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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to consuela11 in NEBRASKA!   
    Hello all, I am having surgery June 4th. I am on the 7th day of my pre-op. I work in Omaha and live nearby. I am happy to hear from more from omaha.
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to BrwnsugabayB in NEBRASKA!   
    Hi Everyone!!!
    My name is Nicole and I live in Omaha NE!!! I just received my surgery date for June 30th!!! I am super excited and anxious for surgery!!! I just want it to be here already!
  3. Like
    Danni-doinit4me got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Memorial Day Challenge   
    Final weight. 206.8.
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    Danni-doinit4me got a reaction from Bea Amaya in 4th of July Challenge   
    I'm in.. will post goal after tomorrows weigh in ! Thanks for these challenges!!!! They sure do help!
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Bea Amaya in 4th of July Challenge   
    Time for the next challenge...
    4th of July Challenge!

    Here we go with the rules and instructions:
    1. Be sure and log in here on Friday, May 30, 2014 to post your start weight and your goal weight for the challenge.
    2. When setting your goal, keep in mind that this challenge is only 4 weeks long (5 weigh-ins).
    3. Weigh in every Friday and post your updates here.
    4. Watch the data at 4th of July Challenge (click to be taken to an online spreadsheet) to see our progress as individuals and as a team.

    Note for you non-USA folks...even though it is not your country's Independence Day, it is definitely your country's "Fourth of July" (I mean, it's the 4th of July everywhere, right?!?) So here's hoping you'll think of this as a holiday to share with us and join in on the fun here. Happy 4th of July, folks!
  6. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Colleen Cook in I Threw It Out!   
    Umm, fudge! It had been a crazy busy week. Away from home for 10 days, facilitating two training courses and speaking at an Obesity Summit, I was tired and ready to go home. Though I have a pretty good routine when I travel and stay focused on my good Success Habits, I was tempted

    Umm, fudge! It had been a crazy busy week. Away from home for 10 days, facilitating two training courses and speaking at an Obesity Summit, I was tired and ready to go home. Though I have a pretty good routine when I travel and stay focused on my good Success Habits, I was tempted beyond my ability to resist, to buy a piece of fudge. Umm, I love fudge and of course the walnuts added the all important “protein.” I had kept up with my exercise and make good food choices all week, so I felt justified in splurging a bit.
    As it always does, the first bite was heavenly! Smooth and creamy. So good. I relished that first bite, waited a bit and then another, and yet another. Enough! I thought. I’m good. Now I am going to mindfully throw the rest away. A difficult thing to do knowing how much I paid for it and due to all of the starving people in the world. But I knew it had to go. With Michael Jordan flair, I strutted by the trash can and slam dunked it. There! Good for me. I would have high-fived the guy next to me, but he gave me a funny look so I decided I would just Celebrate privately.
    Boarding for my flight began and victoriously, I marched onto the plane. Safe from “too much” fudge. An hour passed by still on the tarmac, waiting for a mechanical repair. Finally, the captain announced that we would need to deplane and board another flight. By that time I had missed my connecting flight in Denver so I knew enough to get off the plane and get quickly in line for re-booking.
    As I waited patiently in line, I don’t know why, but the thought of my left over fudge so close by started to haunt me. Though I am embarrassed to admit it, here is the conversation in my head. “This situation is beyond stressful and surely another piece of fudge would calm my nerves.” Honestly, you are not thinking of getting the fudge out of that trash bin over there are you?” Well, it is still good, it was wrapped up and in the bag.” Really?” What will people think of you digging in the trash?” “It will be right on top. Easy and there are not too many people over there, I can be quick!” Come on, seriously, you are better than this. You don’t eat food from the trash! Well I guess you are right! Thank goodness.”
    Whew! That was close. It shouldn’t have even crossed my mind but it did. Why, I wonder? What is this problem I have with food? I was pleased that my good voice over ruled my temptress voice but I would have preferred not to have had that conversation at all! Perhaps you can relate?
    Sometimes I find myself focusing on how unfair it is that I struggle with such unhealthy food relationships. But then, I am both relieved and proud that I have been able to win many of these battles. And every time I do – the “you can do it, you are better than that” voice gets stronger and stronger. For those of you who have heard my other crazy food stories, you’ll know how important it is when I say, I don’t eat M & M’s off the floor, whipped cream with my fingers, OR fudge from the trash! Yeah!
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to McButterpants in Coffee   
    When I have the time I go for my French Press....2/3 cup of coffee made w/ gourmet Beans, 1/3 cup of warmed 1% milk, 1 splenda and touch of Agave...Now that is heaven!
    I may have to make one this afternoon....all this coffee talk is making me thirsty! LOL
  8. Like
    Danni-doinit4me got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Memorial Day Challenge   
    Today's weight. 207.4.
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to dreamscometrue in Memorial Day Challenge   
    FINALLY!!! I've hit ONEDERLAND!!! The scale moved a lot this week after several semi-boring weeks so I was super excited!
    Current weight- 196.8
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Lorie269 in Memorial Day Challenge   
    Today's weight: 134.5...made my goal of 135!
    Thanks Bea!
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Bea Amaya in Memorial Day Challenge   
    180.8 for me today. I made goal! Yippee!
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to BrantS1976 in Memorial Day Challenge   
    Starting weight: 286
    Goal weight: 276
    Current weight: 282 (down 2 from last week - puts me at 101 pounds lost!)
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Sleeve Siren in Memorial Day Challenge   
    I did all of that liking yesterday and forgot to post my own results....

