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  1. Like
    bellalulu reacted to Billy363627 in Water Intake   
    I know there is a lot of differnt opinions. What my dietician tells me is that when you are on the liquid phase all your liquids count as water.. Soup broth, sugarfree popsicles,water, vitaminwater,,etc... But be aware if you drink gatorade and like certain vitamen Water and sobe life water they do contain carbs. I know there is propel zero, some gatorade type drinks are zero carb.. You just have to look but be really careful with the carbs and the sodium. I was counting Protein Drinks that I used water in as water intake.. they all count.. Also,,if you drink things with caffene in them they do not count..tea,coffee,etc..
  2. Like
    bellalulu got a reaction from MSinger in Pain in my left leg after surgery   
    You cannot wait till your next pcp appointment or even your Bariatric appointment. I don't know who you spoke to at your Bari clinic but if the person on the other end of the phone doesn't know what you are talking about why put your life in their hands. Blood cots are real, they are no joke and they can kill you. We had a friend die from one not Bari related but she died with her twins inside of her. Also, I had pain on the back of my knee and had three little balls form and it hurt so (this was prior to Bariatric surgery ) I took four aspirins and went to the ER and they told me I literally saved my own life. You can't wait with stuff like this. Good luck and get that checked out.
  3. Like
    bellalulu got a reaction from MSinger in Pain in my left leg after surgery   
    You cannot wait till your next pcp appointment or even your Bariatric appointment. I don't know who you spoke to at your Bari clinic but if the person on the other end of the phone doesn't know what you are talking about why put your life in their hands. Blood cots are real, they are no joke and they can kill you. We had a friend die from one not Bari related but she died with her twins inside of her. Also, I had pain on the back of my knee and had three little balls form and it hurt so (this was prior to Bariatric surgery ) I took four aspirins and went to the ER and they told me I literally saved my own life. You can't wait with stuff like this. Good luck and get that checked out.
  4. Like
    bellalulu reacted to BariatricGirl in Now THIS clarifies food addiction!   
    I finally found an article about food addiction written in a way that is easily understood by all. Below you will find the normal behavior versus the addictive behavior. Here's an excerpt from that section:

    Dependence on food will be habitual, while addiction to food will be somewhat unpredictable (e.g., a morning cup of coffee versus the sudden, inexplicable drive to eat four servings of cheesecake)
    Dependence on food will have few, if any, emotional causes, but addiction to food is provoked by emotions and circumstances that cause feelings of powerlessness (e.g., a treat to get through a trying day at work versus a binge to avoid focusing on painful thoughts
    Dependence on food will have few, if any, emotional effects, whereas addiction to food will cause great anxiety if not properly attended to
    (e.g., being cranky due to caffeine deprivation versus feeling panicked because a planned binge is interrupted)
    Dependence on food will cause minimal interference in other areas of a person’s life, but addiction to food will disturb every aspect
    (e.g., a love for red wine with dinner versus preferring to eat alone for the sake of overeating)
    Dependence on food can be controlled at will, but food addiction appears as an unstoppable force in the person’s life
    (e.g., giving up pizza after noticing slight weight gain versus trying to stick to a healthy eating plan but derailing constantly; having a divided mind that seems to want opposite things)
    Dependence on food is pleasurable, but food addiction is a torment
    (e.g., traditional Christmas Cookies versus the horror one has that one has eaten the whole box of cookies, coupled with the knowledge that one isn’t done yet)
    Dependence on food is casual, whereas food addiction appears to the addicted person to be closely tied to his or her identity
    (e.g., the guilty pleasure of Cheetos versus the shame and feelings of inadequacy that often accompany a binge)

    Perhaps one of the most important paragraphs is below: (helpful to read the entire article)
    What happened in this scenario demonstrates what, for many people, is the central issue of food addiction. Bingeing allows the food-addicted person to avoid dealing with threatening emotions (such as his or her perceived failure, powerlessness, or inferiority) by replacing them with guilt and shame, which are also threatening, but in a familiar, almost comfortable way. In the mind of the food-addicted person, the pivotal issue is lack of willpower. But in truth, they are using food to defend themselves against the pain in their life. By facilitating this transfer and avoidance of emotions, food has become a drug, and it is at this point that the food-addicted person needs to seek help.
