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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Susysleever reacted to LipstickLady in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    If you don't agree with what Susan has posted here, by all means, state your opinion. It's 100% ok to "attack" her message, it's NOT ok to attack her personally.
  2. Like
    Susysleever got a reaction from Valere Bilichka in I stink!   
    Crazy suggestion. Mini pads stuck to your clothing underarms. Spares in your purse. Change when needed.
  3. Like
    Susysleever reacted to mi75 in My 600lb life   
    I watch and generally enjoy most of the shows. that one had me a little steamed too.
    i LOVE Fat Doctor way more though, because they show more stuff specific to the pre-op, surgery, and long term post op. good stuff and complete episodes on Youtube.
    To the posters who asked if anybody in the show works, I am guessing that many of these people are on Disability Social Security just from their multiple medical conditions stemming from their obesity. They are, after all, 600+ lbs and many of them can't move, use walkers, oxygen, etc. I can't imagine that they aren't considered disabled.
  4. Like
    Susysleever reacted to CrazyJaney in Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)   
    Stick to your surgeons guidelines. There is really no way to safely avoid liquids and purée/softs in the early days. Nor the fatigue. It does all pass and in the rear view, it seems like forever ago (it was only March). We do make bad patients but try to be patient. The first month sorta sucks. But it gets so much better!!!! 75 down (47 since surgery in March). I can eat small amounts of anything now. But 6-8 ounces of anything other than liquid in the first week is a lot. I can barely eat a whole egg now at 3+ mo post. I tolerate eggs very well though. Yogurt, soup, purée Beans are all good. Chose Protein first and don't expect to be anywhere near goal yet. Good luck!
  5. Like
    Susysleever reacted to mellifrits in Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..   
    i was single but one year post op I got married to the love of my life Oh how life has changed
  6. Like
    Susysleever got a reaction from samanthar in You know you lost weight when   
    I think they make a 00
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    Susysleever reacted to choosinghealth in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
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    Susysleever reacted to DaddyMarie in You know you lost weight when   
    You have to give away 30 pairs of jeans cause they are all "Fat Girl" jeans!
  9. Like
    Susysleever reacted to gottagonow in Low BMI?   
    I don't know if I'm losing less weight with a lower BMI - I don't really think so. No, I'm not losing 60 pounds in a month b/c frankly, I'd be done w/ the process. I just decided to no longer post those stats after talking to my PA. Does more harm than good per my PA and I saw my PA's point.
    Something I did have to do was wear weights when being weighed and we lessened my height by a few inches. I was not willing to gain weight (I too was told such nonsense). I know some will find this troubling and I'm not an advocate of it but that made it so my other issues and "obesity" would allow surgery. I'm not a young woman, I knew I needed help. I have no idea what my real BMI was but it was not high enough without help. I think insurance companies cause this ridiculousness. I no longer take several meds.
    I actually lost weight running around wearing weights all over my body for weigh-ins. Ha!
    If you disagree, I understand. I do not need to hear about it though. What's done is done and I don't do internet flaming.
  10. Like
    Susysleever reacted to mikey856 in Low BMI?   
    I started out with a BMI of 37 with some comorbidities. Was taking 7 different medications. Was sleeved on December 13th. Six months later I am down 88 pounds since surgery and 96 all out. No longer take any medications. BMI is at 24 now.
  11. Like
    Susysleever reacted to Nyzira in Bipolar disorder question   
    I'm on Forfivoh, which is a fairly large XR pill and I take it whole just fine. I started taking it whole on Day 2 and just explained to my surgeon that I couldn't crush it because it was XR. He understood. My suggestion would be to talk to your doctor and see what he suggests.
  12. Like
    Susysleever reacted to Bufflehead in Really!?!?   
    My problem isn't getting to the CVS . . . it's walking past the giant display of every imaginable kind of candy bar that they have right by the entrance, at least they do at my local CVS. So tempting!
  13. Like
    Susysleever reacted to Nomadgirl in Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..   
    Ah, great idea. My M.O. In the past has been to lose weight, pick up a loser, gain weight, drop the loser, repeat. Uggggggg, hopefully now I can drop that behavior and feel like I can offer a guy more than being a sugar momma.
  14. Like
    Susysleever got a reaction from BeagleLover in Low BMI?   
    Im preop. 35 bmi. Going to Mexico because I am too 'thin' for my insurance company.
  15. Like
    Susysleever reacted to moonlitestarbrite in Ex-Friend Keeps Writing Negatively About Me on Different Blogs and Web Sites   
    she is a very disturbed woman. you need to stop reading things she writes. you need to make a promise to yourself that you are letting her go 100%. that you will not look up things she writes online, you will not think about her, that you will move on so you can start a new life that is positive and healthy. walk away, move on, let her go. pursuing her will only bring you pain. you deserve better. cut her loose in your head and give yourself a loving break.
  16. Like
    Susysleever reacted to Forsythia in Travel? Where in the USA would you take your dream vacation? Why?   
    Do territories count? Because I would go to the US Virgin Islands in a red hot minute. I love a beach. And I love an all inclusive vacation!
  17. Like
    Susysleever got a reaction from JenSul in You know you lost weight when   
    Tucked neatly under your arms.
  18. Like
    Susysleever reacted to CowgirlJane in Serious question seeks serious answer!   
    I don't think that is true. I know several "portly" couples and they were both overweight before they married.
    So, the whole BBW thing on dating sites often seems to me like skinny guys who like big boobs... sorry to be so blunt. It seems pretty superficial.
  19. Like
    Susysleever got a reaction from PRINCESSM in Dating after Weight Loss Surgery   
    Classic case of " And that's why he's single"
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    Susysleever reacted to JeanZ_RN in Dating after Weight Loss Surgery   
    My first date in at least 10 years was last night, and by george I DID remember how to act. It was great! He is fabulous, and that's not just because he said several times "You're so little!" We have "a hot date" (his words) set for tomorrow night. I'm grinning like an idiot, and I love the feeling.
  21. Like
    Susysleever reacted to JeanZ_RN in Dating after Weight Loss Surgery   
    CowgirlJane, I really like the idea of hiding my profile on POF. How do I do it?
  22. Like
    Susysleever reacted to karla23 in Dating after Weight Loss Surgery   
    "JeanZ_RN" Tomorrow I have my first date in at least 10 years. I'm so excited!! Found him on Plenty of Fish (which I learned about on this site). We've texted, emailed and spoken on the phone so far, and tomorrow we'll meet at a restaurant or coffee shop.
    I'm so excited for you!! Let us know!
  23. Like
    Susysleever got a reaction from 1Day1Life4Now in How long before you could eat popcorn again?   
    So I think you deserve to have popcorn anytime you want. (but follow your dr's advice)
  24. Like
    Susysleever reacted to PRINCESSM in I didnt want to lie...   
    Im totally going to tell people the secret to my weight loss success. I will have three rotating stories.
    1. Meth
    2. Lipo
    3. Too broke to buy food.< /p>
  25. Like
    Susysleever reacted to JeanZ_RN in Dating after Weight Loss Surgery   
    Tomorrow I have my first date in at least 10 years. I'm so excited!! Found him on Plenty of Fish (which I learned about on this site). We've texted, emailed and spoken on the phone so far, and tomorrow we'll meet at a restaurant or coffee shop.

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