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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Cheryl_S reacted to bcsilverstar in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    Haven't posted updates in a while. I'm so happy with me, learning so much and actually using this gift to get me where I want to be. I RELY on all of you daily. I may not post here often but I read here daily; for tips, advice, and food suggestions. You guys are such great motivators and supporters, and to complete strangers. Just want you all to know you have been to me anyway.
    My weight loss is going great. I have no complaints and it has exceeded my own expectations. I have good, great and bad days when it comes to eating. Some days I fall short of protein/water requirements. Some days I've grabbed a piece of chocolate and savored every melting second of it. Some days I've met all requirements and didn't grab the chocolate.
    I refuse to live restricted by food boundaries, but I also refuse to fail at this amazing shot at getting my health back. So this is where my own choices and will power and learning to live better has taken a slightly different road than before. My road now is navigated by ME. Just that simple. I am responsible and I will be responsible, for ME.
    My stats today:
    HW 234
    DOS 10-07-13 221
    CW 187
    That's almost averaging .5lb a DAY. WTH!?!?
    So yeah you could say I'm kinda thankful!!
  2. Like
    Cheryl_S got a reaction from xiomara8868 in My fitness pal :)   
    I sent requests to everyone, but couldn't find silentmee. Any how, add me if you want. My email is cscholebo@earthlink.net and user name: cscholebo.
  3. Like
    Cheryl_S got a reaction from sandy purple in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    I am officially part of the slow losers! I'm also in the three week stall. Seriously don't know how stalls are possible on 600 cal/day! The good thing is that I can't throw my diet to the wind like I would before on a stall. Glad to finally have a BM. How stupid is that? LOL! It seems like I go from one issue to another. Now I'm having a lot of pain in my lower left side, especially when bending over and getting up and down. I guess I might have over done it. Emailed the doctor's office and they told me to come in if it gets worse. Ready to feel better!!
  4. Like
    Cheryl_S reacted to CaliGal in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    Whoop! Whoop! I'm down 4 1/2 inches since the last time I took my measurement Oct. 15th. I'm so happy!
    HW 285 SW 245 CW 235
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    Cheryl_S reacted to CaliGal in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    I am so sorry to see that so many of you are struggling so much right now. The beginning of this journey is not an easy one. It's hard to adjust to our new tummies and diets, especially when the rest of the world is around us eating the most delicious smell foods and the food commercials haunt us. But it's really important to remember WHY we chose to make this decision, our health, to feel comfortable in the space of our own bodies and to live more fun active lives. I have got a wonderful support group of people who have been down this road before me and not a one of them regrets their decision. That's such a driving force for me getting through the rough spots. I hope that you all start to get better and over the hump soon.
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    Cheryl_S reacted to IwannaBaLoser in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    I screamed earlier today scaring my family ....able to fit into a pair of jeans I haven't worn in 2 years! Down a pants size. So happy.
  7. Like
    Cheryl_S reacted to rlm34 in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    Thanks Molly! There should really be a special forum for slower losers. There's a few of us about and I'd hate to think anyone is feeling depressed or regretting their decision to have surgery and staying off rhe boards cos they see everyone else posting good losses. I have no regrets but I'm certainly asing myself wth is going on.
    Have done my measurements and Ive lost alot from around my waist. Im thinking I might go back to my original plan of staying away from the scales till I see my nut in 2 weeks.
    In other news im on soft foods/puree from today! Roll on refried Beans, porridge and poached/scrambled eggs!
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    Cheryl_S reacted to DevilBlueDress in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
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    Cheryl_S reacted to rlm34 in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    Totally feel like ringing my surgeon and asking if he's sure he didn't just remove my gallbladder instead. LOL
  10. Like
    Cheryl_S reacted to Rich_nykid in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    Same feeling i had i was 360 before liquid diet Went in to surgery at 340. Came home at 348 i was like wtf is this shit call my dr and ask him if this was a scam. Lol. Weight my self today im at 331
  11. Like
    Cheryl_S reacted to rlm34 in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    Desperately trying not to freak out, get down or be negative....but today I'm 2 weeks out and I've only lost 4 lbs
    Im following my nuts plan to the letter, drinking, walking, logging food and I've lost less weight in 2 weeks than when I used to diet before RNY.
    Common sense tells me by body will be in shock and it will eventually come off.. but gee...that doesn't calm that voice in my head screaming " See? You're going to be the person surgery doesn't work for".
    Just venting. Thanks
  12. Like
    Cheryl_S reacted to nursie026 in Anniversary   
    Today, November 1st is the one year anniversary of my bypass surgery. I feel extremely blessed to have been even approved. I'm so thankful for my difficult journey and even when I feel discouraged or fall off the rules bus... I remind myself of this opportunity God gave to me and how I must learn to take full advantage of the tools I've been given. It's only by the grace of God that I have lost the weight and remained complication free. Praise you Father!! .. And thank you! I will succeed on this journey!
    Pre- surgery weight: 247
    Post- weight: 146
  13. Like
    Cheryl_S reacted to IwannaBaLoser in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    Hi all...I'm having a bit of emotional turmoil. Only down 22.5 not including the 6.5 I gained in the hospital. (Surg 10/2) I want it to go a bit faster. Bleh. But I am trying fork tender things. Some agree with my pouch...others don't. I was able to do 1/3 of a wendys small chili for lunch. Soooofreaking happy to have to chew my food!!! We are all losers now, so congratulations! Love to all.