    Bingeing has a different meaning for most people. When I was obese I thought it meant that you ate in the closet in the dark with a whole package of Oreos and a gallon of milk. Of course I didn't do that so I didn't think it applied to my behavior. (umm...denial) Finally I realized that my weekend routine of buying a huge Bucket 'O chicken and locking myself in my apartment from Friday evening until going to work on Monday morning was certainly a form of bingeing. The same thing applied to my Quarter Pounder with cheese obsession. I'm sure the Dallas quarterly earnings dropped significantly around the time I woke up to my dependence on this junk food.

    Most importantly please, please, please....do not walk the path of shame. From that same paragraph the very important part of the article... "In the mind of the food-addicted person, the pivotal issue is lack of willpower. But in truth, they are using food to defend themselves against the pain in their life." How sad it is that we are just trying to avoid the pain of life by using food. The problem is that it never works without paying a great price. Ask for help, educate yourself, and know that freedom from this disease is truly possible.
  5. Like
    bellalulu reacted to James Marusek in When the Honeymoon is Over   
    There are 2 different phases to weight loss surgery. These are "Weight Loss" phase and the "Maintenance" phase. The approach on these 2 phases are different. I had RNY surgery 29 months ago. This short article describes the strategy that I used for each phase. http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Surgery2.pdf
  6. Like
    bellalulu reacted to Amanda Dutton LPC in When the Honeymoon is Over   
    The honeymoon period. The time period after the surgery, when the weight is coming off without much effort, and you feel like it was the best decision you ever made. The compliments are coming from everyone, you're fine with taking the supplements, the Protein Shakes, heck, you're even okay with losing some hair – it'll grow back, right?
    But what about when you've reached “that” point? The point where the weight loss has slowed. The “head hunger” has started and, well, the “fun” has worn off. Reality sinks in that this “real life.” This is something that you need to keep up with. This is now your...gulp...”everyday” life.

    The honeymoon period. The time period after the surgery, when the weight is coming off without much effort, and you feel like it was the best decision you ever made. The compliments are coming from everyone, you're fine with taking the supplements, the Protein shakes, heck, you're even okay with losing some hair – it'll grow back, right?
    But what about when you've reached “that” point? The point where the weight loss has slowed. The “head hunger” has started and, well, the “fun” has worn off. Reality sinks in that this “real life.” This is something that you need to keep up with. This is now your...gulp...”everyday” life.
    Did you expect to have depression creep in? Or maybe creep back in? Most of us thought this surgery would correct our mood issues, thinking that losing the weight would help get rid of that which was bothering us. So what happened? Why are we sad, frustrated, mad? Why aren't we...well...happy?
    A lot of this can be attributed to losing our primary coping tool to deal with depression and stress: mindless consumption of food. We may not have realized it at the time, but food was our comfort, our companion, sometimes the only thing that was there for us when nothing/nobody else was. Now, that support is no longer something we can reach for in hard times to get us through. We are physically and emotionally missing/grieving our former “companion.”
    Our coping tool.
    Sometimes, our best friend.
    So what do we do?
    First, we have to look at the physical way food was affecting us. Not just related to weight, but in our brain. Food was giving us satisfaction in a way that was “rewarding” receptors in our brain that control the chemical dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical that makes us feel good. This is the same chemical that is triggered when someone uses drugs or alcohol. Yep, scary thought, huh?
    That's why we often hear about “food addiction.” We are literally “feeding” that addiction when we overeat. That's hard to accept, I know.
    Second, we have to look at WHY we may be overeating. What thoughts do we have that lead us to seek food as comfort? Are they thoughts about ourselves? Are we thinking that “I'm so fat” or “I shouldn't even try” or maybe even “Why do I even bother?” Sometimes the addiction is so deep, it's hard to identify the thoughts that made the behavior start.
