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  1. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from Samc1873 in Premier Protein- HOT!   
    I used to worry about the expense of some of this stuff. Ultimately, I find that I eat so little, that anything is affordable. So I decided to concentrate on eating well rather than what I was spending. good luck.
  2. Like
    wildGoose reacted to ladypoohbear in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    I was sitting on a chair and i bent my knees and put my feet on the chair too. I wrapped my arms around my legs and interlocked my fingers. Wat a feeling
  3. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from njgal in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    my most recent non-scale victory is putting on yoga pants and having the legs be totally loose, even he thighs!!
  4. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from njgal in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    my most recent non-scale victory is putting on yoga pants and having the legs be totally loose, even he thighs!!
  5. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from LillieDuFran in Any More Sixties?   
    good luck!!
  6. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from LillieDuFran in Any More Sixties?   
    chest x-ray before surgery is standard!
  7. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from Julie norton in Any More Sixties?   
    100 pounds is just an amazing amount of weight. Next month is my three-year anniversary. I've kept my weight stable the whole time. Not every day has been perfect, but i find ways to compensate for my humanity. i'm 64 now. I wish I could lose more than the 140 i've lost, but my body doesn't seem to want to lose it.
    id say my biggest mistake was starting exercise so late in the process. but now i'm in Spin Class 4x a week, and I love that. I have amazing legs. 😎

    anyone reading this, do t let your age hold you back. i've cured myself of life threatening diabetes and that includes all the other stuff too. and no more sleep apnea either.
    my life is so different because of my weight loss and i am grateful every single day.

  8. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from Julie norton in Any More Sixties?   
    100 pounds is just an amazing amount of weight. Next month is my three-year anniversary. I've kept my weight stable the whole time. Not every day has been perfect, but i find ways to compensate for my humanity. i'm 64 now. I wish I could lose more than the 140 i've lost, but my body doesn't seem to want to lose it.
    id say my biggest mistake was starting exercise so late in the process. but now i'm in Spin Class 4x a week, and I love that. I have amazing legs. 😎

    anyone reading this, do t let your age hold you back. i've cured myself of life threatening diabetes and that includes all the other stuff too. and no more sleep apnea either.
    my life is so different because of my weight loss and i am grateful every single day.

  9. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from Julie norton in Any More Sixties?   
    100 pounds is just an amazing amount of weight. Next month is my three-year anniversary. I've kept my weight stable the whole time. Not every day has been perfect, but i find ways to compensate for my humanity. i'm 64 now. I wish I could lose more than the 140 i've lost, but my body doesn't seem to want to lose it.
    id say my biggest mistake was starting exercise so late in the process. but now i'm in Spin Class 4x a week, and I love that. I have amazing legs. 😎

    anyone reading this, do t let your age hold you back. i've cured myself of life threatening diabetes and that includes all the other stuff too. and no more sleep apnea either.
    my life is so different because of my weight loss and i am grateful every single day.

