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About marymcg62

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 06/30/1962

About Me

  • Biography
    Divorced...in a new relationship...moved 900 miles away...grandchild #3 on the way!
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  • Interests
    knitting, crocheting, cross which, sewing,
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  1. I've been away from the site for quite awhile..I have kept off 200lbs for almost 5 years now..if anyone is looking advice, I'd be glad to try & help.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. klouisa64


      Wow! Congratulations - that's awesome!

    3. _Kate_


      Fantastic and so inspiring. Congrats !

    4. marymcg62


      Thank you all for you kind words, I'm going to make a point of posting at least nce a day & will try to answer in a timely manner..beware I tend to have boughts of insomnia, like now, lol

  2. marymcg62


  3. try "Muscle Milk" instead of a protein shake. I dont like them either the Muscle millk has 20grms of protein in a container. I use it instead of milk in my tea and hot cearel. its very low in sugarand the calories arent high either. it may not be as high in protein as the shakes but it tastes good. hope this helps..good luck
  4. I am having a very hard time loosing any weight since the weather has gone into this deep freeze. I had my bypass a year &a day ago & I have been lucky the weight has been coming off steadily for this year with the infill now. Two weeks ago I got on the scale & was thrilled, I had broken through the 250's & weighed in at 248lbs, I stood on the scale & cried I was so excited. When I weighted in this week, the rotten thing said I was 258!! How did I gain 10lbs in a week??? I do mother & eat candy or sweets unless it is sugar free or under 10 grms of sugar. The only thing I can think of is I really haven't been out of bed in over a week, I have chronic RA &Fibromyalgia, & I have been in so much pain I haven't been able to move ( my RA is so bad that I am disabled from it & take pretty heavy duty pain killers) . Sorry this is so long & I sound like I'm whining, I guess I just need some advice/encouragement/etc. from people who have been through or -Maybe I just need to vent I don't know. A little help please?
  5. When I had my bypass (1 year exactly today, 142lbs lost), my insurance did not cover the sleve & to be honest, going to the after surgery meeting that we had to attend to talk with the nurse & nutritionist, the patients who had the sleve had a much harder recovery & they had to wait America week before they got to start foods. I know every Dr.has their own plan for when you start on your liquids, soft etc.thats just how mine worked. I was 398lbs the day of my surgery,now 255lbs& I can't tell you how much better life is, l have some illness not associated with my weight, but l feel like my old self again, its wonderful. Good luck in your journey, I'm sure you will be happy in whatever you choose. Please stay in touch. Peace, Mary
  6. marymcg62

    Does it ever go away

    I haven't gotten to that point yet, actually today is exactly 1year ago I've lost 142lbs & still have another 80-90lbs to go & then finally I can get my tummy done, sorry I got off track, I think you should be proud of all you've accomplished,a nee job is wonderful & yes it's a pretty good chance that your new appearance did help in some way, but it's you that landed the job , you were qualified, not your weight& unless you tell someone no one at your new job will know. We all had this surgery so our life's would change, I say don't question it just enjoy, you well deserved rewards. Good luck on your new job, you'll be GREAT! Peace, Mary
  7. marymcg62

    Pissed Off Husband

    Hi just checking in on you , i'm so proud of you going to see a counciler,I wish I could get up the nerve or get a "backbone" as one woman said(& she's right) My husband won't even let me go to Mass on Sunday,but my situation isnt the point of topic...you are, are you feeling any better? I sure hope so, just keep those fluids going & eat small meals a few times a day instead of 3. that seems to work for me. hope this little bit of advice helps & have a Blessed Holiday Season. And for those folks who have their panties in a bunch over a word or to "they" think are inapproprate, GET OVER YOURSELVES, we're all adults & if the language IS offensive this sit will delete it. Have a happy holiday to all members...= )
  8. marymcg62