    Then it may be more helpful to think about the feelings. What feelings direct us to start overeating? Is it anger? Boredom? Defeat? Do the words or actions of another make us feel “less than” and lead to lowered self worth, thus leading to the desire to overeat?
    The concept of looking at Thoughts-Feelings-Behaviors is at the core of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a standard therapeutic method of behavioral therapists. Finding a therapist that can help us figure out the source of how these 3 things work together to lead us on the path to overeating can go a long way toward correcting the behavior. The key to CBT is retraining those thoughts to become more positive, leading to more positive feelings and behaviors.
    Often, we get stuck with “ants” - Automatic Negative Thoughts – and they are hard to undo. With the assistance of a therapist that is trained in CBT, particularly one that is familiar with bariatric surgery, we can retrain our brains to think more positively about ourselves, thus leading to be less dependent on food to nurture feelings of happiness.
    What kind of “ANTs” do you want to get rid of? Can you think of a chain of Thoughts-Feelings-Behaviors that you would like to change? What would you rather that chain look like instead?
  7. Like
    bellalulu reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Working through missing "volume"   
    Over eat once be in pain for hours, and you will not want to do it again. You are not healed enough to feel the real pain of over eating, wait till about 6 months when all your nerves are reconnected.
    Going out to eat and depending on your restriction to tell you when to stop is a terrible habit to start. If you can eat 1/3 a portion at 2 months, you will be eating it all by 6 or 9 months. Your sleeve won't stop you.
    I volume eat green veggies only. Baby spinach, salad greens, cucumbers. Huge amounts of those are low calorie.
    I avoided restaurants for a long time outside of social situations because I did not want to be tempted to get my monies worth.
  8. Like
    bellalulu reacted to mille80 in Working through missing "volume"   
    I bring a tupperware box to the restaurant and pack at least half of the portion away before I start eating. That way I have food for the next meal and I also dont have a plate full of food in front of me when I am finished eating.
  9. Like
    bellalulu reacted to Katie Struthers in Working through missing "volume"   
    I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. There are times I see co workers eating a big ol hamburger and fries and wash it down with a soda and I'm like drooling. But when I put my pants on and they are about falling off because I've lost weight it makes it not so bad.
    and I've learned that when I'm hungry and eat my "sensible Protein food" I then feel satiated and no longer crave that junk. Overall it's a good feeling, but I get the jealousy once in awhile. Yes all head games. That's why we are here sharing our stories, getting support from others going through the same thing.
  10. Like
    bellalulu reacted to Apple1 in Working through missing "volume"   
    I like the suggestion of taking a container with you and dividing the food right away. Portion Control was a problem for me in the past so I need to be prepared for this also. Restaurants portion sizes are so out of control I feel like even people who haven't had WLS should be doing this.
  11. Like
    bellalulu reacted to Sullie06 in Working through missing "volume"   
    I understand where you are coming from but I've found over time I've missed volume less and less. I enjoy going out to eat now and not being the only one of my girlfriends to clear their plate. I enjoy being able to order a half order of something and be sated. I've realized that eating more normally is starting to feel normal.
  12. Like
    bellalulu got a reaction from Katie Struthers in Working through missing "volume"   
    Hi! I haven't logged on here in quite a while but I did and had to reply to you. I totally get you and understand you. I feel exactly the same way but honestly I'm more worried about gaining or stretching my pouch then what I miss in my favorite foods in terms of volume. So, being that I had no will power prior to Rny, I know myself and my love of food so what I do religiously is section off what I will eat in smaller plate, weigh exactly five ounces of it, eat slowly and enjoy every morsel. I ace no choice. I have to serve myself off of the normal people's plate and I always ask for a small plate to use. This way I am eat and enjoy it without the worry, anxiety or guilt which usually ends up in me eating way more. Lol I have a scale to home and just bought myself a mini portable scale that I take with me. Don't see food as something you mourn and miss. Rather, make great yummy healthy choices that will taste good to you. Also, cook and make meals that are Bari friendly and yummy. Come to my fb page @bariatric Besties we share great flavorful recipes, love and support. Good luck.
