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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to sleevexcited in NEBRASKA!   
    I think they have a great office - no worries there, but I used to supervise Dr Fitzke (at a lab like 29 years ago-) that is a surgeon in that practice, and his nurse practitioner is a baseball mom, our sons play on the same team-
    I just would be nervous that I would run into them at one of my appointments, so I didn't even consider that office- but I think they have a great reputation!
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to britt1511 in NEBRASKA!   
    I live in falls city it's about 2 hours away
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to pancake1271 in NEBRASKA!   
    I live in Lincoln too! I have Dr Taddeucci and really like him. Hes about my age (42) I feel totally at ease with him. Hes answered all my questions and took the time to fully explain and let me know the good and bad. He encourages me to keep up with my running since he is an avid runner himself. I would totally would recommend him!!
  4. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to BigGirlPanties in Giving Up your favorite foods   
    I said "adios" to most of those foods and haven't looked back...but you can never say never! we all know that...
    But like Bob2013 says, he found a way to make it work for him...and we all find ways that work...
    I find I don't crave most of that junk anymore...or maybe my mind is set in the right place not sure...but it's a good thing... my favorite snack is raw almonds!!! If someone told me that over a year ago, I'd have said they were NUTS LOL (pun intended)....
    it'll be ok...you'll see
  5. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to gamergirl in My Lunch: A Pictorial Attempt To Show You Life Will Be Normal   
    Wow I love that is thread is still going strong! I've kept up my blog which has turned very recipe heavy. Lately I've done a lot of sugar free Desserts etc on there but still have lots of easy cooking recipes to share. The URL is www.twosleevers.com.
    In addition to checking it out, if any of you would like to guest post a recipe, do let me know. Ersopher has been a regular contributor of yummi ness
    Below are a couple of things we made lately. Korean galbi made easy and chickpea brownies (best things ever!) with sugar free frosting that tastes like real food instead of a chemical sh$tstorm

  6. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Emarie07 in NEBRASKA!   
    It seems like most of us are in the Lincoln area? Is that right? I live in Nebraska City so not far from Lincoln.
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    Danni-doinit4me got a reaction from Emarie07 in NEBRASKA!   
    It could have just been a bad day in general, Hung did a great job with my other surgeries. It would be nice for us all to meet.
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to britt1511 in NEBRASKA!   
    I agree that would be nice to meet up , I went to dr.hungs orientation and I liked it also how small the group was and he was there and had someone that had the experience of going through one of the surgeries already.
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Emarie07 in NEBRASKA!   
    See and I had a seminar at UNMC in Omaha and it was so impersonal and like 50 obese people crowded into a room, watching a presentation, and getting a pamphlet. That's why I was blown away that Dr. Hung was actually there and answered any individual questions we had, and it was a much smaller group of people. We all have different experiences though and are making the best choices for ourselves. It would be neat to have a meet up sometime!!!
  10. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to britt1511 in NEBRASKA!   
    Yes it helps a lot I'm glad we have this for support also! I'll have to see how the other doctor is and maybe change I agree you should have somebody your comfortable with and they are there for you not the business.
  11. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to sleevexcited in NEBRASKA!   
    I've worked in the medical field for almost 25 years- too many people I know work in or with dr Hung - I don't feel like I could relax enough to trust the confidentiality -
    That's the beauty- go with the comfort level that you feel - cause it's not a one time appointment- you will be dealing with them for a ling time to come-
    It's nice to gain support on here and find out what works for others!!
  12. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to britt1511 in NEBRASKA!   
    I will have to go see him thank you!
    Danni did you have any complications when you went to dr hung
  13. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to sleevexcited in NEBRASKA!   
    I just went to the info about surgery and now will go to support starting in May-
    My appointment with Dr Forse is May 5,- I also have my sleep study that night on the 5th-
  14. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to sleevexcited in NEBRASKA!   
    You should go and listen to Dr Forse at Lifepoint-
    He's great and his staff is fantastic-
    I can't get approved until after July 30, and they are working with me to get everything done and scheduled so it's a go and all they need to do is file it on July 30.
    He taught the procedure at Stanford - and had tons of published documents and articles in the medical journals-
  15. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to JustWatchMe in How do you feel about eating out after weight loss surgery?   
    I dreamed about this meal (DINNER) while on my six-week post-op liquids phase. Granted, it's double the calories what my recent meals are lately (I'm trying to stay under 800 per day and usually succeed), but for the day yesterday, this brought me to 1,062, which I consider okay. This meal itself was 621. A lot? Yes. Worth it? Yes. I also brought home more than this as leftovers. My point is, if you use MyFitnessPal, just about everything is in there and you can easily plan ahead. This is steak and lobster and a wedge salad. I had moderate portions of each. I obviously will only be eating this way once in a blue moon, but yesterday the moon was blue, so there you go.
    (Note: the drawn butter killed the counts, but made the meal.)

