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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Folly reacted to LipstickLady in Struggling day 7 post op   
    EEEEEK!! While I agree that making bad choices this early out is risky to the healing of the tummy, I think your response is a little extreme.
    To the OP. Find substitutes. Puree some Tomato sauce and have a few teaspoons of that with a bit of parm sprinkled on top. Or have a cup of creamy tomato Soup with Protein powder. Runny boxed mashed potatoes with gravy, carrot or squash bisque, hummus, pureed guacamole...
    I think you are seeking flavor but you really need to work hard to get through these first few weeks. They are the toughest, but you CAN do it -- one meal at a time...
  2. Like
    Folly reacted to Lexuskela in Workout classes   
    Awesome that you did 35 min!! ???????? thank you for sharing ????
  3. Like
    Folly reacted to mskami77 in Workout classes   
    I started Zumba before surgery but resumed classes about 8 weeks out.
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    Folly got a reaction from BLERDgirl in Phentermine - Thoughts?   
    isn't that one of the components of phenfen? (Fenphen? Phen-fen?....whatever)
  5. Like
    Folly got a reaction from LipstickLady in Struggling day 7 post op   
    You know, bashing is bashing whether it's someone's opinion or behavior, when we slam them publicly we're only inviting controversy and argument, name-calling and general hatefulness. This is a public forum and everyone has a right to an opinion. It can be frustrating for people who are dealing with it in ways they feel are correct to constantly see others' seeming willfulness to insist on doing things known to possibly be harmful. The OP shouldn't be bashed but neither should anyone who gave an honest opinion, even if it seemed harsh or even unhelpful.
    One of our greatest resources is each other and respectfulness is the obligation of everyone, even you and even me. I think it's f****ed up to hurt people with harsh and discouraging words but name calling is just as ugly. Let's give each other a little room and just ignore what is unhelpful. I don't think anyone had bad intentions.
  6. Like
    Folly got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Exhausted?   
    @@More than this
    I've been where I plan to stay, meal-wise, for about a year. I made myself very ill several months after surgery and ended up letting people down because I was too ill to be with my siblings when my father passed. I was in a hospital ICU because my body was too depleted and weak to fight off a common cold. I've learned from this. Over-restricting not only sets you up for weigh-loss stalls/fails, it leaves the body vulnerable. Have you reviewed your diet with a NUT?
  7. Like
    Folly reacted to BLERDgirl in My doctor said NO to surgery!   
    If you need to lose 100 lbs, an appetite suppressant isn't going to cut it. When I was looking into programs I didn't ask my primary for a referral. I love my primary and have been with her for over 20 years, but I needed to do this on my own. I looked at 2 programs in the area, attended their seminars and only after I chose my program did I inform my primary. However, I would keep good documentation of this visit and how you fare on this medication. It will be helpful in justifying why you need the surgery. Especially if you primary is against it. I would even join a gym and have that documented as well.
  8. Like
    Folly got a reaction from aaronvt in How much water can you drink?   
    Be careful about drinking faster than your stomach can empty... it can be quite painful (and dangerous). I would encourage you to take no more than a couple ounces at a time and be in the habit of sipping whenever you're not close to meal time.
  9. Like
    Folly reacted to gabito in Bingeing after the sleeve   
    @@KarenLoh That's amazing! Getting yourself out of that state is a big, big achievement! I've managed to do it a few times and its incredibly hard.
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    Folly reacted to gabito in Bingeing after the sleeve   
    @@Sara51692 'I think the hardest part of the surgery was coming to terms with the fact that my problems with food still exist and still have to be dealt with. ' That is exactly how I feel. I felt heartbroken when I made this post. I read some very troubling posts in which a few sleevers mention gaining back most of their weight loss due to stress and hardships in life. That is why I binge.
    I've started to do my CBT exercises in which I write every good thing that happened in my day. I also write down any anxious thoughts and predictions in a worksheet and then calmly try to resolve my problems and at least gain some perspective.
    That gives me a greater sense of control so that anxiety doesn't build up to the point where I compulsively eat.
  11. Like
    Folly reacted to Sara51692 in Bingeing after the sleeve   
    @@gabito Thanks for bringing up this topic...it's a hard thing to talk about...EDs in general or overeating in general.
    I think the hardest part of the surgery was coming to terms with the fact that my problems with food still exist and still have to be dealt with. I've been talking to my therapist for weeks now about how it's so hard for me to control myself sometimes.
    There's something in my brain sometimes, when bingeing, that somehows thinks "OMG. Eat this now! Finish it! What if you NEVER eat this again? What if you never eat ANYTHING again? GO!" And the rational part of myself looks back at these thoughts and knows they're insane, because while I'm not rich or anything, I'm not struggling for food. I can pay for food, I can even pay for good food, and I'm the one in my house who grocery shops and cooks, so I also choose the food. I just can't get it through to my brain that it's fine, I can leave that cheese stick in the fridge, because no, I'm not hungry, or that it's okay to not finish my food, because I will eat again, and if I'm hungry again, even in 5 minutes, I have food to eat. The guilt afterwards is horrible. I log all my food and sometimes I just scroll back to days I was dealing with this and hate myself.
