me so I prefer not having it. But keep in mind i am 6 weeks out so I am still in very early stages of everything. If you want to satisfy your craving, best to have something that will satisfy it and its good for you...if you want something sweet, have something that is sugar free. Or if you want something salty, have some almonds...I think the people who have had this surgery long time back and shed more light on this topic...
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    kjb71 reacted to Amyllf2 in April 2014 RNY/Bypass Post Op Support   
    Well I gave up on the group page. I could not figure it out. You could not access if from the phone app. It just wasn't working out for me or the other 27 people who were members. So I am starting this thread. I know there is already an April 2014 post op thread but it's a variety of people. While I totally support everyone having any kind of WLS, our experiences are not the same. Bariatric Pal has 3 sections for that very reason. I'm a perfect example. When I started on this board I used the Sleeve boards because I had every intention of having that procedure. When it changed, I jumped over here to the Bypass surgery forums. So I just wanted to make sure our April 2014 bypass folks had their own thread because we need to support each other and the issues that arise specific to the bypass. I hope that the sleeve and band folks find the same specific support in those forums. http://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/384-post-operation-gastric-sleeve-surgery-questions-answers/ http://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/152-post-operation-lap-band-surgery-questions-answers/
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    kjb71 reacted to JanetteH in How much did you lose in the first few months?   
    I'm just at around 3 months now and I've lost 54 lbs - all post-op. Be aware that those numbers vary from person to person and please don't set your goals too high - that's just asking for a disappointment. Some people have lost more than me and I also stalled for 10 days although I was still eating correctly - but I'm so happy - I've lost an average of 4 lbs a week since surgery and I never did that before in my life! Good luck.
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    kjb71 reacted to gomekast in grr...medifast commercials. .   
    Anyone else get irked at the newer Medifast weight loss commercials? !
    Both people made a point to say.."I lost weight the RIGHT way on medifast.."
    Each time I have to quick mute the tv. It feels like their trying to shame us and I just see red for a few minutes.
    Anyone else?
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    kjb71 reacted to deedadumble in IT'S NOT HEALTHY! IT'S JUNK!   
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    kjb71 reacted to lilbearzmom in IT'S NOT HEALTHY! IT'S JUNK!   
    judgey wudgy was a bear....how do you know she's "lazy"? Maybe those yogurts were treats. You have no idea what her kids eat every day. You have chosen to make a life change, but that doesn't mean you should go around making judgments about others. Nor does it qualify you to. I honestly do my best to feed my son well. I really hate the thought that if I pick up a treat for him, some self-righteous woman next to me in a supermarket is automatically labeling me a lazy parent. Just a thought.
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    kjb71 reacted to Get.Waisted in sick of 'IS THIS NORMAL'   
    I'm newly sleeved and I've seen so many if those posts that I know when I reach a stall not to panic...it happens. But I also no longer own a scale I plan on using only measuring tape to track progress. However in their defense they are just looking for support and this is the place to get it. I remember wondering, during my lurking phase, why do ppl ask the same question daily about stalls but I just shrugged it off and made a mental note about what to expect and noted that I shouldn't have a melt down if my progress doesn't go as I fantasized that it would...
  21. Like
    kjb71 reacted to Mrs.RRn in For the love of sweet Jesus.....   
    But it's week two and I didn't lose any weight, and I lost 40 lbs the first week. I don't understand. This isn't working. I'm too weak from Clear Liquids to use the search box....
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    kjb71 reacted to Madam Reverie in For the love of sweet Jesus.....   
    Okay, all I'm going to say, is that if people don't start to use the 'search Forums' function...I may have to have a Michael Douglas Whammy Burger moment.
    It's not that hard. ALL of the information you require will be there (with the exception of a few, personally focussed nuances and topics).
    If your topic is not original, do us all a favour; thoroughly exhaust the search function and if there is something not covered (which I doubt it won't be), THEN ask! Ideally making reference to what you have read so far and how and why, the information presented did not cover your specific area of interest/concern.
    If you don't know how to search - please ask us. We will be MORE than happy to help.
    Its just and outside of this, the general laziness permeating the threads is starting to get on my mammary glands.
    For those of the 'bleeding heart' brigade who will no doubt mew in my general direction: 'But some people are new. Some people need special attention. Don't be mean. You need to be more compassionate. You were new once. This serves no purpose but to scare people away from posting' (etc.etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseum)
    Bite me. I have never been 'lazy' in the pursuit of information which will allay my fears and build upon my knowledge for a proposed action which really should not be taken lightly, so why are other people?
