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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    donewithdieting2 got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I Became A Drunk After My Gastric Sleeve Surgery   
    Just an update: Been dry since Feb.5th. Doing well, anxiety under control. I do now drinking too much coffee, so I will work on that next but I love the powder Creamer. Linda
  2. Like
    donewithdieting2 got a reaction from Arts137 in Very embarrassed but question about Urinary incontinence   
    I had the tests done by a urologist. He told me I was a good candidate for the TVT tape surgery. Being a nurse did some research. I stopped drinking Diet Coke--problem solved. I'm not saying this will help you but it worked for me and no invasive surgery in my private parts. Google "causes of incontinence" to see if there is something you can change before the surgery route. Linda
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to NoleGirl98 in Cramping in back and top of legs   
    I had them in my lower legs. Thought it was a sign of dehydration so I upped my fluids and have been good.
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to Readytolose2012 in OMG sitting here waiting on driver from OCC HE'S ALMOST 2 hours late!   
    Unfortunately that happens trying to cross the border. Hang in there all will be fine soon!
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    donewithdieting2 got a reaction from sophiepants in Damage to Sleeve   
    I just ate a brat, oh it was good. I was full at 3/4 of it. No room for the rice a roni, and steamed veggies. I'm two years out and it just depends what I'm eating but I have total restriction with solid Protein. Love my sleeve. But can be frustrating at times.
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to LipstickLady in Lookity lookity lookity look at my ticker! Loooook at my ticker! Look!Look!Look! Lookity lookity lookity look!   
    I did it! 100 pounds down in 2013!!!! I am at 100.2 lost as of this morning and I am thrilled.
    Best decision of 2013, hands down.
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    donewithdieting2 got a reaction from ribearty in Does anyone regret this surgery?   
    I'm 2 years out do not regret this surgery. My life has changed a lot. The other day I went for my yearly physical and was told "you're not longer obese". BMI 24. Went from a size 20 to a 10. Can pretty much eat and drink anything. Just of course with the restriction from the sleeve it is smaller portions. I have had to learn to live with my addiction tendencies. Realize when something is out of control and get it back to control quickly. Good Luck to all who are struggling or just wondering if they can make it- YOU CAN DO This. Linda
  8. Like
    donewithdieting2 got a reaction from Arts137 in Very embarrassed but question about Urinary incontinence   
    I had the tests done by a urologist. He told me I was a good candidate for the TVT tape surgery. Being a nurse did some research. I stopped drinking Diet Coke--problem solved. I'm not saying this will help you but it worked for me and no invasive surgery in my private parts. Google "causes of incontinence" to see if there is something you can change before the surgery route. Linda
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to Jen35 in I Became A Drunk After My Gastric Sleeve Surgery   
    I'm so glad you posted this! There are so many strong people on this site posting about their struggles with addiction. I know it's hard to share such personal information, but it really does help others to know they are not alone and that addictions can be managed.
    I am a little over 6 months out and I can see some tendencies toward other addictions. I'm certain I am a food addict and I've been in counselling for a year now. Just the reaction I had after my sleeve surgery when I couldn't eat my feelings anymore - it was the WORST feeling I've ever had. I used to eat until I was numb and was "high" on food (I compare it to getting drunk). I can't do that anymore so my brain automatically wants to look for a replacement. I'm really keeping an eye on my drinking, shopping, etc. The counselling has helped me be aware of my issues and, if I'm aware of them, I feel like I'm gaining some headway to healing. It is also helping me to feel my feelings instead of suppress them with whatever (food, alcohol, etc.). It's a really difficult process, especially when you suffer with anxiety and depression. My brain really fights feeling my emotions! I've used these coping skills my entire life and now I'm trying to change - very hard thing to do.
    So I guess my point is that none of us are immune to the possibility of other addictions. But awareness is the key. If you are aware of the problem (or potential problems) you can get the help you need. Hang in there - you're not alone - and YOU CAN DO THIS:)
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to No game in 2 years post-op-gained 25 lbs! I'm so scared I've blown it!   
    Paige, The season is kicking a lot of our butts this year. You need to detox from the carbs. No reason to suffer and do liquid diets or "pouch tests" Just make a stand and start clean eating dense Proteins and veggies. You can also look into the 5:2 plan there is info on it here in the vets forum.
  11. Like
    donewithdieting2 got a reaction from ribearty in Does anyone regret this surgery?   