  13. Like
    bellalulu got a reaction from Katie Struthers in Working through missing "volume"   
    Hi! I haven't logged on here in quite a while but I did and had to reply to you. I totally get you and understand you. I feel exactly the same way but honestly I'm more worried about gaining or stretching my pouch then what I miss in my favorite foods in terms of volume. So, being that I had no will power prior to Rny, I know myself and my love of food so what I do religiously is section off what I will eat in smaller plate, weigh exactly five ounces of it, eat slowly and enjoy every morsel. I ace no choice. I have to serve myself off of the normal people's plate and I always ask for a small plate to use. This way I am eat and enjoy it without the worry, anxiety or guilt which usually ends up in me eating way more. Lol I have a scale to home and just bought myself a mini portable scale that I take with me. Don't see food as something you mourn and miss. Rather, make great yummy healthy choices that will taste good to you. Also, cook and make meals that are Bari friendly and yummy. Come to my fb page @bariatric Besties we share great flavorful recipes, love and support. Good luck.
  14. Like
    bellalulu got a reaction from Katie Struthers in Working through missing "volume"   
    Hi! I haven't logged on here in quite a while but I did and had to reply to you. I totally get you and understand you. I feel exactly the same way but honestly I'm more worried about gaining or stretching my pouch then what I miss in my favorite foods in terms of volume. So, being that I had no will power prior to Rny, I know myself and my love of food so what I do religiously is section off what I will eat in smaller plate, weigh exactly five ounces of it, eat slowly and enjoy every morsel. I ace no choice. I have to serve myself off of the normal people's plate and I always ask for a small plate to use. This way I am eat and enjoy it without the worry, anxiety or guilt which usually ends up in me eating way more. Lol I have a scale to home and just bought myself a mini portable scale that I take with me. Don't see food as something you mourn and miss. Rather, make great yummy healthy choices that will taste good to you. Also, cook and make meals that are Bari friendly and yummy. Come to my fb page @bariatric Besties we share great flavorful recipes, love and support. Good luck.
  15. Like
    bellalulu got a reaction from Katie Struthers in Working through missing "volume"   
    Hi! I haven't logged on here in quite a while but I did and had to reply to you. I totally get you and understand you. I feel exactly the same way but honestly I'm more worried about gaining or stretching my pouch then what I miss in my favorite foods in terms of volume. So, being that I had no will power prior to Rny, I know myself and my love of food so what I do religiously is section off what I will eat in smaller plate, weigh exactly five ounces of it, eat slowly and enjoy every morsel. I ace no choice. I have to serve myself off of the normal people's plate and I always ask for a small plate to use. This way I am eat and enjoy it without the worry, anxiety or guilt which usually ends up in me eating way more. Lol I have a scale to home and just bought myself a mini portable scale that I take with me. Don't see food as something you mourn and miss. Rather, make great yummy healthy choices that will taste good to you. Also, cook and make meals that are Bari friendly and yummy. Come to my fb page @bariatric Besties we share great flavorful recipes, love and support. Good luck.
  16. Like
    bellalulu got a reaction from Redmaxx in Successful Surgery! RnY updates. Go for it!   
    Hello all! I want to share for those of you on the fence, waiting for your approvals and those that are just plain scared. Don't psyche yourselves up so much that you're worked up into a frenzy of anxiety. It's a waste of time.
    Also, don't be like me who three years ago while I was on here I kept reading this one girls total horror story and she was relentless with her writings and postings to the point that I stopped my surgery and regret that till this day. Glad that that girl was deleted and so were all her postings. Some may have complications but it's a very small minuscule amount. But three years later I was sick Diabetic on insulin w fibromyalgia and sleep apnea, anxiety and depression. So, I shouldn't have waited so long out of fear. Nonsense is what that was.
