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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Danni-doinit4me

  • Rank
    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday 07/16/1967

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Hi! This is my story.... I have struggled with my weight my entire adult life. I am 46 years old now. In 2009, I was at my heaviest of over 400 lbs!!!! I started the weight loss journey at that time to have a lapband surgery. My insurance company at the time required 6 months of a physician approved program. So i went and joined a gym and in 6 months I had lost 120 lbs! In my mind I told myself that I had obviously not done enough in the past to justify having the surgery because I had done so well on my own I did not need it! Well fast forward to 2013 and here I was back to over 350 lbs and had yo-yo'd up and down for the past 3 years. I started the program again to have the Sleeve, but with a different surgeon ( the first one, although had a good reputation, i found not to be as passionate about helping. was more like a business) I liked the way my surgeon explained why certain individuals had a hard time losing weight, but also why it was easy to put it on as well. I started in May of 2013, was approved in September by insurance and had completed all my requirements, phsych eval nutrition counseling, exercise counselor, labs, etc. I had my surgery on October 28, 2013. I was in the hospital for 3 days and went home on halloween! I had a very difficult time with liquids for the first 5 days. The first night I went home i vomited up alot of dried blood that had been sitting in my stomach for days. The next morning I set a timer and forced myself to drink 1 ounce of water every fifteen minutes. I did that for 2 days and finally was able to drink and start eating other full liquids. I also found it easier to have crushed ice. I was off work for 6 weeks. I have gone to and continue to go to our monthly support group meetings. These have been a very important part of my success and I wish more would continue to go. I exercise as often as I can. I work full time. I just had my 3 month check up and I am down to 252 Lbs!! This has been the best decision I have made! Feel free to add me and ask any questions. I am happy to have found this site. :D

Age: 57
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Starting Weight: 400 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery: 310 lbs
Current Weight: 188 lbs
Goal Weight: 199 lbs
Weight Lost: 212 lbs
BMI: 29.4
Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 05/30/2013
Surgery Date: 10/28/2013
Hospital Stay: 3 Days
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval
Danni-doinit4me's Bariatric Surgeon
Creighton University Medical Center
601 North 30th Street
Suite 3700
Omaha, NE 68131

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
