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    sophiastuffin reacted to My Bariatric Life in Divorce after plastic surgery and/or bariatric surgery   
    @@HawaiianTexan there are many reasons why. Sometimes it is as simple as the person who looses the weight changes. They have new interests, maybe working out, actives like that, and have shed their old couch potato and foodie lifestyle. Whereas the partner has not changed and may not want to change. S/he may miss the former life had with the spouse. There may be jealousy issues.
    Sometimes people just fall out of love.
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    sophiastuffin reacted to fashionstylist in Divorce after plastic surgery and/or bariatric surgery   
    My situation just brought out the insecurity in my husband. When u start to feel good about yourself and confident there are things people can no longer do to you. You realize you matter and that you are beautiful. Sometimes 8 found that my husband didn't like me knowing I was worth more.
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    sophiastuffin reacted to SuzeMuze in Friendships and Gastric bypass surgery   
    I've read through your post several times, and will offer my thoughts with the disclaimer that it's not my intention to offend anyone. At. All.
    While I do believe that some friendships/relationship will change as a result of bariatric surgery, I think the causes can be quite different. I can't say that I've had the experience of a friend suddenly becoming jealous or try to sabotage what I'm trying to do- in fact, they've been some of my biggest cheerleaders. Then again, I'm not a young person anymore, which may come into play as well. My circle of friends and I are comfortably nestled into our 40's, and none of us play the part of the "hot friend". At the risk of stepping on any toes here, it's my thought that if one of my friends suddenly became distant or resentful of me making a decision to live a healthier life, I'd question the friendship itself. If it's a friendship that's really special to me, it would definitely be worth having a heart-to-heart to find out where the insecurities lie. Truth be told, weight loss seems to bring out a lot of insecurities in other people, just as our weight revealed a lot of our own insecurities. Friends who were once close can become distant. Significant others can suddenly feel left behind, wondering if you'll "trade up" once you've lost your weight. I try very hard to remain cognizant that while my decision to have WLS was primarily for health reasons, there may be those who only focus on the physical changes that accompany it. I would hate to see anyone go through relationship changes that are negative- but we're worth being good to ourselves, and removing not only the "toxic" food from our lives, but also the "toxic" people who can't understand what we're going through, or feel threatened by our decision. Just my 2 cents
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    sophiastuffin reacted to green*eyed*girl in My name is Amy and I'm a sugar addict   
    OMG I could have written this post, wow, I am 8 months out, sugar addict, and gained 4 pounds thanks to my indulging! I do not have dumping and sugar is my downfall. I did so well for 8 months and now I had to realize that I can only rely on MYSELF when it comes to sugar coz dumping is not stopping me and I can have a LOT of chocolate and cakes without any problems. It was like an icy shower when I saw the numbers on the scale. Wake up call
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    sophiastuffin reacted to Amyllf2 in My name is Amy and I'm a sugar addict   
    This holiday season has reminded me of a harsh reality. I am an addict. The fact has been lost on me the past 8 months. I've been well behaved and I've lost more weight than I expected or really wanted to. But I got bold the over the last week and tried food that I assumed would make me sick. Like fudge and Cookies. The bad news is I did not get sick and I pretty much learned I can eat anything. This is not good. I had RNY verses the sleeve so I would not revert to my old sugar habit. That did not happen. My little pouch loves fudge just like my big stomach did.
    I gained 4 pounds this week. In and of itself that's not a big deal because I'm still lower than I had planned to be. It's a huge wake up call that I could put the 100 pounds back on pretty easily. That is scary and sucks!!!
    I'm an addict. I will always be an addict.
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    sophiastuffin reacted to Jonathan Blue in Any tips on avoiding loose skin.....?   
    Everyones skin is different, just like no two people will have the same post surgical journey. A lot depends on how old you are, how much you have to lose, and your specific skin elasticity. I agree with you completely, that I don't want to go through everything and still have lose skin. I am just planning on needing skin removal surgery at some point. Until I can get there I am just relishing in all the things I can do now. Don't be too concerned if you lose a lot of weight really fast and there is a little lose skin in your mid section.
    It will take time for your body to adjust and your skin to spring back. The two things I have been doing, and a lot of people have recommended, are working to tone your muscles and exfoliate your skin. Take the time in the gym to really work on toning your muscles. This will help you to tighten that skin. The other thing is to use a loufa and scrub your skin. Getting the dead skin off allows for your body to generate that new skin that will be needed to tighten it up. One last idea is to regular use a lotion on your skin that is full Co-Enzyme Q-10. This Enzyme helps promote the skin tightening back up as well as moisturized and nourishes your skin.
    Keep in mind, even if you did all of these things, you may still need skin removal just because of your body type. I still do them so when it comes time for that I am in the best position to make is successful. I cannot agree more about wanting to look the way you feel. I think every person who has the surgery feels that way. Keep up the faith and handle your business. Take hart in all of the amazing things you are capable of with your new body. Have patients and everything else will fall into place.