    Don't let anyone steer you away from a life saving and life changing surgery. Day one and two after surgery was a breeze for me and I felt very zero pain and was able to walk and get up same day of surgery. I was drinking with no problem. And making my rounds on the unit floor. All to prevent any blood clots or embolism. Walking worked. I even had zero gas pain and zero shoulder pain. My surgeon is amazing and possibly a magician. He even tested the pouch for leaks while I was under so I didn't need the barium or MRI which I am afraid of cause of claustrophobia. He checked and no leaks thank God.
    When you get home and anesthesia and pain meds wear off you will feel some discomfort and the pain of OMG what did I do to my poor body? That feeling lasts two days or so. You keep taking your pain meds and follow the rules from your surgery center and days do get much better. One mistake I made was not take my pain Med at night because I felt good and the pain usually sets in mid sleep and wakes you. So do take your pain meds as directed until you're a week out.
    Any and all other obstacles you may encounter will get addressed here and by your team. You're never ever alone. Reach out when you feel the need to. Plenty on here are wisdom filled and are veterans.
    Do enjoy the journey, the ups, the downs, the scars and all the good too. It's all developing into a new healthier and clear minded you, a beautiful you. A you that has been in the making and the one that needs extra care and extra love. Be kind to yourselves and don't let that negative thinking that got us into emotionally stress eating come back. Arm yourself with the new tools and techniques you learn to live with your new pouch. Take care of it and it will take care of you. Don't have an all or nothing thinking this isn't about that. You kinda gotta roll with the punches and you'll come out like a champ.
    Sure I may be crying tomorrow from God knows what but today I'm not and I'm happy, you will be too! Good luck and cheers to the new you!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    bellalulu got a reaction from Redmaxx in Successful Surgery! RnY updates. Go for it!   
    Hello all! I want to share for those of you on the fence, waiting for your approvals and those that are just plain scared. Don't psyche yourselves up so much that you're worked up into a frenzy of anxiety. It's a waste of time.
    Also, don't be like me who three years ago while I was on here I kept reading this one girls total horror story and she was relentless with her writings and postings to the point that I stopped my surgery and regret that till this day. Glad that that girl was deleted and so were all her postings. Some may have complications but it's a very small minuscule amount. But three years later I was sick Diabetic on insulin w fibromyalgia and sleep apnea, anxiety and depression. So, I shouldn't have waited so long out of fear. Nonsense is what that was.
    Don't let anyone steer you away from a life saving and life changing surgery. Day one and two after surgery was a breeze for me and I felt very zero pain and was able to walk and get up same day of surgery. I was drinking with no problem. And making my rounds on the unit floor. All to prevent any blood clots or embolism. Walking worked. I even had zero gas pain and zero shoulder pain. My surgeon is amazing and possibly a magician. He even tested the pouch for leaks while I was under so I didn't need the barium or MRI which I am afraid of cause of claustrophobia. He checked and no leaks thank God.
    When you get home and anesthesia and pain meds wear off you will feel some discomfort and the pain of OMG what did I do to my poor body? That feeling lasts two days or so. You keep taking your pain meds and follow the rules from your surgery center and days do get much better. One mistake I made was not take my pain Med at night because I felt good and the pain usually sets in mid sleep and wakes you. So do take your pain meds as directed until you're a week out.
    Any and all other obstacles you may encounter will get addressed here and by your team. You're never ever alone. Reach out when you feel the need to. Plenty on here are wisdom filled and are veterans.
    Do enjoy the journey, the ups, the downs, the scars and all the good too. It's all developing into a new healthier and clear minded you, a beautiful you. A you that has been in the making and the one that needs extra care and extra love. Be kind to yourselves and don't let that negative thinking that got us into emotionally stress eating come back. Arm yourself with the new tools and techniques you learn to live with your new pouch. Take care of it and it will take care of you. Don't have an all or nothing thinking this isn't about that. You kinda gotta roll with the punches and you'll come out like a champ.