  16. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to DeniseNCC1701 in Waking nightly between 2:30-4 am   
    Allow me to chime in too! I've been waking up around 3:30-4am. I stay up and try to get something done. Other times I watch I Love Lucy or play candy Crush.
    I suspect a hormone thing going on. I don't dislike it, though. It's become my "quiet time"
    Be well…
  17. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Dr-Patient in Men, does a woman's loose skin affect you at intimate times?   
    I agree that we do. In fact, when I give my "informative hoot!!!" lecture to women about sex, I tell them that very thing. Things we women worry about, most men don't even care.
    Funny story I tell them: When I dated this nice guy (GREAT lover!!!!! Boy, did we have fun/great sex), sometimes I'd lie on my right side, my head on his left thigh. He loved to rub his left hand fingers under my muffin top (fold) from the left side. When doing that, I'm thinking, Oh God. Why is he doing that!? The fat! Eeew. Yuck, etc. Saying nothing, I'd s-l-o-w-l-y move his hand away, rest it on my left hip. A mintue/two later, his hand is back in that spot, under my roll of fat! I'd slowly move it again. Then, one time he said, "Will you leave my hand alone; I like rubbing right there!"
    I was the one tripping about the fat, not him. Even though I think he thought if he rubbed there enough, he'd find another va-jay-jay to enter. LOL.
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to CowgirlJane in Men, does a woman's loose skin affect you at intimate times?   
    Well, I somewhat unwittingly conducted an experiment. A few months after getting to goal I started seeing someone who has always been super fit/athlete type. We didn't discuss it much, but he was not someone who dated or was attracted to plus size women. Well, I warned him about the skin as I was very paranoid I guess and in truth I still felt kinda fat (mostly due to the extra skin, but I was also about 15-18 pounds heavier than I am now). He told me later that I made way too big of a deal out of the loose skin - that the reality was not THAT bad.
    Down the road, I decided to do plastics which he was basically against (although not actively trying to talk me out of it, just thought it wasn't really needed). Then, when I had the plastics, he was like WOW.
    So, I think my experiment proves PDX point - pretty happy just to get you nekkid and it's all a bonus from there.
    Women worry way way too much about this crap. I once saw a funny on Facebook that said:
    "women will never attain true equality with men until they can walk down the street bald and with a big beer belly and actually think they are hot stuff"
  19. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Andrew0929 in Men, does a woman's loose skin affect you at intimate times?   
    It's not a problem for me, but once I take my glasses off I can't see the difference anyway.
  20. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to ASKSARAH - Sleeve in Men, does a woman's loose skin affect you at intimate times?   
    It hasn't bothered my husband of 3 years. I have lost over 100 lbs on a 5-5 frame. Its all in my gut and legs.
    HE LOVES that he can do Oral on me and he can breathe now.
    So no men don't care just enjoy the sex.
  21. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to SusinMichigan in Men, does a woman's loose skin affect you at intimate times?   
    While I'm not a man, I would assume the same guy that would be turned off by extreme weight would be turned off by excess skin ... I'm not worried about my hubby, if he loves me at over 300 pounds, he'll love me at 150! He lost 100 pounds and has a little loose skin around his midsection ... doesn't bother me one bit! Been married 28 years now.
  22. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to britt1511 in NEBRASKA!   
    Hello! I'm having the sleeve done by dr.hung really nervous waiting to get cleared by me insurance I'd love to be apart of this group
  23. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to bigjoe59 in month one complete   
    I am 1 month post op. Its amazing how this process works. I have lost 30 lbs, which far exceeds my 1st month goals. I know the numbers wont be as big going forward but its a great jump start. This decision I made has been a true blessing. My doc has cleared me to pic up my workout intensity. My goal is 15lbs this month.
    HW 360
    SW 350
    CW 320
  24. Like
    Danni-doinit4me got a reaction from Alex Brecher in How do you feel about eating out after weight loss surgery?   
    I chose "other", I don't have a fear of going out to eat. I really don't have a desire. We have gone out on a few occasions and all was good, able to choose from the menu, ate very little and took the rest home. Since I am not hungry most of the time, nothing sounds good, so I just prefer to eat at home at this point. I am just about 6 months out, it may change.
  25. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to LilMissDiva Irene in Do You Fear the Word “Diet”?   
    Do you fear the word “diet”?
    Then why are we required to see “diet-icians”? I’ll tell you why, because the true definition of diet is a personal style of eating. Either you have a good diet, or you have a bad diet – but most think of it as being on a diet, as in eating horrible, boring food for a set period of time, only to go back to one’s old way of eating which sadly is usually not healthy.