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    sophiastuffin got a reaction from MrsGloMartin in I Can't Believe It Has Only Been 5 1/2 Months Since Surgery   
    That's awesome news! Praise the Lord! I hope you reach goal weight.
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    sophiastuffin reacted to MrsGloMartin in I Can't Believe It Has Only Been 5 1/2 Months Since Surgery   
    Wow! I am excited, elated, and obliviously happy about my decision to have weight loss surgery! When I look at photos of me before and after surgery my first instinct is to praise God for the doctors who did the surgery and the nurses, heck all of the employees working in that hospital who made my surgery uneventful and ensured my speedy recovery! Next I get overwhelmed with emotion that ranges from crying and then laughing because after 20 years of being obese and unhealthy I am now healthy and a few pounds away from my goal weight. I am grateful for the support and information I get from all of you here and I thank my god that even though we are millions of miles aprat I consider all of you my family. To anyone reading this who is feeling unsure or afraid my wish for you is that you will not give up because you will love the new you just as much as I love the new me!!! I am walking fiv emiles every day and I can mop my floors withour any back pain or being overcome with shortness of breath. I am off of my blood pressure meds as they were causing my blood pressure to drop too low, my HC1 test is now ata normal range as I can no longer tolerate anything sweet, no articifical sweetners for me I only use blue guava Syrup (10 calories per teaspoon) when I need to sweeten a drink or my hot Cereal in the morning. Life is good for me and my family now as I am more active with my grands and great grands now that I am healthier. I pray that everyone experiences the same results or even better ones as you journey on the road to a healthier, happier you. God Bless
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    sophiastuffin got a reaction from docbree in Do you need to let your dentist know you've had rny?   
    As a rule of thumb, for any medical procedure I may do, or medical consultation, I am very honest regarding my surgery. As previously mentioned, there are medications that may not agree with me as a gastric bypass patient. For example, my gastric doctor told me, I am unable to take products that contain ibuprofen. There was even specific medications I should take for the common cold, or even when my allergies flared up. Medical teams having this advanced knowledge, may very well save a life. Finally, per the oath medical professionals take, they are prohibited from discussing treatment/patients outside of the context of care. I hope this helps.
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    sophiastuffin reacted to mamie60 in Do you need to let your dentist know you've had rny?   
    I think all of your care providers should know your complete medical history. I am an Advance Practice RN and would hope all my patients would tell me of procedures, new medication, etc.
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    sophiastuffin got a reaction from UrCaliGirl in I CANT DECIDE BETWEEN BYPASS OR THE SLEEVE.   
    I had trouble deciding as well, I ultimately went with the bypass. I choose the bypass because there IS the limit of the pouch, and trust your body will signal to you when you're near. Should you'll decide to ignore, you'll suffer with dumping syndrome. DS is soo not cool! In time, you'll know your limit. I'm nearly 7 months out, and my doc said I've done extremely well.
    Best to you.
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    sophiastuffin got a reaction from Sparklingbeauty53 in March surgery   
    I will be having mine on March 3. I got my approval this week!
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    sophiastuffin got a reaction from healthyme1963 in Post Op March 2014   
    I am nearly 2 months out (tomorrow will make it exact), and I am down 41 pounds ! My co workers are buzzing, and a few have congratulated me on my loss! Mum is still the word...just not their business! I'm ever thankful for this surgery! Last night hubby and I went for a walk, and he noted I did not complain of being tired, or asking to stop to catch my breath! Lol!
    Glad many of you al are doing and looking great!
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    sophiastuffin reacted to MrsGloMartin in April 21st surgery   
    Today is the day!!! I'm up and ready to begin my new journey to post op. Thanks to everyone for sharing your ups and downs for your experiences have prepared me and have given me an idea of what to expect so I'd be even more prepared should I have similar experiences. I pray that everyone having surgery this week and in the future will be blessed with a smooth procedure, experienced surgeons, nurses, and OR staff, and that healing will begin without too much drama, we expect some but my prayer is that it will not be so much that it makes us doubt this decision. God bless each and every one of us,Amen.
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    sophiastuffin got a reaction from MrsGloMartin in Pre-Admission Testing Date   
    Congrats on being one step closer to a healthier you!
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    sophiastuffin reacted to Emeree in African American RNY Sisters   
    welcome! glad to meet you!
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    sophiastuffin reacted to MrsGloMartin in My Friday Routine- I'm scared   
    You must step out on your faith and be determined to change your old bad habits into new ones. For me the fear of dying is so great that I've already changed and have lost 20 lbs since February. I am determined to regain my health and happiness that I may live a long healthy life. I don't know if you are a person of faith who believes in a higher power or not but if you are this is an excellent time to reach out to your fellow parishioners for extra support and encouragement. Faith move mountains, trust me I'm a witness to its sustaining power. God bless you, you can do this!!!