    No Support From Family

    Hi,I think your making the best decision, I wish I didn't wait as long as I did,if you'll bear with me I'll tell you my story & show it to your family maybe it will help them to see another side. I was 50 when I had my surgery I was 398lbs the day of my surgery, I have Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis from my weight, &need to have get both knees replaced. I also have fibromyalgia & thyroid disease, all which could of been avoide if I had this done earlier. Besides that, I have 3 sons, I missed school plays, sporting events they were in, I couldn't teach them to ride a bike or swim. I couldn't go hiking with them or rides when we went to the beach. I missed my grandmuther being born & the first 2yrs of her life because of all the pain I'm in. My husband & I haven't had a relationship in years (when your that fat how romantic can you feel?at least that's my personal feeling) we couldn't go to movies or baseball games because I couldn't fit into the seats. Now I wasn't over weight when we were dating I gained 90lbs with my first pregnancy took a little off but got pregnant again,& then had my 3rd. Every year I put on more,& I finally became & still am disabled. I had my surgery on January 29of this year, I have lost 132lbs & have another another 114 to go, that's my goal my Dr says 60lbs anyway, my life has changed so much for the better ,my granddaughter knows me she can run into my arms & I can pick her up & spin her around, we can play,go for walks ,plush her on the swings &am a constant baby sitter because they know they can rely on me now. I can go for walks,shop Tec . As far as missing junk food, it's junk food & big meals that got you where you are now, & you font miss it,& in time you can eat what you want. Ok I know this is long,but I'll wrap it up soon, your a young girl, you have so much to do & see don't let anyone stop you go do it & have a wonderful full life, don't miss out. Good luck to you & let me know after you have your surgery how your doing , Peace, Mary
  9. marymcg62

    Pissed Off Husband

    I just came across your post & was wondering how your doing? I hope all is well & your feeling better. When I heard what your husband said two things ran through my mind 1) he sounds just like my husband & 2) he's just frustrated if he is like my husband he likes things to stay they way they are, I don't really know how to put it, my husband is very supportive of my decision & proud of all the weight I've lost (142lb),but on the flip did she gets crazy on me that I'm going to leave & starts a fight or complains when I get laid up (I also have Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis&fibromyalgia I'm on some heavy duty pain killers every day) any way I didn't mean to talk about myself. Just wanted to check on you.
  10. Anytime honey, that's what we're all here for, I'm glad to be of help nothing makes me happier have a good night, feel better & I'll check in with you soon : ) Mary
  11. ​Sunshyn, my name is Mary, & I can totally understand where you're conning from,a little background on me, I had my surgery on January 29 &it was a textbook surgery,my problems began when I got home, I have Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis in every joint in my body (not an exaggeration) Fibromyalgia, & Thyroid disease, I was taking 15 pills 3 times a day,which I wouldn't be able to take because it would overkill my stomach. Anyway my Dr's & I figured it out but after surgery I went through withdrawals from some of the pain killers. Then I couldn't keep any food down, for the first 6weeks, the Dr wanted me to have an endoscopy , which thankfully I didn't have to get. I swore that I made the biggest mistake of my life but, I was 398lbs the day of surgery & now almost 1yr later I'm 254lbs! I still need to have my knees replaced, I still can't tolerate some foods, but I can go out, I can drive, I haven't missed a birthday party, I cooked Thanksgiving dinner (even if I couldn't eat much),most of all I have been able to be a grandmother to 2 granddaughters, what I'm basically saying in a long drawn out way I'd it is worth it, you'll look back a few months from now & say yo your self... you know I made the right decision, you did you have know idea how great life I'd going to become. I do sympathise with you right now is day 8 with the flu &bronchitis, I feel horrible & the flu is wrecking havoc with my RA, anyway anytime you want to talk or vent or need a shoulder to cry on I'm here for you, hang in there & I'll check in with you in a few days. Be well, Peace Mary
  12. I haven't been on in a while although I do read the posts every day, I just have been busy which is a good thing, the weight is coming off much slower,but still coming off, I'm now 265lbs, &wearing a size 22, I was even able to shop in a regular department store for the furst time since the 1980's! I start the gym October 20wish me luck!

  13. Oh my gosh, your post broke my heart! I wish I could reach through the computer & give you a hug! I am lucky my husband was &still is supportive, & my children are grown & are my biggest cheerleaders. All I can tell you is to keep praying &posting on here both will get you through. As far as the food goes, you have to look at it in a different way, not the stuff that could comfort you like nothing or no one else could, that's what got us all into the place we are in now. Food is there to nourish our bodies, give us fuel to get through the day & keep us healthy,it's been. 9 months since my surgery & I've lost 120lbs! I still have another 100 to go & am at a total stand still. Anyway this is about you every day is a battle & a choice just take it one day or meal at a time, think of what you'll be able to do with your children, riding bikes, chasing them trough the leaves in the fall, pushing them on the swings. All things I missed doing because I was 396lb when my kids were small , I missed all their events at school ( couldn't fit into the seats), sporting events I was to embarrassed, I was starting to miss some of the same stuff with my granddaughter, & she's the reason I did this & trust me when I tell you the first few months I thought I mad the biggest mistake of my life! I was miserable, puking all the time, having the runs, food didn't even taste the same, but somewhere down the line it changed, now it was the best , just last weekend my granddaughter wanted me to go shopping with her before I would of made an excuse,but now I was as out the door in 10minutes& had a great time. I hope something in here helped. If you need to talk I'm always here take care & be strong. Peace, Mary

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