    Sure I may be crying tomorrow from God knows what but today I'm not and I'm happy, you will be too! Good luck and cheers to the new you!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Like
    bellalulu got a reaction from Redmaxx in Successful Surgery! RnY updates. Go for it!   
    Hello all! I want to share for those of you on the fence, waiting for your approvals and those that are just plain scared. Don't psyche yourselves up so much that you're worked up into a frenzy of anxiety. It's a waste of time.
    Also, don't be like me who three years ago while I was on here I kept reading this one girls total horror story and she was relentless with her writings and postings to the point that I stopped my surgery and regret that till this day. Glad that that girl was deleted and so were all her postings. Some may have complications but it's a very small minuscule amount. But three years later I was sick Diabetic on insulin w fibromyalgia and sleep apnea, anxiety and depression. So, I shouldn't have waited so long out of fear. Nonsense is what that was.
    Don't let anyone steer you away from a life saving and life changing surgery. Day one and two after surgery was a breeze for me and I felt very zero pain and was able to walk and get up same day of surgery. I was drinking with no problem. And making my rounds on the unit floor. All to prevent any blood clots or embolism. Walking worked. I even had zero gas pain and zero shoulder pain. My surgeon is amazing and possibly a magician. He even tested the pouch for leaks while I was under so I didn't need the barium or MRI which I am afraid of cause of claustrophobia. He checked and no leaks thank God.
    When you get home and anesthesia and pain meds wear off you will feel some discomfort and the pain of OMG what did I do to my poor body? That feeling lasts two days or so. You keep taking your pain meds and follow the rules from your surgery center and days do get much better. One mistake I made was not take my pain Med at night because I felt good and the pain usually sets in mid sleep and wakes you. So do take your pain meds as directed until you're a week out.
    Any and all other obstacles you may encounter will get addressed here and by your team. You're never ever alone. Reach out when you feel the need to. Plenty on here are wisdom filled and are veterans.
    Do enjoy the journey, the ups, the downs, the scars and all the good too. It's all developing into a new healthier and clear minded you, a beautiful you. A you that has been in the making and the one that needs extra care and extra love. Be kind to yourselves and don't let that negative thinking that got us into emotionally stress eating come back. Arm yourself with the new tools and techniques you learn to live with your new pouch. Take care of it and it will take care of you. Don't have an all or nothing thinking this isn't about that. You kinda gotta roll with the punches and you'll come out like a champ.
    Sure I may be crying tomorrow from God knows what but today I'm not and I'm happy, you will be too! Good luck and cheers to the new you!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    bellalulu got a reaction from Redmaxx in Successful Surgery! RnY updates. Go for it!   
    Hello all! I want to share for those of you on the fence, waiting for your approvals and those that are just plain scared. Don't psyche yourselves up so much that you're worked up into a frenzy of anxiety. It's a waste of time.
    Also, don't be like me who three years ago while I was on here I kept reading this one girls total horror story and she was relentless with her writings and postings to the point that I stopped my surgery and regret that till this day. Glad that that girl was deleted and so were all her postings. Some may have complications but it's a very small minuscule amount. But three years later I was sick Diabetic on insulin w fibromyalgia and sleep apnea, anxiety and depression. So, I shouldn't have waited so long out of fear. Nonsense is what that was.
    Don't let anyone steer you away from a life saving and life changing surgery. Day one and two after surgery was a breeze for me and I felt very zero pain and was able to walk and get up same day of surgery. I was drinking with no problem. And making my rounds on the unit floor. All to prevent any blood clots or embolism. Walking worked. I even had zero gas pain and zero shoulder pain. My surgeon is amazing and possibly a magician. He even tested the pouch for leaks while I was under so I didn't need the barium or MRI which I am afraid of cause of claustrophobia. He checked and no leaks thank God.