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    sophiastuffin reacted to Shawna Johnson in Post Op March 2014   
    It has been 18 days since surgery. I'm down 18 lbs. A pound a day is not bad. I'm trying to eat more solid foods. I bought some baby spoons so I don't eat to fast. I have mastered yogurt and applesauce. The doctor said I could eat puree foods but I just can't bring myself to do that. I'm trying to cut things up really, really small and it seems to be working. The other problem is that I'm eating so slow that my food gets cold fast. I guess it is a small price to pay to not upset my pouch.
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    sophiastuffin got a reaction from DLCoggin in Miss my........   
    Rice. Rice is a staple dish in most of what I've eaten. Coca-Cola. My hubby use to work nights and bring this home, I soon followed his taste in enjoying this drink. Cheddar bay biscuits, do I really have to explain? Key lime pie-yum! I'm learning to enjoy what I'm allowed to eat, and continue working on a healthier me!
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    sophiastuffin got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in What do you wish you had known pre-surgery that you know now?   
    Hello. I am 3 weeks post op. The surgery I and of itself was not so bad. I was in good hands with my surgeon and the hospital I had my procedure done. There was some pain, but it was well monitored with meds. I walked much, and drank my water! One thing In my current food stage of purée foods. I thought being able to switch over from liquids to foods that are somewhat solid would be an easy turn over, and boy was I wrong! The body needs time to adjust, as well as the stomach, and even the throat. It's a gradual process. I find though I'm allowed to eat chicken as a soft food I'm unable to get it down. It gets stuck in my throat. I'll add also add, dumping is real! I experienced it the very first day I got the go ahead to begin stage 2. I panicked cause I'm like wth is going on? I kid you not, I was scared, cold, hot, nauseous, and kept spitting, and then there is the intensity of the cramps! I hopped in the shower, which in retrospect was a bad move, and I quickly got out. Lying down for about 15 mins helped much. Lastly, my cycle although it was shorter was quite painful, rendering it difficult to do much of anything! I hope this is a one time thing, and not something I should expect monthly. I hope your experiences will go smooth! Best to you.
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    sophiastuffin reacted to loving.life in Surgery in Feb, Weightloss at a standstill?!   
    Relax, that's not a stand still yet. Your still healing, your first few weeks is Water, surgery weight etc. Give yourself time. I felt good at 2 weeks, worse at 3-6,. And awesome after 6 wks
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    sophiastuffin reacted to LilMissDiva Irene in African American RNY Sisters   
    I had a DNA test done and recently found out I am 2% African. Can I join in the conversation?
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    sophiastuffin reacted to YoColeFleet in African American RNY Sisters   
    welcome aboard...
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    sophiastuffin reacted to Emeree in African American RNY Sisters   
    Hey all. Just wanted to share what I have been going through. On 2/25th my stomach started hurting and I just thought it was the normal pain I get due to having this small pouch and my new food sensitivities. Well on 2/27th I ended up in the ER and they ran tests and did a scan. They saw that I had a golf ball size cyst on my right ovary that ruptured, causing some blood and Fluid that leaked into my abdomen. They told me that this was why I was in pain. I was sent home and told that the pain would resolve itself in a few days. I explained to them that I didn't have pain in my pelvic area, but that the pain was high up in the middle right under my bra.
    Well, long story short, the pain didn't go away so I contacted my bariatric surgeon and he did a scope, but didn't see anything wrong. He then had me come back Friday Mar 21st and do a laporotamy (not sure if I spelled that correctly, but it is a procedure where he looks inside my lower stomach, intestines...) After I awakened from outpatient surgery I was told that I had to stay overnight.
    I was surprised because I figured that he would look around, find nothing and I would just be sent home again to deal with the pain and continued liquid diet, but my surgeon did find something. I had a big hernia and my intestines were twisted up and around at the bypass site. He performed surgery and I stayed in the hospital overnight. I am so happy that he found something because since Feb 25th I cried nearly everyday from pain and lack of nutrition and I told my husband that I just can't go on this way. I am recovering now. I am not supposed to do any lifting for 6 weeks.
    I wanted to share this with you all, because if you are having a problem don't hesitate to go to the ER, but if you have a gut feeling that there is still a problem don't accept what you are being told and pursue, pursue, pursue, until you are satisfied with your care. I am grateful to my surgeon for listening to me and checking me despite the ER's explanation. But most of all, I am grateful to GOD for watching over me.
  25. Like
    sophiastuffin got a reaction from pumpkin73 in African American RNY Sisters   
    Hello all! Excited to find this thread!
    SW: 225 height 5' 3"
    CW: 190
    GW: 130-ish
    SD: 3.3.14

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