    If someone is incapable of using the search function through internet inexperience - this is one thing. (See above). But I find for those who have already managed to insert Giff's and tickers to their signatures, this is not applicable - so why haven't they searched first? If you evidence that you've searched (not just stating 'I've searched', moving on to ask the same bleedin' question, thus indicating you haven't actually been bothered to search!) and there's a genuine need for additional and unique information - there's not a person in the world who won't help you.
    However and I'm just going to put it out there. If you're this lazy in response to finding out the critical information YOU need for YOUR surgery and post operative care; how does this bode for your attitude post surgery?
    If you can't be bothered now, will you be bothered later?
    Or is this just emblematic of the attitude 'Its not me, it's them.' Absolving yourself of all responsibility?
    So and to summarize; take the initiative people. Use your brains. Read, analyse, compare, contrast, critique - THEN ask questions.
    You will gain far more from it and the website will also benefit. I concede that the search function on this site is a bit laborious. However, by showing some effort, the people who genuinely want to help you will be invigorated to do so - valuing the efforts you've already made to push the debate on and contribute to the ever-growing invaluable pot of knowledge on Bariatric Pal. Failure to do so will just fill the the site with repetitive, unanswered questions, because those who are capable of helping have become exhausted and their pot of compassion depleted, by those whom seem to think that THEIR questions are more important/relevant/unique than anyone else's?
    The Quest for knowledge should be a daily mission. It is how we learn and grow. Asking people to spoon feed you pap, like baby food, will do nothing for you long term and will do nothing for this community, either.
    Maybe have a think about that, before you post another 'done to death' topic; expecting the world to rally to your call. 'Cause after a while, people just won't respond and all thats been affected, is to leave the site a wasteland full of whistling wind and tumbleweed.
    Rant over.
    <Wanders off grumbling, back to her cave of mean>
  23. Like
    kjb71 reacted to mmhutch in Newbie. Beverages, Alcohol, carbonated drinks, caffeine, coffee   
    I weaned myself off coffee two weeks prior to surgery. Coffee is acidic and not good for your stomach as it is healing. I began having a coffee a couple times a week recently. I am almost 4 months post op.
    At the advisement of my dr, I do not consume carbonated beverages. Carbonation stretches your stomach. Pointless to have the surgery if we are going to stretch our stomachs back out. The thought of it scares me.
    I do miss my beer. I will occasionally have a small glass of white wine. But I waited at least 2 months post op before drinking. Drs orders were to wait at least 6 weeks.
    I feel that my weight loss success has been from strictly adhering to my doctors recommendations post op. I have never had a "stall." I have consistently lost at least 1-3 lbs per week. I only have 60 total to lose, so I don't drop 20 lbs/month like a lot of folks on here.
    Good luck to you.
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    kjb71 reacted to LipstickLady in Tips from success stories   
    No one is bullying you. You generously offered your opinion, others offered theirs. I'm positive that most people here have done their research just as you have done yours.
    Personally, I chose to follow the advice of my surgeon, who has performed 1000s of surgeries with no leaks. His knowledge and success mean far more to me than the suggestion of a stranger on the Internet. No offense intended by that at all. I'm sure you'd agree that I'd be quite silly to entrust my life to someone on the operating table, but not his follow up advice.
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    kjb71 reacted to PdxMan in Tips from success stories   
    Hmmm ... I haven't heard about the hormones changing ... for either men or women ... for any WLS. I know there is a flood of hormones stored in fat released, which I believe is the major contributing factor to hair loss. But as you mention, the first 6 months the "honeymoon" period where you have little choice regarding compliance. It is the period to embrace the change I mentioned above. If you feel you are going to begin "cheating" as soon as you can, after 6 months, then may I suggest also counseling as it relates to the deeper reasons why food is an option for abuse?
    I was surprised how often my mind turned to food for comfort. I knew I did this, but post surgery, I was forced to see it and examine it more closely. It wasn't comfortable at all. It was a tumultuous time for me, but I came out better for the experience. I basically question my motivation for putting anything in my mouth. Am I eating this beef Jerky because I am hungry or am I feeding something else?
    From my reading here, I have found the most successful WLS folk are those who look at the long term. Changing the way they eat, prepare foods, exercise and the daily way they go about life. There is a reason I was morbidly obese. There was a reason I could never maintain the lifestyle after a successful diet. Food isn't my problem. I am and how I deal with life on life's terms. That is what I needed to address. Everything else just falls into line.

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