  14. Like
    Cheryl_S reacted to SAinAUS2012 in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    Congrats everyone! We are now all on the losers bench. Three cheers to success, good health and a new wardrobe.
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    Cheryl_S reacted to sandy purple in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    Don't feel bad, it is never too late to come back... I think that this is great, we can benefit from everyone's experiences , even if you think that is something not very important it could be for someone having that same issue... Keep it up and forget about scales for a week... Let's be happy and enjoy our new life!
  16. Like
    Cheryl_S reacted to angiep3880 in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
  17. Like
    Cheryl_S reacted to angiep3880 in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    Hello ladies!! I'm sorry I didn't let u all know how my surgery went. It was 10/16. I feel great and haven't had any problems at all (knock on wood). Now I'm dealing with the emotional part of it all. I started puréed diet on Monday! And that's great!! But these two ounce meals aren't filling me up. I'm so hungry. And I'm bummed and depressed about that because I thought that was supposed to fill me up?? It's all I can do not to open the fridge and eat more!! I haven't cheated and I'm not going to, but I don't understand why I am so hungry . I have heard so many people say they have to force themselves to eat. Not me!!! I was that way a few days after surgery but then I got this stupid appetite back . It's been really tough . But I am lucky I haven't had any problems, no vomiting, no dumping. Just so hungry!!! Ugh
  18. Like
    Cheryl_S reacted to justn444 in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    Found this group today and I'm thrilled to see how others progress along the same timeline is me. Good luck and swift healing to everyone.
    Start: 300 ==> Day of Surgery 10/28/13 @ 280 ==> GW165
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    Cheryl_S reacted to kkelly37 in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    So I'm only 9 days out but everything hit me today. I'm already down 18 pounds and I feel amazing. I'm finally starting to feel like I have a future. I'm only 23 and I've not been looking at the future because I wasn't sure how much of one I had. The way I see everything changed today. Looking at my little boy made me tear up. He's getting so big and so smart and now he's going to get to grow up with a normal mommy. I even took him trick or treating before his daddy got off work and continued with them for an hour once he joined us! I just feel so full of life already!!! <3
    down 16 pounds since surgery October 22, 2013!!!!
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    Cheryl_S reacted to DevilBlueDress in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
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    Cheryl_S reacted to staceyd in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    I was told that your body still has to catch up to what happen to your body. Focus on your goal at the end of the road. Not all the stalls during it. Granted easier said than done lol. how is your post op going SA?
  22. Like
    Cheryl_S got a reaction from xiomara8868 in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    After I woke up yesterday, I had a huge amount of energy. I actually went to three different stores; mostly for last minute Halloween stuff. I paid for it last night, though. My lower left incision started bothering me (at the drain site). Took a few Tylenol and back to normal today. I went to Kroger, Walmart and Target looking for Kellogg's Protein Water mixes and couldn't find them. Ended up getting them at Amazon.< /p>
    Still working hard at getting Protein in (60g). The thought of shakes makes me gag. I ordered some nectar Crystal Sky and am so happy that I did!!! The fruity taste is great. If you are tired of the shakes, try some of it.
    Haven't had a BM in two days and trying so hard not to worry. It has made me gain 2 lbs!!! I guess I'm just waiting for something to go wrong (yes, I'm a negative nancy!). I'm back on my fitness pal and averaging 600 cal/day. So, I know that the calories aren't causing a gain. Just trying to hang in there!
  23. Like
    Cheryl_S reacted to myra39 in OMG October 2013 Post-ops   
    Just left the hospital yayyyyyy
  24. Like
    Cheryl_S reacted to DLCoggin in Fell off the Wagon   
    I have MFP set to a daily goal of 1700 calories (I'm in the maintenance part of my journey). Do I hit that goal every single day? No. Do I want to hit that goal every single day? Absolutely not. Does my weight go up on those days when I exceed my calorie goal? Usually. Do I make minor adjustments (say a 100-200 calorie reduction) for a day or two following an 1800-2000 calorie day. Every time. Does my weight come back down with my reduced calorie goal for a day or two? Like clockwork.
    It's about control, not denial. All or nothing is unrealistic and not sustainable. Life is supposed to be fun! Part of living your life is enjoying those special occasions that more often than not involve food. I don't think of it as "falling off the wagon". I think of it as enjoying a beautiful day with family and friends. No panic, no stress, no worry. I know that I can enjoy that experience and still be in total control of my weight. I know that because I've done it. Not just once or twice but - again, and again, and again. That kind of confidence is priceless. And the key to gaining that kind of confidence is maintaining a food log. It's quick, it's easy, and it works exactly the same way regardless of where you're at in your journey - pre-op, rapid weight loss, or maintenance.
    Maintain a food log, allow yourself to enjoy special occasions, make minor, realistic and temporary corrections. Do those things and you're gonna love the new you!!
  25. Like
    Cheryl_S reacted to music1618 in Fell off the Wagon   
    I fall off all the time. I have reached every goal I set for myself. The key to falling off is knowing why you fell. Was it a stressful day, emotional day, hormones, sickness, boredom, loneliness. Once you realize what it is you can take the steps to correct it.
    My trigger for eating bad is when I am sick and not feeling good. I have a oh who cares attitude about food then. I want the comforts of being a little girl and mom taking care of me. So I tend to not eat Protein and eat anything that my head craves for that time.
    Remember this is a journey and part of the journey is self discovery. To me this is the hardest part of the journey. Letting feelings come forward and dealing with the reason we ate so much food.
    I may not know where the journey will end, but I know where to start!

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