    When you get home and anesthesia and pain meds wear off you will feel some discomfort and the pain of OMG what did I do to my poor body? That feeling lasts two days or so. You keep taking your pain meds and follow the rules from your surgery center and days do get much better. One mistake I made was not take my pain Med at night because I felt good and the pain usually sets in mid sleep and wakes you. So do take your pain meds as directed until you're a week out.
    Any and all other obstacles you may encounter will get addressed here and by your team. You're never ever alone. Reach out when you feel the need to. Plenty on here are wisdom filled and are veterans.
    Do enjoy the journey, the ups, the downs, the scars and all the good too. It's all developing into a new healthier and clear minded you, a beautiful you. A you that has been in the making and the one that needs extra care and extra love. Be kind to yourselves and don't let that negative thinking that got us into emotionally stress eating come back. Arm yourself with the new tools and techniques you learn to live with your new pouch. Take care of it and it will take care of you. Don't have an all or nothing thinking this isn't about that. You kinda gotta roll with the punches and you'll come out like a champ.
    Sure I may be crying tomorrow from God knows what but today I'm not and I'm happy, you will be too! Good luck and cheers to the new you!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    bellalulu got a reaction from Redmaxx in Successful Surgery! RnY updates. Go for it!   
    Hello all! I want to share for those of you on the fence, waiting for your approvals and those that are just plain scared. Don't psyche yourselves up so much that you're worked up into a frenzy of anxiety. It's a waste of time.
    Also, don't be like me who three years ago while I was on here I kept reading this one girls total horror story and she was relentless with her writings and postings to the point that I stopped my surgery and regret that till this day. Glad that that girl was deleted and so were all her postings. Some may have complications but it's a very small minuscule amount. But three years later I was sick Diabetic on insulin w fibromyalgia and sleep apnea, anxiety and depression. So, I shouldn't have waited so long out of fear. Nonsense is what that was.
    Don't let anyone steer you away from a life saving and life changing surgery. Day one and two after surgery was a breeze for me and I felt very zero pain and was able to walk and get up same day of surgery. I was drinking with no problem. And making my rounds on the unit floor. All to prevent any blood clots or embolism. Walking worked. I even had zero gas pain and zero shoulder pain. My surgeon is amazing and possibly a magician. He even tested the pouch for leaks while I was under so I didn't need the barium or MRI which I am afraid of cause of claustrophobia. He checked and no leaks thank God.
    When you get home and anesthesia and pain meds wear off you will feel some discomfort and the pain of OMG what did I do to my poor body? That feeling lasts two days or so. You keep taking your pain meds and follow the rules from your surgery center and days do get much better. One mistake I made was not take my pain Med at night because I felt good and the pain usually sets in mid sleep and wakes you. So do take your pain meds as directed until you're a week out.
    Any and all other obstacles you may encounter will get addressed here and by your team. You're never ever alone. Reach out when you feel the need to. Plenty on here are wisdom filled and are veterans.
    Do enjoy the journey, the ups, the downs, the scars and all the good too. It's all developing into a new healthier and clear minded you, a beautiful you. A you that has been in the making and the one that needs extra care and extra love. Be kind to yourselves and don't let that negative thinking that got us into emotionally stress eating come back. Arm yourself with the new tools and techniques you learn to live with your new pouch. Take care of it and it will take care of you. Don't have an all or nothing thinking this isn't about that. You kinda gotta roll with the punches and you'll come out like a champ.
    Sure I may be crying tomorrow from God knows what but today I'm not and I'm happy, you will be too! Good luck and cheers to the new you!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    bellalulu got a reaction from Redmaxx in Successful Surgery! RnY updates. Go for it!   
    Hello all! I want to share for those of you on the fence, waiting for your approvals and those that are just plain scared. Don't psyche yourselves up so much that you're worked up into a frenzy of anxiety. It's a waste of time.