    Starting Weight: 292

    Monday, 4/28: 290.8 (down 1.2 pounds)

    Monday, 5/5: 287.4 (down 3,4 pounds)

    Monday, 5/12: 286.8 (down 0.6 pounds)

    Goal Weight: 282
  14. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Kindle in For the love of sweet Jesus.....   
    Madam....bravo!! Just when I'm ready to hang up my BP membership, a great post like this comes along.
    Actually, since the search feature hasn't gone over too well on here I was thinking of petitioning the web designers to come up with a blocking feature.... If a post mentions any of the key words or phases I enter (I.e. Stall, frustrated, is this normal, cheated, not losing, hungry, ate pizza day after surgery, etcetera) it would be not show up in my New Content list.
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to LilMissDiva Irene in For the love of sweet Jesus.....   
    @@PRINCESSM I don't think you'd be very surprised to find out exactly how many times this very thought and thread type has come up over the years. Ha!
  16. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Ree in Memorial Day Challenge   
    Current weight: 197
    and I'm confusing myself because I am so use to putting a 2 in front of my weight, not a 1.
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to JohnC in YEEHAA, ONEDERLAND   
    I got on the scale this morning & weighed 198. I've got an appointment with my Doc on Friday for my one year checkup, that's 90 lbs gone . I'm sure he'll be pleased.
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    Danni-doinit4me got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Memorial Day Challenge   
    Today's weight. 208.9!!! Yay me!!!!!
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Ree in Memorial Day Challenge   
    Today my weight is 199, I can't even begin to express how happy I am to see a '1' in front of my weigh. What a great feeling! and I am only 1 pound away from being officially at the half way point. Awesome!!
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Bea Amaya in Memorial Day Challenge   
    After 9 months and >100 lbs lost, I really thought my weight loss had pretty much come to an end. I lost a total of 1.8 lbs for month 9, for heaven's sake. However, I am pleased to report that I must still have a bit of weight to go as I am down a whole 5.4 lbs already for this month.
    Here's the thing, though. If this was all that I could lose, I would STILL be happy, still be pleased at how much healthier I am and how much more active I feel, and I will still continue to work at keeping the losses I have achieved. On the other hand, I'm not quite ready to throw in the towel yet. I am still 18 lbs away from "normal" and although it may take me another 4-5 months, I think I can get there. I'm going for it!
    For those ahead of me in this journey you should be pleased to know that I finally understand where you are coming from and now know the joys and frustrations of VERY SLOW PROGRESS after months of occasionally impressive losses. For those of you behind me in the journey, enjoy it as it comes and understand that stalls and slowdowns are just part of the natural progression. Don't let them get you down.
    I'm pleased to report in at 184.6 this month, now within 5 lbs of the lowest I can ever remember weighing in as an adult. And yes, I am going to repeat the goofy mantra that gets so overused on this site because, well, I just can't help it. I LOVE MY SLEEVE!
  21. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Susysleever in You know you lost weight when   
    Tucked neatly under your arms.
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Miss Mac in Munchies, Munchies, Munchies   
    My boyfriend made this for me and it is DELICIOUS without doing too much damage.
    Ricotta cheese snack
    15 oz. container of Rocotta cheese
    1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
    1/2 cup Splenda (or equivalent of whatever you sweeten things with at your house)
    2 teaspoons of cinnamon
    2 teaspoons of vanilla
    Put all of this in the blender and give it a whirl to break up the chips and blend things up a bit.
    1/4 cup has 130 calories, 17 grams of Protein, and 3 carbs.
    This would also taste good with a little lite whip cream folded in.
    You get the Protein from the ricotta and some filling yummy for your taste buds.
  23. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to ho11ieberry06 in Things I won't miss...   
    Thank you everyone for being so brave and vulnerable. I love reading everyone's posts.
    Here are a few things that I definitely won't miss:
    Feeling invisible Feeling ugly Sweating profusely Having to buy ugly shoes Saying no when I really want to say yes Not fitting into movie theater seats Not fitting or barely fitting into restaurant booths Not being able to bend over to tie my shoes My back and knees hurting all he time Snoring My double chin and fat face Swollen ankles Being afraid to go on a date because of the rejection Being afraid Buying ugly clothes and speaking of clothes I won't miss wearing a 4X Not being able to get on the ground to play with my nieces Having to ask for a seatbelt extension when I fly Not having enough room between my belly and my steering wheel Not going to visit family because I'm so embarrassed about my weight Not being able to fit on the rides at amusement parks Things I'm looking forward to:
    Feeling pretty again Feeling accomplished Going on more family vacations Exercising and feeing good Buying regular size clothing Buying beautiful shoes Going on dates Having sex! (I'm so embarrassed at how long it's been) Showing my face and not feeling ashamed Feeling like I have a voice w/o feeling judged Being able to run, hop, skip Maybe having a family of my own Getting my hair cut and actually liking what I see in the mirror Going to Disneyland and having fun like a kid again I know there is so much more in each category. But it's all I can think of right now. Sending my best to all of you!
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    Danni-doinit4me reacted to Madam Reverie in You know you lost weight when   
    You try on pants you've not worn since you bought them 2 months ago and they're already too big. *sigh*
  25. Like
    Danni-doinit4me reacted to pinkbarbie in You know you lost weight when   
    When you get overwhelmed at the mall because you're not sure what to do with so many options

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