    That's where my emotional state is at during those times -- it's been hard to find other people to relate to. I'm thinking of joining an Overeater's Anonymous group in addition to my WLS support group, just for this reason...I had problems with other EDs when I was younger, and I've been trying very hard not to fall into old habits because this sleeve is too valuable to throw away on stupid behavior.
  12. Like
    Folly got a reaction from Sajijoma in What if it doesn't work?   
    Reading stuff like this gives me the feeling someone took an excerpt from my journal and posted it...
    Seriously though, you're not alone. Most people feel this way before and even after surgery. It does eventually get easier. You do have a say in the outcome, your choices are going to determine your success.
  13. Like
    Folly got a reaction from PamInWA in Bingeing after the sleeve   
    I'm so sorry you're having difficulties. BED sounds like a big, scary label to hang around your neck. You're not alone. Most people who have long-term issues with obesity that brings them to WLS could be or have been diagnosed with an eating disorder. We don't get here because we have healthy relationships with food or our bodies.
    It seems like you're a little trapped in the obsession/compulsion aspect of it right now.
    There's nothing to feel guilty about. Please don't beat yourself up over this. I think it might be helpful to look for some emotional support from loved ones, 12-step group or maybe people with whom you share spiritual beliefs. I hope you aren't feeling isolated and ashamed. I would disbelieve most accounts people give of their experience with this journey if they denied having to confront their addiction, more than once, before and after surgery. I haven't lately but it's there waiting for me if...
    If I knew you and your issues my desire to "mommy" everyone around me would kick in (another of my unresolved issues...lol) and I'd try to help. I wish I had some magic words for you. All I can tell you for sure is you ARE NOT ALONE. This isn't uncommon and doesn't have to define the rest of your journey.
    The self-sabotaging component of BED thinking is going to be whispering in your ear that you might as well give up, may as well go off the deep end since you already stopped being perfect etc. My guess is you're already dealing with feelings of shame and failure. Here's the part you should know: THAT'S ALL BULLS**T!
    This can be ok. This is resolvable. You have nothing to feel bad about. Most of us have been there whether we admit it or not. Perfection isn't attainable for any of us but success is. Relax, by naming it and talking about it you're already closer to figuring out what works for you. GOOD JOB!
    If I can be helpful please reach out to me. In fact, most here would be good to talk to.
  14. Like
    Folly got a reaction from FinallyFit50s in Buying the wrong size?   
    I started out wearing size 36 - I still have one pair of pants in that size. I used to put them on about once a week and run to the mirror just to see. Wearing size 16/18 these days, which isn't really all that small but I can buy clothes in a regular store now - big milestone for me. Nothing fits for long. Funny part is that my feet even shrunk. Isn't it kind of awesome to always have wardrobe issues because your clothes are just too big?
  15. Like
    Folly got a reaction from LipstickLady in Struggling day 7 post op   
    You know, bashing is bashing whether it's someone's opinion or behavior, when we slam them publicly we're only inviting controversy and argument, name-calling and general hatefulness. This is a public forum and everyone has a right to an opinion. It can be frustrating for people who are dealing with it in ways they feel are correct to constantly see others' seeming willfulness to insist on doing things known to possibly be harmful. The OP shouldn't be bashed but neither should anyone who gave an honest opinion, even if it seemed harsh or even unhelpful.
    One of our greatest resources is each other and respectfulness is the obligation of everyone, even you and even me. I think it's f****ed up to hurt people with harsh and discouraging words but name calling is just as ugly. Let's give each other a little room and just ignore what is unhelpful. I don't think anyone had bad intentions.
  16. Like
    Folly reacted to newbeginnings1965 in Shot down   
    I was on a liquid diet 2 weeks before and for 3 weeks after, that 5 weeks of liquid was maddening. It is difficult and i hope you know that most people on this site are here for you. Of course we do not want anyone to do something dangerous, wanting to eat during the liquid stage is quite normal, take each day one by one. I am now 6 weeks out and can eat most things. I do not eat meat so that is not an issue, the next thing to try raw veggies, salad.< /p>
  17. Like
    Folly reacted to longjohs in Shot down   
    I am new here and haven't seen your previous post, but I am on day 11 of this d#*m liquid diet and I WANT to eat! But I also work in the medical field and see the train wrecks happen when people don't follow the plan. That is what made me wait so long (11 years) do have the courage to do this! Lets keep up the fight together and muddle through. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  18. Like
    Folly reacted to katybelle7 in Shot down   
    For my chewing pleasure, I'm chewing ice. I need the crunch. SF popcicles do about the same thing. I can have fruit juice (diluted with some water), just not citrus. For extra Protein I prepare SF pudding with 2 c of FF milk, adding in 1/2 c dry milk. (It's all allowable in my plan.). The pudding really helps my protein needs. Also can have SF yogurt. I mentioned earlier I make my own broths with simple spices; I crave that savory flavor, get tired of sweets. I just can't/won't drink the Protein Shakes sold by the docs and GNC anymore. It just tastes like chemicals to me. I hope you can find something to satisfy your cravings. You've lost more than I have, I'm only at 12#, 7 days after surgery. No wonder you're hungry for protein! But we can do this! I know we can. We've paid a heavy price for what we're going thru, so hang in there. I can a light at the end of the tunnel!