    I'm 2 years out do not regret this surgery. My life has changed a lot. The other day I went for my yearly physical and was told "you're not longer obese". BMI 24. Went from a size 20 to a 10. Can pretty much eat and drink anything. Just of course with the restriction from the sleeve it is smaller portions. I have had to learn to live with my addiction tendencies. Realize when something is out of control and get it back to control quickly. Good Luck to all who are struggling or just wondering if they can make it- YOU CAN DO This. Linda
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to patsybrown in Does anyone regret this surgery?   
    I'm 8 months out and down 70 pounds. I went from a size 20 to a size 8. I thought I was going to die the first two days. Since then I have thanked God everyday for giving me this gift. It was a magic bullet. I would do it again and again! No regrets. Just keep the faith and don't give up. It will get easier and easier. The point of the surgery was to take away your craving for food and to reduce the amount of your food intake. I drank lots of Decaf ice tea with Splenda and GNC brand of Protein Shakes. And, Water popsicles. I eat anything I want now. Just small portions. And, I'm still losing. You will be fine. Imagine walking into The Gap and pulling on a pair of button fly cords in a size 8 with room to spare. It's all worth it. I promise!

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    donewithdieting2 reacted to Butterthebean in Probably gonna tick some people off.......lol   
    I agree with your overall message.... We shouldn't freak out over a little slip. But you have no clue how life is gonna be this time next year....or the year after that. Your assertation that your sleeve won't allow you to eat high sugar food in large quantities is just plain wrong. Embrace healthy eating habits now while it's still easy. Cause later on it gets a lot harder.
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to newat52 in How Does the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) Affect You?   
    I am not a fan. Our insurance premiums are costing almost 6K per year more! For less coverage. I don't mind paying a bit more to help cover costs but this is insane. I do not like the fact that so many people were dumped from their plans and are now forced to purchase plans they don't like or need. The whole "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" thing still makes me angry. He knew that people would get kicked off their plans because they don't meet the requirements under Obamacare and he kept saying it anyway.
    We won't know for some time if this will work, not many young, healthy people are buying the higher plans. That is what needs to happen to succeed. Health insurance companies have been raising rates at nightmarish pace to try and recoup some of the start up costs associated with Obamacare.
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to SoccerMomma73 in How Does the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) Affect You?   
    I saw a patient today who is losing insurance through her husbands employer and her employer only offers catastrophic illness coverage. She has 2 major comorbidities that her insurance won't touch. Her deductible is $4000 and basically they only cover if she gets run over or has a stroke or heart attack or gets cancer. It's insane. Being middle class sucks sometimes.
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to LindafromFlorida in Merry Christmas!   
    Mokee, Merry Christmas to you and your family as you Celebrate this significant Christmas. My dad died from lung cancer. I hope you and your family find peace, comfort and joy during this Christmas week. God's Grace.
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to mokee in Merry Christmas!   
    Just had a minute to wish all my friends here a very merry Christmas and a prosperous thin New Year. Have all the shopping done, all wrapped, all groceries bought and finishing up the cleaning. Then it is cooking on Tuesday for the big night. We Celebrate on Christmas Eve. I am very fortunate all my boys and their families will be here. I am blessed. My husband is battling lung cancer so we are trying to make this a special Christmas. We are doing a scavenger type hunt. You get a note that has a riddle and you follow to the next note and the last place is your gift. It is very fun.
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to jaye282 in Thanks A Lot Obamacare!   
    I've had my insurance for almost ten years. Your grasping for reasons to stay in this conversation. Just stop. Your trying to sell your opinion while getting blasted with facts.
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to m1aman in Thanks A Lot Obamacare!   
    There are more uninsured people now than before obamacare. What does that tell you?
    Thank you .....
    Liar In Chief
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to lisacaron in Thanks A Lot Obamacare!   
    This is true fact! It affected me at my company we were told we have "Cadillac" insurance and therefor must pay a hefty fine for it.
    I'm sorry it's bad enough that we work hard for what we have, and we take care of those without but to have to pay a fine for having a good job and working for a good company that cares about it's employees is just BS.
    Our generation as I tell my husband all the time is the sandwich generation stuck between our aging parents and the baby boomers looking for their medicaid ride and our kids who are too dam lazy to get a real job that we now cover them until they are 26.
    Sometimes I actually think I should just quit my job, and put my hand out like 99% of people out there. If all the working class Americans quit what would they do? Have to work....hmmmm makes me think every day when I get up at 5 am and work 10 hours a day to pay fines for having healthcare.
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to jaye282 in Thanks A Lot Obamacare!   