  10. Like
    wildGoose reacted to Fun size in Any More Sixties?   
    I'm 61. Getting sleeved on 11/12.
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    wildGoose reacted to vieravertical in Any More Sixties?   
    I wondered if I was too old to have this done. I'm 66. But I went ahead with the surgery on 8/28/12. Lost 41 lbs. feeling great. My only challenge is getting in enough Protein and liquids because I get full so fast. I've always been a speed eater, so it's hard for me to slow down, too.
    Sent from my iPad using VST
  12. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from Samc1873 in Premier Protein- HOT!   
    I used to worry about the expense of some of this stuff. Ultimately, I find that I eat so little, that anything is affordable. So I decided to concentrate on eating well rather than what I was spending. good luck.
  13. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from jjmama in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    Some days, I will look at my pants not believing I am going to be able to get into them. And low and behold, I will slide right in. A miracle.
  14. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from jjmama in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    Some days, I will look at my pants not believing I am going to be able to get into them. And low and behold, I will slide right in. A miracle.
  15. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from jjmama in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    Some days, I will look at my pants not believing I am going to be able to get into them. And low and behold, I will slide right in. A miracle.
  16. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from brown eyed gal in OCTOBER 2014   
    [oh!! I've never heard of this!! I am going to try it.
    quote name=Shadow427" post="4053978" timestamp="1453041192]
    Good morning. Reporting in. Just finished 2 weeks of the 3 Protein shakes, 2 Protein bars and 1 meal of protein and veg a day. Down 8 pounds and back to my lowest weight since surgery.... Hopefully this will jump start that plateau I've been on since Aug
  17. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from tacycakes in OCTOBER 2014   
    I just wrote a whole reply to this post on my phone and then I lost it. I am going to try again. I guess I need to say all this stuff twice.
    At the support group offered each month by my surgeon, there was a speaker who had gained all his weight back. He did it by eating a loaf of bread (with something on it) every day. I don't know how long it took him to gain the weight, or at what point in his recovery he did that. But I really don't want to go there. I'm 62. By the time I had my surgery I had already had diabetic-related health issues like retinopathy. I have ruined my knees and I have major mobility issues. If I regain the weight I have lost, I believe I will become one of those people who needs a special ambulance to get me to the hospital. I am so terrified of this. About 6 months ago, I started seeing a therapist who deals with body issues. I spent the last 15 years not looking in a mirror. Now I have homework that requires me to look in a mirror for several minutes a day. My goal in therapy is to not live like a fat lady no matter how much I weigh. I do a lot of things right. But I find myself slacking off. I slack off on my physical therapy. I don't go to the pool often enough. Those are my biggest weaknesses as a person recovering from obesity. I have had flirtations with foods. Raw almonds. popcorn popped in coconut oil. I am always looking for ways to get more oil my nutritionist says two tbsp of oil a day. I think I am better off with my love affair with herbal teas. I'm trying to get back in to sugar free popsies. They aren't nutritious, but I'd rather have those than some of the stuff I decide I can have. I'm over the almonds, mostly. I'm over the popcorn. But I find myself looking for some other way to sabotage myself. even the best intentions can turn into self sabotage. I have to press add reply now before I lose this again. Thanks for being here.
  18. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from tacycakes in OCTOBER 2014   
    One huge change I made after my surgery was that I started drinking tea. I used to be a Diet Coke addict, and that was how I got my caffeine. After surgery I just could not stand the taste of Water so I started on the herbal teas. And I often have some black tea in the afternoon. Every morning I have lemon water first thing. Lucky for me I tend to get enough water/tea. Peppermint tea has been a life saver. I love the check list of habits we've either adopted or not. It is good to remember what we're supposed to be doing.
  19. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from jjmama in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    Some days, I will look at my pants not believing I am going to be able to get into them. And low and behold, I will slide right in. A miracle.
  20. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from jjmama in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    Some days, I will look at my pants not believing I am going to be able to get into them. And low and behold, I will slide right in. A miracle.
  21. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from PinkPolkadot619 in OCTOBER 2014   
    one of the best things I have been doing for myself is staying in touch with what happens in this group! I used to not press the "notify me" button, but now when somebody posts I o ow it!! when I have time, I read it. Just this simple task helps me stay in the game. It is such a simple thing. Now that I'm a normal-weight person, where there is not even a hint of diabetes, I tend to want to forget. So that's it for today. I e been to the pool for 90 minutes and had my fave yogurt breakfast with an orange and bluebies. Also cinnamon and nutmeg. I just don't know about lunch. keep your courage.
  22. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from jjmama in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    Some days, I will look at my pants not believing I am going to be able to get into them. And low and behold, I will slide right in. A miracle.
  23. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from Beni in OCTOBER 2014   
    Beni. You are the best. Your story is my story. I didn't have any cake or sweets. I had cheese. I weighed 179 - the highest I've weighed in a long time. Tomorrow I see my trainer at 9 am. I' haven't seen him in a while. So that is a good thing. I love herbal tea, too. I use liquid stevia. It is my favorite thing of the day. I become more and more happy with my tea. Breakfast has been set for me for a long time. I start each day with lemon Water. Then I have yogurt with orange pieces and blue berries. I put cinnamon and nutmeg on them. Sometimes I have a few prunes. It would be so easy to get back to 290. Such a frightening thought. Happy New Year.
  24. Like
    wildGoose reacted to rosemary79 in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    Another NSV for the day... I AM WEARING 1 (really, one ????) size fits all tights!!! WHAT???? Crazy talk I tell you!!
  25. Like
    wildGoose got a reaction from jjmama in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    Some days, I will look at my pants not believing I am going to be able to get into them. And low and behold, I will slide right in. A miracle.

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