    Also, don't be like me who three years ago while I was on here I kept reading this one girls total horror story and she was relentless with her writings and postings to the point that I stopped my surgery and regret that till this day. Glad that that girl was deleted and so were all her postings. Some may have complications but it's a very small minuscule amount. But three years later I was sick Diabetic on insulin w fibromyalgia and sleep apnea, anxiety and depression. So, I shouldn't have waited so long out of fear. Nonsense is what that was.
    Don't let anyone steer you away from a life saving and life changing surgery. Day one and two after surgery was a breeze for me and I felt very zero pain and was able to walk and get up same day of surgery. I was drinking with no problem. And making my rounds on the unit floor. All to prevent any blood clots or embolism. Walking worked. I even had zero gas pain and zero shoulder pain. My surgeon is amazing and possibly a magician. He even tested the pouch for leaks while I was under so I didn't need the barium or MRI which I am afraid of cause of claustrophobia. He checked and no leaks thank God.
    When you get home and anesthesia and pain meds wear off you will feel some discomfort and the pain of OMG what did I do to my poor body? That feeling lasts two days or so. You keep taking your pain meds and follow the rules from your surgery center and days do get much better. One mistake I made was not take my pain Med at night because I felt good and the pain usually sets in mid sleep and wakes you. So do take your pain meds as directed until you're a week out.
    Any and all other obstacles you may encounter will get addressed here and by your team. You're never ever alone. Reach out when you feel the need to. Plenty on here are wisdom filled and are veterans.
    Do enjoy the journey, the ups, the downs, the scars and all the good too. It's all developing into a new healthier and clear minded you, a beautiful you. A you that has been in the making and the one that needs extra care and extra love. Be kind to yourselves and don't let that negative thinking that got us into emotionally stress eating come back. Arm yourself with the new tools and techniques you learn to live with your new pouch. Take care of it and it will take care of you. Don't have an all or nothing thinking this isn't about that. You kinda gotta roll with the punches and you'll come out like a champ.
    Sure I may be crying tomorrow from God knows what but today I'm not and I'm happy, you will be too! Good luck and cheers to the new you!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    bellalulu got a reaction from Kittymom in Gourmet food   
    How are you eating five days post op? Aren't you on a liquid diet phase day 1-7 then puréed food day 8-14? And that's only if you can get in 60 oz of liquids per including three Protein shakes. Toast? Are you kidding me, that would get logged so fast in your pouch and not go down no matter how much butter you had on it. What post op diet are you on ? Remember you are still healing and had major reconstructive surgery. Sure the meds can make anyone feel great and so does the anesthesia that is still wearing off. Just be careful is all I am saying.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Like
    bellalulu reacted to CharlotteKat in Why you really do need to wait at least 30 minutes after a meal to drink fluids   
    This is a very good video that shows what happens when you drink liquids after eating. Our new pouches let liquids push food through our stomachs. This can leave us feeling unsatisfied. It is very important to time food and liquids even after you reach goal weight. We are far smarter than our pouches so we will always need to wait after meals before drinking anything.
    Simply timing our fluids can help us all maintain our weight loss.
    Check it out
  24. Like
    bellalulu reacted to Diva Taunia in Milk issues anyone? I'm a RnYer.   
    I am almost nine years out and I have an odd relationship with dairy products. Things I don't do well with:
    Regular Milk
    Ice Cream
    Frozen Yogurt
    (Gives me the shakes, almost like a pre-dumping syndrome type of situation.) Lactaid is better, but not great. I tend to avoid these things all-together.
    Things I do just fine with:
    Cottage cheese
    Greek yogurt (love!)
    Regular cheeses (double love!)
    I just make sure I get enough Calcium in my diet and with my supplements. I thought my life would be over without ice cream, but I actually don't even really miss it. I miss Cereal and milk more than I miss ice cream!
  25. Like
    bellalulu reacted to Pazza in Milk issues anyone? I'm a RnYer.   
    Lactaid/lactase can be your friend. I have kind of similar issues. Anything with whey Protein gives me some distress.
    I buy the big box from costco and that lasts me a while. They dissolve easily, or can be swallowed, providing one is at the pill swallow stage.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