  19. Like
    Folly got a reaction from monieanne in Shot down   
    I went to nutrition classes (mandatory for my surgery to be approved) with a nice young women who was at a similar weight and size to me. She was so pretty, smart, vivacious... I liked her a lot. Not long after surgery she went to a fast food chicken place and ruptured her sleeve eating mashed potatoes and gravy. She didn't seek help (shame? denial?) for over 24 hours. Well, someone sought help for her. She was found unconscious. I didn't go to her funeral.
    I sometimes say pretty stern things to people when they talk about NOT following medical advice. I would rather hurt your feelings than read your obituary.
    I'm just saying...
  20. Like
    Folly got a reaction from monieanne in Shot down   
    I went to nutrition classes (mandatory for my surgery to be approved) with a nice young women who was at a similar weight and size to me. She was so pretty, smart, vivacious... I liked her a lot. Not long after surgery she went to a fast food chicken place and ruptured her sleeve eating mashed potatoes and gravy. She didn't seek help (shame? denial?) for over 24 hours. Well, someone sought help for her. She was found unconscious. I didn't go to her funeral.
    I sometimes say pretty stern things to people when they talk about NOT following medical advice. I would rather hurt your feelings than read your obituary.
    I'm just saying...
  21. Like
    Folly got a reaction from reree6898 in Shot down   
    I wasn't telling you a horror story to scare you or anyone else. I hope you find what you need to deal with the issues that are making this harder for you than it has to be. We have a lot of people in this place who certainly can relate - I know I can. It scares me every single time I see someone posting about not choosing (or able) to follow medical advice right after surgery. It's about more than weight loss/gain. It's serious and could turn a life into a statistic. I don't bash or scare people in general but this thread alarmed me and I want people who are new to WLS to understand the potential consequences right after surgery can be particularly grave.
    Almost everyone here is willing to be a source of encouragement and support, even me, but this thread made me think of how sad it was when the friend I spoke of died. She, too, talked about it being so hard and cheating just a little... Maybe if someone had just told her outright, "YOU COULD DIE" she would have thought twice and talked to a therapist or the Dr or someone...
    If I hurt your feelings I do humbly and deeply apologize. I wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose. If I can offer you support in any way please reach out to me.
  22. Like
    Folly got a reaction from TammyDTM in Adjusting Goals   
    I gave it some thought and decided to adjust my weight los goal to under 25 BMI. Feeling a little conflicted about this. It makes me that much further from my goal but *sigh* if the goal is health then I suppose the number is incidental.
    I'm stubbornly refusing to add more gym time at this point but I foresee it becoming necessary. The gym has been the most difficult thing to incorporate into my life because of a recognition that I need to commit to doing it longer term than just reaching a goal. Anything I do to lose weight will probably have to be continued to maintain weight loss and the idea of "MUST" go to the gym more than twice a week is not happy for me, yet.
    (The gym {jim} N. meaning: an unholy symbol of oppression to my people!!!!)
    I'm getting so tired of always feeling like a work in progress. *Bigger SIGH*
  23. Like
    Folly got a reaction from betrthnever in Perception and Shooting Our Own Wounded   
    I'm surprised so many people can relate to this topic. Thanks all :-)
  24. Like
    Folly got a reaction from FinallyFit50s in Buying the wrong size?   
    I started out wearing size 36 - I still have one pair of pants in that size. I used to put them on about once a week and run to the mirror just to see. Wearing size 16/18 these days, which isn't really all that small but I can buy clothes in a regular store now - big milestone for me. Nothing fits for long. Funny part is that my feet even shrunk. Isn't it kind of awesome to always have wardrobe issues because your clothes are just too big?
  25. Like
    Folly got a reaction from FinallyFit50s in Buying the wrong size?   
    I started out wearing size 36 - I still have one pair of pants in that size. I used to put them on about once a week and run to the mirror just to see. Wearing size 16/18 these days, which isn't really all that small but I can buy clothes in a regular store now - big milestone for me. Nothing fits for long. Funny part is that my feet even shrunk. Isn't it kind of awesome to always have wardrobe issues because your clothes are just too big?

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