    The dietician teaches us a healthy – guess what word I’m going to use next – diet. It includes all of the basic food groups, Proteins, fruits & vegetables, carbohydrates that are high in Fiber and other nutrients our bodies need to survive, dairies, fats and let’s not forget Water. There are other groups but are usually lumped into one of the major groups, such as legumes are considered either proteins or sometimes good carbs. Anyhow, you get what I’m saying I hope – that our diet is just that – our means of eating to survive.
    Good diets… what can we do to avoid using the word diet without causing a panic? We should set our diet in a healthy way. Why? Because to see the word diet and understand that it is a lifestyle change to make our bodies healthy and happy is the only way. It’s for life, not in the temporary sense.
    Choose meals with as close to clean and basic as possible. Lean proteins, keeping colorful and fresh fruits and vegetables around, carbohydrates that are high in fiber, dairies that are low in fat, and fats that are high in the Omegas and low in saturation.
    Look on the internet or ask friends for good healthy recipes! This helps to keep the stigma of boring out of your vocabulary. I’ve had a fish meal in about a hundred different ways, and many different types of fish so I never get bored! It doesn’t always have to be baked and bland. Explore seasonings that are low in sodium and dress it up with some cook-able fruits and vegetables. You will be pleasantly surprised at how tasty a “boring diet” can be. It’s definitely something you can continue on forever and have a healthy diet.
    Keep a log of what you are eating and if you notice that you are eating something too often, change it up. Keep it off your “To Cook” list for a few weeks. Boring diets can become a problem and make you crave foods that are not healthy for you. You don’t have to eat chicken breasts every day to be considered a good bariatric patient. There are many cuts of Protein that you can make in a healthier way.
    Which brings me to the next bullet point – you can basically eat any cut of meat you prefer. They all have B-12 which our bodies LOVE obviously. Not only that, beef is very high in Iron, pork is considered the other white meat (just be sure to trim the fat!) and best of all most bariatric folks get fuller faster and stay satiated for a longer time on these cuts. Ensure you are chewing very well with these cuts and are far out enough from surgery to not get “stuck”. Not only that but eat slowly and judge each bite to recognize your full signal.
    Always choose all different kinds of fruits and vegetables and get a minimum of 5 servings per day. A serving of fruit is one half of a medium sized fruit. Get plenty of vegetables of all varieties. Yes greens are awesome, but many other vegetables get ignored simply because they are of a different color, but yet they are packed full of Vitamins that are hard for us to get otherwise. We will forever be bound to the supplement, but we shouldn’t ignore this group because we get it in a pill. They are very tasty too, some are sweeter and some are full of vigor but any will dress up a meal!
    Drink plenty of water. I don’t think this is a shock to anyone! Water will make you feel energized and alive during the weight loss process. It does also constantly flush your body of toxins, sodium and water weight (I know it seems like it would be opposite but it’s not) which shows up nicely on the scale. As bariatric patients we no longer are able to get our H2O from foods we eat, because we simply don’t eat enough. I’m telling you that 64 Oz per day should be anyone’s goal. If you can get in more great, if you’re not getting that in – time yourself. 8 Oz every hour for 8 hours, or for myself I do one 16.9 Oz bottle every 2 hours.

    Now for the evil bad diets…
    Just don’t do it.
    If you must have a snack that is not healthy, limit yourself. You never need more than one serving of anything bad. Bad is considered high in saturated fat, refined sugar, added sugar, high in sodium, and high in calories that might put you over your daily limit.
    When partaking in eating non-nutritive foods, enjoy it! Sit in a quiet spot and truly taste your food you have chosen.
    Do not mindlessly eat it; you will just keep going back for more to try to fulfill the desire. Sad to say it usually never registers.
    Think about what you just ate, and judge it. Was it as delicious as you envisioned it in your mind? If so, what was good about it? If not, why did you eat it? Will you eat it again?
    Do not allow non-nutritive foods become a regular part of your diet. They should be a treat, once in a while. Remember our stomachs can only hold so much nutrient dense food, but non-nutritive foods usually come without capacity. The further out from surgery we get the more “bad diet” we can fit in and if you don’t teach yourself limits this WILL become a problem.

    When you hear someone say, I don’t diet – I am doing a lifestyle change, that’s really great. But all they are really saying and doing is changing their bad diet to a good one, permanently.

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