    The sun isn't mentioned in the ACA? Here's another fact. I was promised I could keep my insurance by the President of the United States and all along he knew I couldn't. I loved my insurance. My insurance company was kind enough to provide me with bariatric surgery and they've paid for all of my fills. Obamacare offers nothing for bariatric patients. Again, if there was no ACA I would still have my insurance. Before ACA I had insurance. After ACA I lost my insurance.
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    donewithdieting2 reacted to 2muchfun in Thanks A Lot Obamacare!   
    Oh but I can. It's simple. Before Obamacare she was covered, after Obamacare she's not. I know you think you understand how the ACA works but I don't believe you do. I certainly don't? Why is bariatrics covered in some states and not in others? Is it the ACO's that govern these regions that push or mandate less or more coverage? It's too complicated for any of us to understand imo. In fact, very few if any politicians understand what they've authored.
    My insurer a year ago is no longer available in the state pool of insurers. Did they pull out? It's not as simple as the mean old insurance companies denying benefits when just months ago they were. If they can make a buck on providing bariatric coverage they will do it.
    Somewhere, in a formerly smoke filled room, a group of doctors, CEOs, political appointees and lawyers(ACO), hammered out what will and what won't be covered. And there may be a plan for Jaye that covers bariatrics if she dug deep into each program, but it's also possible that program has a $6,000 deductible with high copays. So what's her alternative?
    And where's all that transparency we were promised?
  23. Like
    donewithdieting2 reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Thanks A Lot Obamacare!   
    Some facts:
    -Over 12 million (not 5 million) have lost their insurance coverage due to Obamacare
    -Over 7 million will remain uninsured because they don't make enough to qualify for the tax credit but make too much to qualify for Medicaid.
    -Obamcare doesn't only have minimum care standards but maximum. All policies must not only meet minimum standards but they can not exceed the care offered either. If an insurance carrier offers too little or too much, they are fined heavily.
    -The average insurance cost increase is 41% due to Obamacare.
    The worst is yet to come: "In 2010, the Health and Human Services Department estimated that 40% to 67% of individual plans would eventually lose their "grandfathered" status, which only was conferred if a plan was purchased before the health care law was approved in 2010."
    The insurance increases and cancellations ARE because of Obamacare and Obama himself freely admits it. Obama's sorry excuse for an apology for all the loss of policies and idea of fixing it? He gave them a 1 year reprieve. That's it. And that does nothing for policies already canceled.
    Of course, I have been encouraging everyone who is still drinking the Obamacare Koolaid to read the actual bill. Yes, it's over 1000 pages long. Yes, it took me months but I did read it entirely. But, if you read it and get the facts versus the media bytes being fed to everyone, you'll see the horrible truth for yourself.
  24. Like
    donewithdieting2 reacted to 2muchfun in Thanks A Lot Obamacare!   
    Sorry, you're wrong. There are about 18 states that offer no bariatric coverage and some of the others offer limited bariatrics. If you sold insurance you know very well that a policy is a contract and to change the policy/contract one must issue a new policy. Therefore millions of policies have been cancelled and offered under the new Obamacare standards/guidelines. Bariatracs has been dropped to keep costs down in many cases.
    There are just far too many varied policies for the government to accommodate each one individually.
    Apparently the authors of Obamacare do not recognize bariatrics as a necessity? Guess it's back to being pigs as far as the government is concerned?
  25. Like
    donewithdieting2 reacted to jaye282 in Thanks A Lot Obamacare!   
    5 million doesn't seem like a lot? What if that were money. Would 5 million seem like a lot then? The ACA was unwrapped plagued with major problems. I've lost my insurance and I can't sign up because the website is an utter failure. Only 50,000 a day can sign up with no crashes. I work 75, sometimes 80 hours a week just to make ends meet. I did what I'm supposed to and I should be rewarded with insurance that I'm paying for myself. I didn't ask for any entitlements. I go to work and then I come home and take care of my family. Now all the bums who REFUSE TO WORK are entitled to the same benefits as us hard working Americans and I'm paying and suffering for it. I've taken off work all week because I can't function with my band like this. I can't pay out of pocket because I have 4 teens to feed and buy Christmas for. I've worked my ass off for years and my thanks is, congratulations. ...you no longer have insurance and the insurance we're gonna FORCE you to buy comes with much higher premiums all so everything is fair and equal in the world. If this is such a good program then why does the government say this applies to everyone except for them. Socialism! I pray everyday the GOP repeals this.

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